Romney Brags about "Patriotic" Lapel Pins Made in China


Apr 25, 2012
He told a story about the “We Stand United” American flag pins he commissioned for the games, which took place just months after the terror attacks on 9/11. [...] Complicating Romney’s patriotic message is the fact that the pins were made in China, according to a website run by the Utah state government’s culture department, as TPM’s Evan McMorris-Santoro pointed out on Twitter.

Mitt Romney Commissioned Pro-America Pins, Made Them In China

Wow. I think it's a perfect example of what Mitt Romney means when he talks about American prosperity - himself hiring Chinese people to do work cheaper than Americans. He seems to think American workers are lazy and overpaid, and need to learn something from the workers in China who know their place (and the Chinese government that makes sure of it at the point of a gun).
He told a story about the “We Stand United” American flag pins he commissioned for the games, which took place just months after the terror attacks on 9/11. [...] Complicating Romney’s patriotic message is the fact that the pins were made in China, according to a website run by the Utah state government’s culture department, as TPM’s Evan McMorris-Santoro pointed out on Twitter.

Mitt Romney Commissioned Pro-America Pins, Made Them In China

Wow. I think it's a perfect example of what Mitt Romney means when he talks about American prosperity - himself hiring Chinese people to do work cheaper than Americans. He seems to think American workers are lazy and overpaid, and need to learn something from the workers in China who know their place (and the Chinese government that makes sure of it at the point of a gun).
Millions of American flags are made in China. Millions of chop sticks are made in Georgia (USA) and exported to China. (They have not enough wood to waste on chop sticks)

Romney likely ordered the chop sticks from an American company that has their goods produced in China. This is not out of the ordinary. Check your local Wal-Mart...likely 90% of what you inspect will have been made in China. This in one reason the Chinese government will never call their loans to the US...they'd reduce their export income too much.

You have no real grasp on the workings of global economics. If the US labor unions had not driven American businesses OUT OF BUSINESS, you might find some of these cheap shit campaign buttons made in the USA.

Thank God for Harley-Davidson and Featherlight boat paddles! (The latter of which are made in Mississippi!)
The American people don't want to hear $1 billion of Obama negative ads, they want to hear how things will get better. Even Axelrod acknowledges Obama's been a disaster
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Instead, go vote for the guy who thinks capitalism doesn't work.

Capitalism does work. China is a dictatorial, pseudo-communist, capitalistic state....and we owe China Trillions of American dollars! :lol:
Millions of American flags are made in China.

You may be okay with that, but I find it shameful.

Millions of chop sticks are made in Georgia (USA) and exported to China.

Unless they use the chopsticks as mini-flagpoles, it hardly qualifies as relevant.

Romney likely ordered the (lapel pins) from an American company that has their goods produced in China.

Yeah - he doesn't care where they're made, because he doesn't care whether there is any truth behind his rhetoric. He wants the performing circus seals to clap for him, so he throws them some pseudo-patriotic chum Made in China.

This is not out of the ordinary. Check your local Wal-Mart...

Why the hell would I go to Wal-Mart? They're one of the worst companies in America.

You have no real grasp on the workings of global economics. If the US labor unions had not driven American businesses OUT OF BUSINESS, you might find some of these cheap shit campaign buttons made in the USA.

No, it is clearly you who have no grasp of global economics. Wages in China are not decided by a free market - the government keeps them at subsistence level by force. Labor unions are illegal. Now if your "criticism" of American workers is that we're not willing to be slaves, guilty as charged - the problem is that Republicans seem to think they're entitled to use labor that has no freedom to negotiate. That's what Mitt Romney wants for America - to make owners into a new medieval lordship class, and the rest of us to have no choice but to work for them at the wages they choose to allow us.

There are plenty of sources of patriotic buttons, pins, and flags made in the USA, because there are plenty of Americans who aren't sociopathic hypocrites with no loyalty to this country like Mitt Romney is. People like him, and you, just don't care enough to pay a few extra cents to serve your country at the same time you're throwing around its symbols to advance your agenda.
Instead, go vote for the guy who thinks capitalism doesn't work.

Capitalism does work. China is a dictatorial, pseudo-communist, capitalistic state....and we owe China Trillions of American dollars! :lol:
I run into quite a few Chinese who think it's ironic that we're embracing socialism while they're rejecting it. :doubt:
Instead, go vote for the guy who thinks capitalism doesn't work.

Capitalism does work. China is a dictatorial, pseudo-communist, capitalistic state....and we owe China Trillions of American dollars! :lol:
I run into quite a few Chinese who think it's ironic that we're embracing socialism while they're rejecting it. :doubt:

WE are not embracing socialism. The goddamned Marxist asshole Obama is! long as he can be among the ruling elite!
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I love when conservatarians point to China as an example of the power of Capitalism.

Anyway, remember all those get-tough-on-China tirades by Romney? How's that working out?
Instead, go vote for the guy who thinks capitalism doesn't work.


Did you bother listening? That's not what he said. Can you imagine the country without regulation? Would you drive your family in a car without safety regulations or drive an unregulated road without speed limits? Would you want your child to be the first to drink poison milk because the "market" hasn't yet discovered it's poison?

Course, when you point these things out to Republicans, they say, "We aren't saying get rid of all regulations". Well, you better check with your leaders. Because that is EXACTLY what they are saying. Unless you believe in "let him die". Then I understand.
The American people don't want to hear $1 billion of Obama negative ads,

Then tell your sociopath candidate and his billionaire buddies to stop airing them.

they want to hear to things will get better.

They are getting better. Just not for thieving Republicans who hate America and want everybody to be poor.

Even Axelrod acknowledges Obama's been a disaster

Even you acknowledge that you're an imbecile. See how easy it to just make shit up like that?

Instead, go vote for the guy who thinks capitalism doesn't work.

He doesn't say anything like that in the video, and you must either be incredibly dumb or an incredibly brazen liar to say that. What he's saying doesn't work is market fundamentalist dogma that says whatever the market does is good, and whatever the market doesn't do shouldn't happen. People do not exist to serve the market. It exists to serve us, and where it fails to do so, we have to balance it with public sector mechanisms.

The American people are tired of folks like you who say they should just shut up and learn their place, obey their corporate masters, and accept lower wages in exchange for more work and fewer benefits while the people who fund Republican campaigns just keep getting richer and richer. You're a pack of thieves, and we're not gonna take it anymore.
Instead, go vote for the guy who thinks capitalism doesn't work.

He doesn't say anything like that in the video, and you must either be incredibly dumb or an incredibly brazen liar to say that. What he's saying doesn't work is market fundamentalist dogma that says whatever the market does is good, and whatever the market doesn't do shouldn't happen. People do not exist to serve the market. It exists to serve us, and where it fails to do so, we have to balance it with public sector mechanisms.
And he seems to think that normal corrections of the market means it is broken, and government must step in to try to change that. Which, of course, is bullshit.

The American people are tired of folks like you who say they should just shut up and learn their place, obey their corporate masters, and accept lower wages in exchange for more work and fewer benefits while the people who fund Republican campaigns just keep getting richer and richer. You're a pack of thieves, and we're not gonna take it anymore.
So you speak for the American people now?

Who the fuck are you, exactly?

You've been here for 45 seconds and already you have me pigeonholed. Who exactly are "people like" me?
I love when conservatarians point to China as an example of the power of Capitalism.
And what exactly is a "conservatarian," braintrust?

A so-called conservative who's actually just an uneducated christo-fascist wrapped in libertarian clothing.

Does that help?

I suppose you think that describes someone on this thread? Kindly point him/her out and give examples to support your assertion.
Instead, go vote for the guy who thinks capitalism doesn't work.

He doesn't say anything like that in the video, and you must either be incredibly dumb or an incredibly brazen liar to say that. What he's saying doesn't work is market fundamentalist dogma that says whatever the market does is good, and whatever the market doesn't do shouldn't happen. People do not exist to serve the market. It exists to serve us, and where it fails to do so, we have to balance it with public sector mechanisms.
And he seems to think that normal corrections of the market means it is broken, and government must step in to try to change that. Which, of course, is bullshit.

So, a primary asset collapse of 50% and a stock market fall of nearly 50% is a "normal correction"?

Is that right?

Can I interest you in some fine dutch tulips?

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