Roger Stone's only crime was helping Trump get elected...

dipshit RW's whine about the legal system's due process thats been the same for decades .. and they want to run the country.

those f'n clowns crack me up ...
We haven't had witch hunts for decades, moron. Your belief that what Mueller is doing constitutes "due process" only shows what a sleazy amoral piece of shit you are.

Lefty owns no mirrors.

...all the rest is bullshit.

We’ll see what the jury thinks.

Then you’ll claim the trial was rigged.

Then when he flips, you’ll call him part of the swamp, or deep state, or whatever.

It’s good that you admit he helped Trump get elected though. A few weeks ago, you guys were claiming that Trump had no relationship with Stone.
dipshit RW's whine about the legal system's due process thats been the same for decades .. and they want to run the country.

those f'n clowns crack me up ...

They are running the country. And the Rosenstein writ did not follow federal guide lines ..... It was and is a fishing license basically devoid of legal boundaries. A fishing license.


you heard me - I didnt stutter.

Not did you do any thinking


you quote an article from a hard core RW opinion rag mag whining about nothing, and accuse me of not thinking ?

back to me being cracked up ....
By snowflake definition, and publication that criticizes the Mueller witch hunt is a "hard core RW opinion rag mag"
the barrel with a very sloppy fishing rod ( named Rosenstein) and collected a number of largely irrelevant incidental crimes both secondary and manufactured from the process.
Such stupid nonsense. "Manufactured"? Mueller didn't lie. The criminals lied. He was tasked with investigating contacts between trump campaign officials and Russia. He has done that. Oh, and they lied about it. But hey, somehow, in the mind of a trump surrogate mommy, that's not relevant to investigating contacts between trump campaign officials and russians. You are embarrassing yourself.
You claim that Mueller has all this evidence that will devastate the Trump administration.
No I don't. You just made that up because a) you are a lazy fool, b) you like keeping yourself in a constant state of agitation,and c) you are looking for a way to justify your own stupid behavior.

And, as is always the case with you,you are delusional and invert your lies. Of the two of us, only one is making assertions with certainty...that would be you , when you vomit your fantasy that Mueller has no evidence.
Haha...nice headline and article that completely contradicts your point. Whoops did not read it. It is very critical
Of Rosenstein and also infers that Trump is most probably not guilty.


I did. And I know you furiously googled for an agreeable opinion piece. Do you not think i could do the same? You aren't fooling anyone with this "backward think", by which you choose a desired conclusion, then dishonestly google for agreeable opinions and pretend they are why you reached your conclusion.

Mueller was tasked, very specifically, with investigating Russian election interference and any dealings between trump campaign officials and Russian entities.

And he has really produced on that front. And that bothers you, because, trump cult.

Nope....wrong again. The criticism of Rosenstein's legal writ comes from all angles. There was no need to do anything furiously... Information about the impropriety of the Mueller investigation's legal parameters is abundant and bipartisan.

Of course the ultra TDS lefties are fine with anything legal or illegal as long as it accomplishes their goal of unseating the president. I predict that once the storm settles down and the wild west atmosphere comes under the control of someone with a level head like Bob Barr for instance, we will finally see adherence to the federal guidelines for the appointment of special prosecutors who are not, contrary to what people may think, hired legal killers capable of locking somebody up for vitamin deficiency if they so choose.

You're the one that seems to be running away from reality. Reference I cited you comes from a well-respected legal journal and the author happens to be a Mueller supporter.

The way these leftwing douchebags eagerly support Mueller's witch hunt, it's easy to see how this country could quickly devolve into a Stalinist tyranny.
dipshit RW's whine about the legal system's due process thats been the same for decades .. and they want to run the country.

those f'n clowns crack me up ...

They are running the country. And the Rosenstein writ did not follow federal guide lines ..... It was and is a fishing license basically devoid of legal boundaries. A fishing license.


you heard me - I didnt stutter.

Not did you do any thinking


you quote an article from a hard core RW opinion rag mag whining about nothing, and accuse me of not thinking ?

back to me being cracked up ....
By snowflake definition, and publication that criticizes the Mueller witch hunt is a "hard core RW opinion rag mag"

You have no clue about the series of events involved in the investigation or what evidence they have. You are making biased assumptions based on spun up narratives. That’s not a smart way to go about it

It is a bullshit witch hunt based on an already discredited dossier. There is and was no Trump/Russia collusion. Try looking at Hillary, lots of evidence there.
Mueller's investigation has roots from Papodopolus bragging to an australian diplomat, and firing of Comey, not the dossier.

no collusion? Giuliani admitted there was, and Trump's team had over a 100 contacts with russia.

There was no crime in the first place. Mueller is heading an investigation looking for a crime that never existed except in the minds of TDSers and the radical left-wing press.
Of course there was a crime. Russian interference in the election was a crime. Emails were stolen and then published. There was lie after lie about contacts with Russians and if the Trump campaign or anybody associated with the campaigned conspired with the Russians that is also a crime. I’ve heard the no crime no evidence BS. They are nothing more than diversions and talking points
We're talking about crimes committed by the Trump campaign. There were none. Period. You have no evidence the emails were stolen. No one has ever produced any evidence for that. There was one meeting with "a Russian," not "the Russians."

What is "also a crime?"

You're conjuring up a huge criminal conspiracy out of nothing. This witch hunt is a big nothing.
Why would you need to prove the emails are stolen? If I stole your car and you went to the cops and said “somebody stole my car” are they going to ask you to prove it?

Your arguements are getting weirder and weirder

Also, I’m not conjuring up anything. There were crimes committed, while investigating those crimes there have been several lies from Trump people, other crimes have been uncovered and indictments made.... that’s where we are at right now, those are the facts. There may be more to it, there may not be, we can only wait and see
...all the rest is bullshit.

We’ll see what the jury thinks.

Then you’ll claim the trial was rigged.

Then when he flips, you’ll call him part of the swamp, or deep state, or whatever.

It’s good that you admit he helped Trump get elected though. A few weeks ago, you guys were claiming that Trump had no relationship with Stone.
The trial will be in DC, so it's guaranteed that the jury will be biased. DC juries would convict a ham sandwich if it was republican.
They are running the country. And the Rosenstein writ did not follow federal guide lines ..... It was and is a fishing license basically devoid of legal boundaries. A fishing license.


you heard me - I didnt stutter.

Not did you do any thinking


you quote an article from a hard core RW opinion rag mag whining about nothing, and accuse me of not thinking ?

back to me being cracked up ....
By snowflake definition, and publication that criticizes the Mueller witch hunt is a "hard core RW opinion rag mag"

The truth stings, eh?
...all the rest is bullshit.

We’ll see what the jury thinks.

Then you’ll claim the trial was rigged.

Then when he flips, you’ll call him part of the swamp, or deep state, or whatever.

It’s good that you admit he helped Trump get elected though. A few weeks ago, you guys were claiming that Trump had no relationship with Stone.
The trial will be in DC, so it's guaranteed that the jury will be biased. DC juries would convict a ham sandwich if it was republican.
More Trumpkin fantasy. Just a way to rig the game for yourself.
Haha...nice headline and article that completely contradicts your point. Whoops did not read it. It is very critical
Of Rosenstein and also infers that Trump is most probably not guilty.


I did. And I know you furiously googled for an agreeable opinion piece. Do you not think i could do the same? You aren't fooling anyone with this "backward think", by which you choose a desired conclusion, then dishonestly google for agreeable opinions and pretend they are why you reached your conclusion.

Mueller was tasked, very specifically, with investigating Russian election interference and any dealings between trump campaign officials and Russian entities.

And he has really produced on that front. And that bothers you, because, trump cult.

Nope....wrong again. The criticism of Rosenstein's legal writ comes from all angles. There was no need to do anything furiously... Information about the impropriety of the Mueller investigation's legal parameters is abundant and bipartisan.

Of course the ultra TDS lefties are fine with anything legal or illegal as long as it accomplishes their goal of unseating the president. I predict that once the storm settles down and the wild west atmosphere comes under the control of someone with a level head like Bob Barr for instance, we will finally see adherence to the federal guidelines for the appointment of special prosecutors who are not, contrary to what people may think, hired legal killers capable of locking somebody up for vitamin deficiency if they so choose.

You're the one that seems to be running away from reality. Reference I cited you comes from a well-respected legal journal and the author happens to be a Mueller supporter.

The way these leftwing douchebags eagerly support Mueller's witch hunt, it's easy to see how this country could quickly devolve into a Stalinist tyranny.

No standards at all...just pure unmitigated
Politics. When was the last time you saw any lefty honestly criticize a left wing politician? Hell they couldn't even manage it when Wiener was exposed.

Last edited:
...all the rest is bullshit.

We’ll see what the jury thinks.

Then you’ll claim the trial was rigged.

Then when he flips, you’ll call him part of the swamp, or deep state, or whatever.

It’s good that you admit he helped Trump get elected though. A few weeks ago, you guys were claiming that Trump had no relationship with Stone.
The trial will be in DC, so it's guaranteed that the jury will be biased. DC juries would convict a ham sandwich if it was republican.

See, it’s already starting….
When he flips…are you going to say he was a member the Deep State or the Swamp. Tell us now so we will know.
...all the rest is bullshit.

We’ll see what the jury thinks.

Then you’ll claim the trial was rigged.

Then when he flips, you’ll call him part of the swamp, or deep state, or whatever.

It’s good that you admit he helped Trump get elected though. A few weeks ago, you guys were claiming that Trump had no relationship with Stone.
The trial will be in DC, so it's guaranteed that the jury will be biased. DC juries would convict a ham sandwich if it was republican.
More Trumpkin fantasy. Just a way to rig the game for yourself.

More left wing fantasy and just a way for you to ignore " the insurance policy " coup.

Ask our intelligence angencies who all agree that crimes were committed
They do? Where?
Uh, everywhere. Boy you are clueless, do you pay attention to anything?

Here is a link to a Republican led senate committee agreeing with the intelligence report. Do a simple google search and find quotes, interviews, videos, reports and whatever else you want to see first hand. You can’t hide from it. You lose again

Senate panel agrees with intelligence finding that Russia interfered in election, backed Trump

Establishment Senate douchebags wrote a report that agrees with Mueller? What makes you believe they were ever Trump's allies?

You said "our intelligence angencies [sic] who all agree that crimes were committed." So where's the evidence for that?
Also why does it matter if the congressmen were allies of Trump? If the evidence supports certain facts then shouldn’t those fact be acknowledged despite the political implications? Just because somebody can objectively acknowledge that the facts point towards Russian interference, that doesn’t make them enemies of the President. That is idiotlogic
It matters because you implied that they were allies of Trump. You're such a fucking douchebag. You haven't reported any facts from the Senate report. I doubt that there are any in it. It's purely a political document.

Again, we aren't discussing Russian interference, an accusation that no one disputes. We are discussing so-called "collusion." You keep trying to change the subject because you know Mueller has drilled a dry hole. There never was any evidence of "collusion."
Really? Show where I implied they were allies of Trump. I did no such thing because it doesn’t matter to the conversation as I explained.

We haven’t seen whatever evidence they had to justify opening the investigation but the FACT that the guy Trump appointed in the DOJ hired mueller and the guy Trump put in charge of the FBI condones the investigation tells a lot. They’ve seen the intel, YOU haven’t. Are you really going to say with a straight face that both those guys are lying to the public and risking their careers and freedom to support an investigation that has zero substance behind it?! You are absolutely detached from reality if you expect anybody with a brain to believe that crap. You lose again

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