Roger Stone's only crime was helping Trump get elected...

If he copped a plea, then why did he go to trial, you fucking moron addition to not knowing that Manafort copped a plea and signed a cooperation addition to not knowing he is currently in the process of violating that agreement... also did not know he had multiple trials scheduled? Heh heh...why are the most militant, angry little fucks always the most ignorant? After two years of cutting yourself and bawling.out your little eyes over this, how can you not be in possession of the most basic facts? Fucking uncanny...
Please post a link to this plea agreement.
And yet none of your hilariously stupid fantasies align with reality, while all the things i say, do. So it's pretty clear who the delusional retard is...

So far all I have seen from you today is platitude and finger pointing. Typical of a dedicated shill. You are of course in denial because You have chosen to ignore the crimes being committed in the process and have tied your own credibiity to a lost cause. It's understandable that you would begin to panic and flail.

It's a very easy to identify you because you have no balance in your positions. I have already searched your MBTU. It is a textbook work of delusionality. I was hoping to find at least one honest post criticizing the corruption of the left. I already know that the right is corrupt but I also understand that all of DC is the same way. You have on the other hand have foolishly and childishly chosen to look for moral high ground that does not exist and from what I have observed.... looking through your posting history spend all of your time trying to defend something that just isn't there. There is not a single Post in any of your writings as far back as I looked...that shows balance.
A good therapist might be covered by your insurance policy. If you have one.

Well that was a steaming pile of a crybaby tantrum.

Sorry trump cultist....your fantasies are simply not recognized by reality. And you can cry like a little bitch about me all day, and, at the end of the day, this will still be the case.

Sorry junior your continued denial at being exposed as one trick pony will not change what you are. While I frequently offer crticisms of the right and are on the other hand a political embryo with the attending juvenile posting habits. It's not about teams Junior, it's about balance.
Now I'm still waiting for you to produce
a post from your mbtu....critical of left wing corruption. Or ....why don't you just admit that you think it doesn't exist?

Oh look, yet another victory dance from the delusional cultist. Yet, one cursory look at reality shows that your fantasies exist only in your own head. Sorry crybaby, you're not really making any headway. But I'm sure declaring victory and soothing yourself feels nice.


Just as I suspected....caught in your own game.

Grown-ups realize that nothing is idyllic.
See I have no problem calling Trump a loudmouth buffoon because that's what he is. He did get my vote though. What amuses me is how much trouble you and yours have admitting that the left is not perfect; That there are corrupt left-wing politicians like Weiner for instance... Of course there are corrupt right-wing politicians but they're not alone and corruption generally has nothing to do with political party. You would have much more credibility if you could demonstrate that you have balance in your viewpoint. Rather you are shown to be nothing more than a cheerleader practicing a cultural myopia that prevents you from understanding or even detecting the enormous gaps in your own moral construct. It will go away eventually. We generally call that process growing up.

You are a trump cultist. Period. You people fantasies thay do not align with the events of reality, and you do it to soothe yourself. It's all there in black and white.
What’s does it have to do with Russia collusion?
Possibly a lot if he was conspiring with Wikileaks but we shall see how the trial goes. You do admit he broke the law right? If in the course of the investigation they found that he murdered somebody do you think it should be ignored by authorities because it doesn’t have anything to do with Russian collusion? What a silly argument.
So you're admitting this is an open ended general investigation. It's simply the left hoping they can find something to pin on trump.

That's fine, however, we need to do this for every presidential, Senate, and house member. Tha would be the right way to do it.

Next time a Democrat wins the presidency, well see if numerous open ended investigations ensue for the duration of their presidency..
I think they started by investigation election interference and the many crimes associated with that. Then as they questioned and dug deeper they found Trump people lying over and over again which is why many of them are in hot water. They have been very tight lipped so who knows what else they are sitting on. You are repeating tired talking points that don’t align with reality, do yourself a favor and stop doing that
But, from what I understand, all the things they are in hot water for have nothing to do with the investigation of Russian collusion.

Yes, it is possible to find other crimes committed during the investigation of another matter, but you cannot open an investigation just for the purpose of trying to see if you can find things on someone.

The way the post i responded to was worded, it almost sounded like they were inferring that an open ended investigation be conducted. If I misunderstood, then my apologies.
Nobody is seen the classified evidence that the FBI have not have they released to the public the reasons for opening the investigation. But what we do know is that Trumps appointed DOJ guy opened the investigation and trumps other appointed FBI Director have been condoning the validity of it every time he is asked. Now I’m what reality do those guys do all that with zero evidence and the intent to go on a witch hunt after a sitting president and his friends?! Really think about that.

Trump has a spun up narrative to discredit the investigation because that’s what he does. It doesn’t mean it is honest, it is a tactic. But if you look at the situation logically you can see right through it.

I dont know, it would seem that like if they really had something on trump, he would be a bit more nervous looking that I'm seeing him. He seems to be quite at ease, at least on the surface. Not someone who looks like they are about to go down in flames.

What I do know is that with all of the plays the dems have made over the last 2 years, this is not about justice, it's about removing trump for political reasons.

I just have this feeling that when mueller releases his report, it going to be a whole lot of nothing, and I also have a feeling it may not be released to the public.

Here's a scenario, mueller finds nothing worthy of impeachment, dems fight to keep the report from going public, dems spend the next 2 years releasing bits from the report out of context to influence public opinion. This causes the investigations and uncertainty to continue into the next election cycle where it will surely hurt the president.

Just a wild guess, but, it may be a valid one.
More nervous...than attacking our courts, our intelligence community, and our law enforcement? More nervous...than trying to install a shill into the DOJ to stop the investigation? More nervous than firing the FBI director,, then toying with the idea of firing the special counsel?

More nervous than...refusing an interview? More nervous than...trying to personally discredit those investigating him?
More nervous than babbling incoherent tweets and interviews?

More nervous than attacking Cohen's family?
If he copped a plea, then why did he go to trial, you fucking moron addition to not knowing that Manafort copped a plea and signed a cooperation addition to not knowing he is currently in the process of violating that agreement... also did not know he had multiple trials scheduled? Heh heh...why are the most militant, angry little fucks always the most ignorant? After two years of cutting yourself and bawling.out your little eyes over this, how can you not be in possession of the most basic facts? Fucking uncanny...
Please post a link to this plea agreement.
Here ya go ya stupid fuk

Five takeaways from Manafort’s plea deal
Uh, everywhere. Boy you are clueless, do you pay attention to anything?

Here is a link to a Republican led senate committee agreeing with the intelligence report. Do a simple google search and find quotes, interviews, videos, reports and whatever else you want to see first hand. You can’t hide from it. You lose again

Senate panel agrees with intelligence finding that Russia interfered in election, backed Trump

Establishment Senate douchebags wrote a report that agrees with Mueller? What makes you believe they were ever Trump's allies?

You said "our intelligence angencies [sic] who all agree that crimes were committed." So where's the evidence for that?
Go to YouTube and look up congressional hearings where the heads of our intel agencies all say on camera the Russian collusion thing happened. Look up the report that was filed stating the same thing. Go educate yourself with the facts so you don’t sound like such a dumbass
"The Russian thing?" What the fuck is the "Russian thing?" Quote a single one of these douchebags, other than Clapper and Brennan, who says they believe in the "Russian thing."

BTW, you are able to post links to videos, aren't you? If you have video evidence, then post a link to it. Otherwise, shut the fuck up.
I meant to say the Russia interference thing... collusion is what Mueller is investigating.
He stopped investigating that about a month into his witch hunt.
You’ve got no clue what he is investigating. Pretending like you know is nothing but you lying.
Establishment Senate douchebags wrote a report that agrees with Mueller? What makes you believe they were ever Trump's allies?

You said "our intelligence angencies [sic] who all agree that crimes were committed." So where's the evidence for that?
Go to YouTube and look up congressional hearings where the heads of our intel agencies all say on camera the Russian collusion thing happened. Look up the report that was filed stating the same thing. Go educate yourself with the facts so you don’t sound like such a dumbass
"The Russian thing?" What the fuck is the "Russian thing?" Quote a single one of these douchebags, other than Clapper and Brennan, who says they believe in the "Russian thing."

BTW, you are able to post links to videos, aren't you? If you have video evidence, then post a link to it. Otherwise, shut the fuck up.
I meant to say the Russia interference thing... collusion is what Mueller is investigating.
He stopped investigating that about a month into his witch hunt.
You’ve got no clue what he is investigating. Pretending like you know is nothing but you lying.
What I know is that there is nothing to investigate. The Trump campaign committed no crimes whatsoever. Who knows what manner of bogus charges Mueller is conjuring up, but we do know that they are all bogus. The Stone arrest proved that.
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Possibly a lot if he was conspiring with Wikileaks but we shall see how the trial goes. You do admit he broke the law right? If in the course of the investigation they found that he murdered somebody do you think it should be ignored by authorities because it doesn’t have anything to do with Russian collusion? What a silly argument.
So you're admitting this is an open ended general investigation. It's simply the left hoping they can find something to pin on trump.

That's fine, however, we need to do this for every presidential, Senate, and house member. Tha would be the right way to do it.

Next time a Democrat wins the presidency, well see if numerous open ended investigations ensue for the duration of their presidency..
I think they started by investigation election interference and the many crimes associated with that. Then as they questioned and dug deeper they found Trump people lying over and over again which is why many of them are in hot water. They have been very tight lipped so who knows what else they are sitting on. You are repeating tired talking points that don’t align with reality, do yourself a favor and stop doing that
But, from what I understand, all the things they are in hot water for have nothing to do with the investigation of Russian collusion.

Yes, it is possible to find other crimes committed during the investigation of another matter, but you cannot open an investigation just for the purpose of trying to see if you can find things on someone.

The way the post i responded to was worded, it almost sounded like they were inferring that an open ended investigation be conducted. If I misunderstood, then my apologies.
Nobody is seen the classified evidence that the FBI have not have they released to the public the reasons for opening the investigation. But what we do know is that Trumps appointed DOJ guy opened the investigation and trumps other appointed FBI Director have been condoning the validity of it every time he is asked. Now I’m what reality do those guys do all that with zero evidence and the intent to go on a witch hunt after a sitting president and his friends?! Really think about that.

Trump has a spun up narrative to discredit the investigation because that’s what he does. It doesn’t mean it is honest, it is a tactic. But if you look at the situation logically you can see right through it.

I dont know, it would seem that like if they really had something on trump, he would be a bit more nervous looking that I'm seeing him. He seems to be quite at ease, at least on the surface. Not someone who looks like they are about to go down in flames.

What I do know is that with all of the plays the dems have made over the last 2 years, this is not about justice, it's about removing trump for political reasons.

I just have this feeling that when mueller releases his report, it going to be a whole lot of nothing, and I also have a feeling it may not be released to the public.

Here's a scenario, mueller finds nothing worthy of impeachment, dems fight to keep the report from going public, dems spend the next 2 years releasing bits from the report out of context to influence public opinion. This causes the investigations and uncertainty to continue into the next election cycle where it will surely hurt the president.

Just a wild guess, but, it may be a valid one.
Dems have absolutely been politicizing this and they continue too. Both parties operate this way and it is disgusting. That aside, mueller is conducting a legit investigation from everything I’ve seen. I doubt Trump will be indicted or impeached in the end. I’m not a Trump fan but I do think impeachment is the worst thing that can happen to our country. He needs to be voted out by the people next election
Go to YouTube and look up congressional hearings where the heads of our intel agencies all say on camera the Russian collusion thing happened. Look up the report that was filed stating the same thing. Go educate yourself with the facts so you don’t sound like such a dumbass
"The Russian thing?" What the fuck is the "Russian thing?" Quote a single one of these douchebags, other than Clapper and Brennan, who says they believe in the "Russian thing."

BTW, you are able to post links to videos, aren't you? If you have video evidence, then post a link to it. Otherwise, shut the fuck up.
I meant to say the Russia interference thing... collusion is what Mueller is investigating.
He stopped investigating that about a month into his witch hunt.
You’ve got no clue what he is investigating. Pretending like you know is nothing but you lying.
What I know is that there is nothing to investigate. The Trump campaign committed no crimes whatsoever. Who knows what manner of bogus charges Mueller is conjuring up, but we do know that they are all bogus. The Stone arrest proved that.
You don’t know any of that. You are just ignorantly saying it but that doesn’t make it true. Fact is hacking is a crime, interfering with an election is a crime. Those crimes have been investigated and now they are seeing if any Trump people conspired with those who broke the law. In the process of investigating there has been lie after lie from Trumps people and their dirt has floated to the surface. Deal with it.
Go to YouTube and look up congressional hearings where the heads of our intel agencies all say on camera the Russian collusion thing happened. Look up the report that was filed stating the same thing. Go educate yourself with the facts so you don’t sound like such a dumbass
"The Russian thing?" What the fuck is the "Russian thing?" Quote a single one of these douchebags, other than Clapper and Brennan, who says they believe in the "Russian thing."

BTW, you are able to post links to videos, aren't you? If you have video evidence, then post a link to it. Otherwise, shut the fuck up.
I meant to say the Russia interference thing... collusion is what Mueller is investigating.
He stopped investigating that about a month into his witch hunt.
You’ve got no clue what he is investigating. Pretending like you know is nothing but you lying.
What I know is that there is nothing to investigate. The Trump campaign committed no crimes whatsoever. Who knows what manner of bogus charges Mueller is conjuring up, but we do know that they are all bogus. The Stone arrest proved that.
Paul Manafort, Donald Trump’s former campaign chairman, has agreed to cooperate with Robert Mueller’s inquiry into Russian interference in the 2016 election as part of a plea deal.

This comes just weeks after Manafort was also convicted on eight charges of bank and tax fraud, which happened within minutes of Michael Cohen, Trump’s former lawyer and “fixer” pleading guilty to charges including campaign violations.

This all brings the number of presidential aides found to have broken the law to five.

Since his election in November 2016, Trump’s campaign chairman, his deputy campaign manager, his national security adviser, his personal lawyer and a foreign policy aide have all admitted crimes or been convicted as a result of special prosecutor Robert Mueller’s investigation.

Paul Manafort
Manafort, 69, was the president’s campaign chairman for five months in 2016 during a crucial period in the run-up to the election.

On Friday, he admitted to conspiring to defraud the US and conspiring to obstruct justice in return for other charges against him being dropped. A filing to the court by Mueller’s team indicated that Manafort would receive a maximum sentence of 10 years in prison.

The charges against Manafort are related to his Ukrainian consulting work not Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election, which is the central issue in the special counsel’s investigation. But the deal requires him to cooperate “fully and truthfully” with special counsel Robert Mueller’s Russia investigation – in what could be a significant blow to Trump.

This comes just weeks after he was found guilty on five counts of tax fraud, two counts of bank fraud and one count of failure to report a foreign bank account, and faced decades in prison on those charges.

The president has variously defended and distanced himself from Manafort, who worked for Ronald Reagan and other high-profile Republicans before establishing a lucrative political consulting business in Ukraine.

Prosecutors said Manafort amassed $65m (£50m) in foreign bank accounts between 2010 and 2014, spending more than $15m on luxury purchases in the same period and developing a penchant for ostrich leather jackets.

Michael Cohen
Cohen, 51, began working for Trump in 2006 as a lawyer and a “fixer”, going on to hold the title of executive vice-president at the Trump Organization. A staunch defender of his boss, he once declared he “would take a bullet for the president”, but his loyalty to Trump has apparently waned.

On Tuesday, he pleaded guilty to a number of charges, most notably making an “excessive campaign contribution at the request of a candidate or campaign”, ie Trump. This related to payments made to the Playboy model Karen McDougal and pornographic film actor Stormy Daniels. Following the plea, Cohen’s lawyer tweeted: “If those payments were a crime for Michael Cohen, then why wouldn’t they be a crime for Donald Trump?”

Cohen is expected to be sentenced on 12 December.

Michael Flynn
Flynn, 59, enjoyed a brief tenure as national security adviser – a mere 23 days – before he resigned after it emerged he had misled Mike Pence, the vice-president, over his communications with the Russian ambassador prior to Trump taking office.

In December 2016, he struck a plea with special counsel Robert Mueller and pleaded guilty to lying to the FBI and vowed to fully cooperate with the Russian interference investigation. The retired army lieutenant-general’s sentencing has been delayed on four occasions amid suggestions he is proving useful to law enforcement in the Russia investigation.

Flynn’s sentencing has been repeatedly delayed and is slated to be pushed back until 17 September.

Rick Gates
When asked by prosecutors at his trial earlier this month: “Did you commit crimes with Mr Manafort?” Gates reportedly said: “Yes”.

He went on to detail the litany of offences – from filing falsified tax returns, to setting up shell companies to hide sources of foreign income, and misleading banks to get loans – that he committed upon Manafort’s instructions.

No date has yet been set for Gates’s sentencing – with any jail time likely to be reduced depending on his level of cooperation with the investigation.

George Papadopoulos
Papadopoulos, 31, was a foreign policy adviser to Trump during the election campaign and became the first of his advisers to plead guilty in Mueller’s investigation when he confessed to making false statements to the FBI about his contacts with Russians during the campaign.

The prosecutors said he caused irreparable damage to the investigation after repeatedly lying in an interview in January 2017, which resulted in the FBI missing an opportunity to effectively question a potential key witness.

Papadopoulos was sentenced to 14 days in prison in district court for the District of Columbia on 7 September.

He became the second person to be sentenced to prison in a prosecution brought by Mueller. The Dutch lawyer Alex van der Zwaan was sentenced to 30 days in prison for lying to investigators about his conversations with former Trump aide Rick Gates, who testified in court against Manafort.
So, let's summarize the trumpkin talking point:

None of these guys actually did anything wrong. Yet they lied to Congress about what they did.

This is the depth of intellect and understanding that we are facing here.

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