Romney caught on tape

Mitts sound bite calling 47% of Americans leeches will cost him the election

He was only saying what most conservatives already believe

If you work for $40,000 a year and have four kids to support and a are a leech
If you have a net worth of $40 million and hide your money in offshore are a job creator
That's your response? Really? So Romney was right that 47% don't want to take responsibility for themselves?

Try not to give a lazy answer this time.

That's my response. That is the statement in question. Do these 47% want to take responsibility for themselves? It doesn't appear that way. The number of government dependents and non-income tax payers seems to be growing rather than declining.

Was his statement filled with the typical appeal that both Romney and Obama have shown over the course of this election cycle? Yes. Like all politicians, they play the appeal to emotion or anger. In this case, Romney drives a fact into realms of fiction. We dont know how many of the growing govt. dependents would prefer to take responsibility. What we do know is that almost half don't pay income tax. That's a factual statment.

Funny, since that 47% includes you. Hypocrites are hilarious!

Where do you get that from? Your pee sized brain? I pay plenty of taxes. But I'm gonna sit here and fucking whine because Romney pays a lower percentage, even though he pays in millions more than I. You guys just needa reason to hate someone because you're envious. Those who don't jump on board are then personally attacked.

Like the chump we see here.
If you make $40,000 per year and are having kids you can't afford, you are a leech.
TaxVox » Blog Archive » Why Do People Pay No Federal Income Tax?

Much has been made of TPC’s estimate that fully 46 percent of Americans will pay no federal individual income tax this year. Commentators have often misinterpreted that percentage as indicating that nearly half of Americans pay no taxes. In fact, however, many of those who don’t pay income tax do pay other taxes—federal payroll and excise taxes as well as state and local income, sales, and property taxes.

The large percentage of people not paying income tax is often blamed on tax breaks that zero out many households’ income tax bills and can even result in net payments from the government. While that’s the case for many households, a new TPC paper shows that about half of people who don’t owe income tax are off the rolls not because they take advantage of tax breaks but rather because they have low incomes. For example, a couple with two children earning less than $26,400 will pay no federal income tax this year because their $11,600 standard deduction and four exemptions of $3,700 each reduce their taxable income to zero. The basic structure of the income tax simply exempts subsistence levels of income from tax.

From the TCP paper: "About 46% of American Households will pay no federal individual income tax in 2011."
And no, I don't give a fuck if they are senior citizens are low-income workers who decided to have children they can not afford without tax breaks (and in most cases probably with tax breaks).

If you want equality it has to apply to all. Not those which you think should get a special break. Whether it be poor, elderly, corporations or otherwise.

It's not equality except for.....
"There are 47 percent of the people who will vote for the president no matter what. All right -- there are 47 percent who are with him, who are dependent on government, who believe that, that they are victims, who believe that government has the responsibility to care for them. Who believe that they are entitled to health care, to food, to housing."
Romney continues by saying:
"they will vote for this president no matter what…These are people who pay no income tax. My job is is not to worry about those people. I'll never convince them they should take personal responsibility and care for their lives."

Read more: Romney's closed door comments caught on tape (Includes interview)

Listen to the tape at the link.

And......He just stated what we all know. Just one hitch, many that dont pay taxes know why.

No damn job and that remains on Obumble......
Mitts sound bite calling 47% of Americans leeches will cost him the election

He was only saying what most conservatives already believe

If you work for $40,000 a year and have four kids to support and a are a leech
If you have a net worth of $40 million and hide your money in offshore are a job creator


If you're making $40k a year obviously you're working and you're not one of the non-taxpaying people he's talking about.

I hate to break it to you but Obama has used scare-tactics to make what Romney is saying a reality.

I know it burns your ass to acknowledge that.
Mitts sound bite calling 47% of Americans leeches will cost him the election

He was only saying what most conservatives already believe

If you work for $40,000 a year and have four kids to support and a are a leech
If you have a net worth of $40 million and hide your money in offshore are a job creator


If you're making $40k a year obviously you're working and you're not one of the non-taxpaying people he's talking about.

I hate to break it to you but Obama has used scare-tactics to make what Romney is saying a reality.

I know it burns your ass to acknowledge that.

Yes you are

Working Americans get the same tax deductions they always got. Child deductions, mortgage deductions, state and local tax deductions, charity, child care, education

Many, many working Americans fall into that 47% where their deductions put them into that 47%. There are also millionaires in that 47%. But Mitt does not call them leeches
Romney's 47%: Thank Washington's tax break addiction - Sep. 18, 2012

In fact, the main reason so many Americans end up with no federal income tax liability is Congress' addiction to tax breaks -- tax breaks both Democrats and Republicans have supported. (Related: Obama v. Romney on taxes)

Intentionally or not, Congress set it up this way.

Over the years, lawmakers have increased the number of non-payers by enacting reams of tax breaks -- such as tax credits for work, kids and education.

The Bush tax cuts, first passed more than a decade ago, expanded many of them. Indeed, if the Bush tax cuts are allowed to expire the number of non-payers could drop significantly, according to Roberton Williams, a senior fellow at the Tax Policy Center.

Related: Billionaires with 1% tax rates

Lawmakers also approved a number of temporary tax breaks after the 2008 financial crisis to stimulate the economy.

The Tax Policy Center has estimated that in tax year 2011, 46% of households owed nothing in federal income taxes. About half are nontaxable strictly because of tax breaks. The other half didn't owe federal income tax because of exemptions allowed for subsistence level income and dependents.

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People making 40k per year (household) and having kids are irresponsible. You can't afford kids at that pay. Therefore, they become leeches.

What makes it worse is though they pay no income tax, they want the rich to pay more!
People making 40k per year (household) and having kids are irresponsible. You can't afford kids at that pay. Therefore, they become leeches.

What makes it worse is though they pay no income tax, they want the rich to pay more!

And then have the fucking gull to say "It's only fair!!!"

Dipshit morons.
Mitts sound bite calling 47% of Americans leeches will cost him the election

He was only saying what most conservatives already believe

If you work for $40,000 a year and have four kids to support and a are a leech
If you have a net worth of $40 million and hide your money in offshore are a job creator


If you're making $40k a year obviously you're working and you're not one of the non-taxpaying people he's talking about.

I hate to break it to you but Obama has used scare-tactics to make what Romney is saying a reality.

I know it burns your ass to acknowledge that.

Yes you are

Working Americans get the same tax deductions they always got. Child deductions, mortgage deductions, state and local tax deductions, charity, child care, education

Many, many working Americans fall into that 47% where their deductions put them into that 47%. There are also millionaires in that 47%. But Mitt does not call them leeches

You're talking about apples and oranges dumb-ass.

Mitt was talking about people that collect benefits, not people that take tax-deductions.

You're losing your mind RW. Your sense of reality, your sense of right and wrong is slipping away.

You're probably exactly what Mitt was talking about you fucken hypocrite.
People making 40k per year (household) and having kids are irresponsible. You can't afford kids at that pay. Therefore, they become leeches.

What makes it worse is though they pay no income tax, they want the rich to pay more!

I really hope Mitt Romney parrots your is what he believes

If you're making $40k a year obviously you're working and you're not one of the non-taxpaying people he's talking about.

I hate to break it to you but Obama has used scare-tactics to make what Romney is saying a reality.

I know it burns your ass to acknowledge that.

Yes you are

Working Americans get the same tax deductions they always got. Child deductions, mortgage deductions, state and local tax deductions, charity, child care, education

Many, many working Americans fall into that 47% where their deductions put them into that 47%. There are also millionaires in that 47%. But Mitt does not call them leeches

You're talking about apples and oranges dumb-ass.

Mitt was talking about people that collect benefits, not people that take tax-deductions.

You're losing your mind RW. Your sense of reality, your sense of right and wrong is slipping away.

You're probably exactly what Mitt was talking about you fucken hypocrite.

As soon as he brought up the 47% number he no longer was.

The 47% includes working Americans whose deductions bring them below the level where they have to pay taxes. If he was talking people on welfare, he should have said so and used the correct percentage of Americans on welfare
People making 40k per year (household) and having kids are irresponsible. You can't afford kids at that pay. Therefore, they become leeches.

What makes it worse is though they pay no income tax, they want the rich to pay more!

Romney's 47 percent comment opens debate

According to the non-partisan Tax Policy Center, about 46% of Americans paid no income tax in 2011. However, nearly two-thirds of households that don't pay income tax pay payroll taxes. Of the people who don't pay income or payroll taxes, more than half are elderly. The center says more than one-third of those who don't pay income or payroll taxes have incomes of less than $20,000.

2/3 of the people Romney calls leeches are working Americans
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