Roger Waters, (Pink Floyd), To "Little Prick" Mark Zuckerberg, F**k You, No F**king Way...


Charter Member
May 8, 2004
In honor of Roger Waters calling that weird little oddball cuck Zuckerberg a "little prick" and an "idiot," today I will be binge listening to Pink Floyd. Glad I saw Pink Floyd At Camp Randall Stadium in Madison, WI many moons ago.


Roger Waters Slams ‘Little Prick’ Mark Zuckerberg, Says ‘F**k You, No F**king Way’ After Oligarch Asks To Use Pink Floyd Song In Instagram Video

Pink Floyd co-founder Roger Waters ridiculed Big Tech oligarch Mark Zuckerberg as an “idiot” and a “little prick” after the latter sent a personal request to use “Another Brick in The Wall, Part 2” in promotional videos for Instagram.​

“This is something that I actually put in my folder when I came out here today,” Waters said at a recent pro-Julian Assange event, holding up a piece of paper. “It’s a request for the rights to use my song, ‘Another Brick in the Wall, Part 2’ in the making of a film to promote Instagram. So it’s a missive from Mark Zuckerberg to me – arrived this morning, with an offer of a huge, huge amount of money, and the answer is – f**k you! No f***ing way!”

The Facebook message stated in part, “We want to thank you for considering this project. We feel that the core sentiment of this song is still so prevalent and so necessary today, which speaks to how timeless the work is.”

“I only mention that because this is an insidious movement of them to take over absolutely everything,” Waters stated. “I will not be a party to this bullshit, [Mark] Zuckerberg . . . And yet, they want to use it to make Facebook and Instagram more powerful than it already is, so that it can continue to censor all of us in this room and prevent this story about Julian Assange getting out into the general public so the general public can go, ‘What? No. No More.’”

“How did this little prick who started out as ‘She’s pretty, we’ll give her a four out of five, she’s ugly, we’ll give her a four out of five,’ how did we give him any power?” Waters went on to ask. “And yet here he is, one of the most powerful idiots in the world.”

In honor of Roger Waters calling that weird little oddball cuck Zuckerberg a "little prick" and an "idiot," today I will be binge listening to Pink Floyd. Glad I saw Pink Floyd At Camp Randall Stadium in Madison, WI many moons ago.


Roger Waters Slams ‘Little Prick’ Mark Zuckerberg, Says ‘F**k You, No F**king Way’ After Oligarch Asks To Use Pink Floyd Song In Instagram Video

Pink Floyd co-founder Roger Waters ridiculed Big Tech oligarch Mark Zuckerberg as an “idiot” and a “little prick” after the latter sent a personal request to use “Another Brick in The Wall, Part 2” in promotional videos for Instagram.​

“This is something that I actually put in my folder when I came out here today,” Waters said at a recent pro-Julian Assange event, holding up a piece of paper. “It’s a request for the rights to use my song, ‘Another Brick in the Wall, Part 2’ in the making of a film to promote Instagram. So it’s a missive from Mark Zuckerberg to me – arrived this morning, with an offer of a huge, huge amount of money, and the answer is – f**k you! No f***ing way!”

The Facebook message stated in part, “We want to thank you for considering this project. We feel that the core sentiment of this song is still so prevalent and so necessary today, which speaks to how timeless the work is.”

“I only mention that because this is an insidious movement of them to take over absolutely everything,” Waters stated. “I will not be a party to this bullshit, [Mark] Zuckerberg . . . And yet, they want to use it to make Facebook and Instagram more powerful than it already is, so that it can continue to censor all of us in this room and prevent this story about Julian Assange getting out into the general public so the general public can go, ‘What? No. No More.’”

“How did this little prick who started out as ‘She’s pretty, we’ll give her a four out of five, she’s ugly, we’ll give her a four out of five,’ how did we give him any power?” Waters went on to ask. “And yet here he is, one of the most powerful idiots in the world.”

Waters is great. We need more notable people to speak truth to power.

Waters also recently destroyed the neocons at TYT.
I've got new respect for Roger Waters. I hate that creepy little freak Fuckerberg with a passion. It's pretty obvious by now that he also played a large part in aiding the democrats to steal the 2020 election. He belongs in prison, and if it wasn't for all his money, he would be. I'd love to see the rotten "little prick" get his ass "Epsteined" in jail.
“So if there’s one thing that Trump did — apart from be a buffoon and make everybody, you know, point and laugh — he made it acceptable to be a racist, supremacist, good ‘ol boy in a pickup truck, which shows us that it never went away,” said Mr. Waters.
Discussing the Black Lives Matter activist movement and recent nationwide protests held under its name, Mr. Waters said that he hopes it “struck enough of a chord” that it continues for some time.
“I realized half-way through this — and it’s not half-way through, we’re just at the beginning of this set of protests — that one shouldn’t try and be non-violent about this,” Mr. Waters added.
Protesters demonstrating against the U.S. government and for police reform are “fighting a monster that is the most violent thing that certainly that any of has ever experienced,” he said.
“This is the most violent country in the world. Not just because there are more guns than there are people, which is pretty weird, but because they get used on people,” said Mr. Waters.
Eating their own.
Wrong. They aren’t in anyway affiliated. You are confusing crazed neocons and real left wingers.

You likely think old Joe is a left winger. LOL.

People feel this insane need to paint everyone into the same little box when they are unable to actually address an issue. We see it all the time.

" Zuckerberg is bad and Waters is bad so they are exactly the same, even if I happen to agree with something and they aren't anything alike".

It's created by a very little mind.
Eating their own.
Wrong. They aren’t in anyway affiliated. You are confusing crazed neocons and real left wingers.

You likely think old Joe is a left winger. LOL.

People feel this insane need to paint everyone into the same little box when they are unable to actually address an issue. We see it all the time.

" Zuckerberg is bad and Waters is bad so they are exactly the same, even if I happen to agree with something and they aren't anything alike".

It's created by a very little mind.
They are what they are. That they fit in a "box" is not my fault.
“So if there’s one thing that Trump did — apart from be a buffoon and make everybody, you know, point and laugh — he made it acceptable to be a racist, supremacist, good ‘ol boy in a pickup truck, which shows us that it never went away,” said Mr. Waters.
Discussing the Black Lives Matter activist movement and recent nationwide protests held under its name, Mr. Waters said that he hopes it “struck enough of a chord” that it continues for some time.
“I realized half-way through this — and it’s not half-way through, we’re just at the beginning of this set of protests — that one shouldn’t try and be non-violent about this,” Mr. Waters added.
Protesters demonstrating against the U.S. government and for police reform are “fighting a monster that is the most violent thing that certainly that any of has ever experienced,” he said.
“This is the most violent country in the world. Not just because there are more guns than there are people, which is pretty weird, but because they get used on people,” said Mr. Waters.
The only proven white supremacists is Biden's son right now.
“So if there’s one thing that Trump did — apart from be a buffoon and make everybody, you know, point and laugh — he made it acceptable to be a racist, supremacist, good ‘ol boy in a pickup truck, which shows us that it never went away,” said Mr. Waters.
Discussing the Black Lives Matter activist movement and recent nationwide protests held under its name, Mr. Waters said that he hopes it “struck enough of a chord” that it continues for some time.
“I realized half-way through this — and it’s not half-way through, we’re just at the beginning of this set of protests — that one shouldn’t try and be non-violent about this,” Mr. Waters added.
Protesters demonstrating against the U.S. government and for police reform are “fighting a monster that is the most violent thing that certainly that any of has ever experienced,” he said.
“This is the most violent country in the world. Not just because there are more guns than there are people, which is pretty weird, but because they get used on people,” said Mr. Waters.
Hmmm... well, that's a disturbing commentary. Now I'm back where I started.
“So if there’s one thing that Trump did — apart from be a buffoon and make everybody, you know, point and laugh — he made it acceptable to be a racist, supremacist, good ‘ol boy in a pickup truck, which shows us that it never went away,” said Mr. Waters.
Discussing the Black Lives Matter activist movement and recent nationwide protests held under its name, Mr. Waters said that he hopes it “struck enough of a chord” that it continues for some time.
“I realized half-way through this — and it’s not half-way through, we’re just at the beginning of this set of protests — that one shouldn’t try and be non-violent about this,” Mr. Waters added.
Protesters demonstrating against the U.S. government and for police reform are “fighting a monster that is the most violent thing that certainly that any of has ever experienced,” he said.
“This is the most violent country in the world. Not just because there are more guns than there are people, which is pretty weird, but because they get used on people,” said Mr. Waters.
I understand why other members of Pink Floyd told Roger Waters to go get bent.
He's a filthy rich egomaniac who alienated his band mates.

Slamming techno-ass Mark Zuckerberg...good

Cheering on violent BLM actions...insane and well and good for the rock star who won't
be effected by people getting hurt. He's a prick himself.
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Waters is wrong about BLM.
Waters has a perception vs reality problem.
BLM is a violent racist hate group that is being used as a political weapon and propaganda tool by the corrupt Democrat Party.
Less than .5% of police shootings are cases of murder and most of those shootings are of white suspects. (about 500 vs 250 annually)
99.5% are cases of self defense.
Our Yellow Press hypes the Black suspects shootings and almost ignores white suspect shootings, all for political effect.
As for Trump being a racist, how was/is Trump a racist?
Water's statement "he made it acceptable to be a racist, supremacist, good ‘ol boy in a pickup truck" that is just good 'ol dumb left wing bigot stereotyping.
The murder ratio between Blacks and Whites is more than 2 to 1 annually.
All of this is from the DOJ stats.
Waters is like everyone else.
He is manipulated by America's Yellow Press.
In honor of Roger Waters calling that weird little oddball cuck Zuckerberg a "little prick" and an "idiot," today I will be binge listening to Pink Floyd. Glad I saw Pink Floyd At Camp Randall Stadium in Madison, WI many moons ago.


Roger Waters Slams ‘Little Prick’ Mark Zuckerberg, Says ‘F**k You, No F**king Way’ After Oligarch Asks To Use Pink Floyd Song In Instagram Video

Pink Floyd co-founder Roger Waters ridiculed Big Tech oligarch Mark Zuckerberg as an “idiot” and a “little prick” after the latter sent a personal request to use “Another Brick in The Wall, Part 2” in promotional videos for Instagram.​

“This is something that I actually put in my folder when I came out here today,” Waters said at a recent pro-Julian Assange event, holding up a piece of paper. “It’s a request for the rights to use my song, ‘Another Brick in the Wall, Part 2’ in the making of a film to promote Instagram. So it’s a missive from Mark Zuckerberg to me – arrived this morning, with an offer of a huge, huge amount of money, and the answer is – f**k you! No f***ing way!”

The Facebook message stated in part, “We want to thank you for considering this project. We feel that the core sentiment of this song is still so prevalent and so necessary today, which speaks to how timeless the work is.”

“I only mention that because this is an insidious movement of them to take over absolutely everything,” Waters stated. “I will not be a party to this bullshit, [Mark] Zuckerberg . . . And yet, they want to use it to make Facebook and Instagram more powerful than it already is, so that it can continue to censor all of us in this room and prevent this story about Julian Assange getting out into the general public so the general public can go, ‘What? No. No More.’”

“How did this little prick who started out as ‘She’s pretty, we’ll give her a four out of five, she’s ugly, we’ll give her a four out of five,’ how did we give him any power?” Waters went on to ask. “And yet here he is, one of the most powerful idiots in the world.”

Mark Zuckerberg is a communist oligarth working for the CHINESE as they are helping him get super rich in the process. Many of our elites are now communist supporters.....all because of their own GREED.
In honor of Roger Waters calling that weird little oddball cuck Zuckerberg a "little prick" and an "idiot," today I will be binge listening to Pink Floyd. Glad I saw Pink Floyd At Camp Randall Stadium in Madison, WI many moons ago.


Roger Waters Slams ‘Little Prick’ Mark Zuckerberg, Says ‘F**k You, No F**king Way’ After Oligarch Asks To Use Pink Floyd Song In Instagram Video

Pink Floyd co-founder Roger Waters ridiculed Big Tech oligarch Mark Zuckerberg as an “idiot” and a “little prick” after the latter sent a personal request to use “Another Brick in The Wall, Part 2” in promotional videos for Instagram.​

“This is something that I actually put in my folder when I came out here today,” Waters said at a recent pro-Julian Assange event, holding up a piece of paper. “It’s a request for the rights to use my song, ‘Another Brick in the Wall, Part 2’ in the making of a film to promote Instagram. So it’s a missive from Mark Zuckerberg to me – arrived this morning, with an offer of a huge, huge amount of money, and the answer is – f**k you! No f***ing way!”

The Facebook message stated in part, “We want to thank you for considering this project. We feel that the core sentiment of this song is still so prevalent and so necessary today, which speaks to how timeless the work is.”

“I only mention that because this is an insidious movement of them to take over absolutely everything,” Waters stated. “I will not be a party to this bullshit, [Mark] Zuckerberg . . . And yet, they want to use it to make Facebook and Instagram more powerful than it already is, so that it can continue to censor all of us in this room and prevent this story about Julian Assange getting out into the general public so the general public can go, ‘What? No. No More.’”

“How did this little prick who started out as ‘She’s pretty, we’ll give her a four out of five, she’s ugly, we’ll give her a four out of five,’ how did we give him any power?” Waters went on to ask. “And yet here he is, one of the most powerful idiots in the world.”

He should have said, sure as long as I get some input for quality assurance for the Sake of Art.

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