Rolling Stone Exposes Bain and Romney...

A great article on how Mitt Romney really made his money. Screwing working folks and leaving others with the bill.


And this is where we get to the hypocrisy at the heart of Mitt Romney. Everyone knows that he is fantastically rich, having scored great success, the legend goes, as a "turnaround specialist," a shrewd financial operator who revived moribund companies as a high-priced consultant for a storied Wall Street private equity firm. But what most voters don't know is the way Mitt Romney actually made his fortune: by borrowing vast sums of money that other people were forced to pay back. This is the plain, stark reality that has somehow eluded America's top political journalists for two consecutive presidential campaigns: Mitt Romney is one of the greatest and most irresponsible debt creators of all time. In the past few decades, in fact, Romney has piled more debt onto more unsuspecting companies, written more gigantic checks that other people have to cover, than perhaps all but a handful of people on planet Earth.

Read more: Greed and Debt: The True Story of Mitt Romney and Bain Capital | Politics News | Rolling Stone

:clap2: Wow this is great... Even the rightwingers who can't read can see a picture of what he did on the front page of the newsstands instead of the enquirer...
If you want to hear a balanced assessment of Romney, which gives a fair account of both the positives and criticisms, listen to this rather than the yellow hack, Matt Taibbi.

'Real Romney' Authors Dissect His Latest Campaign : NPR

He wants nothing balanced, he is a dipshit. People like him can't be educated, they wallow in their bigotry and ignorance.

What balance.

The horrible thing about Romney is that he's a rich guy who didn't need to screw up other people's lives, but did so anyway....
You bigots are all the same. You hate Mormons, rich guys and capitalists, so you hate Jews and blacks too. You guys are all part of the Klan and the better you racists are eliminated, the better society will be.

Oh, wait, you mean you don't like when other people make ignorant stereotypes about yourself? Imagine that.

Did they ever teach you even BASIC reasoning skills.

The fact is, I've given my reason for disliking the groups I dislike.

You can't defend them on the merits.

You don't think Joseph Smith was talking to God, you don't think wrecking the economy was a good thing. You are at least honest enough to admit that.

But you just don't like anyone pointing it out....
You bigots are all the same. You hate Mormons, rich guys and capitalists, so you hate Jews and blacks too. You guys are all part of the Klan and the better you racists are eliminated, the better society will be.

Oh, wait, you mean you don't like when other people make ignorant stereotypes about yourself? Imagine that.

Did they ever teach you even BASIC reasoning skills.

The fact is, I've given my reason for disliking the groups I dislike.

You can't defend them on the merits.

You don't think Joseph Smith was talking to God, you don't think wrecking the economy was a good thing. You are at least honest enough to admit that.

But you just don't like anyone pointing it out....

Racists also rationalize their bigotry and hatred. "Blacks commit more crime." "Jews are money-grubbers." You're no different. How are you any different than William Joyce? He's a smart guy. He's a lawyer. And he's a white supremacist. If you rationalize your hatred, why shouldn't people rationalize their stereotypes of you? Why shouldn't people believe you think they're just ******* and kikes? When you paint everyone with a broad brush, that makes you a bigot. Since you do that, why are you surprised when someone does that to you? Sorry your mother died and a few Mormons were mean to you. Truly, I am. But that doesn't justify your hatred.
Racists also rationalize their bigotry and hatred. "Blacks commit more crime." "Jews are money-grubbers." You're no different. How are you any different than William Joyce? He's a smart guy. He's a lawyer. And he's a white supremacist. If you rationalize your hatred, why shouldn't people rationalize their stereotypes of you? Why shouldn't people believe you think they're just ******* and kikes? When you paint everyone with a broad brush, that makes you a bigot. Since you do that, why are you surprised when someone does that to you? Sorry your mother died and a few Mormons were mean to you. Truly, I am. But that doesn't justify your hatred.

Well, no, guy, not even close.

Being a Mormon is a choice. When a Mormon wakes up one day and says, "Joseph Smith wasn't talking to God and my underwear isn't the least bit magic", he makes a choice to stop being stupid. And he's no longer a Mormon.

A black can't stop being black, and a Jewish person is still Jewish even if he becomes an atheist or joins "Jews for Jesus".... SO they really aren't the same things at all.

Mormons are dicks because their whole religion is based on dickery and lies. Period. They are the ones who've divided the world into "Saints" and "Gentiles". I didn't do that. They are the ones whose "Scriptures" call all other religions "an abomination".

They just don't hold the basic decency the rest of us hold. I've been waiting 30years for a Mormon to prove to me my initial opinion of them was wrong.

And since you want to be a lowlife and bring my dead mom into this, she was from that part of Missouri where they chased the MOrmons out at gunpoint. She knew they were no good and I never understood why.... until I met some.
You bigots are all the same. You hate Mormons, rich guys and capitalists, so you hate Jews and blacks too. You guys are all part of the Klan and the better you racists are eliminated, the better society will be.

Oh, wait, you mean you don't like when other people make ignorant stereotypes about yourself? Imagine that.

Did they ever teach you even BASIC reasoning skills.

The fact is, I've given my reason for disliking the groups I dislike.

You can't defend them on the merits.

You don't think Joseph Smith was talking to God, you don't think wrecking the economy was a good thing. You are at least honest enough to admit that.

But you just don't like anyone pointing it out....

Racists also rationalize their bigotry and hatred. "Blacks commit more crime." "Jews are money-grubbers." You're no different. How are you any different than William Joyce? He's a smart guy. He's a lawyer. And he's a white supremacist. If you rationalize your hatred, why shouldn't people rationalize their stereotypes of you? Why shouldn't people believe you think they're just ******* and kikes? When you paint everyone with a broad brush, that makes you a bigot. Since you do that, why are you surprised when someone does that to you? Sorry your mother died and a few Mormons were mean to you. Truly, I am. But that doesn't justify your hatred.

And your a licensed counselor to say that at the time of his mothers death, some mormon's bullied him, it doesn't justify it.
I am a licensed counselor and guess what does, he has to learn to forgive but who are you to say that what happened at his mothers burial is not trauma enough.

Animals do it too, once someone hurts them bad they know to stay away.
So in other words, they are absolutely lying and thats why you like the article.

Please point out what they got wrong in the article.

I'm still reading it, but it's really kind of the stuff that people who actually studied Bain have known for years.

He can't. He's one of those Cultist Mormans. If he removes his lips from Mitten's ass for more than a few seconds at a time to breath they won't give him his own planet.

And the ghost of Joseph Smith will return with his multitude of wives and take away Mitt's magic underwear...
Racists also rationalize their bigotry and hatred. "Blacks commit more crime." "Jews are money-grubbers." You're no different. How are you any different than William Joyce? He's a smart guy. He's a lawyer. And he's a white supremacist. If you rationalize your hatred, why shouldn't people rationalize their stereotypes of you? Why shouldn't people believe you think they're just ******* and kikes? When you paint everyone with a broad brush, that makes you a bigot. Since you do that, why are you surprised when someone does that to you? Sorry your mother died and a few Mormons were mean to you. Truly, I am. But that doesn't justify your hatred.

Well, no, guy, not even close.

Being a Mormon is a choice. When a Mormon wakes up one day and says, "Joseph Smith wasn't talking to God and my underwear isn't the least bit magic", he makes a choice to stop being stupid. And he's no longer a Mormon.

A black can't stop being black, and a Jewish person is still Jewish even if he becomes an atheist or joins "Jews for Jesus".... SO they really aren't the same things at all.

Mormons are dicks because their whole religion is based on dickery and lies. Period. They are the ones who've divided the world into "Saints" and "Gentiles". I didn't do that. They are the ones whose "Scriptures" call all other religions "an abomination".

They just don't hold the basic decency the rest of us hold. I've been waiting 30years for a Mormon to prove to me my initial opinion of them was wrong.

And since you want to be a lowlife and bring my dead mom into this, she was from that part of Missouri where they chased the MOrmons out at gunpoint. She knew they were no good and I never understood why.... until I met some.

Hating is a choice. Being a bigot is a choice.
And your a licensed counselor to say that at the time of his mothers death, some mormon's bullied him, it doesn't justify it.
I am a licensed counselor and guess what does, he has to learn to forgive but who are you to say that what happened at his mothers burial is not trauma enough.

Animals do it too, once someone hurts them bad they know to stay away.

Just to clarify. There were no Mormons at my Mom's funeral. If there were, she'd have probably rose up as a zombie and ate their brains. She hated them more than I did.

I met some Mormons about four months after that, and found them to be the most backstabbing so-and-sos I've ever met in my life.

I think it's a clash in idealogies. I'm outwardly hostile, but once you get past that, I'm a pretty good guy to get along with... The Mormons I've met are exactly the oppossite. They put on the fake, dumb-ass cult smiles, but they're just looking for a place to put a knife.

When I come after you, it's face to face and you've probably done something to deserve it.
Racists also rationalize their bigotry and hatred. "Blacks commit more crime." "Jews are money-grubbers." You're no different. How are you any different than William Joyce? He's a smart guy. He's a lawyer. And he's a white supremacist. If you rationalize your hatred, why shouldn't people rationalize their stereotypes of you? Why shouldn't people believe you think they're just ******* and kikes? When you paint everyone with a broad brush, that makes you a bigot. Since you do that, why are you surprised when someone does that to you? Sorry your mother died and a few Mormons were mean to you. Truly, I am. But that doesn't justify your hatred.

Well, no, guy, not even close.

Being a Mormon is a choice. When a Mormon wakes up one day and says, "Joseph Smith wasn't talking to God and my underwear isn't the least bit magic", he makes a choice to stop being stupid. And he's no longer a Mormon.

A black can't stop being black, and a Jewish person is still Jewish even if he becomes an atheist or joins "Jews for Jesus".... SO they really aren't the same things at all.

Mormons are dicks because their whole religion is based on dickery and lies. Period. They are the ones who've divided the world into "Saints" and "Gentiles". I didn't do that. They are the ones whose "Scriptures" call all other religions "an abomination".

They just don't hold the basic decency the rest of us hold. I've been waiting 30years for a Mormon to prove to me my initial opinion of them was wrong.

And since you want to be a lowlife and bring my dead mom into this, she was from that part of Missouri where they chased the MOrmons out at gunpoint. She knew they were no good and I never understood why.... until I met some.

Hating is a choice. Being a bigot is a choice.

That was a lame argument, even for you...

I make a judgement... It;s not a judgement you like, but you should learn to deal.

If someone thinks Joseph Smith was talking to God, I don't want him making decisions that effect my life.
And your a licensed counselor to say that at the time of his mothers death, some mormon's bullied him, it doesn't justify it.
I am a licensed counselor and guess what does, he has to learn to forgive but who are you to say that what happened at his mothers burial is not trauma enough.

Animals do it too, once someone hurts them bad they know to stay away.

A black guy killed my father 30 years ago. Now I hate all blacks. I won't have anything to do with them. I won't do business with them. I avoid them at all costs. And I've been carrying this hatred for 30 years. I'm 50 years old.

You, as a counselor, think this is OK?
Well, no, guy, not even close.

Being a Mormon is a choice. When a Mormon wakes up one day and says, "Joseph Smith wasn't talking to God and my underwear isn't the least bit magic", he makes a choice to stop being stupid. And he's no longer a Mormon.

A black can't stop being black, and a Jewish person is still Jewish even if he becomes an atheist or joins "Jews for Jesus".... SO they really aren't the same things at all.

Mormons are dicks because their whole religion is based on dickery and lies. Period. They are the ones who've divided the world into "Saints" and "Gentiles". I didn't do that. They are the ones whose "Scriptures" call all other religions "an abomination".

They just don't hold the basic decency the rest of us hold. I've been waiting 30years for a Mormon to prove to me my initial opinion of them was wrong.

And since you want to be a lowlife and bring my dead mom into this, she was from that part of Missouri where they chased the MOrmons out at gunpoint. She knew they were no good and I never understood why.... until I met some.

Hating is a choice. Being a bigot is a choice.

That was a lame argument, even for you...

I make a judgement... It;s not a judgement you like, but you should learn to deal.

If someone thinks Joseph Smith was talking to God, I don't want him making decisions that effect my life.

This isn't about someone running for President. This is about you who have said you hate Mormons, financiers, capitalists and rich people, a guy who wishes violence on people, a guy who refuses to do business with a whole group of people because of their religion.

That is deeply, deeply disturbed.

Maybe you can hire Eaglewings to help you.
And your a licensed counselor to say that at the time of his mothers death, some mormon's bullied him, it doesn't justify it.
I am a licensed counselor and guess what does, he has to learn to forgive but who are you to say that what happened at his mothers burial is not trauma enough.

Animals do it too, once someone hurts them bad they know to stay away.

A black guy killed my father 30 years ago. Now I hate all blacks. I won't have anything to do with them. I won't do business with them. I avoid them at all costs. And I've been carrying this hatred for 30 years. I'm 50 years old.

You, as a counselor, think this is OK?

Why do you keep bringing up race to defend a life-philosophy.

Skin color does not determine choices. (Again, Mormons think dark skin is a curse from God, Sorry Mia). Religion does. A religion that says, "Take care of your own cult and fuck everyone else" is a choice. If I'm not going to join that cult, I have a reason to be suspicious of it.

Looking at Romney's life, there are all these wonderful testimonials of things he did for fellow Mormons.

And then there's Joe Soptic and his wife.

Who probably weren't Mormons.
This isn't about someone running for President. This is about you who have said you hate Mormons, financiers, capitalists and rich people, a guy who wishes violence on people, a guy who refuses to do business with a whole group of people because of their religion.

That is deeply, deeply disturbed.

Maybe you can hire Eaglewings to help you.

Yeah, I dislike people with fucked up belief systems and no ethics.

And I don't mind horrible things happening to them.

I hate these people for what they've done.

By the way, I also hate the Nazis.... For pretty much the same reason.
A great article on how Mitt Romney really made his money. Screwing working folks and leaving others with the bill

So if there only one lifeboat which could save the lives of 10 people, but there are 20 on a ship, captain joe would torpedo the boat. So would the rest of your baa, baa Democrat friends. You've made this point before.

Stupid comment by one more partisan fool.

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