Romney caught on tape

Mitt Romney is correct. 47% of Americans PAY ZERO in taxes and they demand MORE of the working American's money IF they're a liberal. (675 of LIBERALS demand more money from working Americans.)

Mitt Romney needs to come out swinging and talk to the American people. The majority LOATHE the welfare state..
Mitt Romney is correct. 47% of Americans PAY ZERO in taxes and they demand MORE of the working American's money IF they're a liberal. (675 of LIBERALS demand more money from working Americans.)

Mitt Romney needs to come out swinging and talk to the American people. The majority LOATHE the welfare state..

Since they all love polls and Gallup when it's to their advantage.

Gallup: Majority in US Still Say Government Doing Too Much
Monday, 17 Sep 2012 10:51 PM

By Todd Beamon

The latest Gallup Poll shows that 54 percent of those surveyed Sept. 6 to 9 believe the government is trying to do too much, although that is down from a record high of 61 percent this summer.

About four in 10 Americans, or 39 percent, say the government should do more to solve the nation's problems.

According to Gallup, only a few times in the company’s 20 years of asking the question have more Americans said the government should do more to solve the nation's problems than said the government is doing too much.

Two instances were in the fall of 1992 and again in early 1993, as Bill Clinton ran for and took office as president. Another was in October 2001, just after the 9/11 terrorist attacks, according to Gallup.

Americans have been most likely to respond that the government was working to do too much during the middle years of the Clinton administration, and in recent years during President Barack Obama’s administration.

The appropriate role of government in addressing the nation's problems continues to be one of the most divisive issues in this year's election.

Obama tends to support the idea that government should do more to address the country's problems, while his Republican challenger, Mitt Romney, generally disagrees.

As such, two-thirds of Democrats (67 percent) think government should do more, while an even larger percentage of Republicans (82 percent) say government is doing too much that should be left to individuals and businesses.

More than six in 10 independents (62 percent) agree that the government is doing too much.
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From your link

"Put bluntly, these are not households shirking their tax liabilities. The pool consists mostly of the poor, of relatively low-income working families and of old people."

"It is also worth noting that though tens of millions of families do not pay federal income taxes, there are virtually no families that do not pay any taxes – between payroll taxes, sales taxes, state and local taxes, and on and on."

But this is the fault of the dems, right?

"Moreover, the Bush tax cuts – the signature Republican economic policy of the 2000s, which doubled the child tax credit, increased a number of other deductions and exemptions, and lowered marginal tax rates – erased millions of families’ federal income tax liabilities."

Still think Romney is right? Still think that 47% of people don't want to take responsibility for their lives?

You're wrong and you know it. Thanks for the link to help prove that.

Did I say, "this is the democrats fault." ? No, I didn't. And still 47% don't pay any federal income taxes.

That's your response? Really? So Romney was right that 47% don't want to take responsibility for themselves?

Try not to give a lazy answer this time.

That's my response. That is the statement in question. Do these 47% want to take responsibility for themselves? It doesn't appear that way. The number of government dependents and non-income tax payers seems to be growing rather than declining.

Was his statement filled with the typical appeal that both Romney and Obama have shown over the course of this election cycle? Yes. Like all politicians, they play the appeal to emotion or anger. In this case, Romney drives a fact into realms of fiction. We dont know how many of the growing govt. dependents would prefer to take responsibility. What we do know is that almost half don't pay income tax. That's a factual statment.
Suppose I have a tax shelter dressage horse and hide my income overseas.

Am I a member of that 47%?
81% of Americans pay federal taxes including payroll taxes for Medicare and Social Security and income taxes. In addition they also pay state taxes, sales taxes and property taxes.

Of the 19% who pay no federal taxes 96% are elderly on fixed incomes or working families who make less than 20K a year.

What kind of political party attacks the elderly and the working poor?.....the Republican Party
I don't understand what the problem is here. Did he say something that was untrue? I happen to agree with him and find it refreshing.

The part that was untrue is, if he really believes 47% will not vote for him because they don't pay income taxes, that he still has a shot at the WH. The other 53% aren't all natural or convincable Romney supporters. Many are Obama supporters that DO pay taxes. So long, Mitty.
I'm going to say that if Obama wins re-election, welfare recipients will go to more than 60%. Federal income tax payers will fall below 40% and medical expenses will double by 2016.

If Romney wins, much of the same outcome will ensue.
I guess this is difficult to grasp. By being dependent on government, you should forfeit your right to vote. Want to vote? Stop bleeding taxpayers. I could take it many steps further too. Like saying any able bodied welfare recipient should have to work at public institutions to acquire that money. Like cleaning up parks, or what have you. They should also not be allowed any luxury items at all. TV and other items such as should be confiscated and sold by the state or feds if you collect welfare.

There are far more billions (I would guess trillions) of welfare in the form of tax breaks, loopholes and subsidies going to billionaires and corporations making billions in profits than are going to keep the least among us (remember 61% of that 47%, those "entitlement victims", are the working poor with jobs - many times more than one or two. I dare Romney to look them in the eye and call them lazy moochers). Cut the billionaire welfare cheats off first. Then we'll talk about putting even more stress on the least among us. Romney is an ASSHOLE.
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Most Republicans who are over 65 don't pay income taxes and are dependent on the government.

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