Rolling Stone Is Going To Get Their Asses Sued By Trump

Why do Trump supporters believe absolutely everything Trump tells them?

Trump: "Hi. I'm Donald Trump. Go fuck yourself."

Trump supporters: "That's not what Trump meant. He meant you should go procreate. Like it says in the Bible. He's going to sue anyone who says otherwise."
There is something seriously wrong with you. Really. First you say I lie then you support exactly what I said. The estate, as you try and hide reality, was his wife. Ventura sued a murdered man's wife because his feelings were hurt. Ventura is a disgrace and you too for defending him.
Like I said, you're a wingnut, so I expect you to lie.

He sued Kyle, and he sued Harper-Collins. He didn't sue his wife.

When you can muster the integrity to at least start with the basic facts, maybe you'll get schooled again, if I feel like it.
Why do Trump supporters believe absolutely everything Trump tells them?

Trump: "Hi. I'm Donald Trump. Go fuck yourself."

Trump supporters: "That's not what Trump meant. He meant you should go procreate. Like it says in the Bible. He's going to sue anyone who says otherwise."
Who's a Trump supporter? You're fucked in the head.
It would be just as easy to post good looking liberal women and vice versa. You are not the least bit clever. Especially when you post a no brainer like Palen.

Yeah....If you could just find some first.

And it's spelled Palin, Einstein.
You are easily deluded.
She IS ugly and I CAN'T see her as President.
Qualifications I can't speak to....
He was on Fox News and basically said, what he said was she didn't look presidential.

This is like the Bimbo comment. He never made it himself. He simply retweeted what somebody else said.....and it becomes his comment.

Trust me. Nothing you hear about Trump can be counted on. The Bleeding comment and now this is just an attempt to put words in his mouth.

Thank God he didn't call millions of Americans Teabaggers. That would have been the final straw.

I HAVE heard him talk like that about others in the past (on his show etc.) to it doesn't sound far fetched. I'll take your word for it thought, since the only time I really see or read about the candidates is here and there (at the gym, surfing around on the internet etc.) -
Sometimes he says some things that rubs me the wrong way, but he's merely stating what most people are thinking. He's like your inner voice speaking out-loud. Does Carli Fiorina look presidential? The problem is, what you say in front of the liberal press can easily be twisted to mean whatever they want it to mean, and you can spend the rest of your time trying to change any false impressions they create.

There's NEVER been a woman President in this country--but there's no doubt IT'S COMING. Women are 1/2 the work force in this country today and 54% of the voting population.

Just because she doesn't have to shave her face everyday--doesn't mean she's not qualified to be POTUS. They used to say women couldn't be doctor's or lawyers. IOW--"You've come a LONG way baby."

Carly Fiorina is the Iron Lady in this race--and she may be our 1st woman President of the United States. She is one TOUGH woman. She's the best candidate in this race. Donald Trump knows it, and that's why he is attacking her.

She does look sort of look like Dracula's girlfriend.

He's just the anti-political-correctness candidate

She IS ugly and I CAN'T see her as President.
Qualifications I can't speak to....
He was on Fox News and basically said, what he said was she didn't look presidential.

This is like the Bimbo comment. He never made it himself. He simply retweeted what somebody else said.....and it becomes his comment.

Trust me. Nothing you hear about Trump can be counted on. The Bleeding comment and now this is just an attempt to put words in his mouth.

Thank God he didn't call millions of Americans Teabaggers. That would have been the final straw.

I HAVE heard him talk like that about others in the past (on his show etc.) to it doesn't sound far fetched. I'll take your word for it thought, since the only time I really see or read about the candidates is here and there (at the gym, surfing around on the internet etc.) -
Sometimes he says some things that rubs me the wrong way, but he's merely stating what most people are thinking. He's like your inner voice speaking out-loud. Does Carli Fiorina look presidential? The problem is, what you say in front of the liberal press can easily be twisted to mean whatever they want it to mean, and you can spend the rest of your time trying to change any false impressions they create.

There's NEVER been a woman President in this country--but there's no doubt IT'S COMING. Women are 1/2 the work force in this country today and 54% of the voting population.

Just because she doesn't have to shave her face everyday--doesn't mean she's not qualified to be POTUS. They used to say women couldn't be doctor's or lawyers. IOW--"You've come a LONG way baby."

Carly Fiorina is the Iron Lady in this race--and she may be our 1st woman President of the United States. She is one TOUGH woman. She's the best candidate in this race. Donald Trump knows it, and that's why he is attacking her.

She does look sort of look like Dracula's girlfriend.

He's just the anti-political-correctness candidate

Once again, you choose politically by looks.
and we know what barry and biden and sharpton and jackson and farrakhan say in public, so its ok libs...
would guys have a problem with women saying; who are you going to believe; the Person who has a cute snatch and lies to you or the person who simply lies to you and doesn't have a cute snatch. what a dilemma
Or a cute butt.

I respect a cute butt.

oh good grief...
oh, my goodness, gracious.

it's not so much that it's bad (attractive body parts are always nice) - but respecting a butt??
shouldn't Good capitalists discover "market based metrics" regardless of where they are are at?

... to each his own! :tongue:
Please tell us.

What will he sue them for?
Trump will be careful who he sues. Once on his show Bill Maher said Trump was the offspring of a chimp and Trump threatened to sue him. Trump didn't have enough sense to know you can't sue someone on a show if what is said is obviously satire. Just ask Jerry Falwell. When Larry Flynt's Hustler magazine ran a piece describing Falwell's first sexual encounter being in an outdoor shithouse with his mother the case went all the way to the supreme court. The court ruled that it was obviously satire.
He was on Fox News and basically said, what he said was she didn't look presidential.

This is like the Bimbo comment. He never made it himself. He simply retweeted what somebody else said.....and it becomes his comment.

Trust me. Nothing you hear about Trump can be counted on. The Bleeding comment and now this is just an attempt to put words in his mouth.

Thank God he didn't call millions of Americans Teabaggers. That would have been the final straw.

I HAVE heard him talk like that about others in the past (on his show etc.) to it doesn't sound far fetched. I'll take your word for it thought, since the only time I really see or read about the candidates is here and there (at the gym, surfing around on the internet etc.) -
Sometimes he says some things that rubs me the wrong way, but he's merely stating what most people are thinking. He's like your inner voice speaking out-loud. Does Carli Fiorina look presidential? The problem is, what you say in front of the liberal press can easily be twisted to mean whatever they want it to mean, and you can spend the rest of your time trying to change any false impressions they create.

There's NEVER been a woman President in this country--but there's no doubt IT'S COMING. Women are 1/2 the work force in this country today and 54% of the voting population.

Just because she doesn't have to shave her face everyday--doesn't mean she's not qualified to be POTUS. They used to say women couldn't be doctor's or lawyers. IOW--"You've come a LONG way baby."

Carly Fiorina is the Iron Lady in this race--and she may be our 1st woman President of the United States. She is one TOUGH woman. She's the best candidate in this race. Donald Trump knows it, and that's why he is attacking her.

She does look sort of look like Dracula's girlfriend.

He's just the anti-political-correctness candidate

He was on Fox News and basically said, what he said was she didn't look presidential.

This is like the Bimbo comment. He never made it himself. He simply retweeted what somebody else said.....and it becomes his comment.

Trust me. Nothing you hear about Trump can be counted on. The Bleeding comment and now this is just an attempt to put words in his mouth.

Thank God he didn't call millions of Americans Teabaggers. That would have been the final straw.

I HAVE heard him talk like that about others in the past (on his show etc.) to it doesn't sound far fetched. I'll take your word for it thought, since the only time I really see or read about the candidates is here and there (at the gym, surfing around on the internet etc.) -
Sometimes he says some things that rubs me the wrong way, but he's merely stating what most people are thinking. He's like your inner voice speaking out-loud. Does Carli Fiorina look presidential? The problem is, what you say in front of the liberal press can easily be twisted to mean whatever they want it to mean, and you can spend the rest of your time trying to change any false impressions they create.

There's NEVER been a woman President in this country--but there's no doubt IT'S COMING. Women are 1/2 the work force in this country today and 54% of the voting population.

Just because she doesn't have to shave her face everyday--doesn't mean she's not qualified to be POTUS. They used to say women couldn't be doctor's or lawyers. IOW--"You've come a LONG way baby."

Carly Fiorina is the Iron Lady in this race--and she may be our 1st woman President of the United States. She is one TOUGH woman. She's the best candidate in this race. Donald Trump knows it, and that's why he is attacking her.

She does look sort of look like Dracula's girlfriend.

He's just the anti-political-correctness candidate

Once again, you choose politically by looks.

Nope, I choose by character first and foremost. It just so happens that many of them are good looking as well. However, none of the ones I consider to be the best even make it into office because we have to rely on votes from superficial Democrat voters to get them in.

You on the left think that appearances are worth voting for. You did it with Bill Clinton and you did it with Barrack Obama. It's just a fact that most of your leaders are ugly people, inside and out. Obama is getting uglier by the second. His soul is beginning to manifest in his face. His wife is ugly compared to the wives of other world leaders, yet despite $1.2 million per year in makeup and untold millions in wardrobe, she still is ugly. You need a makeup artist from Hollywood to cover up that mug. Personally, I think her ugliness is just a manifestation of her inner ugh.
If you choose character first, you can never vote for Trump.

If you think otherwise, you are proving my point that you'll believe anything you want about Trump. Or you have just landed from Mars and have no idea who the man is.
I HAVE heard him talk like that about others in the past (on his show etc.) to it doesn't sound far fetched. I'll take your word for it thought, since the only time I really see or read about the candidates is here and there (at the gym, surfing around on the internet etc.) -
Sometimes he says some things that rubs me the wrong way, but he's merely stating what most people are thinking. He's like your inner voice speaking out-loud. Does Carli Fiorina look presidential? The problem is, what you say in front of the liberal press can easily be twisted to mean whatever they want it to mean, and you can spend the rest of your time trying to change any false impressions they create.

There's NEVER been a woman President in this country--but there's no doubt IT'S COMING. Women are 1/2 the work force in this country today and 54% of the voting population.

Just because she doesn't have to shave her face everyday--doesn't mean she's not qualified to be POTUS. They used to say women couldn't be doctor's or lawyers. IOW--"You've come a LONG way baby."

Carly Fiorina is the Iron Lady in this race--and she may be our 1st woman President of the United States. She is one TOUGH woman. She's the best candidate in this race. Donald Trump knows it, and that's why he is attacking her.

She does look sort of look like Dracula's girlfriend.

He's just the anti-political-correctness candidate

I HAVE heard him talk like that about others in the past (on his show etc.) to it doesn't sound far fetched. I'll take your word for it thought, since the only time I really see or read about the candidates is here and there (at the gym, surfing around on the internet etc.) -
Sometimes he says some things that rubs me the wrong way, but he's merely stating what most people are thinking. He's like your inner voice speaking out-loud. Does Carli Fiorina look presidential? The problem is, what you say in front of the liberal press can easily be twisted to mean whatever they want it to mean, and you can spend the rest of your time trying to change any false impressions they create.

There's NEVER been a woman President in this country--but there's no doubt IT'S COMING. Women are 1/2 the work force in this country today and 54% of the voting population.

Just because she doesn't have to shave her face everyday--doesn't mean she's not qualified to be POTUS. They used to say women couldn't be doctor's or lawyers. IOW--"You've come a LONG way baby."

Carly Fiorina is the Iron Lady in this race--and she may be our 1st woman President of the United States. She is one TOUGH woman. She's the best candidate in this race. Donald Trump knows it, and that's why he is attacking her.

She does look sort of look like Dracula's girlfriend.

He's just the anti-political-correctness candidate

Once again, you choose politically by looks.

Nope, I choose by character first and foremost. It just so happens that many of them are good looking as well. However, none of the ones I consider to be the best even make it into office because we have to rely on votes from superficial Democrat voters to get them in.

You on the left think that appearances are worth voting for. You did it with Bill Clinton and you did it with Barrack Obama. It's just a fact that most of your leaders are ugly people, inside and out. Obama is getting uglier by the second. His soul is beginning to manifest in his face. His wife is ugly compared to the wives of other world leaders, yet despite $1.2 million per year in makeup and untold millions in wardrobe, she still is ugly. You need a makeup artist from Hollywood to cover up that mug. Personally, I think her ugliness is just a manifestation of her inner ugh.

Has anyone here ever given you the impression that you are considered intelligent enough to choose based on character?
I HAVE heard him talk like that about others in the past (on his show etc.) to it doesn't sound far fetched. I'll take your word for it thought, since the only time I really see or read about the candidates is here and there (at the gym, surfing around on the internet etc.) -
Sometimes he says some things that rubs me the wrong way, but he's merely stating what most people are thinking. He's like your inner voice speaking out-loud. Does Carli Fiorina look presidential? The problem is, what you say in front of the liberal press can easily be twisted to mean whatever they want it to mean, and you can spend the rest of your time trying to change any false impressions they create.

There's NEVER been a woman President in this country--but there's no doubt IT'S COMING. Women are 1/2 the work force in this country today and 54% of the voting population.

Just because she doesn't have to shave her face everyday--doesn't mean she's not qualified to be POTUS. They used to say women couldn't be doctor's or lawyers. IOW--"You've come a LONG way baby."

Carly Fiorina is the Iron Lady in this race--and she may be our 1st woman President of the United States. She is one TOUGH woman. She's the best candidate in this race. Donald Trump knows it, and that's why he is attacking her.

She does look sort of look like Dracula's girlfriend.

He's just the anti-political-correctness candidate

I HAVE heard him talk like that about others in the past (on his show etc.) to it doesn't sound far fetched. I'll take your word for it thought, since the only time I really see or read about the candidates is here and there (at the gym, surfing around on the internet etc.) -
Sometimes he says some things that rubs me the wrong way, but he's merely stating what most people are thinking. He's like your inner voice speaking out-loud. Does Carli Fiorina look presidential? The problem is, what you say in front of the liberal press can easily be twisted to mean whatever they want it to mean, and you can spend the rest of your time trying to change any false impressions they create.

There's NEVER been a woman President in this country--but there's no doubt IT'S COMING. Women are 1/2 the work force in this country today and 54% of the voting population.

Just because she doesn't have to shave her face everyday--doesn't mean she's not qualified to be POTUS. They used to say women couldn't be doctor's or lawyers. IOW--"You've come a LONG way baby."

Carly Fiorina is the Iron Lady in this race--and she may be our 1st woman President of the United States. She is one TOUGH woman. She's the best candidate in this race. Donald Trump knows it, and that's why he is attacking her.

She does look sort of look like Dracula's girlfriend.

He's just the anti-political-correctness candidate

Once again, you choose politically by looks.

Nope, I choose by character first and foremost. It just so happens that many of them are good looking as well. However, none of the ones I consider to be the best even make it into office because we have to rely on votes from superficial Democrat voters to get them in.

You on the left think that appearances are worth voting for. You did it with Bill Clinton and you did it with Barrack Obama. It's just a fact that most of your leaders are ugly people, inside and out. Obama is getting uglier by the second. His soul is beginning to manifest in his face. His wife is ugly compared to the wives of other world leaders, yet despite $1.2 million per year in makeup and untold millions in wardrobe, she still is ugly. You need a makeup artist from Hollywood to cover up that mug. Personally, I think her ugliness is just a manifestation of her inner ugh.

lol, the poster claims to put character first and then goes into a rant about the Obamas' looks.

Who is writing this material?
I HAVE heard him talk like that about others in the past (on his show etc.) to it doesn't sound far fetched. I'll take your word for it thought, since the only time I really see or read about the candidates is here and there (at the gym, surfing around on the internet etc.) -
Sometimes he says some things that rubs me the wrong way, but he's merely stating what most people are thinking. He's like your inner voice speaking out-loud. Does Carli Fiorina look presidential? The problem is, what you say in front of the liberal press can easily be twisted to mean whatever they want it to mean, and you can spend the rest of your time trying to change any false impressions they create.

There's NEVER been a woman President in this country--but there's no doubt IT'S COMING. Women are 1/2 the work force in this country today and 54% of the voting population.

Just because she doesn't have to shave her face everyday--doesn't mean she's not qualified to be POTUS. They used to say women couldn't be doctor's or lawyers. IOW--"You've come a LONG way baby."

Carly Fiorina is the Iron Lady in this race--and she may be our 1st woman President of the United States. She is one TOUGH woman. She's the best candidate in this race. Donald Trump knows it, and that's why he is attacking her.

She does look sort of look like Dracula's girlfriend.

He's just the anti-political-correctness candidate

I HAVE heard him talk like that about others in the past (on his show etc.) to it doesn't sound far fetched. I'll take your word for it thought, since the only time I really see or read about the candidates is here and there (at the gym, surfing around on the internet etc.) -
Sometimes he says some things that rubs me the wrong way, but he's merely stating what most people are thinking. He's like your inner voice speaking out-loud. Does Carli Fiorina look presidential? The problem is, what you say in front of the liberal press can easily be twisted to mean whatever they want it to mean, and you can spend the rest of your time trying to change any false impressions they create.

There's NEVER been a woman President in this country--but there's no doubt IT'S COMING. Women are 1/2 the work force in this country today and 54% of the voting population.

Just because she doesn't have to shave her face everyday--doesn't mean she's not qualified to be POTUS. They used to say women couldn't be doctor's or lawyers. IOW--"You've come a LONG way baby."

Carly Fiorina is the Iron Lady in this race--and she may be our 1st woman President of the United States. She is one TOUGH woman. She's the best candidate in this race. Donald Trump knows it, and that's why he is attacking her.

She does look sort of look like Dracula's girlfriend.

He's just the anti-political-correctness candidate

Once again, you choose politically by looks.

Nope, I choose by character first and foremost. .

If that were true Trump should be close to last on your list.
If you choose character first, you can never vote for Trump.

If you think otherwise, you are proving my point that you'll believe anything you want about Trump. Or you have just landed from Mars and have no idea who the man is.

Donald Trump is lucky his old man started him with a home made company and left him $150 million. The conceited, arrogant son-of-a-bitch would have starved.
Sometimes he says some things that rubs me the wrong way, but he's merely stating what most people are thinking. He's like your inner voice speaking out-loud. Does Carli Fiorina look presidential? The problem is, what you say in front of the liberal press can easily be twisted to mean whatever they want it to mean, and you can spend the rest of your time trying to change any false impressions they create.

There's NEVER been a woman President in this country--but there's no doubt IT'S COMING. Women are 1/2 the work force in this country today and 54% of the voting population.

Just because she doesn't have to shave her face everyday--doesn't mean she's not qualified to be POTUS. They used to say women couldn't be doctor's or lawyers. IOW--"You've come a LONG way baby."

Carly Fiorina is the Iron Lady in this race--and she may be our 1st woman President of the United States. She is one TOUGH woman. She's the best candidate in this race. Donald Trump knows it, and that's why he is attacking her.

She does look sort of look like Dracula's girlfriend.

He's just the anti-political-correctness candidate

Sometimes he says some things that rubs me the wrong way, but he's merely stating what most people are thinking. He's like your inner voice speaking out-loud. Does Carli Fiorina look presidential? The problem is, what you say in front of the liberal press can easily be twisted to mean whatever they want it to mean, and you can spend the rest of your time trying to change any false impressions they create.

There's NEVER been a woman President in this country--but there's no doubt IT'S COMING. Women are 1/2 the work force in this country today and 54% of the voting population.

Just because she doesn't have to shave her face everyday--doesn't mean she's not qualified to be POTUS. They used to say women couldn't be doctor's or lawyers. IOW--"You've come a LONG way baby."

Carly Fiorina is the Iron Lady in this race--and she may be our 1st woman President of the United States. She is one TOUGH woman. She's the best candidate in this race. Donald Trump knows it, and that's why he is attacking her.

She does look sort of look like Dracula's girlfriend.

He's just the anti-political-correctness candidate

Once again, you choose politically by looks.

Nope, I choose by character first and foremost. It just so happens that many of them are good looking as well. However, none of the ones I consider to be the best even make it into office because we have to rely on votes from superficial Democrat voters to get them in.

You on the left think that appearances are worth voting for. You did it with Bill Clinton and you did it with Barrack Obama. It's just a fact that most of your leaders are ugly people, inside and out. Obama is getting uglier by the second. His soul is beginning to manifest in his face. His wife is ugly compared to the wives of other world leaders, yet despite $1.2 million per year in makeup and untold millions in wardrobe, she still is ugly. You need a makeup artist from Hollywood to cover up that mug. Personally, I think her ugliness is just a manifestation of her inner ugh.

Has anyone here ever given you the impression that you are considered intelligent enough to choose based on character?

Well, if not, then he would probably never vote for anyone! Lol. Politicians aren't known for their beauty. :lol:
The major foreign policy problem Trump would have is the fact so many foreign leaders would have to hide their erections if Trumps wife shakes their hand.

I don't know. She's probably going to be gone soon. She must be pushing 35 by now. :D

The major foreign policy problem Trump would have is the fact so many foreign leaders would have to hide their erections if Trumps wife shakes their hand.

Great body, face? meh..

I would say that she wears WAY too much makeup for most of the men here. :D Lol.

Obviously you aren't a man

some would argue with that on here :)
No, I'm not, her face to too severe.... I prefer a cuter face ....

Wow! She has a LOT of makeup on too. It's a professional photo, so probably edited too. That's what I mean about celebrities. I think we would be surprised at how they really look when at home and not in front of the camera or in edited photos. :D I'm pretty sure that's what people mean when they talk about "impossible standards."

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