Roger Stone's only crime was helping Trump get elected...

...all the rest is bullshit.

We’ll see what the jury thinks.

Then you’ll claim the trial was rigged.

Then when he flips, you’ll call him part of the swamp, or deep state, or whatever.

It’s good that you admit he helped Trump get elected though. A few weeks ago, you guys were claiming that Trump had no relationship with Stone.
The trial will be in DC, so it's guaranteed that the jury will be biased. DC juries would convict a ham sandwich if it was republican.

See, it’s already starting….
When he flips…are you going to say he was a member the Deep State or the Swamp. Tell us now so we will know.

Stone caused his own problems.

...all the rest is bullshit.

We’ll see what the jury thinks.

Then you’ll claim the trial was rigged.

Then when he flips, you’ll call him part of the swamp, or deep state, or whatever.

It’s good that you admit he helped Trump get elected though. A few weeks ago, you guys were claiming that Trump had no relationship with Stone.
The trial will be in DC, so it's guaranteed that the jury will be biased. DC juries would convict a ham sandwich if it was republican.
More Trumpkin fantasy. Just a way to rig the game for yourself.

More left wing fantasy and just a way for you to ignore " the insurance policy " coup.

Sorry Trumpkin, due process is the opposite of a coup. I know it stings to watch all these trump minions go down after putting your own credibility on the line for 2 years. Maybe you should learn a lesson instead of rrying to blame everyone else for your own mistakes.
It is a bullshit witch hunt based on an already discredited dossier. There is and was no Trump/Russia collusion. Try looking at Hillary, lots of evidence there.
Mueller's investigation has roots from Papodopolus bragging to an australian diplomat, and firing of Comey, not the dossier.

no collusion? Giuliani admitted there was, and Trump's team had over a 100 contacts with russia.

There was no crime in the first place. Mueller is heading an investigation looking for a crime that never existed except in the minds of TDSers and the radical left-wing press.
Of course there was a crime. Russian interference in the election was a crime. Emails were stolen and then published. There was lie after lie about contacts with Russians and if the Trump campaign or anybody associated with the campaigned conspired with the Russians that is also a crime. I’ve heard the no crime no evidence BS. They are nothing more than diversions and talking points
We're talking about crimes committed by the Trump campaign. There were none. Period. You have no evidence the emails were stolen. No one has ever produced any evidence for that. There was one meeting with "a Russian," not "the Russians."

What is "also a crime?"

You're conjuring up a huge criminal conspiracy out of nothing. This witch hunt is a big nothing.
Why would you need to prove the emails are stolen? If I stole your car and you went to the cops and said “somebody stole my car” are they going to ask you to prove it?

You're begging the question, moron. Your premise is that the car was stolen. No one has demonstrated that Hillary's emails were stolen, and they certainly haven't demonstrated that Wikileaks had anything to do with stealing them. You're assuming the conclusion of your argument in the premise. If you were able to commit logic, you would have realized that before you posted it.

Your arguements are getting weirder and weirder

Logic and facts must seem weird to you.

Also, I’m not conjuring up anything. There were crimes committed, while investigating those crimes there have been several lies from Trump people, other crimes have been uncovered and indictments made.... that’s where we are at right now, those are the facts. There may be more to it, there may not be, we can only wait and see

You haven't shown any evidence that anyone in the Trump administration committed any crimes. You haven't demonstrated that Wikileaks committed any crimes. The "other crimes" are all process crimes or crimes committed long before the election.

There simply is no evidence of anything to justify starting this investigation in the first place, let alone continuing it. Going after Stone and Wikileaks is the most pathetic act of Mueller desperation so far.
Ask our intelligence angencies who all agree that crimes were committed
They do? Where?
Uh, everywhere. Boy you are clueless, do you pay attention to anything?

Here is a link to a Republican led senate committee agreeing with the intelligence report. Do a simple google search and find quotes, interviews, videos, reports and whatever else you want to see first hand. You can’t hide from it. You lose again

Senate panel agrees with intelligence finding that Russia interfered in election, backed Trump

Establishment Senate douchebags wrote a report that agrees with Mueller? What makes you believe they were ever Trump's allies?

You said "our intelligence angencies [sic] who all agree that crimes were committed." So where's the evidence for that?
Go to YouTube and look up congressional hearings where the heads of our intel agencies all say on camera the Russian collusion thing happened. Look up the report that was filed stating the same thing. Go educate yourself with the facts so you don’t sound like such a dumbass
"The Russian thing?" What the fuck is the "Russian thing?" Quote a single one of these douchebags, other than Clapper and Brennan, who says they believe in the "Russian thing."

BTW, you are able to post links to videos, aren't you? If you have video evidence, then post a link to it. Otherwise, shut the fuck up.
I meant to say the Russia interference thing... collusion is what Mueller is investigating.
...all the rest is bullshit.

We’ll see what the jury thinks.

Then you’ll claim the trial was rigged.

Then when he flips, you’ll call him part of the swamp, or deep state, or whatever.

It’s good that you admit he helped Trump get elected though. A few weeks ago, you guys were claiming that Trump had no relationship with Stone.
The trial will be in DC, so it's guaranteed that the jury will be biased. DC juries would convict a ham sandwich if it was republican.
More Trumpkin fantasy. Just a way to rig the game for yourself.
Only idiots in denial claim that isn't a fact.
They do? Where?
Uh, everywhere. Boy you are clueless, do you pay attention to anything?

Here is a link to a Republican led senate committee agreeing with the intelligence report. Do a simple google search and find quotes, interviews, videos, reports and whatever else you want to see first hand. You can’t hide from it. You lose again

Senate panel agrees with intelligence finding that Russia interfered in election, backed Trump

Establishment Senate douchebags wrote a report that agrees with Mueller? What makes you believe they were ever Trump's allies?

You said "our intelligence angencies [sic] who all agree that crimes were committed." So where's the evidence for that?
Go to YouTube and look up congressional hearings where the heads of our intel agencies all say on camera the Russian collusion thing happened. Look up the report that was filed stating the same thing. Go educate yourself with the facts so you don’t sound like such a dumbass
"The Russian thing?" What the fuck is the "Russian thing?" Quote a single one of these douchebags, other than Clapper and Brennan, who says they believe in the "Russian thing."

BTW, you are able to post links to videos, aren't you? If you have video evidence, then post a link to it. Otherwise, shut the fuck up.
I meant to say the Russia interference thing... collusion is what Mueller is investigating.
He stopped investigating that about a month into his witch hunt.
...all the rest is bullshit.

We’ll see what the jury thinks.

Then you’ll claim the trial was rigged.

Then when he flips, you’ll call him part of the swamp, or deep state, or whatever.

It’s good that you admit he helped Trump get elected though. A few weeks ago, you guys were claiming that Trump had no relationship with Stone.
The trial will be in DC, so it's guaranteed that the jury will be biased. DC juries would convict a ham sandwich if it was republican.
More Trumpkin fantasy. Just a way to rig the game for yourself.
Only idiots in denial claim that isn't a fact.
Yes, you said that already. Stomp your feet a few more times and say it again. Maybe you will then open your eyes and Trump's closest advisers will suddenly not be criminals. Or not.
Mueller's investigation has roots from Papodopolus bragging to an australian diplomat, and firing of Comey, not the dossier.

no collusion? Giuliani admitted there was, and Trump's team had over a 100 contacts with russia.

There was no crime in the first place. Mueller is heading an investigation looking for a crime that never existed except in the minds of TDSers and the radical left-wing press.
Of course there was a crime. Russian interference in the election was a crime. Emails were stolen and then published. There was lie after lie about contacts with Russians and if the Trump campaign or anybody associated with the campaigned conspired with the Russians that is also a crime. I’ve heard the no crime no evidence BS. They are nothing more than diversions and talking points
We're talking about crimes committed by the Trump campaign. There were none. Period. You have no evidence the emails were stolen. No one has ever produced any evidence for that. There was one meeting with "a Russian," not "the Russians."

What is "also a crime?"

You're conjuring up a huge criminal conspiracy out of nothing. This witch hunt is a big nothing.
Why would you need to prove the emails are stolen? If I stole your car and you went to the cops and said “somebody stole my car” are they going to ask you to prove it?

You're begging the question, moron. Your premise is that the car was stolen. No one has demonstrated that Hillary's emails were stolen, and they certainly haven't demonstrated that Wikileaks had anything to do with stealing them. You're assuming the conclusion of your argument in the premise. If you were able to commit logic, you would have realized that before you posted it.

Your arguements are getting weirder and weirder

Logic and facts must seem weird to you.

Also, I’m not conjuring up anything. There were crimes committed, while investigating those crimes there have been several lies from Trump people, other crimes have been uncovered and indictments made.... that’s where we are at right now, those are the facts. There may be more to it, there may not be, we can only wait and see

You haven't shown any evidence that anyone in the Trump administration committed any crimes. You haven't demonstrated that Wikileaks committed any crimes. The "other crimes" are all process crimes or crimes committed long before the election.

There simply is no evidence of anything to justify starting this investigation in the first place, let alone continuing it. Going after Stone and Wikileaks is the most pathetic act of Mueller desperation so far.

the feds are sifting through a semi trailer full of evidence, keep begging for evidence moron -

No one has demonstrated that Hillary's emails were stolen
And yet that is the conclusion of our intelligence community and our law enforcement. But you outsmarted them, news.
You keep saying that, but I have yet to see any proof. In fact, the evidence we have shows the emails were downloaded to a thumb drive by someone inside the network, which means an insider did the deed.
...all the rest is bullshit.

We’ll see what the jury thinks.

Then you’ll claim the trial was rigged.

Then when he flips, you’ll call him part of the swamp, or deep state, or whatever.

It’s good that you admit he helped Trump get elected though. A few weeks ago, you guys were claiming that Trump had no relationship with Stone.
The trial will be in DC, so it's guaranteed that the jury will be biased. DC juries would convict a ham sandwich if it was republican.
More Trumpkin fantasy. Just a way to rig the game for yourself.
Only idiots in denial claim that isn't a fact.
Yes, you said that already. Stomp your feet a few more times and say it again. Maybe you will then open your eyes and Trump's closest advisers will suddenly not be criminals. Or not.
...and still no Russian connection
...all the rest is bullshit.

We’ll see what the jury thinks.

Then you’ll claim the trial was rigged.

Then when he flips, you’ll call him part of the swamp, or deep state, or whatever.

It’s good that you admit he helped Trump get elected though. A few weeks ago, you guys were claiming that Trump had no relationship with Stone.
The trial will be in DC, so it's guaranteed that the jury will be biased. DC juries would convict a ham sandwich if it was republican.
More Trumpkin fantasy. Just a way to rig the game for yourself.
Only idiots in denial claim that isn't a fact.
Yes, you said that already. Stomp your feet a few more times and say it again. Maybe you will then open your eyes and Trump's closest advisers will suddenly not be criminals. Or not.
I have to say everything 1000 times to you morons because you continue to operate as if you never read it.
Helping somebody get elected is not a crime. Breaking the law is a crime and he broke several laws. Why are these basic things so hard for some people to grasp?
What’s does it have to do with Russia collusion?
Possibly a lot if he was conspiring with Wikileaks but we shall see how the trial goes. You do admit he broke the law right? If in the course of the investigation they found that he murdered somebody do you think it should be ignored by authorities because it doesn’t have anything to do with Russian collusion? What a silly argument.
So you're admitting this is an open ended general investigation. It's simply the left hoping they can find something to pin on trump.

That's fine, however, we need to do this for every presidential, Senate, and house member. Tha would be the right way to do it.

Next time a Democrat wins the presidency, well see if numerous open ended investigations ensue for the duration of their presidency..
I think they started by investigation election interference and the many crimes associated with that. Then as they questioned and dug deeper they found Trump people lying over and over again which is why many of them are in hot water. They have been very tight lipped so who knows what else they are sitting on. You are repeating tired talking points that don’t align with reality, do yourself a favor and stop doing that
But, from what I understand, all the things they are in hot water for have nothing to do with the investigation of Russian collusion.

Yes, it is possible to find other crimes committed during the investigation of another matter, but you cannot open an investigation just for the purpose of trying to see if you can find things on someone.

The way the post i responded to was worded, it almost sounded like they were inferring that an open ended investigation be conducted. If I misunderstood, then my apologies.
Nobody is seen the classified evidence that the FBI have not have they released to the public the reasons for opening the investigation. But what we do know is that Trumps appointed DOJ guy opened the investigation and trumps other appointed FBI Director have been condoning the validity of it every time he is asked. Now I’m what reality do those guys do all that with zero evidence and the intent to go on a witch hunt after a sitting president and his friends?! Really think about that.

Trump has a spun up narrative to discredit the investigation because that’s what he does. It doesn’t mean it is honest, it is a tactic. But if you look at the situation logically you can see right through it.
There was no crime in the first place. Mueller is heading an investigation looking for a crime that never existed except in the minds of TDSers and the radical left-wing press.
Of course there was a crime. Russian interference in the election was a crime. Emails were stolen and then published. There was lie after lie about contacts with Russians and if the Trump campaign or anybody associated with the campaigned conspired with the Russians that is also a crime. I’ve heard the no crime no evidence BS. They are nothing more than diversions and talking points
We're talking about crimes committed by the Trump campaign. There were none. Period. You have no evidence the emails were stolen. No one has ever produced any evidence for that. There was one meeting with "a Russian," not "the Russians."

What is "also a crime?"

You're conjuring up a huge criminal conspiracy out of nothing. This witch hunt is a big nothing.
Why would you need to prove the emails are stolen? If I stole your car and you went to the cops and said “somebody stole my car” are they going to ask you to prove it?

You're begging the question, moron. Your premise is that the car was stolen. No one has demonstrated that Hillary's emails were stolen, and they certainly haven't demonstrated that Wikileaks had anything to do with stealing them. You're assuming the conclusion of your argument in the premise. If you were able to commit logic, you would have realized that before you posted it.

Your arguements are getting weirder and weirder

Logic and facts must seem weird to you.

Also, I’m not conjuring up anything. There were crimes committed, while investigating those crimes there have been several lies from Trump people, other crimes have been uncovered and indictments made.... that’s where we are at right now, those are the facts. There may be more to it, there may not be, we can only wait and see

You haven't shown any evidence that anyone in the Trump administration committed any crimes. You haven't demonstrated that Wikileaks committed any crimes. The "other crimes" are all process crimes or crimes committed long before the election.

There simply is no evidence of anything to justify starting this investigation in the first place, let alone continuing it. Going after Stone and Wikileaks is the most pathetic act of Mueller desperation so far.

the feds are sifting through a semi trailer full of evidence, keep begging for evidence moron -

They're sifting through thousands of personal emails, family photographs, and other unrelated bullshit. Having a big pile doesn't mean there's anything in it. Go to the local landfill if you want to see a mountain of useless garbage.
They're sifting through thousands of personal emails, family photographs, and other unrelated bullshit.
Oops, you left out "encrypted communications". Strange, as that's kind of central to siezing his devices. Are you auditioning to be an idiot wingnut blogger?
...all the rest is bullshit.

We’ll see what the jury thinks.

Then you’ll claim the trial was rigged.

Then when he flips, you’ll call him part of the swamp, or deep state, or whatever.

It’s good that you admit he helped Trump get elected though. A few weeks ago, you guys were claiming that Trump had no relationship with Stone.
The trial will be in DC, so it's guaranteed that the jury will be biased. DC juries would convict a ham sandwich if it was republican.
More Trumpkin fantasy. Just a way to rig the game for yourself.

More left wing fantasy and just a way for you to ignore " the insurance policy " coup.

Sorry Trumpkin, due process is the opposite of a coup. I know it stings to watch all these trump minions go down after putting your own credibility on the line for 2 years. Maybe you should learn a lesson instead of rrying to blame everyone else for your own mistakes.
What Mueller is doing bears no resemblance to due process. Only a Stalinist would claim that's due process.
You keep saying that, but I have yet to see any proof.
That's nice. I will write my congressman and admonish him for the fact that our agencies have not personally shown you evidence that you would never understand anyway.
If they had published the evidence, you could post a link to it. You know you can't do that.

Who do you think you're fooling, asshole?
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They're sifting through thousands of personal emails, family photographs, and other unrelated bullshit.
Oops, you left out "encrypted communications". Strange, as that's kind of central to siezing his devices. Are you auditioning to be an idiot wingnut blogger?
When did any of Mueller's thugs mention "encrypted communications?" Do you mean text messages?
What Mueller is doing bears no resemblance to due process.
Made-up Trumpkin fantasy. But you are invited to get together your expert legal research team (composed of a drunken guiliani and various, retarded wingnut bloggers) and challenge any and all of this due process.

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