Roger Stone To Plead 5th Amendment To Jan 6 Commission

Maybe this is why Stone is pleading the 5th.

What crime might Trump have committed on Jan. 6? Liz Cheney points to one.

Rep. Liz Cheney’s disclosures of intriguing Jan. 6 text messages between Mark Meadows and both Donald Trump Jr. and Fox News personalities are the big news in the committee’s investigation right now. But don’t lose sight of what Cheney said immediately after she read those texts aloud.

In summing up the texts, Cheney (R-Wyo.) said, “Mr. Meadows’s testimony will bear on another key question before this committee: Did Donald Trump, through action or inaction, corruptly seek to obstruct or impede Congress’s official proceeding to count electoral votes?”

A casual observer might have missed it, but what Cheney was doing here was pointing to a specific criminal statute — a felony, 18 U.S. Code § 1512 — that she suggests President Donald Trump might have violated. And both its inclusion in her comments and the timing of it shouldn’t be lost on anyone. This was a Republican member of the committee floating a specific potential Trump crime that the committee apparently wants to drill down on; it also came shortly after a federal judge upheld the use of the statute in a key Jan. 6 case.

Why it could be important.

Judge upholds prosecutors' use of felony obstruction law in January 6 cases in pivotal ruling
Its a stalinist show trial, the fact that its being held by the legislative branch doesn't change that.
Now would be as good a time as any to start thinking for yourself instead of letting liars like Tucker Carlson think for you.

Trump did not 'SEND' anyone to the Capitol. He ASKED assembled Americans to walk to the Capitol.

You REALLY need to learn the definition of 'personal accountability' and realize not everyone are sheep like you snowflakes.
Duh! Trump TOLD THEM TO MARCH DOWN TO THE CAPITOL, and fight like hell, or they wouldn't have a country anymore...

He did NOT acquire a legal permit, to do that....

Of COURSE Capitol police were caught off guard and overwhelmed with the ten thousand marchers showing up.

Permits for the marches and protests are needed to prepare our police for anticipated crowds....permits require estimated protester counts.
I can see the damning info the committee has uncovered has you very upset.
Thank you fir demonstrating how Democrsts and snowflakes attempt to distract by falsely claiming others are who THEY are and of doing what THEY have done and are doing....thank you for demonstrating that instead on focusing on divisive CRT in school you snowflakes need more work on READING COMPREHENSION because yours suck.

Upset? No. Just pointing out how 2-time criminal Schiff just exposing and destroying another bogus Dem investigation by once again being girded to manufacture fake evidence because they gave none otherwise.

Again, Pelosi needs to release all video footage & photos, she needs to testify, tge FBI needs to testify, the Capitol Police need to testify, the Sgt-At-Arms of House and Senate need to testify ...

Why are proven criminal Dems and snowflakes always so afraid of transparency, & why do they always defend repeat offender criminals like Schiff?
Now would be as good a time as any to start thinking for yourself instead of letting liars like Tucker Carlson think for you.
Trying to smear Carlson / Fox when your major source of information is a media whose reporters jerk off on-air, get fired for bogus stories, sexually harass co-workers, try to help criminals cover up crimes, and whose producers engage in pedophilia and child sex trafficking....

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Upset? No. Just pointing out how 2-time criminal Schiff
You do yourself no favors by making unsubstantiated, batshyte crazy allegations about Schiff because he has been part of the investigations in to Trump's illegal behavior.
If legal registered voters were kicked off the voter rolls because they had a similar name as a felon on their list, which they were thrown off, you can't capture a missed vote in the recount.

If over 10,000 voters chose Al Gore in Palm Beach county, but the butterfly ballot alined their choice to a circle to fill in that was cast for Bucannon, you can't correct that in a recount. Buchanan never stepped foot in palm beach to campaign, nor run any ads in pa!m beach.

If you allow absentee ballots to be received 3 weeks past election day, without needing a postal stamp by election day, you can't go back and change that in a recount.

Al Gore won by a landslide, by more than 10,000 votes.....

But Also Gore did the HONORABLE thing for our Nation and accepted the state of Florida's recount, and accepted a loss he really didn't have....

Compared to Trump with his phoney baloney traitorous bull shit coup attempt, outside of the law!!!! And tearing and dividing the very fabric of this once great Nation apart!!! :(

Hanging, pregnant and Dimpled chads are realistic but changing voter laws months before an election, not requiring signature verification postal stamps is baloney?
You are a delusional leftist.

Please seek mental health help!!!
Truth hurts like a bitch, I see, snowflake...when your only evidence is tge evidence manufactured by Schiff, you hide video and photos, and you refuse to allow the major Democrats who were involved to testify EVERYONE knows its a scam... except snowflakes.


Pelosi is now 0 - 3. LOL!
You do yourself no favors by making unsubstantiated, batshyte crazy allegations about Schiff ...
There are numerous articles either numerous links posted on this board about his crimes....

You destroy your own credibility by making so easily debunked, already debunked, false allegations against others in defense of a proven criminal....
Trying to smear Carlson / Fox when your major source of information is a media whose reporters jerk off on-air, get fired for bogus stories, secually harass co-workers, try to help criminals cover up crimes, and wjose producers engage in pedophilia and child sex trafficking....

How about you read this article, written by one of the Faux contributors who quit over Carlson's duplicitous 1/6 special. Donald Trump’s Megaphone

Ever ask yourself why, if Carlson was right about the riot being a false flag event, Trump had all those people trying to get him to stop the riot? Because they knew the rioters were his people. People over which he had control.
There are numerous articles either numerous links posted on this board about his crimes....
But we both know they're bullshit coming from garbage heap right wing websites with zero credibility.
We already covered this, troll. The actual video of what Trump asked them to do destroys your propaganda and lies.

Hey, troll. Punch yourself in the face really hard right now. What? You didn't do it? Gee, I guess that shows that people, and trolls, have personal choice. Go figure.

FAIL. Now go away.
How about you read this article, written by one of the Faux contributors who quit over Carlson's duplicitous 1/6 special. Donald Trump’s Megaphone

Ever ask yourself why, if Carlson was right about the riot being a false flag event, Trump had all those people trying to get him to stop the riot? Because they knew the rioters were his people. People over which he had control.
How about you posy your personal hatred for Carlson in 'Media' instead of trying yo distract from this thread?

But we both know they're bullshit coming from garbage heap right wing websites with zero credibility.
'We'? You got Biden's handlers hand up your ass, too, controlling you?

Stick to trying to speak for yourself, loser.
How about you posy your personal hatred for Carlson in 'Media' instead of trying yo distract from this thread?

How did you confuse an article by someone who quit Faux due to Carlson's lies, pointing out how pervasive lies in support of Trump are on Faux, with my opinion of Carlson?
Stone was exonerated by President Trump
A pardon is not an exoneration.
Accepting a pardon is an admission of guilt.

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