Roger Stone's only crime was helping Trump get elected...

First of all you do t know what intel the FBI had when they started the investigation. Second, the eveidemce that we have seen about his relationships with Wikileaks and know statements is plenty of reason to question him. If he lied or co tradicted himself during questioning that warrants digging deeper. Why is he lying? Lastly if a crime is uncovered in this process they have every right to act on it. I don’t see what your issue is?
There is no reason to question him since no crimes are being investigated.
Would you consider stealing emails and interfering with a national election a crime as our intel agencies all have?
What the fuck does "interfering with a national election" entail? Is publishing factual information "interfering?" What is the scope of this so-called crime?

For the last time, Neither Stone nor Wikileaks stole anything.
Ask our intelligence angencies who all agree that crimes were committed
They do? Where?
Uh, everywhere. Boy you are clueless, do you pay attention to anything?

Here is a link to a Republican led senate committee agreeing with the intelligence report. Do a simple google search and find quotes, interviews, videos, reports and whatever else you want to see first hand. You can’t hide from it. You lose again

Senate panel agrees with intelligence finding that Russia interfered in election, backed Trump
You have no clue about the series of events involved in the investigation or what evidence they have. You are making biased assumptions based on spun up narratives. That’s not a smart way to go about it

It is a bullshit witch hunt based on an already discredited dossier. There is and was no Trump/Russia collusion. Try looking at Hillary, lots of evidence there.
Mueller's investigation has roots from Papodopolus bragging to an australian diplomat, and firing of Comey, not the dossier.

no collusion? Giuliani admitted there was, and Trump's team had over a 100 contacts with russia.
You have no clue about the series of events involved in the investigation or what evidence they have. You are making biased assumptions based on spun up narratives. That’s not a smart way to go about it

It is a bullshit witch hunt based on an already discredited dossier. There is and was no Trump/Russia collusion. Try looking at Hillary, lots of evidence there.
Mueller's investigation has roots from Papodopolus bragging to an australian diplomat, and firing of Comey, not the dossier.

no collusion? Giuliani admitted there was, and Trump's team had over a 100 contacts with russia.

There was no crime in the first place. Mueller is heading an investigation looking for a crime that never existed except in the minds of TDSers and the radical left-wing press.
...all the rest is bullshit.
Roger Stones crime is he is a piece of shit right wing Republican bottom feeder. Slowly but surely we are putting them all down. There isn't many of the old Nixon dirtbags left, and the country will be rid of this plague of vermin once and for all.
You are trying so hard but failing so bad. You have yet to explain any of your idiotic statements that I’ve easily exposed as irrational. Keep moving the goalpost though, it’s like catching fish in a barrel
You have only exposed your own irrationality and stupidity. You lack the capacity to commit logic.
If that’s the case then you would respond directly to my statements instead of constantly moving the goalposts and changing the subject. I address your statements directly, pose a counter point and ask questions of you. You rarely give direct responses in return. That only shows a lack of capacity on your part to engage in a proper debate. Do better.
Wrong. What you're doing is trying to get me to buy your premise that Mueller is somehow justified in investigating Roger Stone and Wikileaks. That would only be true in a police state. In a free country we don't investigate people who are not suspected of committing any crimes.
No I’m just trying to get you to give a straight answer to direct questions. You don’t seem capable of doing so
No, you're trying to get me to accept your premise that the Mueller investigation is legitimate.

It isn't.
Russia has been spying, snooping and hacking for 20 years at least. So they're committing crimes....none that involve Trump specifically...funny it never bothered anyone too much until they needed a reason to be bothered. Of course we are doing the same to them....and in the Russian legal system that is also considered to be a crime or crimes.

...all the rest is bullshit.
Roger Stones crime is he is a piece of shit right wing Republican bottom feeder. Slowly but surely we are putting them all down. There isn't many of the old Nixon dirtbags left, and the country will be rid of this plague of vermin once and for all.

Good, now when do we get rid of the Democrat dirtbags like Hillary, Pelosi and Schumer and every other deep state leftist swamp dweller.
...all the rest is bullshit.
Roger Stones crime is he is a piece of shit right wing Republican bottom feeder. Slowly but surely we are putting them all down. There isn't many of the old Nixon dirtbags left, and the country will be rid of this plague of vermin once and for all.

Good, now when do we get rid of the Democrat dirtbags like Hillary, Pelosi and Schumer and every other deep state leftist swamp dweller.

Here's the problem you've got. America is currently undergoing a change in population.

It isn't white conservative male.

And when Hillary, Pelosi, and Schumer are gone, the younger crowd that's taking over agree with their politics.
You have no clue about the series of events involved in the investigation or what evidence they have. You are making biased assumptions based on spun up narratives. That’s not a smart way to go about it

It is a bullshit witch hunt based on an already discredited dossier. There is and was no Trump/Russia collusion. Try looking at Hillary, lots of evidence there.
Mueller's investigation has roots from Papodopolus bragging to an australian diplomat, and firing of Comey, not the dossier.

no collusion? Giuliani admitted there was, and Trump's team had over a 100 contacts with russia.

There was no crime in the first place. Mueller is heading an investigation looking for a crime that never existed except in the minds of TDSers and the radical left-wing press.
Mueller was assigned to get to the bottom of russian meddling in our election. And he was assigned to this by republicans.
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Mueller was assigned to get to the bottom of russian meddling in our election. And he was assigned to this by republicans.

Well he ought to have a lot of shit on Hillary then. Right?
There is no reason to question him since no crimes are being investigated.
Would you consider stealing emails and interfering with a national election a crime as our intel agencies all have?
What the fuck does "interfering with a national election" entail? Is publishing factual information "interfering?" What is the scope of this so-called crime?

For the last time, Neither Stone nor Wikileaks stole anything.
Ask our intelligence angencies who all agree that crimes were committed
They do? Where?
Uh, everywhere. Boy you are clueless, do you pay attention to anything?

Here is a link to a Republican led senate committee agreeing with the intelligence report. Do a simple google search and find quotes, interviews, videos, reports and whatever else you want to see first hand. You can’t hide from it. You lose again

Senate panel agrees with intelligence finding that Russia interfered in election, backed Trump

Establishment Senate douchebags wrote a report that agrees with Mueller? What makes you believe they were ever Trump's allies?

You said "our intelligence angencies [sic] who all agree that crimes were committed." So where's the evidence for that?
...all the rest is bullshit.
Roger Stones crime is he is a piece of shit right wing Republican bottom feeder. Slowly but surely we are putting them all down. There isn't many of the old Nixon dirtbags left, and the country will be rid of this plague of vermin once and for all.

Good, now when do we get rid of the Democrat dirtbags like Hillary, Pelosi and Schumer and every other deep state leftist swamp dweller.

Here's the problem you've got. America is currently undergoing a change in population.

It isn't white conservative male.

And when Hillary, Pelosi, and Schumer are gone, the younger crowd that's taking over agree with their politics.
What's hilarious is the fact that you don't find that prospect the slightest bit scary.
...all the rest is bullshit.
Roger Stones crime is he is a piece of shit right wing Republican bottom feeder. Slowly but surely we are putting them all down. There isn't many of the old Nixon dirtbags left, and the country will be rid of this plague of vermin once and for all.
Thanks for admitting that Stone's real crime is simply being a Republican. However, we already knew that. What do you imagine we've been telling you ever since he was arrested?
Establishment Senate douchebags wrote a report that agrees with Mueller? What makes you believe they were ever Trump's allies?

You said "our intelligence angencies [sic] who all agree that crimes were committed." So where's the evidence for that?

Their 'evidence' is "BISS" (Because I Say So) and the MSM parrots them. It's a circle jerk that they try to convince low information voters is somehow based in reality. Because they say so.
You have no clue about the series of events involved in the investigation or what evidence they have. You are making biased assumptions based on spun up narratives. That’s not a smart way to go about it

It is a bullshit witch hunt based on an already discredited dossier. There is and was no Trump/Russia collusion. Try looking at Hillary, lots of evidence there.
Mueller's investigation has roots from Papodopolus bragging to an australian diplomat, and firing of Comey, not the dossier.

no collusion? Giuliani admitted there was, and Trump's team had over a 100 contacts with russia.

There was no crime in the first place. Mueller is heading an investigation looking for a crime that never existed except in the minds of TDSers and the radical left-wing press.
If there was no crime committed why is everyone lying about it?
Who was caught lying about Trump/Russia collusion?
You mean who wasnt caught? Drumpf lied on national TV when he said the meeting was about adoption.

The Russia Meeting at Trump Tower Was to Discuss Adoption. Then It Wasn’t. How Accounts Have Shifted.

You better pull up your pants and go running to Mueller. Apparently he either hasn't heard about this or realizes, unlike you, that it's based on nothing but bullshit. :rolleyes:

Your link is from Aug 2018 NYT Opinion piece. It's 2019 now and Trump is President. :113: Isn't it about time to let go of the past and the hatred? :itsok: Oh Yeah, there is no "Drumpf" in the news but, I understand, you are consumed with hatred and make up juvenile names for non-existent "monsters in the closet." Good luck with that. Just accept Trump. He's our President. Do you live in America? I bet you're Russian.
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You have no clue about the series of events involved in the investigation or what evidence they have. You are making biased assumptions based on spun up narratives. That’s not a smart way to go about it

It is a bullshit witch hunt based on an already discredited dossier. There is and was no Trump/Russia collusion. Try looking at Hillary, lots of evidence there.
Mueller's investigation has roots from Papodopolus bragging to an australian diplomat, and firing of Comey, not the dossier.

no collusion? Giuliani admitted there was, and Trump's team had over a 100 contacts with russia.

There was no crime in the first place. Mueller is heading an investigation looking for a crime that never existed except in the minds of TDSers and the radical left-wing press.
Of course there was a crime. Russian interference in the election was a crime. Emails were stolen and then published. There was lie after lie about contacts with Russians and if the Trump campaign or anybody associated with the campaigned conspired with the Russians that is also a crime. I’ve heard the no crime no evidence BS. They are nothing more than diversions and talking points
Would you consider stealing emails and interfering with a national election a crime as our intel agencies all have?
What the fuck does "interfering with a national election" entail? Is publishing factual information "interfering?" What is the scope of this so-called crime?

For the last time, Neither Stone nor Wikileaks stole anything.
Ask our intelligence angencies who all agree that crimes were committed
They do? Where?
Uh, everywhere. Boy you are clueless, do you pay attention to anything?

Here is a link to a Republican led senate committee agreeing with the intelligence report. Do a simple google search and find quotes, interviews, videos, reports and whatever else you want to see first hand. You can’t hide from it. You lose again

Senate panel agrees with intelligence finding that Russia interfered in election, backed Trump

Establishment Senate douchebags wrote a report that agrees with Mueller? What makes you believe they were ever Trump's allies?

You said "our intelligence angencies [sic] who all agree that crimes were committed." So where's the evidence for that?
Go to YouTube and look up congressional hearings where the heads of our intel agencies all say on camera the Russian collusion thing happened. Look up the report that was filed stating the same thing. Go educate yourself with the facts so you don’t sound like such a dumbass
Would you consider stealing emails and interfering with a national election a crime as our intel agencies all have?
What the fuck does "interfering with a national election" entail? Is publishing factual information "interfering?" What is the scope of this so-called crime?

For the last time, Neither Stone nor Wikileaks stole anything.
Ask our intelligence angencies who all agree that crimes were committed
They do? Where?
Uh, everywhere. Boy you are clueless, do you pay attention to anything?

Here is a link to a Republican led senate committee agreeing with the intelligence report. Do a simple google search and find quotes, interviews, videos, reports and whatever else you want to see first hand. You can’t hide from it. You lose again

Senate panel agrees with intelligence finding that Russia interfered in election, backed Trump

Establishment Senate douchebags wrote a report that agrees with Mueller? What makes you believe they were ever Trump's allies?

You said "our intelligence angencies [sic] who all agree that crimes were committed." So where's the evidence for that?
Also why does it matter if the congressmen were allies of Trump? If the evidence supports certain facts then shouldn’t those fact be acknowledged despite the political implications? Just because somebody can objectively acknowledge that the facts point towards Russian interference, that doesn’t make them enemies of the President. That is idiotlogic

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