Roger Stone To Plead 5th Amendment To Jan 6 Commission

Copy one of the reports here, who did the debunking and how. Not all of them, just the one easiest for you to copy here.

Now all you need to do is back that claim up with some supporting evidence explaining how Joe's miracle election bucked every trend, indicator and pattern in election history for a bum who didn't even have any campaign message or rallies who was a total LOSER the last two times he ran, who was beaten badly at 4AM then had a huge swing around in every state where his winning was essential!
and why every judicial plant said no to allowing the evidence. It's clear they were afraid of the find!!!!
And what does it say about you that you are in total thrall to such a person. 5th Ave. Syndrome.
I'm sure hitler was pissed off the US got involved to stop his take over. You think that was right don't you? What's the difference here?
I'm sure hitler was pissed off the US got involved to stop his take over. You think that was right don't you? What's the difference here?
You too are in thrall to someone who said he could shoot someone on 5th Ave in broad daylight and not lose your support. What does that say about you?
You too are in thrall to someone who said he could shoot someone on 5th Ave in broad daylight and not lose your support. What does that say about you?
well no one certainly cares that looters are stealing and killing innocent people around the country, so I'll deflect it back at you at something that has happened and ignored by you and yours. Makes your vision of morality insignificant in here.
Can a person get into legal trouble for pleading the fifth under false petenses? The 5th amendment protects against self incrimination. So, it stands to reason that there have to be a possibility of self incrimination for a person to be able to refuse to testify.

So, If someone pleads the fifth, but hen its revealed that they hadn't actuall did anything illegal ,but had falsly plead the fifth to avoid testifying against someone else, could that person be charged with obstruction or contempt for lying?
I think that would be very hard to prove by law enforcement. L/E has to have evidence beyond a reasonable doubt, in order to try and convict, I believe? So, I think there is only a small chance of conviction, if that case was brought for obstruction of justice.... :dunno:
I think that would be very hard to prove by law enforcement. L/E has to have evidence beyond a reasonable doubt, in order to try and convict, I believe? So, I think there is only a small chance of conviction, if that case was brought for obstruction of justice.... :dunno:
congress has no criminal authority to convict anyone of anything.
I tend to agree, but only because a real election fraud would take thousands of people, so then would be impossible to keep quiet.
But clearly the 2000 election shows it is possible to steal an election.
You can easily design confusing butterfly ballots, use hanging chads to throw out ballots, throw out 40,000 ballots who happened to have the same name as a convicted felon, etc.
I kind of thought we'd see more of those butterfly ballots and hanging chad, shenanigans, kind of like a good squirrel video, I guess they figured it out and went on to bigger ways to drive themselves and us, nuts.
I would never turn anything over to Congress.
Congress is the most corrupt, politically motivated, and insecure bunch of crooks I have ever seen.
Some are, but generalizing to include all of them is inherently unjust imo.
well no one certainly cares that looters are stealing and killing innocent people around the country, so I'll deflect it back at you at something that has happened and ignored by you and yours. Makes your vision of morality insignificant in here.
What does it say about you that you are in thrall to someone who says he can shoot someone on 5th Ave in broad daylight and NOT lose your support?
What does it say about you that you are in thrall to someone who says he can shoot someone on 5th Ave in broad daylight and NOT lose your support?
I guess the same as you who cares not of millions getting affected by looters and rioters and killers. Yee of such immorality. Any fking day I will put my mortality to yours
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Who is next on Nancy's stupid agenda?
  1. Trump's wife?
  2. Trump's chef?
  3. Maybe the pilot of Airforce One heard something?
  4. Trump's teacher in grade school? I bet Trump could have talked of his desire to overthrow the government as a child in his quest for world domination!

I got it! Why not bring a magazine in like Forbes to testify what they claim they say they heard Trump say about what he thought he was worth! Maybe next Nancy will call in Donald's grass cutter!
You People are amazing. You used to have a fine conservative party, now turned in to a cheap circus clown act, in the most vulgar Anti-American display in history.

:abgg2q.jpg: Oh, that is ripe! Do please tell us when you ever complimented the GOP in the past of ever being a "fine conservative party!" Did you send them a box of chocolates, too?

Yeah, the GOP was just fine so long as they cowered like a whipped puppy subservient to the Left, but now that they have found a leader with a spine and a backbone, with the money, influence and popularity to rebuild the GOP into a new and stronger party as the DNC splinters to shards, you don't like them! :auiqs.jpg:
I guess the same as you who cares not of millions getting affected by looters and rioters and killers. Yee of such immorality. Any fking day I will put my mortality to yours
You jump all in with both feet to support someone who brags they wouldn't lose your support if they shot someone on 5th Ave in broad daylight. What's it like to be such a slave to a would-be murderer?
You jump all in with both feet to support someone who brags they wouldn't lose your support if they shot someone on 5th Ave in broad daylight. What's it like to be such a slave to a would-be murderer?
Like you huh? Come and ask me when Trump does something illegal
Duh, hello?

On election day the same day in person voting was counted first, then the early voting ballots and then absentee ballot envelopes had to be verified and then opened and ballots removed from envelopes, flattened out, and fed in to the optical vote counting was a longer process and took a couple of days to count absentee ballots.


Dems were encouraged to stay home and safe from covid, and vote via absentee ballot.

Republicans were encouraged to take the covid risk and vote in person.

What is it about this, do you continue to not understand?
This has been explained over and over. It bounces right off their skulls, falls to the floor, and rolls into the kitchen.

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