Rolling Stone Is Going To Get Their Asses Sued By Trump

She IS ugly and I CAN'T see her as President.
Qualifications I can't speak to....
WTF bonzi?

You are talking like Rderp on here

Grow up.

Yeah, I'm in one of my moods... :)

She IS ugly and I CAN'T see her as President.
Qualifications I can't speak to....
WTF bonzi?

You are talking like Rderp on here

Grow up.

she need not be messing with my boys (Trump, Carson & Cruz)....
BTW, that was classic yesterday, Cruz inviting Trump for the media coverage.....

You want to go there girl?

Ok I raise you with this...(I know you know it)

The Breakfast Club - Allison's Makeover Scene:

I love that scene, but think she was cuter before :)

She IS ugly and I CAN'T see her as President.
Qualifications I can't speak to....
WTF bonzi?

You are talking like Rderp on here

Grow up.

Yeah, I'm in one of my moods... :)

She IS ugly and I CAN'T see her as President.
Qualifications I can't speak to....
WTF bonzi?

You are talking like Rderp on here

Grow up.

she need not be messing with my boys (Trump, Carson & Cruz)....
BTW, that was classic yesterday, Cruz inviting Trump for the media coverage.....

You want to go there girl?

Ok I raise you with this...(I know you know it)

The Breakfast Club - Allison's Makeover Scene:

I love that scene, but think she was cuter before :)

Ok you win

But do you get my point?
She IS ugly and I CAN'T see her as President.
Qualifications I can't speak to....
He was on Fox News and basically said, what he said was she didn't look presidential.

This is like the Bimbo comment. He never made it himself. He simply retweeted what somebody else said.....and it becomes his comment.

Trust me. Nothing you hear about Trump can be counted on. The Bleeding comment and now this is just an attempt to put words in his mouth.

Thank God he didn't call millions of Americans Teabaggers. That would have been the final straw.

I HAVE heard him talk like that about others in the past (on his show etc.) to it doesn't sound far fetched. I'll take your word for it thought, since the only time I really see or read about the candidates is here and there (at the gym, surfing around on the internet etc.) -
Sometimes he says some things that rubs me the wrong way, but he's merely stating what most people are thinking. He's like your inner voice speaking out-loud. Does Carli Fiorina look presidential? The problem is, what you say in front of the liberal press can easily be twisted to mean whatever they want it to mean, and you can spend the rest of your time trying to change any false impressions they create.

Does Carli Fiorina look presidential?

Good thing looks don't really matter in elections.

If they did, Abraham Lincoln would never have been elected.
Looks's not a beauty pageant but they matter no matter what people say.........
Well thankfully none of them are running on their looks. :biggrin:
Romney could try again.... I think he is a very handsome man.... though i differ with his politics

seriously, he's a good looking man for an oldie...!!!
Only the women running, have their looks or age attacked or commented on....THIS belittling has got to change....

Yup....and they can begin with quit talking about his toupee.

What toupee? ;)

It's not a toupee, it's a cat!

I hope they do get sued. They have no problem in putting out political stuff that is misleading or just downright dishonest. And they are a bunch of old commies who's been around since the 60's or early 70's. So what they put out should be taken with a grain of salt

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