Romeny told you so about Jeep and Obama-care. Thank you main street media


Senior Member
Feb 27, 2011
For re electing the worst president this country has ever seen
it is not personal
Obama is who he is
Turns out "the lie of the year" was actually true
Whoops: PolitiFact's 'Lie of the Year' Turns Out to Be True | The Weekly Standard
I wonder if now all the lies the white house told us about the ACA will replace that one as lie of the year
5 Lies the Democrats Told To Sell Obamacare - John Hawkins - Page full
I am betting not
here is another one
Will PolitiFact Ever Correct Its Biggest Obamacare Error? | The Weekly Standard
BTW here is another nice little nugget
Feds report $9.7B loss on GM shares | The Detroit News
I though "GM" was doing fine
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He was right about Jeep?

Did something change since that was picked "lie of the year" by PolitiFact?

PolitiFact has picked its lie of the year: Mitt Romney’s ad implying Ohio jobs would be shipped overseas because Barack Obama ”sold Chrysler to Italians who are going to build Jeeps in China.” You’ve probably seen the deceptive spot, which sparked a backlash against Romney in late October and hindered his push to win Ohio. If not, here it is:

Calling the ad “brazenly false,” PolitiFact writes:

[Romney's campaign] stood by the claim, even as the media and the public expressed collective outrage against something so obviously false.

People often say that politicians don’t pay a price for deception, but this time was different: A flood of negative press coverage rained down on the Romney campaign, and he failed to turn the tide in Ohio, the most important state in the presidential election.

Read more: PolitiFact’s Lie of the Year: Romney’s Jeep Claim | PolitiFact?s Lie of the Year: Romney?s Jeep Claim |
Who's Romeny?

LOL. Don't play coy, troll. Romney. Now do you have anything productive to add?

Libs do not know what to sat any-more

The ad never outright asserts that Jeep is shipping jobs from Ohio to China. It asks the viewer to make that assumption.

PolitiFact?s Lie of the Year: Romney?s Jeep Claim |

Jeeps made here are sold here. Jeeps sold in China are made in China. It's why there's a Toyota plant in Kentucky. It's why there's a Volkswagen plant in Chattanooga. It's why Republicans are as dumb as rocks. Wish they would crawl back under it.
The Jeep lie is still a lie, and Romney has been called the "father of Obamacare". Any other stupid shit the OP would like to bring up about Romney?
Mitt's plans for bankrupting GM & Chrysler, keeping millions uninsured, and waging more wars in the Middle East were rejected by the voters, and conservatives need to get past that.
Mitt's plans for bankrupting GM & Chrysler, keeping millions uninsured, and waging more wars in the Middle East were rejected by the voters, and conservatives need to get past that.

Who's Romeny?

Example of typical liberal tactic when faced with unpleasant facts. Deflecting from subject at hand by picking on typo. Managed to ignore substance of thread, which is the big lies told by Dems and how the people they called liars turned out to be right.

I was told I was reported to AttackWatch by complete idiot who called me out for saying that people would lose their jobs and insurance between of the new health care law.

Health insurance costs have skyrocketed.
Medical costs going up, up, up.
Millions of jobs lost.
Millions lost health care insurance and millions more will lose it.
Illegals will be covered.
Congress and president exempt from their own plan.
Big unions got tax break and the cost will be passed on to us middle class folks.
More people will be uninsured now because it's too expensive.
Care will be doled out, mainly because many doctors said they would quit.
Hospitals and doctors refusing to take Obamacare patients.
Muslims will be exempt because they say insurance is gambling.
Government will have real time access to our bank accounts.
There are at least 29 new taxes in Obamacare, 13 of which will affect even the poorest among us.
The wealthiest companies are exempt for another year.
The little people are told by the regime that we must suck it up because it's a law now.

When will liberals fess up and either admit that they were fools to believe Obama or that they are communists who are enjoying seeing millions in this country suffer at the hands of the Obama administration.

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