Zone1 Roma Lives Matter (RLM)

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Roma Lives Matter (RLM) But not much.​

Why would you say this? Recently I figured out or think that you might be a "Nazi" like what you said about Jews for example or the "Khazarian Mafia" in another thread, and that you listen to Landser, a illegal nazi band.
Why would you say this? Recently I figured out or think that you might be a "Nazi" like what you said about Jews for example or the "Khazarian Mafia" in another thread, and that you listen to Landser, a illegal nazi band.
Because everybody matters you big girl, and your absurd topic repetition is aggravating .Typically you understand little of what is told to you and your inane comments linking Jews with the Khazarian Mafia illustrates that very point. Your personal observations simply underline your complete failure to comprehend what is put in front of you .
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