Rolling Thunder and Bikers For Trump Will Be In Da House At The Donald's HUGE Inauguration!

learn to recognize sarcasm, weasel dude.
Learn not to be an asshole. Or is that out of your reach, Playbitch? You made a specific point that I responded to. You questioned me voting for Trump if I disagreed on something and I pointed out that nobody with a brain agrees with everything someone says.

There was no sarcasm there. You are lying and dishonest. Which is why you are a liberal. Try growing up. The longest journey begins with but a single step.

the TROLL posted to ME & said hillary made the accusation about obama being a kenyan. i replied to IT, with a verifiable credible link stating otherwise. YOU jumped in to that reply & said it was her campaign manager & it was old news. now follow the fucking dots if you can. & yes indeed--- of COURSE you still would have voted for him regardless.... even if he walked down 5th ave & shot somebody. lol.... ya...... that was sarcasm & you were too stupid to realize it.

nice try though. :laugh2:
A troll post when I responded to your specific allegation? Like I said you are a dishonest bitch. Now you are doubling down on your filth.

lol.... you are trying so hard & seem so angry at being wrong aren't you.... :itsok: <psssst> & it can't be an allegation if it was proven as fact.
Post the facts instead of trying to rely on arrogance. Do you know how to do that or is asshole all you know?

i done did already... a verifiable & unbiased link to the FACT that hillary did not start the birther bullshit. do try to keep up...if you can't connect the dots, then follow the bouncing ball to that very link. :cool-45:
LOL. how many took the high road & called out donny tictacs during the 5 years he was birthing his ridiculous accusation that obama was kenyan?

We find the left's obsession and hatred of Trump delicious, we savor it. God but our revenge on the left feels good doesn't it my fellow conservatives. :badgrin:

sure, sure... if that's what you need to believe to get by, then by all means - carry on. :udaman:

I'll show you funny...Hillary the wife of a former president with $1.2 billion dollars and the entire MSM in her pocket lost to an amateur who had never run for office before :lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao:

'cept he had a little help from pootey poot. & can be blackmailed.

How so? No need to respond we know you can't back up your claims.

that is yet to be determined.... stay tuned kiddies- because the more tinkles pisses off the intelligence gatherers, the more they may push back by getting the orange one exposed. & you'll never even know it came from them.
We find the left's obsession and hatred of Trump delicious, we savor it. God but our revenge on the left feels good doesn't it my fellow conservatives. :badgrin:

sure, sure... if that's what you need to believe to get by, then by all means - carry on. :udaman:

I'll show you funny...Hillary the wife of a former president with $1.2 billion dollars and the entire MSM in her pocket lost to an amateur who had never run for office before :lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao:

'cept he had a little help from pootey poot. & can be blackmailed.

How so? No need to respond we know you can't back up your claims.

that is yet to be determined.... stay tuned kiddies- because the more tinkles pisses off the intelligence gatherers, the more they may push back by getting the orange one exposed. & you'll never even know it came from them.
You still have no clue what we the people just did....:lol:
Will there be a tractor pull and a demolition derby too? What about an Inaugural hoe down? A book burning too? How about a professional wrestlin' match? No low brow activity should be off the table.
One thing they won't have is men dressed like women or people suffering from gender identity disorders.


caitlyn jenner inauguration - Google Search

OK, there's one.

so then, you were wrong weren't you?

yep. you were.
Will there be a tractor pull and a demolition derby too? What about an Inaugural hoe down? A book burning too? How about a professional wrestlin' match? No low brow activity should be off the table.
One thing they won't have is men dressed like women or people suffering from gender identity disorders.


caitlyn jenner inauguration - Google Search

OK, there's one.

so then, you were wrong weren't you?

yep. you were.
You are wrong always so don't gloat.
Will there be a tractor pull and a demolition derby too? What about an Inaugural hoe down? A book burning too? How about a professional wrestlin' match? No low brow activity should be off the table.
One thing they won't have is men dressed like women or people suffering from gender identity disorders.


caitlyn jenner inauguration - Google Search

OK, there's one.

so then, you were wrong weren't you?

yep. you were.
You are wrong always so don't gloat.

just cause you say so doesn't make it right.


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