Romney Agrees With Progressives: You Can't Do Spending Cuts Alone

No intelligent conservative thinks cutting alone works.


BUt not a one of them every says, "Hey, we need to repeal the Bush Tax cuts!"

Romney is calling for MORE tax cuts.

For the Wealthy.

Because the poor dears don't have a thing.

I haven't met any progressive that actually wants to end the Obama tax cut extensions. Like you they want to play partisan politics and instigate class warfare by raisng taxes on the rich while keeping the rest of the extensions.
So let's say you trim the military budget, just in one area, as one example, by ending or canceling a weapons program.

You save billions of dollars. But, say, a thousand people are now out of work because that was their job, building those weapons.

Where do they go to work? How did you grow the economy by cutting spending?

On the other hand, we could eliminate the war on drugs, the various programs that buy military grade weapons and vehicles for small towns, and stop buying ice shavers for people that don't ask for them, or even the ones that do. Or did you assume that the entire defense budget goes to the military?

So your answer is what? You don't know?

There are tens of thousands of PRIVATE SECTOR JOBS in the US that are currently being financed in significant amounts by US government deficit spending.

When you get rid of the deficit spending, there is no longer the need for those jobs, or there is much less need for them.

Where do those people then work?

What is it about my list of cuts that you did not understand?

Let me make this simple, if the only reason a job exists is that the government borrows money to support it it shouldn't exist in the first place. If the only reason a job exists is that it helps the government do things that infringe on your rights it does not need to exist in the first place.
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No intelligent conservative thinks cutting alone works.


OK. Then we re-instate the complete tax schedule that we had under Clinton, plus a surtax on incomes above 1,000,000. We raise the tax on unearned income to equal that of earned income, giving the average working stiff equal footing with the very wealthy.

Now that is a reasonable schedule to start with, and then we can consider cuts. Cuts like holding our military spending to a level equal to the military spending of the next seven highest spending countries. Go to a full Universal Health Care System. That would eliminate both MediCare and Mediaid. And lower our per citizen cost to that of other industrial nations. Maybe even bring our results up to match theirs, instead of matching third world nations.

A surtax on excessive income is a wonderful idea, if you want less tax revenue.
Anyone who doesn't know that he's pandering to the moderates and independents he's going to need in the general, is an idiot.
No intelligent conservative thinks cutting alone works.


OK. Then we re-instate the complete tax schedule that we had under Clinton, plus a surtax on incomes above 1,000,000. We raise the tax on unearned income to equal that of earned income, giving the average working stiff equal footing with the very wealthy.

Now that is a reasonable schedule to start with, and then we can consider cuts. Cuts like holding our military spending to a level equal to the military spending of the next seven highest spending countries. Go to a full Universal Health Care System. That would eliminate both MediCare and Mediaid. And lower our per citizen cost to that of other industrial nations. Maybe even bring our results up to match theirs, instead of matching third world nations.

Actually, I'd advocate to simply start with the Clinton tax schedule, effective immediately. The bit about tax on unearned income might not be a bad idea. But I'd suggest having that take effect two years from now. And would want a clear cut definition of "unearned" income.

Why don't you do a little research and find out happened when the US reduced the tax on dividends.
When an economy is still fragile like it is now, you don't raise taxes or cut spending dramatically. Both, and either one would guarantee an economy that would slow down or possibly reverse itself and shrink. In the UK, Ireland and Spain they did cut spending and some raised taxes at the same time and now economists are predicting another recession because of the growth reverting to slowing down or reversing the growth.

I wish our politicians would learn a lesson from Europe instead of being glued to their ideological narrow boundaries of either cutting spending only or raising taxes only.
On the other hand, we could eliminate the war on drugs, the various programs that buy military grade weapons and vehicles for small towns, and stop buying ice shavers for people that don't ask for them, or even the ones that do. Or did you assume that the entire defense budget goes to the military?

So your answer is what? You don't know?

There are tens of thousands of PRIVATE SECTOR JOBS in the US that are currently being financed in significant amounts by US government deficit spending.

When you get rid of the deficit spending, there is no longer the need for those jobs, or there is much less need for them.

Where do those people then work?

What is it about my list of cuts that you did not understand?

Let me make this simple, if the only reason a job exists is that the government borrows money to support it it shouldn't exist in the first place. If the only reason a job exists is that it helps the government do things that infringe on your rights it does not need to exist in the first place.

I wasn't expressing an opinion for or against anything. I was merely pointing out that cutting government spending is going to make the jobs situation worse. To pretend otherwise is foolish.
Romney is now proposing a 20% cut in tax rates across the board.

1. That loss of revenue will only make more cuts necessary, and the politicians aren't able to cut much now.

2. Those rate cuts will add significantly to the 47% who pay no income taxes now.
So your answer is what? You don't know?

There are tens of thousands of PRIVATE SECTOR JOBS in the US that are currently being financed in significant amounts by US government deficit spending.

When you get rid of the deficit spending, there is no longer the need for those jobs, or there is much less need for them.

Where do those people then work?

What is it about my list of cuts that you did not understand?

Let me make this simple, if the only reason a job exists is that the government borrows money to support it it shouldn't exist in the first place. If the only reason a job exists is that it helps the government do things that infringe on your rights it does not need to exist in the first place.

I wasn't expressing an opinion for or against anything. I was merely pointing out that cutting government spending is going to make the jobs situation worse. To pretend otherwise is foolish.

If you actually follow Keynes theories cutting government spending is exactly what we should be doing because we shouldn't have a deficit that drains the economy.
Romney is now proposing a 20% cut in tax rates across the board.

1. That loss of revenue will only make more cuts necessary, and the politicians aren't able to cut much now.

2. Those rate cuts will add significantly to the 47% who pay no income taxes now.

Politicians not wanting to cut is not the same as them not being able to cut.
My three part plan.
1) Freeze spending across the board -I am talking about real spending, not this baseline bullshit. If we spent $100 billion for education in 2011- freeze it at $100 billion for 2012.
2) Leave tax rates alone. Markets love stability.
3) get the fuck out of the way.

Problem solved.
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Romney is now proposing a 20% cut in tax rates across the board.

1. That loss of revenue will only make more cuts necessary, and the politicians aren't able to cut much now.

2. Those rate cuts will add significantly to the 47% who pay no income taxes now.

Nevermind the extra mony pumped into the economy rather than the government......
This is the way it works in DC folks: Republicans, in the spirit of "Bi-partisanship" agree to "tax increases" in return for the Democrats agreeing to make * "spending cuts". The media applauds!! The President calls it "historic". The "tax increases" begin immediately or even retroactively. The "spending cuts" never occur, ever.

* "spending cuts" are not even actual cuts! They are reductions in the rate of growth.....pathetic.

And that's the completely truth. If Democrat politicians werent such dishonest hacks, we wouldn't have this problem.
My three part plan.
1) Freeze spending across the board -I am talking about real spending, not this baseline bullshit. If we spent $100 billion for education in 2011- freeze it at $100 billion for 2012.
2) Leave tax rates alone. Markets love stability.
3) get the fuck out of the way.

Problem solved.

we are so very close on this. I say cut spending cross the board and cut taxes across the board.

Harding/Coolidge did that and we had nearly a decade of unprecedented growth till progressives started interfering again.
Romney is now proposing a 20% cut in tax rates across the board.

1. That loss of revenue will only make more cuts necessary, and the politicians aren't able to cut much now.

2. Those rate cuts will add significantly to the 47% who pay no income taxes now.

Are you seriously trying to argue that we are spending over 3 Trillion a year, part of which has been given to fund genital washing programs, and yet there is very little the politicians can cut?
No intelligent conservative thinks cutting alone works.


BUt not a one of them every says, "Hey, we need to repeal the Bush Tax cuts!"

Romney is calling for MORE tax cuts.

For the Wealthy.

Because the poor dears don't have a thing.

I haven't met any progressive that actually wants to end the Obama tax cut extensions. Like you they want to play partisan politics and instigate class warfare by raisng taxes on the rich while keeping the rest of the extensions.

It's not a matter of "partisan politics", guy. The middle class is already paying higher taxes to offset the giveaways to the wealthy. In IL, they raised the income tax by 67% to offset money that wasn't coming from Washington anymore. With the higher price of gas, we are all paying more in gas taxes.
My three part plan.
1) Freeze spending across the board -I am talking about real spending, not this baseline bullshit. If we spent $100 billion for education in 2011- freeze it at $100 billion for 2012.
2) Leave tax rates alone. Markets love stability.
3) get the fuck out of the way.

Problem solved.

we are so very close on this. I say cut spending cross the board and cut taxes across the board.

Harding/Coolidge did that and we had nearly a decade of unprecedented growth till progressives started interfering again.

Actually, one could argue that Coolidge's policies caused the Great Depression. Poor Hoover was only in office six months when the shit hit the fan.

More to the point, while Harding cut the income tax, he increased tariffs to protect American jobs. Something no "Free Trade" republican would ever do.
Funny how obama is now cutting corp tax and closing loop holes and the liberals think its a grand idea.
What is it about my list of cuts that you did not understand?

Let me make this simple, if the only reason a job exists is that the government borrows money to support it it shouldn't exist in the first place. If the only reason a job exists is that it helps the government do things that infringe on your rights it does not need to exist in the first place.

I wasn't expressing an opinion for or against anything. I was merely pointing out that cutting government spending is going to make the jobs situation worse. To pretend otherwise is foolish.

If you actually follow Keynes theories cutting government spending is exactly what we should be doing because we shouldn't have a deficit that drains the economy.

Conservatives are Keynesians now?

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