Romney Arrested For Disorderly Conduct (1981)

I liked the share where he saved the family whose boat capsized. He's not a bad guy. I think he's genuinely likable, independent of all this political crap.
Mischievous bad boy? Street thug? Rebel without a cause? Law flouting social outcast? Just sticking it to the man? All of the above???

No. It's this:

Gasp: Mitt Romney, once arrested for disorderly conduct? « Hot Air

See also:
Mitt Romney Was Arrested For Disorderly Conduct In 1981


Well at least this explains Romney's coming guest star appearance on Son's of Anarchy as "Crash Hardpeck" the rebel who knows no fear.

Well, wtf were you thinking, trying to have a sense of humor and all. Hmph.

It's how I pass the time between reasonable posts around here. :eusa_shhh:

That's a lot of time to fill. Maybe a hobby would better serve?
From someone who thinks that Mr. Etch-a-Sketch will bring us back to Bush-0-Nomics, BFD. Was he near Fort Marcy Park in July '94?
Mischievous bad boy? Street thug? Rebel without a cause? Law flouting social outcast? Just sticking it to the man? All of the above???

No. It's this:

Gasp: Mitt Romney, once arrested for disorderly conduct? « Hot Air

It’s a little reported anecdote, but in 1981 presumptive Republican Presidential nominee Mitt Romney was arrested for disorderly conduct. …

According to what Romney told the Boston Globe in 1994, he had taken his family off to Wayland, Mass.’s Lake Cochituate, about an hour outside Boston, for a summer excursion. As Romney prepared to put his family boat into the water, a park officer told Romney not to launch because his license appeared to have been painted over. The officer told Romney if he put his boat into the water he would face a $50 fine. …

“I figured I was at the state park with my kids. My five kids were in the car wondering why we weren’t going out in the boat, so I said I’d launch and pay the fine,” Romney said in 1994.

After Romney put the family boat into the water, the officer reappeared visibly angry and arrested Romney for disorderly conduct. Romney was handcuffed on the scene, taken to the local police station, and booked.

“There I was, dripping wet in a bathing suit,” Romney told the Globe. A magistrate let him go without bail.

It’s about tradeoffs, and on a day he wanted to spend boating with his family, Romney thought, sure, I’ll just go ahead and pay the price society has decided to place on people who don’t perfectly display their licenses. And while I have nothing but respect for the uniformed men and women who protect our communities on a daily basis, they’re prone to mistakes and power-trips like the rest of us. It sounds like this officer was in the wrong, and should’ve been writing Mitt Romney a ticket instead of arresting him. No biggie.

See also:
Mitt Romney Was Arrested For Disorderly Conduct In 1981


Well at least this explains Romney's coming guest star appearance on Son's of Anarchy as "Crash Hardpeck" the rebel who knows no fear.

Meaning he's human.
Mischievous bad boy? Street thug? Rebel without a cause? Law flouting social outcast? Just sticking it to the man? All of the above???

No. It's this:

Gasp: Mitt Romney, once arrested for disorderly conduct? « Hot Air

It’s a little reported anecdote, but in 1981 presumptive Republican Presidential nominee Mitt Romney was arrested for disorderly conduct. …

According to what Romney told the Boston Globe in 1994, he had taken his family off to Wayland, Mass.’s Lake Cochituate, about an hour outside Boston, for a summer excursion. As Romney prepared to put his family boat into the water, a park officer told Romney not to launch because his license appeared to have been painted over. The officer told Romney if he put his boat into the water he would face a $50 fine. …

“I figured I was at the state park with my kids. My five kids were in the car wondering why we weren’t going out in the boat, so I said I’d launch and pay the fine,” Romney said in 1994.

After Romney put the family boat into the water, the officer reappeared visibly angry and arrested Romney for disorderly conduct. Romney was handcuffed on the scene, taken to the local police station, and booked.

“There I was, dripping wet in a bathing suit,” Romney told the Globe. A magistrate let him go without bail.

It’s about tradeoffs, and on a day he wanted to spend boating with his family, Romney thought, sure, I’ll just go ahead and pay the price society has decided to place on people who don’t perfectly display their licenses. And while I have nothing but respect for the uniformed men and women who protect our communities on a daily basis, they’re prone to mistakes and power-trips like the rest of us. It sounds like this officer was in the wrong, and should’ve been writing Mitt Romney a ticket instead of arresting him. No biggie.

See also:
Mitt Romney Was Arrested For Disorderly Conduct In 1981


Well at least this explains Romney's coming guest star appearance on Son's of Anarchy as "Crash Hardpeck" the rebel who knows no fear.

Meaning he's human.

I'm surprised and impressed that this thread, of all threads, is really settling some of the big issues once and for all.

Obama is an American.
Romney is not a robot.
whitehall is a retarded racist.
Good humor makes USMB's buffoons quite bearable.

I still think a leather jacket, some tight jeans and a little more rebel will get Mitt some of that sweet sweet single woman vote.
Mischievous bad boy? Street thug? Rebel without a cause? Law flouting social outcast? Just sticking it to the man? All of the above???

No. It's this:

Gasp: Mitt Romney, once arrested for disorderly conduct? « Hot Air

See also:
Mitt Romney Was Arrested For Disorderly Conduct In 1981


Well at least this explains Romney's coming guest star appearance on Son's of Anarchy as "Crash Hardpeck" the rebel who knows no fear.

Meaning he's human.

I'm surprised and impressed that this thread, of all threads, is really settling some of the big issues once and for all.

Obama is an American.
Romney is not a robot.
whitehall is a retarded racist.
Good humor makes USMB's buffoons quite bearable.

I still think a leather jacket, some tight jeans and a little more rebel will get Mitt some of that sweet sweet single woman vote.
Mischievous bad boy? Street thug? Rebel without a cause? Law flouting social outcast? Just sticking it to the man? All of the above???

No. It's this:

Gasp: Mitt Romney, once arrested for disorderly conduct? « Hot Air

It’s a little reported anecdote, but in 1981 presumptive Republican Presidential nominee Mitt Romney was arrested for disorderly conduct. …

According to what Romney told the Boston Globe in 1994, he had taken his family off to Wayland, Mass.’s Lake Cochituate, about an hour outside Boston, for a summer excursion. As Romney prepared to put his family boat into the water, a park officer told Romney not to launch because his license appeared to have been painted over. The officer told Romney if he put his boat into the water he would face a $50 fine. …

“I figured I was at the state park with my kids. My five kids were in the car wondering why we weren’t going out in the boat, so I said I’d launch and pay the fine,” Romney said in 1994.

After Romney put the family boat into the water, the officer reappeared visibly angry and arrested Romney for disorderly conduct. Romney was handcuffed on the scene, taken to the local police station, and booked.

“There I was, dripping wet in a bathing suit,” Romney told the Globe. A magistrate let him go without bail.

It’s about tradeoffs, and on a day he wanted to spend boating with his family, Romney thought, sure, I’ll just go ahead and pay the price society has decided to place on people who don’t perfectly display their licenses. And while I have nothing but respect for the uniformed men and women who protect our communities on a daily basis, they’re prone to mistakes and power-trips like the rest of us. It sounds like this officer was in the wrong, and should’ve been writing Mitt Romney a ticket instead of arresting him. No biggie.


Well at least this explains Romney's coming guest star appearance on Son's of Anarchy as "Crash Hardpeck" the rebel who knows no fear.

I think this shows Romney's sense of entitlement.

How dare this wage slave peasent tell him he can't put his boat in the water and that the laws apply to him?
And Obama inhaled.

Your point?

You're either as dumb as I believe you to be, or so partisan you create the image that you default to emotion and leave reason behind - which is fools business.

Obama didn't inhale in front of his kids!

Romney defied the law, and the law won (his wealth or influence may have prevented him from paying the fine, but, the image of daddy in cuffs and taken away is one that will always be with his kids). Or worse, the kids may defy the law because they think they can.
Last edited:
I liked this story, tbh. He was ignoring a frivolous law to make his family happy.

Family is FIRST. Society a close - last.
Mischievous bad boy? Street thug? Rebel without a cause? Law flouting social outcast? Just sticking it to the man? All of the above???

No. It's this:

Gasp: Mitt Romney, once arrested for disorderly conduct? « Hot Air

It’s a little reported anecdote, but in 1981 presumptive Republican Presidential nominee Mitt Romney was arrested for disorderly conduct. …

According to what Romney told the Boston Globe in 1994, he had taken his family off to Wayland, Mass.’s Lake Cochituate, about an hour outside Boston, for a summer excursion. As Romney prepared to put his family boat into the water, a park officer told Romney not to launch because his license appeared to have been painted over. The officer told Romney if he put his boat into the water he would face a $50 fine. …

“I figured I was at the state park with my kids. My five kids were in the car wondering why we weren’t going out in the boat, so I said I’d launch and pay the fine,” Romney said in 1994.

After Romney put the family boat into the water, the officer reappeared visibly angry and arrested Romney for disorderly conduct. Romney was handcuffed on the scene, taken to the local police station, and booked.

“There I was, dripping wet in a bathing suit,” Romney told the Globe. A magistrate let him go without bail.

It’s about tradeoffs, and on a day he wanted to spend boating with his family, Romney thought, sure, I’ll just go ahead and pay the price society has decided to place on people who don’t perfectly display their licenses. And while I have nothing but respect for the uniformed men and women who protect our communities on a daily basis, they’re prone to mistakes and power-trips like the rest of us. It sounds like this officer was in the wrong, and should’ve been writing Mitt Romney a ticket instead of arresting him. No biggie.

See also:
Mitt Romney Was Arrested For Disorderly Conduct In 1981


Well at least this explains Romney's coming guest star appearance on Son's of Anarchy as "Crash Hardpeck" the rebel who knows no fear.

According to what Romney told the Boston Globe in 1994, he had taken his family off to Wayland, Mass.’s Lake Cochituate, about an hour outside Boston, for a summer excursion. As Romney prepared to put his family boat into the water, a park officer told Romney not to launch because his license appeared to have been painted over. The officer told Romney if he put his boat into the water he would face a $50 fine. …

“I figured I was at the state park with my kids. My five kids were in the car wondering why we weren’t going out in the boat, so I said I’d launch and pay the fine,” Romney said in 1994.

After Romney put the family boat into the water, the officer reappeared visibly angry and arrested Romney for disorderly conduct. Romney was handcuffed on the scene, taken to the local police station, and booked.

Gasp: Mitt Romney, once arrested for disorderly conduct? « Hot Air

The Park Ranger was an Asshole. He informed Romney that he would receive a Summons, and instead he Arrested him. Unless there is more information explaining why, the penalty went from a Fine, to an Arrest, Justifying it, it is an abuse of Authority.
A ranger is an officer in the park.

If you litter and an officers says hey if you litter its a fine you can bet he will arrest you for disobeying an officer if you do it anyway.

He was of the attitude laws are only for the people who dont have the money to pay the fine.
And Obama inhaled.

Your point?

You're either as dumb as I believe you to be, or so partisan you create the image that you default to emotion and leave reason behind - which is fools business.

Obama didn't inhale in front of his kids!

Romney defied the law, and the law won (his wealth or influence may have prevented him from paying the fine, but, the image of daddy in cuffs and taken away is one that will always be with his kids). Or worse, the kids may defy the law because they think they can.

So all the OWS protesters should be arrested when they break the law too, right?
Romney had a teachable moment; Sadly he decided to teach his kids that the elite don't need to follow the rules; lucky for them he ended up in cuffs and they missed their day on the water. In a funny way he did teach them a valuable lesson.

Obama Aunt Zeiti, here illegally


Obama Uncle Omar, here illegally


You were saying?
A ranger is an officer in the park.

If you litter and an officers says hey if you litter its a fine you can bet he will arrest you for disobeying an officer if you do it anyway.

He was of the attitude laws are only for the people who dont have the money to pay the fine.

If you are an Authority on Anything at all, it's saying one thing and then doing another. Another Precious Moment. :eusa_boohoo: Assholes stick together, huh. ;)
Wow, what a huge character blow, and it only happened 31 friggin' years ago. Or is there some sort of unofficial statute of limitations on how long a meaningless disorderly conduct charge can be used against a presidential candidate? Hope it hasn't run out as the Dims are really desperate this go-round because they're stuck trying to defend their loser in chief. So, yeah, have straw, will grasp.
This is the worst the democrats can come up against Romney. This is it, and the other scandal in which he had girlfriends before he married.

Romney is so squeaky clean that he's been scrubbed with Brillo.
I think this shows Romney's sense of entitlement.

How dare this wage slave peasent tell him he can't put his boat in the water and that the laws apply to him?

Except he was displaying the license. The officer just wasnt happy with the way it was displayed.

Sometimes doing what is right is more complicated that you paint it to be. which is odd considering you dont even believe in doing what's right.

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