Roger Stone To Plead 5th Amendment To Jan 6 Commission

Can a person get into legal trouble for pleading the fifth under false petenses? The 5th amendment protects against self incrimination. So, it stands to reason that there have to be a possibility of self incrimination for a person to be able to refuse to testify.

So, If someone pleads the fifth, but hen its revealed that they hadn't actuall did anything illegal ,but had falsly plead the fifth to avoid testifying against someone else, could that person be charged with obstruction or contempt for lying?
No they didn't. They lost the election fair and square, but had so little character, patriotism or ethical groundings, they decided ignore The Constitution and peaceful transfer of power to overthrow the election by hook or crook, to seize the prize and power.
We've seen this kind of thing in 3rd world takeovers down through the age, just not here.

You believe 2 time presidential failure, lifetime laughingstock, dementia riddled, racist, mummbling, corn pop story, hairy legs, pedophile * Poopy Pants *Joe who ran a campaign from his basement got more black votes than clean, articulate ,storybook, 1st black president in American history Obama?

Are you stupid or something?
Go do your own research. I am satisfied with the recounts, the outcomes in the courts, and the actions and official certifications of the states, as I recognize the effect of reciprocity of official actions and declarations of the states as is written into The Constitution of The United States. I take it, as a trump supporter, you aren't too supportive of that document.
You’re satisfied with whatever your told to be satisfied with.
Duh, hello?

On election day the same day in person voting was counted first, then the early voting ballots and then absentee ballot envelopes had to be verified and then opened and ballots removed from envelopes, flattened out, and fed in to the optical vote counting was a longer process and took a couple of days to count absentee ballots.


Dems were encouraged to stay home and safe from covid, and vote via absentee ballot.

Republicans were encouraged to take the covid risk and vote in person.

What is it about this, do you continue to not understand?
Please explain Pennsylvania law regarding verification of absentee ballots.

We’ll wait.
The way to do that, is LEGALLY. We are a nation of laws, not men! The attempted soft coup, is ILLEGAL, unconstitutional.

If were a nation of laws, why do the demleftists choose to not enforce our immigration laws?
This has been explained over and over. It bounces right off their skulls, falls to the floor, and rolls into the kitchen.
It has been explained to you by the demlefists and their media allies. You believe what you’re told believe.
Very sad.
:abgg2q.jpg: Oh, that is ripe! Do please tell us when you ever complimented the GOP in the past of ever being a "fine conservative party!" Did you send them a box of chocolates, too?

Yeah, the GOP was just fine so long as they cowered like a whipped puppy subservient to the Left, but now that they have found a leader with a spine and a backbone, with the money, influence and popularity to rebuild the GOP into a new and stronger party as the DNC splinters to shards, you don't like them! :auiqs.jpg:
Every time I voted Republican. When I voted Democrat it was a compliment to them. I pretty well call them as I see them. If you hate a party, it's your problem, as you let yourself get caught up in pointless emotion, and should really have better control of yourself. Individuals in both parties do, pretty much suck, to the core, but I tend to hold people responsible to a point. Making an exception on the next presidential cycle, and will vote Democratic or a 3rd party, as all the probably Republican candidates are too wrapped up supporting Donny and failing to publicly stand up for the Constitution, rule of law and what is right. The Republican Party will either change and make it or they won't. If any politician is expecting chocolates, they had better contact you and let you know to put them on your list.
You believe 2 time presidential failure, lifetime laughingstock, dementia riddled, racist, mummbling, corn pop story, hairy legs, pedophile * Poopy Pants *Joe who ran a campaign from his basement got more black votes than clean, articulate ,storybook, 1st black president in American history Obama?

Are you stupid or something?
Just going by what was reported, as you can't even get republican judges appointed by trump himself to believe your crap with out proof and especially when they ask your lawyers in court, point blank, if they are charging fraud or conspiracy and the lawyers representing your side publicly say "No" on the record. If you are not willing to charge it, in front of a judge, why should the rest of us believe you?
You’re satisfied with whatever your told to be satisfied with.
Make the money right, and I'll research anything you like. I'm retired. I don't work for free or for peanuts. I don't need to.
Good for you White. Find any way you can to stick it to ones employer and you have a top flight employee. Fact.
You might think being a manipulated stooge is a laughing matter but rational thinking Americans do not.
I don't think being a manipulated stooge is a laughing matter. I take people like you very seriously now. Most people didn't think you guys would actually try something like that, as republicans used to have great respect and reverence for the constitution and the country as a whole. OK. We were wrong. You really are a danger to the country to be taken seriously. I hate you got your feelings hurt, feeling your voices were being ignored, but you got our attention now, and we won't forget you any time soon.
Goebbels on the big lie. Similarities with trump's big lie about the election being stolen from him. No way in hell that trump could know the election was stolen. A total fantasy but he flooded his base with this crap long enough and hard enough and they fell for it.

Stone pled the 5th, exercising his Constitutional / legal right. Doing so means he is guilty of anything anymore than if he had eaten a sandwich while sitting there.

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