Romney caught on tape

"There are 47 percent of the people who will vote for the president no matter what. All right -- there are 47 percent who are with him, who are dependent on government, who believe that, that they are victims, who believe that government has the responsibility to care for them. Who believe that they are entitled to health care, to food, to housing."
Romney continues by saying:
"they will vote for this president no matter what…These are people who pay no income tax. My job is is not to worry about those people. I'll never convince them they should take personal responsibility and care for their lives."

Read more: Romney's closed door comments caught on tape (Includes interview)

Listen to the tape at the link.

Is this any surprise coming from Mitt "I'm not concerned about the very poor" Romney?

Talking about taking a speech out of context.

He's not concerned with getting their votes. He knows they're already being taken care of. The only people that this plays well with is minorities or drug addicts or the homeless or the layabouts that don't want to work anymore. Anyone who feels they want to kick back and live off of the rest of us taxpayers are already in Obama's corner.

Which is a more compelling statement:

"You didn't build that, you need help from the government in everything you do....."

.....or "almost half of you want free shit?"

I think anyone with any self-respect will reject Obama's arguments.
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Mitt Romney has a plan to restore this nation through tax relief for small businesses.. The job creators who spur ecomonic growth for our nation. Obama punishes business while throwing FREE OBAMA MONEY to leeches, slugs.. who want more and more. 67% of democrats thinks government should give them more.

Take the diapers off of liberals and vote Romney/Ryan for America's future.

Majority in U.S. Still Say Government Doing Too Much
Remember these promises from the Liar -N- Chief? Mr. President, you didn't get it done. We've been downgraded TWICE because of your WELFARE policies of destroying capitalism and punishing American ingenuity. It's time to go. VOTE this Welfare President out.

[ame=]Believe in America - YouTube[/ame]
I've been a taxpaying American citizen since I turned 18...and I won't be voting for Willard RawMoney.

Willard needs to learn a little more about that 47% that "doesn't pay taxes" (LIE, but it's Romney, it's expected)

Behind the 'People Who Pay No Income Tax' -

Romney is correct, turd sandwich.

Willard is correct that they don't pay Federal income tax, he is not correct that they pay NO taxes. That is a blatant RW lie. Did I call you a name or are your feelings hurt because I called your horrible candidate "RawMoney"?
I've been a taxpaying American citizen since I turned 18...and I won't be voting for Willard RawMoney.

Willard needs to learn a little more about that 47% that "doesn't pay taxes" (LIE, but it's Romney, it's expected)

Behind the 'People Who Pay No Income Tax' -

Romney is correct, turd sandwich.

Willard is correct that they don't pay Federal income tax, he is not correct that they pay NO taxes. That is a blatant RW lie. Did I call you a name or are your feelings hurt because I called your horrible candidate "RawMoney"?

He's not my candidate. I don't like him and won't vote for him. And yet, his statement is still correct.
It's true. So what?

Given the politics of hatred the modern GOP is engaging in..recently..I kinda hope the Romney folks feel this way.

Because many of those "parasites" are the elderly and the working poor.

This really should hit him for them.
I've been a taxpaying American citizen since I turned 18...and I won't be voting for Willard RawMoney.

Willard needs to learn a little more about that 47% that "doesn't pay taxes" (LIE, but it's Romney, it's expected)

Behind the 'People Who Pay No Income Tax' -

Romney is correct, turd sandwich.

From your link

"Put bluntly, these are not households shirking their tax liabilities. The pool consists mostly of the poor, of relatively low-income working families and of old people."

"It is also worth noting that though tens of millions of families do not pay federal income taxes, there are virtually no families that do not pay any taxes – between payroll taxes, sales taxes, state and local taxes, and on and on."

But this is the fault of the dems, right?

"Moreover, the Bush tax cuts – the signature Republican economic policy of the 2000s, which doubled the child tax credit, increased a number of other deductions and exemptions, and lowered marginal tax rates – erased millions of families’ federal income tax liabilities."

Still think Romney is right? Still think that 47% of people don't want to take responsibility for their lives?

You're wrong and you know it. Thanks for the link to help prove that.
I've been a taxpaying American citizen since I turned 18...and I won't be voting for Willard RawMoney.

Willard needs to learn a little more about that 47% that "doesn't pay taxes" (LIE, but it's Romney, it's expected)

Behind the 'People Who Pay No Income Tax' -

Romney is correct, turd sandwich.

From your link

"Put bluntly, these are not households shirking their tax liabilities. The pool consists mostly of the poor, of relatively low-income working families and of old people."

"It is also worth noting that though tens of millions of families do not pay federal income taxes, there are virtually no families that do not pay any taxes – between payroll taxes, sales taxes, state and local taxes, and on and on."

But this is the fault of the dems, right?

"Moreover, the Bush tax cuts – the signature Republican economic policy of the 2000s, which doubled the child tax credit, increased a number of other deductions and exemptions, and lowered marginal tax rates – erased millions of families’ federal income tax liabilities."

Still think Romney is right? Still think that 47% of people don't want to take responsibility for their lives?

You're wrong and you know it. Thanks for the link to help prove that.

Did I say, "this is the democrats fault." ? No, I didn't. And still 47% don't pay any federal income taxes.
67% of liberals want government to do more, support more.. Liberals want to turn a free America in to WELFARE AMERICA. Say no to this Welfare President and his band of leeches.

Romney/Ryan for revitalizing America through work, and not welfare. THROW THE BUMS OUT!

Majority in U.S. Still Say Government Doing Too Much

I'd love it if the rest of this election was about big government welfare (totalitarianism) VS freedom and liberty.

Excellent job, Romney! And for once, excellent job mainstream media! Please keep hyping this.

The leeches have been called the fuck out!
Mr. Romney is absolutely correct that about half of American households do not pay federal income tax

Special interest group Liberalism will be the death of this nations great experiment.
The media has taken a policy of attacking whatever Romney says. If he said the sky is blue, the media would say "Romney stumbles, claims the sky is blue". We've seen this before, when they did the same thing to Sarah Palin.
And these "white rednecks on welfare" should not be allowed to vote.

Why not?

I guess this is difficult to grasp. By being dependent on government, you should forfeit your right to vote. Want to vote? Stop bleeding taxpayers. I could take it many steps further too. Like saying any able bodied welfare recipient should have to work at public institutions to acquire that money. Like cleaning up parks, or what have you. They should also not be allowed any luxury items at all. TV and other items such as should be confiscated and sold by the state or feds if you collect welfare.

Got empathy? Nope, and that makes you a callous conservative. I bet you think you're a Christian too.
This is what Romney was talking about:

[ame=]Obama Voters - 201203 - YouTube[/ame]

Democrats, aren't you tired of your tax dollars going to these parasites?
This Welfare President has been an economic disaster.. What did he PROMISE as candidate OBAMA??

Why he promised to SKY ROCKET energy prices .. let's listen for ourselves:

[ame=]Obama: My Plan Makes Electricity Rates Skyrocket - YouTube[/ame]

In his second term, he has stated UNEQUIVOCALLY because he cannot pass it thru Congress, he will use executive privelege to cram Kyoto down our throads which will TRIPLE energy costs at what they are today. WHy wouldn't he??? He used it to COVER UP the death of an American, BRIAN TERRY.

This Welfare, CORRUPT liar must go.

Romney/Ryan 2012
Romney gets criticized for being honest while Obama can't seem to be these days.

That makes sense.

Well, at any rate this is another "If the shoe fits wear it" moment.

Whenever Obama is honest he reveals a dangerous agenda. When Romney is honest he says what's on the minds of most of America.........and Romney is the bad guy.:dunno:
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The democrats always wanted class warfare between the tax payers and those supported by those who pay taxes. Maybe this will finally give it to them.

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