Rolling Stone Is Going To Get Their Asses Sued By Trump

On topic all I'll say is if he said it he should own it. Suing everyone is the cowards way out and a MAJOR problem with our legal system as well as the reason insurance premiums are so high
I agree. But if he didn't say it in an interview but the fact that she doesn't look presidential inn a tweet, it shouldn't have been included in the article. And someone should take that phone away from him.
NO--NO--when you're a candidate running for POTUS--anything and everything you say, write or do is going to be put under a micro-scope.

If you're actually stating that the Dumb Ass comment's shouldn't have been blasted out there, then neither should have Hillary Clinton's emails.


They've chosen a leader named Donald Trump who is now running for President Of the United States!
She IS ugly and I CAN'T see her as President.
Qualifications I can't speak to....
He was on Fox News and basically said, what he said was she didn't look presidential.

This is like the Bimbo comment. He never made it himself. He simply retweeted what somebody else said.....and it becomes his comment.

Trust me. Nothing you hear about Trump can be counted on. The Bleeding comment and now this is just an attempt to put words in his mouth.

Thank God he didn't call millions of Americans Teabaggers. That would have been the final straw.

I HAVE heard him talk like that about others in the past (on his show etc.) to it doesn't sound far fetched. I'll take your word for it thought, since the only time I really see or read about the candidates is here and there (at the gym, surfing around on the internet etc.) -
Sometimes he says some things that rubs me the wrong way, but he's merely stating what most people are thinking. He's like your inner voice speaking out-loud. Does Carli Fiorina look presidential? The problem is, what you say in front of the liberal press can easily be twisted to mean whatever they want it to mean, and you can spend the rest of your time trying to change any false impressions they create.

There's NEVER been a woman President in this country--but there's no doubt IT'S COMING. Women are 1/2 the work force in this country today and 54% of the voting population.

Just because she doesn't have to shave her face everyday--doesn't mean she's not qualified to be POTUS. They used to say women couldn't be doctor's or lawyers. IOW--"You've come a LONG way baby."

Carly Fiorina is the Iron Lady in this race--and she may be our 1st woman President of the United States. She is one TOUGH woman. She's the best candidate in this race. Donald Trump knows it, and that's why he is attacking her.

She does look sort of look like Dracula's girlfriend.

He's just the anti-political-correctness candidate

An anti political correctness platform won't carry him through the next year of campaigning. He'll have to come up with a better angle.
would guys have a problem with women saying; who are you going to believe; the Person who has a cute snatch and lies to you or the person who simply lies to you and doesn't have a cute snatch. what a dilemma
Or a cute butt.

I respect a cute butt.

oh good grief...
oh, my goodness, gracious.

it's not so much that it's bad (attractive body parts are always nice) - but respecting a butt??
shouldn't Good capitalists discover "market based metrics" regardless of where they are are at?
He said it....
He admitted he said it on Greta....
Said he wasn't taking about her looks.... HUH?

He can file a lawsuit....Anyone can.
Look at Sharptons daughter....
Twists an ankle and sues for $5 million....
He said it....
He admitted he said it on Greta....
Said he wasn't taking about her looks.... HUH?

He can file a lawsuit....Anyone can.
Look at Sharptons daughter....
Twists an ankle and sues for $5 million....
Ayup another moron democrat you are.
Please tell us.

What will he sue them for?

Same thing that Ventura sued a widow over.
You're a wingnut, so we expect you to lie.

He sued an estate, and he won because he was slandered and he proved it in court. The fact that he is a public figure only shows how strong his case was, since it's an even higher bar to hurdle.
Rolling Stone published a story about an interview that is hard to believe. They described him making fun of Carli Fiorina's face.

I think Rolling Stone is going to get sued to the Bejesus.

Donald Trump is about to be a guest on Fox News to explain what happened and I think Rolling Stone is going to be get a major lawsuit. Wouldn't be the first time.

Trump insults Fiorina in Rolling Stone: 'Look at that face!'

The issues haven't been released yet, tomorrow is when they roll out.

Big time trouble for Rolling Stone.

Carli Fiorina unfortunately has comment on it, saying maybe she's getting under his skin.


She's polling in single digits......

I think Carli should have refused to comment until she learned if it was a valid report....but it seems she couldn't wait.
So it really hasn't occurred to you that Trump actually said this stuff and is now back tracking?
Please tell us.

What will he sue them for?

Same thing that Ventura sued a widow over.
You're a wingnut, so we expect you to lie.

He sued an estate, and he won because he was slandered and he proved it in court. The fact that he is a public figure only shows how strong his case was, since it's an even higher bar to hurdle.

There is something seriously wrong with you. Really. First you say I lie then you support exactly what I said. The estate, as you try and hide reality, was his wife. Ventura sued a murdered man's wife because his feelings were hurt. Ventura is a disgrace and you too for defending him.

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