Romney and GOP in Panic After Unemployment drops to 7.8%


Prove it is wrong

It doesn't count people who quit looking for jobs, people who aren't even trying and people who want full time jobs and are working part time.
The U-3 rate never did for Bush either, so why do we need a different yardstick for Obama???

Different yard stick?

After you blow hards complained immensely about Bush and 5%.

I have no issue rubbing your damn nose in it......
Riiiiight. It's all a conspiracy.

All these bureaucrats decided - in a report they've been working on for a month, to suddenly fudge the numbers to make Obama look better.

The BLS numbers are there. All Republicans need to do is have them independently evaluated

Do you think they will do that?

Validating misleading numbers would solve what exactly?

The data is there. I'm sure the Republicans are capable of establishing their own study. But no, is easier to call any numbers you don't agree with as bogus

Repubs....your act is getting tiresome

Don't like the polls? Show where they are wrong
Don't like unemployment numbers? show us yours
Don't like global warming stats? Show where they are wrong
We have a $16 trillion debt. That represents an average of $50,000 the Congress has spent every single second for the last 100 years. Obama's jobs act offered only another enormus stimulus spending bill after the last one failed to create jobs. Given that track record, anybody who voted for Obama's so-called "jobs act" would need his/her head served up on a platter.

The House has sent any number of jobs bills--REAL jobs bills that would actually loosen up some of the venture capital and would have created jobs--over to the Senate where they never are allowed out of committee, much less are debated on the Senate floor.

So who is obstructing job creation? It sure isn't the Republicans.
Dow Jones hit 13,600 on Friday

Highest in five years. Republicans think that is bogus too?
We have a $16 trillion debt. That represents an average of $50,000 the Congress has spent every single second for the last 100 years. Obama's jobs act offered only another enormus stimulus spending bill after the last one failed to create jobs. Given that track record, anybody who voted for Obama's so-called "jobs act" would need his/her head served up on a platter.

The House has sent any number of jobs bills--REAL jobs bills that would actually loosen up some of the venture capital and would have created jobs--over to the Senate where they never are allowed out of committee, much less are debated on the Senate floor.

So who is obstructing job creation? It sure isn't the Republicans.

The "Kill Obamacare Jobs Bill" and "Kill all Government Regulations" Jobs bill were not serious attempts at creating jobs

Just the usual Republican agenda packaged as Jobs Bills
We have a $16 trillion debt. That represents an average of $50,000 the Congress has spent every single second for the last 100 years. Obama's jobs act offered only another enormus stimulus spending bill after the last one failed to create jobs. Given that track record, anybody who voted for Obama's so-called "jobs act" would need his/her head served up on a platter.

The House has sent any number of jobs bills--REAL jobs bills that would actually loosen up some of the venture capital and would have created jobs--over to the Senate where they never are allowed out of committee, much less are debated on the Senate floor.

So who is obstructing job creation? It sure isn't the Republicans.

Yes it is the republicans. New business ventures were frozen the day the repulican "bankruptsy " bill was passed during Bush's clusterfuck. It used to be that inventors and prospective businesses had several chances in a lifetime to make a go of it. Now you get one shot. VERY short sighted of the stupid republicans.
Dow Jones hit 13,600 on Friday

Highest in five years. Republicans think that is bogus too?

Yup it is ;)

What is the Fed doing?

When the economy and the housing market is in the toilet, millions of people are underwater on their mortgages, interest rates are near zero and inflation is eating away at your savings, and the government is threatening policies that will almost certainly make things worse, the market is pretty much the only game in town. Even in a bankrupt Greece, their stock market is thriving.

But yeah, Amazed, I would be taking a good long look at what the fed is doing and what the implications are if they are artificially spurring the market.
Don't like the polls? Show where they are wrong
Don't like unemployment numbers? show us yours
Don't like global warming stats? Show where they are wrong

Pollls - are more often than not weighted in the Dem's favor - that is a fact and actually stated in the poll's rational

Unemployment numbers from the government are just like any government figure- you have to read between the lines to get to the truth - just like a budget cut isn't a cut at all but a cut in the rate of growth of the budget.

No one argues with global warming stats -the stats are what they are (unless University of East Anglia scientists are involved) although interpretation of the stats are subjective - but there are no stats that prove man is causing global warming and that is just a fact.

So what other misinformation do you want to lay at the feet of Republicans because frankly you are not doing so well with your left wing talking points and distortions?
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Dow Jones hit 13,600 on Friday

Highest in five years. Republicans think that is bogus too?

Yup it is ;)

What is the Fed doing?

When the economy and the housing market is in the toilet, millions of people are underwater on their mortgages, interest rates are near zero and inflation is eating away at your savings, and the government is threatening policies that will almost certainly make things worse, the market is pretty much the only game in town. Even in a bankrupt Greece, their stock market is thriving.

But yeah, Amazed, I would be taking a good long look at what the fed is doing and what the implications are if they are artificially spurring the market.

It's all about QE3, they are printing millions every month.
Yup it is ;)

What is the Fed doing?

When the economy and the housing market is in the toilet, millions of people are underwater on their mortgages, interest rates are near zero and inflation is eating away at your savings, and the government is threatening policies that will almost certainly make things worse, the market is pretty much the only game in town. Even in a bankrupt Greece, their stock market is thriving.

But yeah, Amazed, I would be taking a good long look at what the fed is doing and what the implications are if they are artificially spurring the market.

It's all about QE3, they are printing millions every month.
I think it's 40 billion
Yup it is ;)

What is the Fed doing?

When the economy and the housing market is in the toilet, millions of people are underwater on their mortgages, interest rates are near zero and inflation is eating away at your savings, and the government is threatening policies that will almost certainly make things worse, the market is pretty much the only game in town. Even in a bankrupt Greece, their stock market is thriving.

But yeah, Amazed, I would be taking a good long look at what the fed is doing and what the implications are if they are artificially spurring the market.

It's all about QE3, they are printing millions every month.

We are very conservatively invested except for a modest investment in the very volatile silver and gold market, and depend on our investments for retirment income. The overall market has improved somewhat. Certainly it had nowhere much to go but up after it bottomed in 2009--it was the market panic created by the housing bubble bursting that prompted the 2008 bipartisan (that's bipartisan to those who want to blame it all on Bush) TARP bill that added almost a trillion to the debt and has produced very dubious results.

And since then, for those of us invested for the long haul, the market has been pretty flat with only minimal growth. Certainly there have been two steps backwards for every three steps forward. The market has not regained its former high and most of us have not regained what we lost in the 2008 crash.
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