Roger Stone's only crime was helping Trump get elected...

So the process is to arrest someone who has committed no crime,
Dang this is dumb. For one, it's a fantasy you just made up and could not possibly know the truth of. Second, people get arrested when they are charged with crimes. Yes, that's the "plan". It always is. I think you guys are drunk or something.
Bripat said "they have no evidence stone committed a crime"

To which you responded "because they haven't started the trial yet"

To which I responded what I did. You have to have evidence before going to trial.
Knowingly disseminating stolen information violates numerous laws
Too bad there's no due process taking place at this point.
Goddamn this is so stupid. You are embarrassing yourself. Look at what Trump has done to your brain. Fucking delusional morons....

Actually no...I'm embarrassing you.

And yet none of your hilariously stupid fantasies align with reality, while all the things i say, do. So it's pretty clear who the delusional retard is...

So far all I have seen from you today is platitude and finger pointing. Typical of a dedicated shill. You are of course in denial because You have chosen to ignore the crimes being committed in the process and have tied your own credibiity to a lost cause. It's understandable that you would begin to panic and flail.

It's a very easy to identify you because you have no balance in your positions. I have already searched your MBTU. It is a textbook work of delusionality. I was hoping to find at least one honest post criticizing the corruption of the left. I already know that the right is corrupt but I also understand that all of DC is the same way. You have on the other hand have foolishly and childishly chosen to look for moral high ground that does not exist and from what I have observed.... looking through your posting history.... spend all of your time trying to defend something that just isn't there. There is not a single Post in any of your writings as far back as I looked...that shows balance.
A good therapist might be covered by your insurance policy. If you have one.

Last edited:
Stones "only crime was helping get Trump elected"?

Unfortunately there were a whole LIST of crimes involved in getting Trump elected
Alleged crimes...non of which are yet proven.

This is part of the reason there is so much push back. The left had trump pegged as guilty as soon as these stories started to break. They didnt wait for any kind of evidence. This shows they were not interested in justice, but interested purely in the removal of trump.

The crimes so far prosecuted have nothing to do with collusion with russia.
Too bad there's no due process taking place at this point.
Goddamn this is so stupid. You are embarrassing yourself. Look at what Trump has done to your brain. Fucking delusional morons....

Actually no...I'm embarrassing you.

And yet none of your hilariously stupid fantasies align with reality, while all the things i say, do. So it's pretty clear who the delusional retard is...

So far all I have seen from you today is platitude and finger pointing. Typical of a dedicated shill. You are of course in denial because You have chosen to ignore the crimes being committed in the process and have tied your own credibiity to a lost cause. It's understandable that you would begin to panic and flail.

It's a very easy to identify you because you have no balance in your positions. I have already searched your MBTU. It is a textbook work of delusionality. I was hoping to find at least one honest post criticizing the corruption of the left. I already know that the right is corrupt but I also understand that all of DC is the same way. You have on the other hand have foolishly and childishly chosen to look for moral high ground that does not exist and from what I have observed.... looking through your posting history spend all of your time trying to defend something that just isn't there. There is not a single Post in any of your writings as far back as I looked...that shows balance.
A good therapist might be covered by your insurance policy. If you have one.

Well that was a steaming pile of a crybaby tantrum.

Sorry trump cultist....your fantasies are simply not recognized by reality. And you can cry like a little bitch about me all day, and, at the end of the day, this will still be the case.
They're sifting through thousands of personal emails, family photographs, and other unrelated bullshit.
Oops, you left out "encrypted communications". Strange, as that's kind of central to siezing his devices. Are you auditioning to be an idiot wingnut blogger?
When did any of Mueller's thugs mention "encrypted communications?" Do you mean text messages?

Semantics Traps. This is typical of a stalinist legal procedure.

....Mr. Bripat on the date of Jan 31, 2019 you were wearing a blue shirt yes?


....Liar! It was Azure! You sir have lied to
a federal prosecutor!

And so on.

Too bad there's no due process taking place at this point.
Goddamn this is so stupid. You are embarrassing yourself. Look at what Trump has done to your brain. Fucking delusional morons....

Actually no...I'm embarrassing you.

And yet none of your hilariously stupid fantasies align with reality, while all the things i say, do. So it's pretty clear who the delusional retard is...

So far all I have seen from you today is platitude and finger pointing. Typical of a dedicated shill. You are of course in denial because You have chosen to ignore the crimes being committed in the process and have tied your own credibiity to a lost cause. It's understandable that you would begin to panic and flail.

It's a very easy to identify you because you have no balance in your positions. I have already searched your MBTU. It is a textbook work of delusionality. I was hoping to find at least one honest post criticizing the corruption of the left. I already know that the right is corrupt but I also understand that all of DC is the same way. You have on the other hand have foolishly and childishly chosen to look for moral high ground that does not exist and from what I have observed.... looking through your posting history spend all of your time trying to defend something that just isn't there. There is not a single Post in any of your writings as far back as I looked...that shows balance.
A good therapist might be covered by your insurance policy. If you have one.

Well that was a steaming pile of a crybaby tantrum.

Sorry trump cultist....your fantasies are simply not recognized by reality. And you can cry like a little bitch about me all day, and, at the end of the day, this will still be the case.
It appears to me that he has nailed you.
If he copped a plea, then why did he go to trial, you fucking moron addition to not knowing that Manafort copped a plea and signed a cooperation addition to not knowing he is currently in the process of being charged with violating that agreement... also did not know he had multiple trials scheduled? Heh heh...oh bripat, I'm starting to feel a bit sorry for you.
If he copped a plea, then why did he go to trial, you fucking moron addition to not knowing that Manafort copped a plea and signed a cooperation addition to not knowing he is currently in the process of violating that agreement... also did not know he had multiple trials scheduled? Heh heh...why are the most militant, angry little fucks always the most ignorant? After two years of cutting yourself and bawling.out your little eyes over this, how can you not be in possession of the most basic facts? Fucking uncanny...
Please post a link to this plea agreement.
Too bad there's no due process taking place at this point.
Goddamn this is so stupid. You are embarrassing yourself. Look at what Trump has done to your brain. Fucking delusional morons....

Actually no...I'm embarrassing you.

And yet none of your hilariously stupid fantasies align with reality, while all the things i say, do. So it's pretty clear who the delusional retard is...

So far all I have seen from you today is platitude and finger pointing. Typical of a dedicated shill. You are of course in denial because You have chosen to ignore the crimes being committed in the process and have tied your own credibiity to a lost cause. It's understandable that you would begin to panic and flail.

It's a very easy to identify you because you have no balance in your positions. I have already searched your MBTU. It is a textbook work of delusionality. I was hoping to find at least one honest post criticizing the corruption of the left. I already know that the right is corrupt but I also understand that all of DC is the same way. You have on the other hand have foolishly and childishly chosen to look for moral high ground that does not exist and from what I have observed.... looking through your posting history spend all of your time trying to defend something that just isn't there. There is not a single Post in any of your writings as far back as I looked...that shows balance.
A good therapist might be covered by your insurance policy. If you have one.

Well that was a steaming pile of a crybaby tantrum.

Sorry trump cultist....your fantasies are simply not recognized by reality. And you can cry like a little bitch about me all day, and, at the end of the day, this will still be the case.

Sorry junior your continued denial at being exposed as a one trick pony will not change what you are. While I frequently offer crticisms of the right and are on the other hand a political embryo with the attending juvenile posting habits. It's not about teams Junior, it's about balance.
Now I'm still waiting for you to produce
a post from your mbtu....critical of left wing corruption. Or ....why don't you just admit that you think it doesn't exist?

Goddamn this is so stupid. You are embarrassing yourself. Look at what Trump has done to your brain. Fucking delusional morons....

Actually no...I'm embarrassing you.

And yet none of your hilariously stupid fantasies align with reality, while all the things i say, do. So it's pretty clear who the delusional retard is...

So far all I have seen from you today is platitude and finger pointing. Typical of a dedicated shill. You are of course in denial because You have chosen to ignore the crimes being committed in the process and have tied your own credibiity to a lost cause. It's understandable that you would begin to panic and flail.

It's a very easy to identify you because you have no balance in your positions. I have already searched your MBTU. It is a textbook work of delusionality. I was hoping to find at least one honest post criticizing the corruption of the left. I already know that the right is corrupt but I also understand that all of DC is the same way. You have on the other hand have foolishly and childishly chosen to look for moral high ground that does not exist and from what I have observed.... looking through your posting history spend all of your time trying to defend something that just isn't there. There is not a single Post in any of your writings as far back as I looked...that shows balance.
A good therapist might be covered by your insurance policy. If you have one.

Well that was a steaming pile of a crybaby tantrum.

Sorry trump cultist....your fantasies are simply not recognized by reality. And you can cry like a little bitch about me all day, and, at the end of the day, this will still be the case.
It appears to me that he has nailed you.
Well of course, because you share his embarrassingly idiotic delusions. The only thing you fuknuts have is each other.
Bripat asked

Such as?

Aiding and abetting


Wire fraud

And then all the lies to Congress and Federal investigators ABOUT that as well as the Obstruction of Justice

Just to name a couple
Goddamn this is so stupid. You are embarrassing yourself. Look at what Trump has done to your brain. Fucking delusional morons....

Actually no...I'm embarrassing you.

And yet none of your hilariously stupid fantasies align with reality, while all the things i say, do. So it's pretty clear who the delusional retard is...

So far all I have seen from you today is platitude and finger pointing. Typical of a dedicated shill. You are of course in denial because You have chosen to ignore the crimes being committed in the process and have tied your own credibiity to a lost cause. It's understandable that you would begin to panic and flail.

It's a very easy to identify you because you have no balance in your positions. I have already searched your MBTU. It is a textbook work of delusionality. I was hoping to find at least one honest post criticizing the corruption of the left. I already know that the right is corrupt but I also understand that all of DC is the same way. You have on the other hand have foolishly and childishly chosen to look for moral high ground that does not exist and from what I have observed.... looking through your posting history spend all of your time trying to defend something that just isn't there. There is not a single Post in any of your writings as far back as I looked...that shows balance.
A good therapist might be covered by your insurance policy. If you have one.

Well that was a steaming pile of a crybaby tantrum.

Sorry trump cultist....your fantasies are simply not recognized by reality. And you can cry like a little bitch about me all day, and, at the end of the day, this will still be the case.

Sorry junior your continued denial at being exposed as one trick pony will not change what you are. While I frequently offer crticisms of the right and are on the other hand a political embryo with the attending juvenile posting habits. It's not about teams Junior, it's about balance.
Now I'm still waiting for you to produce
a post from your mbtu....critical of left wing corruption. Or ....why don't you just admit that you think it doesn't exist?

Oh look, yet another victory dance from the delusional cultist. Yet, one cursory look at reality shows that your fantasies exist only in your own head. Sorry crybaby, you're not really making any headway. But I'm sure declaring victory and soothing yourself feels nice.
If he copped a plea, then why did he go to trial, you fucking moron addition to not knowing that Manafort copped a plea and signed a cooperation addition to not knowing he is currently in the process of violating that agreement... also did not know he had multiple trials scheduled? Heh heh...why are the most militant, angry little fucks always the most ignorant? After two years of cutting yourself and bawling.out your little eyes over this, how can you not be in possession of the most basic facts? Fucking uncanny...
Please post a link to this plea agreement.
Actually no...I'm embarrassing you.

And yet none of your hilariously stupid fantasies align with reality, while all the things i say, do. So it's pretty clear who the delusional retard is...

So far all I have seen from you today is platitude and finger pointing. Typical of a dedicated shill. You are of course in denial because You have chosen to ignore the crimes being committed in the process and have tied your own credibiity to a lost cause. It's understandable that you would begin to panic and flail.

It's a very easy to identify you because you have no balance in your positions. I have already searched your MBTU. It is a textbook work of delusionality. I was hoping to find at least one honest post criticizing the corruption of the left. I already know that the right is corrupt but I also understand that all of DC is the same way. You have on the other hand have foolishly and childishly chosen to look for moral high ground that does not exist and from what I have observed.... looking through your posting history spend all of your time trying to defend something that just isn't there. There is not a single Post in any of your writings as far back as I looked...that shows balance.
A good therapist might be covered by your insurance policy. If you have one.

Well that was a steaming pile of a crybaby tantrum.

Sorry trump cultist....your fantasies are simply not recognized by reality. And you can cry like a little bitch about me all day, and, at the end of the day, this will still be the case.

Sorry junior your continued denial at being exposed as one trick pony will not change what you are. While I frequently offer crticisms of the right and are on the other hand a political embryo with the attending juvenile posting habits. It's not about teams Junior, it's about balance.
Now I'm still waiting for you to produce
a post from your mbtu....critical of left wing corruption. Or ....why don't you just admit that you think it doesn't exist?

Oh look, yet another victory dance from the delusional cultist. Yet, one cursory look at reality shows that your fantasies exist only in your own head. Sorry crybaby, you're not really making any headway. But I'm sure declaring victory and soothing yourself feels nice.


Just as I suspected....caught in your own game.

Grown-ups realize that nothing is idyllic.
See I have no problem calling Trump a loudmouth buffoon because that's what he is. He did get my vote though. What amuses me is how much trouble you and yours have admitting that the left is not perfect; That there are corrupt left-wing politicians like Weiner for instance... Of course there are corrupt right-wing politicians but they're not alone and corruption generally has nothing to do with political party. You would have much more credibility if you could demonstrate that you have balance in your viewpoint. Rather you are shown to be nothing more than a cheerleader practicing a cultural myopia that prevents you from understanding or even detecting the enormous gaps in your own moral construct. It will go away eventually. We generally call that process growing up.


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