Romney caught on tape

If Romney had paid his fair share of taxes, it would have meant up to $32 million for over 600 veterans in jobs that leverage skills that they developed in the military or over 3,300 returning veterans receiving medical care to preserve the sacred trust we have to those who serve and protect our nation.
Romney didn't speak the truth. He spoke ignorance and intolerance for these so-called 47%. Someone this ignorant has no business being president.

There are many things wrong with what Romney said (but it doesn't surprise me in the least that you don't see that). His most fundament, and insulting, mistake is to claim that the 47% of Americans who do not pay federal income taxes "are dependent upon government, who believe that they are victims, who believe the government has a responsibility to care for them, who believe that they are entitled to health care, to food, to housing, to you-name-it." The majority of the people who do not pay federal income taxes have jobs. They pay federal payroll taxes (and thus pay a higher percentage of their income to the federal government in taxes than Mitt Romney paid in 2010). Of the remaining 18 percent of the population that doesn't pay federal income or payroll taxes, over half are elderly.

And there are not insignificant numbers of the well off who don't pay federal income taxes.

In 2009, according to Internal Revenue Service studies, six of the 400 U.S. tax filers with the highest adjusted gross income (meaning AGI of at least $77 million) paid no U.S. income tax, while 19,551 U.S. households with income above $200,000 owed no U.S. or foreign income tax.

And there are large numbers of people in each of these various groups and income brackets who are Republicans and who voted for Bush, voted for McCain, and even would have voted for Romney. In fact, Romney has a fairly sizable lead among financially struggling white voters, many (if not most) of whom fall into Romney's 47%.

Are there lazy people who take advantage of and believe that they are entitled to government assistance? Of course there are. There have always been people like that. But it's a hell of a lot less than the ridiculous 47% claimed by Romney and it makes up a relatively small percentage of Obama's support.

Claiming equivalence between those who don't pay federal income taxes, those who think they are entitled to government handouts and those who support the president is simplistic nonsense, but it's either what Romney believes or what his supporters want to hear.

Not all of those escaping income taxes have modest incomes, however. In 2009, according to Internal Revenue Service studies, six of the 400 U.S. tax filers with the highest adjusted gross income (meaning AGI of at least $77 million) paid no U.S. income tax, while 19,551 U.S. households with income above $200,000 owed no U.S. or foreign income tax.
The media and the government are in collusion to silence critics. Now we know it for sure.
I guess this is difficult to grasp. By being dependent on government, you should forfeit your right to vote. Want to vote? Stop bleeding taxpayers. I could take it many steps further too. Like saying any able bodied welfare recipient should have to work at public institutions to acquire that money. Like cleaning up parks, or what have you. They should also not be allowed any luxury items at all. TV and other items such as should be confiscated and sold by the state or feds if you collect welfare.

There are far more billions (I would guess trillions) of welfare in the form of tax breaks, loopholes and subsidies going to billionaires and corporations making billions in profits than are going to keep the least among us (remember 61% of that 47%, those "entitlement victims", are the working poor with jobs - many times more than one or two. I dare Romney to look them in the eye and call them lazy moochers). Cut off the billionaire welfare cheats off first. Then we'll talk about putting even more stress on the least among us. Romney is an ASSHOLE.


Yeah, corporatism is running a muck. And neither Romney, or Obama plan to change that. So the real issue here isn't ever going to be addressed in these partisan bickering threads.
Taxing 250K plus crowd does not address that, and Obama, nor Romney have any plan to actually change the corporatist system.

They are both assholes serving special interests. And you'll still pick one and vote, while demonizing the other. Like it fucking changes anything. :lmao:

The blind following the rhetoric. Right off the cliff.
The Bush tax cuts for the wealthiest five percent of Americans cost the U.S. Treasury $11.6 million every hour, according to the National Priorities Project. Between 2001 and the current projected end of the Bush tax cut extension, tax cuts for the wealthiest 5 percent will cost the U.S. Treasury $1.184 trillion. If extended through 2021 as gop lawmakers propose, the total cost will exceed $3.2 trillion.
The 400 highest-earning taxpayers in the U.S. reported a record $105 billion in total adjusted gross income in 2006, but they paid just $18 billion in tax, new Internal Revenue Service figures show. That works out to an average federal income tax bite of 17%--the lowest rate paid by the richest 400 during the 15-year period covered by the IRS statistics
Did I say, "this is the democrats fault." ? No, I didn't. And still 47% don't pay any federal income taxes.

That's your response? Really? So Romney was right that 47% don't want to take responsibility for themselves?

Try not to give a lazy answer this time.

He speaks the truth 47% don't pay any income taxes, not that they are lazy, but that's a fact. This whole video is suspect because we don't see all of it and you can bet your buckwheat it was released to divert everyone's attention from the crisis going on in the middle east. I am not falling for it.

So he was right that they don't want to take responsibility for their lives?
I have yet to see an issue with Mitt Romney's statements. Naturally, for those who are aghast at such statements, we also haven't heard the full conversation. For those who scream 'context' when Joe Biden sticks his foot into his mouth, we have yet to see them screaming for 'context' in this instance.

Course, I'm just one of those guys who clings bitterly to my God and Guns...
This is just how wealthy people on th right talk about the people of our country.

50,000 a plate dinner was where this happened.

It show the right wing wealthy fucks who keep trying to BUY elections hate most Americans
I have yet to see an issue with Mitt Romney's statements. Naturally, for those who are aghast at such statements, we also haven't heard the full conversation. For those who scream 'context' when Joe Biden sticks his foot into his mouth, we have yet to see them screaming for 'context' in this instance.

Course, I'm just one of those guys who clings bitterly to my God and Guns...

Romney pays 13% taxes.

I pay 25%.

Fuck him.
Mitt Romney is correct. 47% of Americans PAY ZERO in taxes and they demand MORE of the working American's money IF they're a liberal. (675 of LIBERALS demand more money from working Americans.)

Mitt Romney needs to come out swinging and talk to the American people. The majority LOATHE the welfare state..

47% are the welfare state? LOL. So the handicapped and elderly are included?
I have yet to see an issue with Mitt Romney's statements. Naturally, for those who are aghast at such statements, we also haven't heard the full conversation. For those who scream 'context' when Joe Biden sticks his foot into his mouth, we have yet to see them screaming for 'context' in this instance.

Course, I'm just one of those guys who clings bitterly to my God and Guns...


your whole fucking convention slogan was a LIE about what Obama said
Did I say, "this is the democrats fault." ? No, I didn't. And still 47% don't pay any federal income taxes.

That's your response? Really? So Romney was right that 47% don't want to take responsibility for themselves?

Try not to give a lazy answer this time.

That's my response. That is the statement in question. Do these 47% want to take responsibility for themselves? It doesn't appear that way. The number of government dependents and non-income tax payers seems to be growing rather than declining.

Was his statement filled with the typical appeal that both Romney and Obama have shown over the course of this election cycle? Yes. Like all politicians, they play the appeal to emotion or anger. In this case, Romney drives a fact into realms of fiction. We dont know how many of the growing govt. dependents would prefer to take responsibility. What we do know is that almost half don't pay income tax. That's a factual statment.

Funny, since that 47% includes you. Hypocrites are hilarious!
LOLberals always screaming about equality. Want to give special treatment to some over others. :lmao:

You just can't make this stuff up!!

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