Roger Stone's only crime was helping Trump get elected...

I think they started by investigation election interference and the many crimes associated with that. Then as they questioned and dug deeper they found Trump people lying over and over again which is why many of them are in hot water. They have been very tight lipped so who knows what else they are sitting on. You are repeating tired talking points that don’t align with reality, do yourself a favor and stop doing that
But, from what I understand, all the things they are in hot water for have nothing to do with the investigation of Russian collusion.

Yes, it is possible to find other crimes committed during the investigation of another matter, but you cannot open an investigation just for the purpose of trying to see if you can find things on someone.

The way the post i responded to was worded, it almost sounded like they were inferring that an open ended investigation be conducted. If I misunderstood, then my apologies.

Unfortunately the writ authored by Rosenstein was so open ended as to be
Legally irrelevant. It should never have made muster In front of any real judge. Yet it did

Pure fantasy

No....pure reality.... Austin by rosenstein Drew criticism how many pots of illegal world for it's open-ended witch hunt profile.
Yes, by devoted trumpkins. And others had other opinions.

Nope even by Mueller supporters.
Russia Investigation: Rosenstein Memo Details Mueller Investigation’s Limits | National Review
dipshit RW's whine about the legal system's due process thats been the same for decades .. and they want to run the country.

those f'n clowns crack me up ...

They are running the country. And the Rosenstein writ did not follow federal guide lines ..... It was and is a fishing license basically devoid of legal boundaries. A fishing license.

But, from what I understand, all the things they are in hot water for have nothing to do with the investigation of Russian collusion.

Yes, it is possible to find other crimes committed during the investigation of another matter, but you cannot open an investigation just for the purpose of trying to see if you can find things on someone.

The way the post i responded to was worded, it almost sounded like they were inferring that an open ended investigation be conducted. If I misunderstood, then my apologies.

Unfortunately the writ authored by Rosenstein was so open ended as to be
Legally irrelevant. It should never have made muster In front of any real judge. Yet it did

Pure fantasy

No....pure reality.... Austin by rosenstein Drew criticism how many pots of illegal world for it's open-ended witch hunt profile.
Yes, by devoted trumpkins. And others had other opinions.

Nope even by Mueller supporters.
Russia Investigation: Rosenstein Memo Details Mueller Investigation’s Limits | National Review
Haha...nice headline and article that completely contradicts your point. Whoops
Unfortunately the writ authored by Rosenstein was so open ended as to be
Legally irrelevant. It should never have made muster In front of any real judge. Yet it did

Pure fantasy

No....pure reality.... Austin by rosenstein Drew criticism how many pots of illegal world for it's open-ended witch hunt profile.
Yes, by devoted trumpkins. And others had other opinions.

Nope even by Mueller supporters.
Russia Investigation: Rosenstein Memo Details Mueller Investigation’s Limits | National Review
Haha...nice headline and article that completely contradicts your point. Whoops did not read it. It is very critical
Of Rosenstein and also infers that Trump is most probably not guilty.


dipshit RW's whine about the legal system's due process thats been the same for decades .. and they want to run the country.

those f'n clowns crack me up ...

They are running the country. And the Rosenstein writ did not follow federal guide lines ..... It was and is a fishing license basically devoid of legal boundaries. A fishing license.


you heard me - I didnt stutter.
Pure fantasy

No....pure reality.... Austin by rosenstein Drew criticism how many pots of illegal world for it's open-ended witch hunt profile.
Yes, by devoted trumpkins. And others had other opinions.

Nope even by Mueller supporters.
Russia Investigation: Rosenstein Memo Details Mueller Investigation’s Limits | National Review
Haha...nice headline and article that completely contradicts your point. Whoops did not read it. It is very critical
Of Rosenstein and also infers that Trump is most probably not guilty.


I did. And I know you furiously googled for an agreeable opinion piece. Do you not think i could do the same? You aren't fooling anyone with this "backward think", by which you choose a desired conclusion, then dishonestly google for agreeable opinions and pretend they are why you reached your conclusion.

Mueller was tasked, very specifically, with investigating Russian election interference and any dealings between trump campaign officials and Russian entities.

And he has really produced on that front. And that bothers you, because, trump cult.
dipshit RW's whine about the legal system's due process thats been the same for decades .. and they want to run the country.

those f'n clowns crack me up ...

They are running the country. And the Rosenstein writ did not follow federal guide lines ..... It was and is a fishing license basically devoid of legal boundaries. A fishing license.


you heard me - I didnt stutter.

Nor did you do any thinking

dipshit RW's whine about the legal system's due process thats been the same for decades .. and they want to run the country.

those f'n clowns crack me up ...

They are running the country. And the Rosenstein writ did not follow federal guide lines ..... It was and is a fishing license basically devoid of legal boundaries. A fishing license.


you heard me - I didnt stutter.

Not did you do any thinking


you quote an article from a hard core RW opinion rag mag whining about nothing, and accuse me of not thinking ?

back to me being cracked up ....
No....pure reality.... Austin by rosenstein Drew criticism how many pots of illegal world for it's open-ended witch hunt profile.
Yes, by devoted trumpkins. And others had other opinions.

Nope even by Mueller supporters.
Russia Investigation: Rosenstein Memo Details Mueller Investigation’s Limits | National Review
Haha...nice headline and article that completely contradicts your point. Whoops did not read it. It is very critical
Of Rosenstein and also infers that Trump is most probably not guilty.


I did. And I know you furiously googled for an agreeable opinion piece. Do you not think i could do the same? You aren't fooling anyone with this "backward think", by which you choose a desired conclusion, then dishonestly google for agreeable opinions and pretend they are why you reached your conclusion.

Mueller was tasked, very specifically, with investigating Russian election interference and any dealings between trump campaign officials and Russian entities.

And he has really produced on that front. And that bothers you, because, trump cult.

Nope....wrong again. The criticism of Rosenstein's legal writ comes from all angles. There was no need to do anything furiously... Information about the impropriety of the Mueller investigation's legal parameters is abundant and bipartisan.

Of course the ultra TDS lefties are fine with anything legal or illegal as long as it accomplishes their goal of unseating the president. I predict that once the storm settles down and the wild west atmosphere comes under the control of someone with a level head like Bob Barr for instance, we will finally see adherence to the federal guidelines for the appointment of special prosecutors who are not, contrary to what people may think, hired legal killers capable of locking somebody up for vitamin deficiency if they so choose.

You're the one that seems to be running away from reality. Reference I cited you comes from a well-respected legal journal and the author happens to be a Mueller supporter.

Last edited:
dipshit RW's whine about the legal system's due process thats been the same for decades .. and they want to run the country.

those f'n clowns crack me up ...

They are running the country. And the Rosenstein writ did not follow federal guide lines ..... It was and is a fishing license basically devoid of legal boundaries. A fishing license.


you heard me - I didnt stutter.

Not did you do any thinking


you quote an article from a hard core RW opinion rag mag whining about nothing, and accuse me of not thinking ?

back to me being cracked up ....

The author supports the Mueller investigation at the same time he outlines
the legal deficiency of Rosenstein' s initial
Writ. Another doofus who can't read

Haha...nice headline and article that completely contradicts your point. Whoops did not read it. It is very critical
Of Rosenstein and also infers that Trump is most probably not guilty.


I did. And I know you furiously googled for an agreeable opinion piece. Do you not think i could do the same? You aren't fooling anyone with this "backward think", by which you choose a desired conclusion, then dishonestly google for agreeable opinions and pretend they are why you reached your conclusion.

Mueller was tasked, very specifically, with investigating Russian election interference and any dealings between trump campaign officials and Russian entities.

And he has really produced on that front. And that bothers you, because, trump cult.

Nope....wrong again. The criticism of Rosenstein's legal Rick comes from all angles. There was no need to do anything furiously... Information about the impropriety on the Mueller investigation is legal parameters is abundant and bipartisan.
Of course the ultra TDS lefties are fine with anything legal or illegal as long as it accomplishes their goal of unseating the president. I predict that once the storm settles down and the wild west atmosphere comes under the control of someone with a level head like Bob Barr for instance, we will finally see adherence to the federal guidelines for the appointment of special prosecutors who are not contrary to what people may think Hired legal killers capable of locking somebody up for vitamin deficiency if they so choose.

You're the one that seems to be running away from reality. Reference I cited you comes from a well-respected legal journal and the author happens to be a Mueller supporter.

And the praise of it comes from all angles. At what point did you become delusional and think other , identical opinions are support for the truth of an opinion?

And again, Mueller has produced a be vy of indictments directly related to the very specific tasks. The only thing you don't like is the latitude given him to refer other crimes to other offices. Because, trump cult.

Guess what? You're wrong, and so are the other opinions you collected after the fact.

Guess who is next ? Junior Pussyboy willbe indicted and arrested. And all of your opeds won't save him.
dipshit RW's whine about the legal system's due process thats been the same for decades .. and they want to run the country.

those f'n clowns crack me up ...

They are running the country. And the Rosenstein writ did not follow federal guide lines ..... It was and is a fishing license basically devoid of legal boundaries. A fishing license.

Who besides you and drunken Rudy Ghouliani is making that claim?
Last edited:
dipshit RW's whine about the legal system's due process thats been the same for decades .. and they want to run the country.

those f'n clowns crack me up ...

They are running the country. And the Rosenstein writ did not follow federal guide lines ..... It was and is a fishing license basically devoid of legal boundaries. A fishing license.


you heard me - I didnt stutter.

Not did you do any thinking


you quote an article from a hard core RW opinion rag mag whining about nothing, and accuse me of not thinking ?

back to me being cracked up ....

The author supports the Mueller investigation at the same time he outlines
the legal deficiency of Rosenstein' s initial
Writ. Another doofus who can't read


thats like Trump whining about building a wall in one breath, and then telling everyone in the country the wall is being built in the next breath.
Haha...nice headline and article that completely contradicts your point. Whoops did not read it. It is very critical
Of Rosenstein and also infers that Trump is most probably not guilty.


I did. And I know you furiously googled for an agreeable opinion piece. Do you not think i could do the same? You aren't fooling anyone with this "backward think", by which you choose a desired conclusion, then dishonestly google for agreeable opinions and pretend they are why you reached your conclusion.

Mueller was tasked, very specifically, with investigating Russian election interference and any dealings between trump campaign officials and Russian entities.

And he has really produced on that front. And that bothers you, because, trump cult.

Nope....wrong again. The criticism of Rosenstein's legal Rick comes from all angles. There was no need to do anything furiously... Information about the impropriety on the Mueller investigation is legal parameters is abundant and bipartisan.
Of course the ultra TDS lefties are fine with anything legal or illegal as long as it accomplishes their goal of unseating the president. I predict that once the storm settles down and the wild west atmosphere comes under the control of someone with a level head like Bob Barr for instance, we will finally see adherence to the federal guidelines for the appointment of special prosecutors who are not contrary to what people may think Hired legal killers capable of locking somebody up for vitamin deficiency if they so choose.

You're the one that seems to be running away from reality. Reference I cited you comes from a well-respected legal journal and the author happens to be a Mueller supporter.

And the praise of it comes from all angles. At what point did you become delusional and think other , identical opinions are support for the truth of an opinion?

And again, Mueller has produced a be vy of indictments directly related to the very specific tasks. The only thing you don't like is the latitude given him to refer other crimes to other offices. Because, trump cult.

Guess what? You're wrong, and so are the other opinions you collected after the fact.

Guess who is next ? Junior Pussyboy willbe indicted and arrested. And all of your opeds won't save him.

Mueller has scraped the bottom of the barrel with a very sloppy fishing rod ( named Rosenstein) and collected a number of largely irrelevant incidental crimes both secondary and manufactured from the process.

He did about as well here as he would anywhere he looks in Washington DC.
In the final analysis he has no real motivation to move forward with any great speed. Why should he while he is collecting an unlimited paycheck?

When did I ever indicate that I thought I could save somebody by posting on a political message board? Do you by any chance have a link to that particular item? Or is it as it is normally with you a strawman bonanza?

Instead of just admitting you can't prove a thing you claim,
That doesn't make any sense, either. My only claim was that he was charged with a serious crime. And if you don't know that for a fact, you shouldn't even be commenting on this topic.
You claim that Mueller has all this evidence that will devastate the Trump administration. You're an ignorant jackass who knows nothing, of course.
Stone got the same treatment Manafort and Cohen got.

quit whining about f'n nothing.

dipshit RW's whine about the legal system's due process thats been the same for decades .. and they want to run the country.

those f'n clowns crack me up ...
We haven't had witch hunts for decades, moron. Your belief that what Mueller is doing constitutes "due process" only shows what a sleazy amoral piece of shit you are.
They are running the country. And the Rosenstein writ did not follow federal guide lines ..... It was and is a fishing license basically devoid of legal boundaries. A fishing license.


you heard me - I didnt stutter.

Not did you do any thinking


you quote an article from a hard core RW opinion rag mag whining about nothing, and accuse me of not thinking ?

back to me being cracked up ....

The author supports the Mueller investigation at the same time he outlines
the legal deficiency of Rosenstein' s initial
Writ. Another doofus who can't read


thats like Trump whining about building a wall in one breath, and then telling everyone in the country the wall is being built in the next breath.

Actually it's not like that at all. Very poor choice of comparisons. Once again that requires actual reading not ADHD skimming of the article.

The conclusion that the author of the quoted article reached is that ultimately Mueller has a righteous cause. His observations about the sloppiness of Rosenstein's legal process are more along the lines of support for Mueller than they are against him. He indicates that ultimately the entire investigation can be attacked by going back to the original authorization which is demonstrably written wiith almost no regard for the federal regulations governing such.
It may yet be the Achilles heel of the entire
effort. See this is what happens when you actually read what you're looking at.


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