Romney Campaign Forbids Reporter From Asking About Todd Akin, Abortion

You're suck a troll! Any reporter still asking him about it, is a partisan hack that doesn't deserve a response. Romney and Ryan denounced what he said and Akin himself right away and nothing more needs to be said.

Liberal reporters now what to use it as a distraction! Good for Romney for wanting to talk about what is important - THE ECONOMY!!!!


De Nile is not just a river in Egypt. :eusa_whistle:

"while the nation remains so divided, he (Romney) believes that the right next step is for the Supreme Court to overturn Roe v. Wade"


And the next sentence is..... With Roe overturned, states will be empowered through the democratic process to determine their own abortion laws and not have them dictated by judicial mandate.

Which is as it should be. It's a state issue, not a federal one.
It's ok when Obama does it, not ok when Romney does it. Got it, thanks.

Obama has refused to answer any questions at all for a couple of months. I'm actually quite grateful... the less he responds, the less he lies. :lol:


In point of fact, I watched him answer questions to the press a couple of days ago.

We keep telling you fools to watch/read the news but oh noooooo - All you watch is fux so you never know what is really going on in the world.

I saw him take advantage of what Akin said to change the subject and then ramble on and on without answering any questions. It actually made him look bad on a day he should have looked good.
If Willard didn't want to talk about abortion, he should have vetted his VP pick a bit better.
White House Sets Ground Rules for Local Interviews | The Blog on Obama: White House Dossier

White House Sets Ground Rules for Local Interviews
The White House is doing something with its local TV interviews that it could not easily get away with in encounters with the White House press corps, which President Obama has been studiously ignoring: choosing the topic about which President Obama and the reporter will talk.

The reporters were able to ask about other topics. But with their face time with the president limited to under ten minutes, and Obama well rehearsed to discuss at length his favored topic, there was little room for much else to come up.
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We all know you Democrats want to talk about EVERY petty thing EXCEPT the state of the economy, unemployment, almost 4 dollar gas under Obama

but tsk tsk, ain't going to happen

Akin misspoke? The man gave a whole medical rundown on the process of rape and pregnancy. He sounded like a doctor from the Mayo Clinic. Now the Republicans are taking the Fifth because this topic which they spoke so freely about to their conservative audiences isn't playing too well in Peoria. When a politician won't speak to reporters you know something is dramatically wrong.
Akin misspoke? The man gave a whole medical rundown on the process of rape and pregnancy. He sounded like a doctor from the Mayo Clinic. Now the Republicans are taking the Fifth because this topic which they spoke so freely about to their conservative audiences isn't playing too well in Peoria. When a politician won't speak to reporters you know something is dramatically wrong.

really, funny you all don't care obama RARLY holds any press conferences
Instead he goes and give interviews to people magazine

man oh man, the double standards of the left
You're suck a troll! Any reporter still asking him about it, is a partisan hack that doesn't deserve a response. Romney and Ryan denounced what he said and Akin himself right away and nothing more needs to be said.

Liberal reporters now what to use it as a distraction! Good for Romney for wanting to talk about what is important - THE ECONOMY!!!!

Any reporter who dares ask Mittens about front page news involving a politician from his own party and his own running mate, is a partisan hack?


Speaking of partisan hacks, you and the rest of the USMB wingnut brigade take the cake. You cry about the so-called liberal media supposedly giving Obama a pass on the tough questions and cheer when Romney demands that the same reporters not ask him the tough questions.

And a neg to you as well, dumb ass.

Listen, don't muss up the meme. Partisan, liberal hacks don't know from nothin' and have the audacity to ask a question of substance about what a member of their own party said AND a co-sponser of the Ryan/Akin anti-abortion bill. How dare they! /sarcasm off

Swing State Polls as of 8/22/12

Florida Obama 49 Romney 46
Ohio 50 44
Virginia 50 45
Colorado 49 46
Nevada 49 45
Wisconsin 50 45
MI 44 47
PA 48 42​

Mitt Romney Campaign Forbids Reporter From Asking About Todd Akin, Abortion

A Denver reporter granted a one-on-one interview with Mitt Romney Thursday said she was instructed not to ask him any questions about abortion or Rep. Todd Akin's (R-Mo.) controversial comments about victims of "legitimate rape."

Shaun Boyd, a reporter for Denver CBS affiliate KCNC, was one of four local reporters to speak with Romney, according to the newscast. She said on air that the Romney campaign had set pre-conditions before allowing her to interview the candidate.

"You know, I had about five minutes with him, and we got through a fair amount of material, actually, in that five minutes," Boyd said on-air. "The one stipulation to the interview was that I not ask him about abortion or Todd Akin -– he’s the Missouri Republican who created a firestorm after saying women’s bodies shut down in a legitimate rape to prevent pregnancy. I did ask him about health care, the female vote, and energy."

I can't blame Romney for not wanting any part of that. It's a no-win situation for the GOP.
Akin misspoke? The man gave a whole medical rundown on the process of rape and pregnancy. He sounded like a doctor from the Mayo Clinic. Now the Republicans are taking the Fifth because this topic which they spoke so freely about to their conservative audiences isn't playing too well in Peoria. When a politician won't speak to reporters you know something is dramatically wrong.

He didn't mis-speak. Akin said what he thought was right. His is the party that rejects global warming, thinks college is for snobs, and rejects nearly all science. His view is right in line with many in the GOP; total ignorance of science. I'm sure many think that the tropical storm Issac is hitting Florida due to there being a GLBT day at Disney World.

As for the Governor; he did what he should have done; set some ground rules and dodge the issue--there is no upside for him in this....he's already lost the women's vote.
You're suck a troll! Any reporter still asking him about it, is a partisan hack that doesn't deserve a response. Romney and Ryan denounced what he said and Akin himself right away and nothing more needs to be said.

Liberal reporters now what to use it as a distraction! Good for Romney for wanting to talk about what is important - THE ECONOMY!!!!

Any reporter who dares ask Mittens about front page news involving a politician from his own party and his own running mate, is a partisan hack? .

It's only front page news because all the partisan hacks want it to be front page news. If a liberal had made a similar gaff it would be back page news and forgotten about days ago.
You're suck a troll! Any reporter still asking him about it, is a partisan hack that doesn't deserve a response. Romney and Ryan denounced what he said and Akin himself right away and nothing more needs to be said.

Liberal reporters now what to use it as a distraction! Good for Romney for wanting to talk about what is important - THE ECONOMY!!!!

Any reporter who dares ask Mittens about front page news involving a politician from his own party and his own running mate, is a partisan hack? .

It's only front page news because all the partisan hacks want it to be front page news. If a liberal had made a similar gaff it would be back page news and forgotten about days ago.

You poor little victim. Bless your heart.

Mitt Romney Campaign Forbids Reporter From Asking About Todd Akin, Abortion

A Denver reporter granted a one-on-one interview with Mitt Romney Thursday said she was instructed not to ask him any questions about abortion or Rep. Todd Akin's (R-Mo.) controversial comments about victims of "legitimate rape."

Shaun Boyd, a reporter for Denver CBS affiliate KCNC, was one of four local reporters to speak with Romney, according to the newscast. She said on air that the Romney campaign had set pre-conditions before allowing her to interview the candidate.

"You know, I had about five minutes with him, and we got through a fair amount of material, actually, in that five minutes," Boyd said on-air. "The one stipulation to the interview was that I not ask him about abortion or Todd Akin -– he’s the Missouri Republican who created a firestorm after saying women’s bodies shut down in a legitimate rape to prevent pregnancy. I did ask him about health care, the female vote, and energy."

GOOD FOR ROMNEY--he's already stated that Akin needs to go and he's made his point on abortion numerous times.

Romney does give exception to rape, incest victims and the life of the mother. : Twisting Romney’s Abortion Stance

Most of us aren't planning our lives around an abortion we may decide to have in the future. We're much more worried about keeping a roof over our kids heads right now.--and our Presidential candidates need focus on those issues right now--and not wonder off into the weeds--in gotcha type questions--from delusional reporters that are frantic Obama is going to lose this election. And if reporters aren't going to ask questions pertaining to the majority's concerns--and or keep asking questions that have already been answered 10 thousand times--THEN IGNORE them.


"When you don't have a record to run on, you need to paint your opponent as someone people should run from"--Barack Obama
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Obama has refused to answer any questions at all for a couple of months. I'm actually quite grateful... the less he responds, the less he lies. :lol:


In point of fact, I watched him answer questions to the press a couple of days ago.

We keep telling you fools to watch/read the news but oh noooooo - All you watch is fux so you never know what is really going on in the world.

Has any reported asked him about Biden FUBAR comment to a crowd of black people that Republicans are going to put them in chains?
Akin misspoke? The man gave a whole medical rundown on the process of rape and pregnancy. He sounded like a doctor from the Mayo Clinic. Now the Republicans are taking the Fifth because this topic which they spoke so freely about to their conservative audiences isn't playing too well in Peoria. When a politician won't speak to reporters you know something is dramatically wrong.

He didn't mis-speak. Akin said what he thought was right. His is the party that rejects global warming, thinks college is for snobs, and rejects nearly all science. His view is right in line with many in the GOP; total ignorance of science. I'm sure many think that the tropical storm Issac is hitting Florida due to there being a GLBT day at Disney World.

As for the Governor; he did what he should have done; set some ground rules and dodge the issue--there is no upside for him in this....he's already lost the women's vote.

oh blaa blaa
stop being a parrot
Romney is flexible in his beliefs, some say he lies but he just wants to know which way the wind is blowing. If this Akin thing continues, Romney just might come out with praise for Roe v. Wade, The question then becomes, how flexible is Ryan? And finally, how flexible is Limbaugh?
Why are they running from this guy? Didn't they put the "Akin Amendment" into their Party Platform?
You mean the campaign actually wants to talk about the issues they are running on? Im SHOCKED!

So what does this say about Obama's campaign which is telling the media specifically not to ask Obama about political issues?
Pfft, Romney has answered more questions this month than Obama has answered in three years......

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