Roger Stone To Plead 5th Amendment To Jan 6 Commission

Can a person get into legal trouble for pleading the fifth under false petenses? The 5th amendment protects against self incrimination. So, it stands to reason that there have to be a possibility of self incrimination for a person to be able to refuse to testify.

So, If someone pleads the fifth, but hen its revealed that they hadn't actuall did anything illegal ,but had falsly plead the fifth to avoid testifying against someone else, could that person be charged with obstruction or contempt for lying?
Hey, lefties, quick question:

WHat happened when ERIC HOLDER refused to cooperate with Congress and was held in Contempt of Congress to cover for Obama and the Fast and Furious debacle?

Where were you then?
I'm not out to convince anybody. I'm just saying that when you have so many unexplained bizarre irregularities in an election, that somebody ought to investigate them to be sure nothing untoward went on there.

So far, since about a day after the election long before even the right questions were known, we've had nothing but pukes like you in the media telling us nothing to see here go away! And reprehensible pukes like you fighting tooth and nail trying to stop even an audit from taking place. All the while telling us there is nothing to find.

And courts unwilling to get involved so dismissing cases on technicalities. Yet for those willing to investigate, they all find grounds to be concerned--- VERY concerned.

Sorry but the matter isn't going away. Tons of fraud and illegality have been found no matter what you claim and there will be no rest until the full truth is found out.

Me, I just want to know that if I vote, that my vote really does count for something real.
I'm not actually in the media and haven't puked since a New Year's Eve party, two years ago, though I did make it well past midnight. From Nov 3 to Jan 6, I never objected or told you guys not to investigate, as I watched with interest to the outcomes of your recounts, audits, investigations and 63 courtrooms failed attempt, even in front of Trump appointed judges. After that time, I thought it was time for you partisan Bozos to shut-the-Fk-up, man up, and admit you lost fair and square. Pretty tired of seeing individual republicans indicted and convicted on 2020 election fraud charges as they raided the graveyards, all over the country, finding dead relatives and friends to vote for Donny, as if they were in the Daley administration in Chicago.
Why do you care about your vote, if it is OK to have your whole state's vote thrown out, if you don't like who they voted for. You People are amazing. You used to have a fine conservative party, now turned in to a cheap circus clown act, in the most vulgar Anti-American display in history.
Trump was leading when we all went to bed on election night. Somehow ballots for Biden mysteriously appeared after midnight. Obviously the election was stolen.
You should have stayed up. Nothing was stolen.
Trump was leading when we all went to bed on election night. Somehow ballots for Biden mysteriously appeared after midnight. Obviously the election was stolen.
The sad part is that this is actually how Trumpers think...It's how Trump thinks as well. He condemned poll workers as corrupt for contiuing to count votes after he took the lead in Georgia. He called all Biden votes counted after he took the lead as fraudulant.
All I can say is that If You’re Innocent, Why Are You Taking the 5th Amendment?

Hey, lefties, quick question:

WHat happened when ERIC HOLDER refused to cooperate with Congress and was held in Contempt of Congress to cover for Obama and the Fast and Furious debacle?

Where were you then?
Fyi, The court ruled he was not in legal contempt, and Holder turned over the executive privilege documents as the court ordered, to congress.
Almost every Commie subpoenaed by Truman's HUAC took the 5th and lefties managed to blame a single republican senator for the whole unfortunate era. "Those who ignore history are doomed to repeat it".

Except that believing in Communism can never be illegal and the HUAC was illegally firing and jailing people for valid political beliefs.
Communism is the basic aspect of human nature that allows human tribes to survive, through empathy.
Without communism, no human tribe or family could possibly exist, and we would have gone extinct as a species.

The HUAC was totally illegal because it falsely claimed US communists were foreign agents, and falsely claimed communist countries were our enemies.
It was some of the worst and most illegal infringement on political and economic freedom the country has ever seen.
All I can say is that If You’re Innocent, Why Are You Taking the 5th Amendment?

I have been called to several grand juries, and lawyers ALWAYS tell you just to plead the 5th amendment.
It does not at all mean you are guilty of anything.
What it means is that anything you say can be misconstrued to appear to be illegal activities.
For example, they go after one person and get them to name you as someone they talked to.
Then if that other person is suspected of a crime, they then suspect you as well and try to get you to name someone else.
It is an illegal game they play, called "guilt by association", when in reality there likely was no original crime at all.
So the general advice is simply to never say a word at any grand jury.
You don't have to, and all grand juries are extra legal.
They are a fishing expedition that would be illegal if done by a prosecutor alone.
The grand jury is just an excuse to allow the law to be violated by the prosecutor.
Fyi, The court ruled he was not in legal contempt, and Holder turned over the executive privilege documents as the court ordered, to congress.

I would never turn anything over to Congress.
Congress is the most corrupt, politically motivated, and insecure bunch of crooks I have ever seen.
You should have stayed up. Nothing was stolen.

I tend to agree, but only because a real election fraud would take thousands of people, so then would be impossible to keep quiet.
But clearly the 2000 election shows it is possible to steal an election.
You can easily design confusing butterfly ballots, use hanging chads to throw out ballots, throw out 40,000 ballots who happened to have the same name as a convicted felon, etc.
Why? Do you think he was part of a plot to overthrow the election, and he might incriminate himself? Don't you think convicted felons can go straight? :auiqs.jpg:
What was it that the fat former fascist said about people who plead the Fifth?
Hey, lefties, quick question:

WHat happened when ERIC HOLDER refused to cooperate with Congress and was held in Contempt of Congress to cover for Obama and the Fast and Furious debacle?

Where were you then?
Look! Over there! A deflection! :heehee:
It must really piss off g5000 that Trump could shoot someone on 5th Avenue and get away with it.

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