Roger Stone To Plead 5th Amendment To Jan 6 Commission

"Its a stalinist show trial, the fact that its being held by the legislative branch doesn't change that."
Well, I suppose the good poster 'prince' has his personal opinion on the Congressional Committee investigating the January 6th Riot/Insurrection/Assault.

And that's good. That's America. Where the informed and the uninformed are free to have an opinion on issues that are dynamic and still developing. It's OK.

Notably, others will have opinions too. Some aligning with poor poster 'prince'. Some not aligning at all.

For example, among the 'informed' group we have Mitch McConnell's opinion. (FYI, Senator McConnell, from Kentucky, is the Republican Leader of the United States Senate...for those who haven't kept up or are simply under-informed.)

Anyway, the following was reported by The Business Insider on December 17th:

In an interview on Thursday, Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell signaled ongoing interest in the House's investigation into the January 6th attack even though he blocked a proposal to create a bipartisan version of the commission in May.

"I think it's fact-finding, it's interesting, we're all going to be watching it."
He went on to call the January 6 storming of the US Capitol a "horrendous event," before signaling his ongoing interest in the committee's work.

"I think that what they're seeking to find out is something the public needs to know," he said.

So, there is that.
Oh yeah, lastly ......... posters far more quick and clever than my poor avatar have already insightfully offered to the forum a bit penetrating truth. (one even found an admittedly funny 'Leave It to Beaver' meme.)

I mean by that...... if so many many in the MAGA-demographic stridently assert, that the January 6th Riot/Insurrection/Assault was done by one or more of the following:

  • ANTIFA members
  • BLM members
  • Homosexuals dressed in "MAGADRAG"
  • Gay Oathkeepers.
  • Police Crisis Actors
  • False-flag FBI
  • Zionist traitors
  • Pelosi provocatuers
  • Normal "Tourists"
It seems a dliligent investigation to uncover who are those non-Patriots*, well, it would be what ALL real American Patriots would want to have performed. No?

*Even add to the list of the above the suspected criminals.....well, add to the list those mokes who have been arrested, confessed in court about who they were, and why they assaulted the police and broke into the Capitol....and who instigated their actions.

Yeah......we should include those folks too alongside those MAGADRAG Homos.


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