Roger Stone To Plead 5th Amendment To Jan 6 Commission

Stone pled the 5th, exercising his Constitutional / legal right. Doing so means he is guilty of anything anymore than if he had eaten a sandwich while sitting there.
Meh, you can think that. Soon as somebody takes the 5th, I think 'guilty'. Most people do. And he is guilty. Taking the fifth aside. I mean he was pardoned. That's a lot different from being not guilty.
Meh, you can think that. Soon as somebody takes the 5th, I think 'guilty'.

That's because you are brainwashed and / or stupid.

All Democrats do is play these corrupt, treasonous partisan games seeking to destroy their enemies, wating Americans' time and tax dollars.

The Democrats, and idiot snowflakes like you, think their political theatrics are fooling others and don't see how criminal and stupid their actions make them look.

For instance, the fat toad sitting as Chairman if the Judiciary Committee actually led the Democrats in Censuring the USAG for REFUSING to break US law. Nadler, the Jaba the Hut fat fuck, runs the JUDICIARY Committee yet proved he has no knowledge of or respect for our laws

D-Schiff has been caught for the 2nd time illegally altering evidence and illegally manufacturing fake evidence in a case against Trump & Americans. He should be in Gitmo.
"You can easily design confusing butterfly ballots, use hanging chads to throw out ballots, throw out 40,000 ballots who happened to have the same name as a convicted felon, etc."

Yeah, I really did scan/read most all of this thread.
No offense to anyone, but......but I kinda regret it now.

Still, there was one little blinger that caught my eye. The "40,000 ballots" one.
Is that merely hyperbole?
An imagined allegory?
Or, does the good poster Rigby assert there really were 40k ballots attributed to the same name, and that name also belonged to a convicted felon?

Seems like a curious enough little factoid to see which is it?
Or colorful imagery in a polemic?
Yeah, I really did scan/read most all of this thread.
No offense to anyone, but......but I kinda regret it now.

Still, there was one little blinger that caught my eye. The "40,000 ballots" one.
Is that merely hyperbole?
An imagined allegory?
Or, does the good poster Rigby assert there really were 40k ballots attributed to the same name, and that name also belonged to a convicted felon?

Seems like a curious enough little factoid to see which is it?
Or colorful imagery in a polemic?
He's talking about the 2000 election/recount in Florida, I believe??? Butterfly ballots, voters with similar names to those on a list of felons Fla drew up, were disenfranchised, the butterfly ballot in palm beach county, where 10,000 Al Gore voters were tricked in to filling the circle for Pat Buccanon, hanging chads, dimples etc....
That's because you are brainwashed and / or stupid.

All Democrats do is play these corrupt, treasonous partisan games seeking to destroy their enemies, wating Americans' time and tax dollars.

The Democrats, and idiot snowflakes like you, think their political theatrics are fooling others and don't see how criminal and stupid their actions make them look.

For instance, the fat toad sitting as Chairman if the Judiciary Committee actually led the Democrats in Censuring the USAG for REFUSING to break US law. Nadler, the Jaba the Hut fat fuck, runs the JUDICIARY Committee yet proved he has no knowledge of or respect for our laws

D-Schiff has been caught for the 2nd time illegally altering evidence and illegally manufacturing fake evidence in a case against Trump & Americans. He should be in Gitmo.
Nah. If I was innocent I'd never take the fifth.

At the end of the day the US political system is fucked. Your founding fathers - collectively - are rolling in their graves with embarassment.
Nah. If I was innocent I'd never take the fifth.

There are some people who refuse to give crooked, criminals like Schiff, who was once AGAIN caught doctoring / altering / manufacturing false evidence, the satisfaction of playing their blatant sham / game and simply refuse to say anything. By doing so they tell the traitors to POUND SAND.

During both FAILED Pelosi Impeachments Democrats could never produce a crime, evidence, or witnesses. In BOTH, Democrats were caught criminally attemotingvto alter / produce false evidence....just like Schiff has been caught doing AGAIN in this latest witch hunt scam.

People who have facts, evidence, and / or witnesses do not have to MANUFACTURE FAKE EVIDENCE....andcwhy would anyone want to go along with criminal politicians like this? Why would anyone play along with such an obvious scam?

Pleading the 5th is not, in this case, any admission of 'guilt' but a demonstration of disgust and refusal to play along with another desperate, criminal Democrat scam.
Huh? How about a hint on what your Cryptic post is about, first? :)

Nothing cryptic at all. You claim conservatives don’t know how absentee ballots were counted and you claimed you do. Since it’s common knowledge states have different election laws I simply asked you to explain just one. Pennsylvania.
He's talking about the 2000 election/recount in Florida, I believe??? Butterfly ballots, voters with similar names to those on a list of felons Fla drew up, were disenfranchised, the butterfly ballot in palm beach county, where 10,000 Al Gore voters were tricked in to filling the circle for Pat Buccanon, hanging chads, dimples etc....
Please post how many of the recounts Algore won.
He certainly has experience stonewalling investigations. His refusal to cooperate with Congress or Mueller made easier by the knowledge his friend Don has a soft spot for people who refuse to give incriminating testimony against him. I think Stone knew he'd be pardoned as a reward for not revealing the truth.
The man belongs in jail for what he did. Perhaps now there's a chance he'll end up behind bars along side his buddy.
Nothing cryptic at all. You claim conservatives don’t know how absentee ballots were counted and you claimed you do. Since it’s common knowledge states have different election laws I simply asked you to explain just one. Pennsylvania.
Easy peasy!

You Google it, and look for a reputable source, to inform you.

There is nothing crooked or fraudulent in their method in Pennsylvania. If anything it corrected a major problem of disenfranchisement of the citizens of their vote. The courts were right in their decisions.

Please read the ENTIRE article that explains it....and what PA did to replace it.

During both FAILED Pelosi Impeachments Democrats could never produce a crime, evidence, or witnesses.
Were you out of the country during the impeachment proceedings? The only thing you got right is Repub senators looked at the overwhelming evidence of Trump's guilt and decided it would be politically damaging to the party and themselves to convict him.
Please post how many of the recounts Algore won.
If legal registered voters were kicked off the voter rolls because they had a similar name as a felon on their list, which they were thrown off, you can't capture a missed vote in the recount.

If over 10,000 voters chose Al Gore in Palm Beach county, but the butterfly ballot alined their choice to a circle to fill in that was cast for Bucannon, you can't correct that in a recount. Buchanan never stepped foot in palm beach to campaign, nor run any ads in pa!m beach.

If you allow absentee ballots to be received 3 weeks past election day, without needing a postal stamp by election day, you can't go back and change that in a recount.

Al Gore won by a landslide, by more than 10,000 votes.....

But Also Gore did the HONORABLE thing for our Nation and accepted the state of Florida's recount, and accepted a loss he really didn't have....

Compared to Trump with his phoney baloney traitorous bull shit coup attempt, outside of the law!!!! And tearing and dividing the very fabric of this once great Nation apart!!! :(
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Stone pled the 5th, exercising his Constitutional / legal right. Doing so means he is guilty of anything anymore than if he had eaten a sandwich while sitting there.
Trump once said..........“The mob takes the Fifth,” he said at an Iowa campaign rally in September. “If you're innocent, why are you taking the Fifth Amendment?”
Stone may not have said anything in front of the Committee, but what he said to reporters afterwards was damning to the Committee:

If this was a serious investigation Pelosi would release ALL of the videos and photos of the events of 6 Jan.

Pelosi would also agree to testify before the committee as well.
- The FBI reported that it warned Pelosi and Capitol Police in advance of the large number of protestors coming.

1. Exactly what was she told, exactly when, & why didn't she do anything about it.

2. If the Capitol Police were warned days in advance why didn't they have more officers present, no supervisors, no plan, etc...?

3. An independent bipartisan committee reported Trump DID recommend having the National Guard present and the House and Senate Sergeants-At-Arms made the decision NOT to have them, citing 'Optics', how it would 'look bad'. They are reportedly GONE now, having been either fired or retired after 6 Jan.
- Both of them need to be subpoenaed to testify about their decision.

4. The Capitol Police Chief needs to testify about what & when the FBI told / warned them, why more Police were not there and no supervisors, were present, why they had no plan, why pice moved barricades to give protestors access to the Capitol, why Police opened and held open doors to let protestors in, and why they led protestors through the Capitol building.

5. The criminal FBI needs to testify about what they knew, when they knew it - their FISA Warrant requests need to be reviewed due to their proven FISA Court fraud & illegal spying in the past. They need to explain why they were recruiting ex-special forces to infiltrate the crowd (like the firmer Green Beret who refused and was arrested) and asked if Sullivan was working for them.

6. Again, ALL video and photographic evidence needs to be released.

7. D-Adam Schiff must be subpoenaed and asked why he was caught again manufacturing false evidence
- Schiff should immediately removed from the 6 Jan Committee and CENSURED at the very least gor his crimes
- Schiff having been caught doing this destroys the credibility of the Committee & faux investigation.
Trump once said..........“The mob takes the Fifth,” he said at an Iowa campaign rally in September. “If you're innocent, why are you taking the Fifth Amendment?”
So what? You snowflakes have called Trump a liar and now when convenient want to quote him? Make up your minds, snowflake. Trump is wrong here, IMO. CNN is obviously telling up this is a good talking point.
Were I Stone I would have pled the 5th whike wearing a tie that had tge middle finger up sign and the letters 'FU' on it.

The Committee is a sham - Schiff once again demonstrated this. If it was legit Schiff would have been Censured and booted off by now.

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