Roger Stone To Plead 5th Amendment To Jan 6 Commission

Stone may not have said anything in front of the Committee, but what he said to reporters afterwards was damning to the Committee:

If this was a serious investigation Pelosi would release ALL of the videos and photos of the events of 6 Jan.

Pelosi would also agree to testify before the committee as well.
- The FBI reported that it warned Pelosi and Capitol Police in advance of the large number of protestors coming.

1. Exactly what was she told, exactly when, & why didn't she do anything about it.

2. If the Capitol Police were warned days in advance why didn't they have more officers present, no supervisors, no plan, etc...?

3. An independent bipartisan committee reported Trump DID recommend having the National Guard present and the House and Senate Sergeants-At-Arms made the decision NOT to have them, citing 'Optics', how it would 'look bad'. They are reportedly GONE now, having been either fired or retired after 6 Jan.
- Both of them need to be subpoenaed to testify about their decision.

4. The Capitol Police Chief needs to testify about what & when the FBI told / warned them, why more Police were not there and no supervisors, were present, why they had no plan, why pice moved barricades to give protestors access to the Capitol, why Police opened and held open doors to let protestors in, and why they led protestors through the Capitol building.

5. The criminal FBI needs to testify about what they knew, when they knew it - their FISA Warrant requests need to be reviewed due to their proven FISA Court fraud & illegal spying in the past. They need to explain why they were recruiting ex-special forces to infiltrate the crowd (like the firmer Green Beret who refused and was arrested) and asked if Sullivan was working for them.

6. Again, ALL video and photographic evidence needs to be released.

7. D-Adam Schiff must be subpoenaed and asked why he was caught again manufacturing false evidence
- Schiff should immediately removed from the 6 Jan Committee and CENSURED at the very least gor his crimes
- Schiff having been caught doing this destroys the credibility of the Committee & faux investigation.
He didn't change a word of Jordan's email.

The continuation of the email he forwarded to Meadows doesn't in any way change the context of what was said, and he did.

The entire 1/6 event, before and after, is being investigated, including the lack of security upront, and the lack of help during the riot.

Your bullshit, doesn't fly!
The trump campaign had NO PERMIT to march down to the Capitol building a couple of miles from the Ellipse, the lawless president sent them marching there, without legal permission.
So what? You snowflakes have called Trump a liar and now when convenient want to quote him? Make up your minds, snowflake. Trump is wrong here, IMO. CNN is obviously telling up this is a good talking point.
So you're saying Stone's use of the 5th isn't legit? That he isn't invoking it to protect himself from potential prosecution?
He didn't change a word of Jordan's email.

Achiff doctored the e-mail, changed it, even has reportedly admitted doing so.....andvyour pathetic ass comes out on this board to defend a proven 2-time low-life criminal who commits crimes to make up for the fact that Democrats have no case ... AGAIN.

Thank you for demonstrating 'Party Begore Countty', troll.
The trump campaign had NO PERMIT to march down to the Capitol building a couple of miles from the Ellipse, the lawless president sent them marching there, without legal permission.
And now we've learned at least one participant said it was always the plan to march to the Capital.
Achiff doctored the e-mail, changed it, even has reportedly admitted doing so.....andvyour pathetic ass comes out on this board to defend a proven 2-time low-life criminal who commits crimes to make up for the fact that Democrats have no case ... AGAIN.
So.......that's the latest attempt to deflect attention away from the subject of the e-mail? And you fell for it! Gullible much? Focus on what it said. Namely, replace the electors voted in by the people with electors sent by Repub state legislators. Got it?
So you're saying Stone's use of the 5th isn't legit? That he isn't invoking it to protect himself from potential prosecution?
Invoking the 5th is tge right to not participate in obvious, criminally-run, partisan BS watch hunts, which Schiff proved, which Pelosi continues to prove, and everyone sees / knows it!

The fact that his invoking the 5th drives yiu snowflakes proves NY point.

When someone invokes tee 5th all the Dems have to do is provide evidence....but they have none...again...which is why Schiff was caught ... again... manufacturing faux evidence.

Schiff proved he was the only one out of himself and Stone to have committed a crime ... AGAIN!
And now we've learned at least one participant said it was always the plan to march to the Capital.

Is marching peacefully / planning to March peacefully to the Capitol, as Trump called on them to fo, a crime?

Tge answer is 'NO', no matter how badly you want it to be a crime and your BS statement claims.

Fail - try again.
Invoking the 5th is tge right to not participate in obvious, criminally-run, partisan BS watch hunts, which Schiff proved, which Pelosi continues to prove, and everyone sees / knows it!

The fact that his invoking the 5th drives yiu snowflakes proves NY point.

When someone invokes tee 5th all the Dems have to do is provide evidence....but they have none...again...which is why Schiff was caught ... again... manufacturing faux evidence.

Schiff proved he was the only one out of himself and Stone to have committed a crime ... AGAIN!
Schiff didn't commit a crime.

Roger stone, seems to believe that he did or could have committed a crime himself....thus pleading the 5th.
Is marching peacefully / planning to March peacefully to the Capitol, as Trump called on them to fo, a crime? thought the Proud Boys, the other para-military white supremacist groups, and all the thugs equipped with bear spray, body armor, clubs, and other weaponry had all those things to conduct a peaceful march? Now would be as good a time as any to start thinking for yourself instead of letting liars like Tucker Carlson think for you.

Is marching peacefully / planning to March peacefully to the Capitol, as Trump called on them to fo, a crime?

Tge answer is 'NO', no matter how badly you want it to be a crime and your BS statement claims.

Fail - try again.
Trump had no PERMIT to send his crowd to march down to the capitol. He ILLEGALLY sent them there.

What part of that, do you NOT UNDERSTAND.

The Capitol police had no notification of such, and were unprepared. There were a couple of small crowd group events for the capitol with permits, Trump campaign had NONE. thought the Proud Boys, the other para-military white supremacist groups, and all the thugs equipped with bear spray, body armor, clubs, and other weaponry had all those things to conduct a peaceful march?
That's what you POS snowflakes claimed about antifa when they showed up in Charlottesville....

Thank you for the hypocritical comic relief....
Invoking the 5th is tge right to not participate in obvious, criminally-run, partisan BS watch hunts, which Schiff proved, which Pelosi continues to prove, and everyone sees / knows it!
I can see the damning info the committee has uncovered has you very upset. The extent of the conspiracy to defraud the public and illegally block Biden's certification is being revealed so you're throwing a hissy fit.
That's what you POS snowflakes claimed about antifa when they showed up in Charlottesville....

Thank you for the hypocritical comic relief....
You're dodging the question. Why were all those people prepared for a fight?
Trump had no PERMIT to send his crowd to march down to the capitol.


Trump did not 'SEND' anyone to the Capitol. He ASKED assembled Americans to walk to the Capitol.

You REALLY need to learn the definition of 'personal accountability' and realize not everyone are sheep like you snowflakes.
Roger Stone, one of America's greatest patriots, was railroaded once by liberal "committees" and it took his President to exonerate him. He'd be a dam fool to not protect his rights now.

Did you forget how they sent the storm troopers to his home for a pre-dawn raid over nothing?

I think the left is just still pissed at him over the Killian letters.
No, they are not the judicial branch, so why is Roger Stone pleading the 5th, like it is some criminal trial or investigation????

Its a stalinist show trial, the fact that its being held by the legislative branch doesn't change that.

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