Roger Stone: Resignation of Justice Kennedy imminent exclusive from the White house

It's true - it is always darkest before dawn. Yes, the 8 years of the Obama Regime were a nightmare. It was among the darkest periods in American history. But the result of that was a massive return to conservatism. Over 1,000 seats changed hands nationwide from Dumbocrats to Republicans during the Obama reign of terror.

And now there is the potential for President Trump to appoint three Supreme Court Justices (one to replace Antonin Scalia, one to replace Anthony Kennedy, and God-willing, one to replace the evil that goes by the name Ruth Bader Ginsburgh).
Particularly since the judiciary has taken it upon itself to legislate from the bench, at least we have a much better chance of seeing an end to this trend. A return to Constitutionality, what a relief...
Why he would he be giving a resignation? Thats what someone does if they are being forced out he might very well be retiring you would think the person doing this story would know the difference between a resignation and a retirement.
Why he would he be giving a resignation? Thats what someone does if they are being forced out he might very well be retiring you would think the person doing this story would know the difference between a resignation and a retirement.
It's a retirement. But you have to resign to retire.
Some of the names on his short list scare the shit out of me because they sound like they will morph into liberals just as Kennedy did. We need another Antonin Scalia so we can properly protect the U.S. Constitution.

It is imperative that the next two Justices on the Supreme Court are Ted Cruz and Mike Lee.
Particularly since the judiciary has taken it upon itself to legislate from the bench, at least we have a much better chance of seeing an end to this trend. A return to Constitutionality, what a relief...
Amen, brother! Amen! So tired of the progressives creating law from the bench and abusing their power. None of them serve as Justices - instead they serve their own self-interests by functioning as political activists.
President Trump has been informed of Justice Anthony Kennedy’s impending resignation, meaning that the president will soon make his second pick for the Supreme Court, according to White House sources speaking with Trump insider Roger Stone.
Roger Stone: Resignation of Justice Kennedy Imminent – Exclusive From White House


Well this should get real interesting, lets hope Obama is crapping his pants lol

Sources: Trump to soon make SC pick, Napolitano on secret list!

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Great news! Now if Ginsberg would gork out the world would be a better place!

You have to wonder why she didn't retire when Barry could try and appoint her replacement. Now, it's too late...Bwahahahahaha
Because Hillary was to be coronated.

She thought she would be good for four more.
Well, that plan went all to shit.

As anyone would have predicted.
but few actually did.
Holy toledo! If Kennedy retires and Trump gets another pick Dems and progressives will be running to the pharmacy for Extra Strength Immodium AD.

Kennedy is often a swing vote. Replacing him with a dyed-in-the-wool conservative would be great. Filling Ginsberg seat would be even better! Thomas will probably step down next year too. Trump could get 4 in his first term. A younger conservative court that could protect the Constitution for generations.
You've had a conservative Supreme Court for 50 plus years, majority of the justices were conservative picks and it was always lead by a Conservative Supreme Court Justice....and they were all fairly young and vibrant when hired....

As example, the Roe vs Wade decision came from a Conservative Supreme Court....
Roger Stone knew about the Podesta emails that were stolen ahead of time that were going to be dropped by wikileaks a month or two later so maybe Trump gave him the scoop about that and this Kennedy resignation as well? :rolleyes:

Senate would confirm to get him out of the senate, then the senators would impeach him and remove him.
What is it with left wing radicals? Why do they think impeachment is for political enemies and those they find distasteful?

You DO KNOW that in order to impeach someone, first you need to PROVE they committed a crime.

In this day and age, among the elites of the Deep State? This is nearly impossible.

When Hillary Clinton admits she lied under oath, that the cause of the Benghazi debacle WASN'T a Youtube video as she had come out and previously told the public, and yet nothing is done. . . . you honestly think impeachment is going to be that easy?

Hell, they couldn't even impeach the Clinton's for giving secret military technology to China during the 90's presidential campaign, they had to settle for a blowjob, and that didn't even remove him from office, it distracted the pubic from Chinagate.

Nope, sorry sir, your day dreams or nothing but that, flights of fancy.
Democrats believe they can make up lies sufficient to get whatever result they want.
Roger Stone knew about the Podesta emails that were stolen ahead of time that were going to be dropped by wikileaks a month or two later so maybe Trump gave him the scoop about that and this Kennedy resignation as well? :rolleyes:


And who told you that CNN that explains it.

I wouldn't count your Roger Stone chickens before they hatch.

Of course now why would we when MSN, CNN are our Gods of the media why whatever they tell you is the God's honest truth. I mean how magical is it to know without listening to a dam thing he said, It might actually make sense. Doubtful though. MSM addicts usually can't see through all the shit MSM spreads all over their victims.
It's true - it is always darkest before dawn. Yes, the 8 years of the Obama Regime were a nightmare. It was among the darkest periods in American history. But the result of that was a massive return to conservatism. Over 1,000 seats changed hands nationwide from Dumbocrats to Republicans during the Obama reign of terror.

And now there is the potential for President Trump to appoint three Supreme Court Justices (one to replace Antonin Scalia, one to replace Anthony Kennedy, and God-willing, one to replace the evil that goes by the name Ruth Bader Ginsburgh).
Hope and change has come. Lol.
President Trump has been informed of Justice Anthony Kennedy’s impending resignation, meaning that the president will soon make his second pick for the Supreme Court, according to White House sources speaking with Trump insider Roger Stone.
Roger Stone: Resignation of Justice Kennedy Imminent – Exclusive From White House


Well this should get real interesting, lets hope Obama is crapping his pants lol

Sources: Trump to soon make SC pick, Napolitano on secret list!

The Justice with alcohol dementia, Ginzburg, is going to go as well; her liver is going to fail soon, and maybe another Justice will, retire, making a possible four appointments for Trump.

It was indeed a great day for America when he beat the international crime syndicate's candidate last Nov.

Kennedy deserves our profound thanks and praise from all real Americans for waiting until Obama was out of office before retiring; it is a great blessing for our country.
President Trump has been informed of Justice Anthony Kennedy’s impending resignation, meaning that the president will soon make his second pick for the Supreme Court, according to White House sources speaking with Trump insider Roger Stone.
Roger Stone: Resignation of Justice Kennedy Imminent – Exclusive From White House


Well this should get real interesting, lets hope Obama is crapping his pants lol

Sources: Trump to soon make SC pick, Napolitano on secret list!

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This is good news if true. At best, Kennedy is a swing vote and not totally reliable. Trump can now ensure a conservative leaning majority in the court.

I wouldn't count your Roger Stone chickens before they hatch.
President Trump recently had dinner with Ted Cruz and his wife.
Two weeks ago President Trump had a one on one lunch with Ted which lasted 2 1/2 hours.

I'm not predicting Cruz will be President Trump's next SC nominee but the possibility does exist.
A prediction I will make with 100% certainty is if Cruz is nominated by President Trump Cruz is 100% guaranteed to get the votes to become the next SCJ.
Cruz is not personally liked by lots of REPs in Washington but everyone knows he is a strict Constitutionalist.

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