Rolling Stone Is Going To Get Their Asses Sued By Trump

I think Rolling Stone is resorting to printing absurd lies intentionally. It's desperately trying to be relevant. The lawsuits keep it in the news. I mean seriously, who still reads Rolling Stone at this point?
would guys have a problem with women saying; who are you going to believe; the Person who has a cute snatch and lies to you or the person who simply lies to you and doesn't have a cute snatch. what a dilemma
Or a cute butt.

I respect a cute butt.
I remember the old days when conservatives couldn't rant enough about the problem of our overly litigious society,
everyone suing at the drop of a hat, the evil trial lawyers, etc.

Then Trump comes along and suddenly suing everybody is a grand idea.

No we never agree on that..

But what he does is goes on the offensive

What does Obama do?

We all knows what he does...
Obama has practiced his bow so many times that now when he tries it he hits his head on the floor.
She IS ugly and I CAN'T see her as President.
Qualifications I can't speak to....
WTF bonzi?

You are talking like Rderp on here

Grow up.
5 dumbfucks thanked your absurd post.

He commented on her looks not her abilities. You know that thing we DO HOURLY TO CLINTON.

What's wrong is you morons are circling the hack drain so fast that you can't see your own hypocrisy. Just 5 minutes ago i made a similar post about Hillary. I bet you dont wtf that post....
Please tell us.

What will he sue them for?
If its a lie, I believe slander.

Maybe yer ok with that because you don't like the person being slandered? But then again you might believe Trump said something you can dislike him for even after you find out he never said it. I dono, maybe that's who you are, but maybe Trump said it.
Sue crazy "the donald" If he does it would not be surprising. He is the also the king of filing bankruptcy to fuck others over. What guy!!!
The king of frivolous law suits.

Rolling Stone published a story about an interview that is hard to believe. They described him making fun of Carli Fiorina's face.

I think Rolling Stone is going to get sued to the Bejesus.

Donald Trump is about to be a guest on Fox News to explain what happened and I think Rolling Stone is going to be get a major lawsuit. Wouldn't be the first time.

Trump insults Fiorina in Rolling Stone: 'Look at that face!'

The issues haven't been released yet, tomorrow is when they roll out.

Big time trouble for Rolling Stone.

Carli Fiorina unfortunately has comment on it, saying maybe she's getting under his skin.


She's polling in single digits......

I think Carli should have refused to comment until she learned if it was a valid report....but it seems she couldn't wait.
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On topic all I'll say is if he said it he should own it. Suing everyone is the cowards way out and a MAJOR problem with our legal system as well as the reason insurance premiums are so high
She IS ugly and I CAN'T see her as President.
Qualifications I can't speak to....
WTF bonzi?

You are talking like Rderp on here

Grow up.
5 dumbfucks thanked your absurd post.

He commented on her looks not her abilities. You know that thing we DO HOURLY TO CLINTON.

What's wrong is you morons are circling the hack drain so fast that you can't see your own hypocrisy. Just 5 minutes ago i made a similar post about Hillary. I bet you dont wtf that post....


There is a reason you never see me make fun of the way politicians look.

I was a Ron Paul fan, he uhh... Was not the most sane lookin guy on stage. Ron proved that looking sane and being sane are 2 very different things =D
Make people look stupid (even physically) and it will effect the way some people think about them, like it or not.
I remember the old days when conservatives couldn't rant enough about the problem of our overly litigious society,
everyone suing at the drop of a hat, the evil trial lawyers, etc.

Then Trump comes along and suddenly suing everybody is a grand idea.

I know, I fully agree... Reminds me of when Liberals protested the war under Bush only to support Obama continuing and then taking us back into Iraq, or people hating Bush for military spending but never even balking at Obama spending more... Or how liberals hated the Bush economy and bail outs only to support Obama over quardupaling the sizeof the bail outs (stimulus). And how liberals love less people working every month under Obama and a stagnate economy still over 6 years later described as "extremely fragile."

So I know what you mean.

Know what I mean?
Make people look stupid (even physically) and it will effect the way some people think about them, like it or not.
There are many among us who think that way. Personally it's a dumb metric imo but sometimes we all go where we shouldn't.
You gotta remember that cancer took a toll on her. Remember for awhile Cheney looked like he was on deaths door because of cancer.
On topic all I'll say is if he said it he should own it. Suing everyone is the cowards way out and a MAJOR problem with our legal system as well as the reason insurance premiums are so high
I agree. But if he didn't say it in an interview but the fact that she doesn't look presidential inn a tweet, it shouldn't have been included in the article. And someone should take that phone away from him.
Rolling Stone published a story about an interview that is hard to believe. They described him making fun of Carli Fiorina's face.

I think Rolling Stone is going to get sued to the Bejesus.

Donald Trump is about to be a guest on Fox News to explain what happened and I think Rolling Stone is going to be get a major lawsuit. Wouldn't be the first time.

Trump insults Fiorina in Rolling Stone: 'Look at that face!'

The issues haven't been released yet, tomorrow is when they roll out.

Big time trouble for Rolling Stone.

Carli Fiorina unfortunately has comment on it, saying maybe she's getting under his skin.


She's polling in single digits......

I think Carli should have refused to comment until she learned if it was a valid report....but it seems she couldn't wait.

Hmmm what will he sue the Rolling Stone for?

For accurately quoting him?

What was Trump's response? He didn't deny making the statement- just the interpretation of the statement.

But Trump said on CNN's "New Day" Thursday morning that he was talking about Fiorina's persona, not her physical traits.

"The fact is that Carly Fiorina has had a terrible past," he said, citing criticisms of her time as a CEO.

There will be no lawsuit- though it is interesting that you support a more litiguous society.

You're actually pointing out a VERY good example how differently men are treated than women in this country.

DONALD TRUMP admitted bankrupting 4 different companies--(which I imagine lead to massive lay-offs.) You Trump supporters laughed about it. Now if I were to spend the next 6 months digging up the shit on what Donald Trump has done, it would take you two years to get through it all.

So Donald Trump comes back and points out Carly Fiorina's tenure as CEO of one of the largest corporations in America today, Hewlett Packard--where she was in charge of 150,000 employees. My God she got fired from Hewlett Packard--and YOU point this out, and then YOU make a huge deal about it. Notice how You're not laughing now--like you did with Donald Trump.

This is why it's been so tough on Women to climb the ladder in this country.

UPDATE: Tom Peterson who actually voted to fire Carly Fiorina at HP is now endorsing her for POTUS. Citing that because of her efforts back then on what board members didn't like back then--Hewlett Packard has exploded in growth.
Ex-HP board member who voted to fire Fiorina endorses her

Carly Fiorina explains it herself.

I remember the old days when conservatives couldn't rant enough about the problem of our overly litigious society,
everyone suing at the drop of a hat, the evil trial lawyers, etc.

Then Trump comes along and suddenly suing everybody is a grand idea.

I know, I fully agree... Reminds me of when Liberals protested the war under Bush only to support Obama continuing and then taking us back into Iraq, or people hating Bush for military spending but never even balking at Obama spending more... Or how liberals hated the Bush economy and bail outs only to support Obama over quardupaling the sizeof the bail outs (stimulus). And how liberals love less people working every month under Obama and a stagnate economy still over 6 years later described as "extremely fragile."

So I know what you mean.

Know what I mean?

You must be describing people other than me or you're trying to lie about me.
Rolling Stone published a story about an interview that is hard to believe. They described him making fun of Carli Fiorina's face.

I think Rolling Stone is going to get sued to the Bejesus.

Donald Trump is about to be a guest on Fox News to explain what happened and I think Rolling Stone is going to be get a major lawsuit. Wouldn't be the first time.

Trump insults Fiorina in Rolling Stone: 'Look at that face!'

The issues haven't been released yet, tomorrow is when they roll out.

Big time trouble for Rolling Stone.

Carli Fiorina unfortunately has comment on it, saying maybe she's getting under his skin.


She's polling in single digits......

I think Carli should have refused to comment until she learned if it was a valid report....but it seems she couldn't wait.

Hmmm what will he sue the Rolling Stone for?

For accurately quoting him?

What was Trump's response? He didn't deny making the statement- just the interpretation of the statement.

But Trump said on CNN's "New Day" Thursday morning that he was talking about Fiorina's persona, not her physical traits.

"The fact is that Carly Fiorina has had a terrible past," he said, citing criticisms of her time as a CEO.

There will be no lawsuit- though it is interesting that you support a more litiguous society.

You're actually pointing out a VERY good example how differently men are treated than women in this country.

DONALD TRUMP admitted bankrupting 4 different companies--(which I imagine lead to massive lay-offs.) You Trump supporters laughed about it. Now if I were to spend the next 6 months digging up the shit on what Donald Trump has done, it would take you two years to get through it all.

So Donald Trump comes back and points out Carly Fiorina's tenure as CEO of one of the largest corporations in America today, Hewlett Packard--where she was in charge of 150,000 employees. My God she got fired from Hewlett Packard--and YOU point this out, and then YOU make a huge deal about it. Notice how You're not laughing now--like you did with Donald Trump.

This is why it's been so tough on Women to climb the ladder in this country.

UPDATE: Tom Peterson who actually voted to fire Carly Fiorina at HP is now endorsing her for POTUS. Citing that because of her efforts back then on what board members didn't like back then--Hewlett Packard has exploded in growth.
Ex-HP board member who voted to fire Fiorina endorses her

Carly Fiorina explains it herself.

Donald Trump did not admit to bankrupting 4 companies.

So consider the rest of this Bullshit to be just as jaded as that lie.
Trump looks like an effeminate version of William Howard Taft, so I guess he fancies himself as a better example of a presidential woman's look.

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