Romney caught on tape

Tax expenditure - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Short read on tax expenditures vis a vis appropriations. Before calling anyone a "boob" get your own facts in order.

And: "The United States has a divided social system in that both the public and private sectors provide citizens with benefits and services. The effects of political party control on public social policy are widely known. An area of study less understood is how partisanship influences private social benefits. I develop and test a theory that political parties' choice between indirect and direct social expenditures is primarily motivated by a desire to alter the balance between public and private power in society. First, I find no statistically conclusive evidence that Democratic control of the federal government results in higher levels of total social spending. Additionally, my results show that Republican control of the legislature results in a higher ratio of indirect to direct social spending. These results have implications for determining the beneficiaries of social benefits and economic inequality."

From: The Politics of Social Policy in America: The Causes and Effects of Indirect Versus Direct Social Spending by Christopher Faricy :: SSRN
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Mitt Romney is correct. 47% of Americans PAY ZERO in taxes and they demand MORE of the working American's money IF they're a liberal. (675 of LIBERALS demand more money from working Americans.)

Mitt Romney needs to come out swinging and talk to the American people. The majority LOATHE the welfare state..

Since they all love polls and Gallup when it's to their advantage.

Gallup: Majority in US Still Say Government Doing Too Much
Monday, 17 Sep 2012 10:51 PM

By Todd Beamon

The latest Gallup Poll shows that 54 percent of those surveyed Sept. 6 to 9 believe the government is trying to do too much, although that is down from a record high of 61 percent this summer.

About four in 10 Americans, or 39 percent, say the government should do more to solve the nation's problems.

According to Gallup, only a few times in the company’s 20 years of asking the question have more Americans said the government should do more to solve the nation's problems than said the government is doing too much.

Two instances were in the fall of 1992 and again in early 1993, as Bill Clinton ran for and took office as president. Another was in October 2001, just after the 9/11 terrorist attacks, according to Gallup.

Americans have been most likely to respond that the government was working to do too much during the middle years of the Clinton administration, and in recent years during President Barack Obama’s administration.

The appropriate role of government in addressing the nation's problems continues to be one of the most divisive issues in this year's election.

Obama tends to support the idea that government should do more to address the country's problems, while his Republican challenger, Mitt Romney, generally disagrees.

As such, two-thirds of Democrats (67 percent) think government should do more, while an even larger percentage of Republicans (82 percent) say government is doing too much that should be left to individuals and businesses.

More than six in 10 independents (62 percent) agree that the government is doing too much.

Gallup: Majority in US Still Say Government Doing Too Much

So, the reality is that the liberal loons on this site only represent about 20%-25% of the nation? whew!!!

I've been really worried our Country was past the point of no return. I wouls have guessed that there was around 40% as jacked up as the lefty morons around here.

Thank the Lord!!!

Headlines should read that there is still hop for America!!
Mitts sound bite calling 47% of Americans leeches will cost him the election

He was only saying what most conservatives already believe

If you work for $40,000 a year and have four kids to support and a are a leech
If you have a net worth of $40 million and hide your money in offshore are a job creator


If you're making $40k a year obviously you're working and you're not one of the non-taxpaying people he's talking about.

I hate to break it to you but Obama has used scare-tactics to make what Romney is saying a reality.

I know it burns your ass to acknowledge that.

Yes you are

Working Americans get the same tax deductions they always got. Child deductions, mortgage deductions, state and local tax deductions, charity, child care, education

Many, many working Americans fall into that 47% where their deductions put them into that 47%. There are also millionaires in that 47%. But Mitt does not call them leeches

Hey we all know who the moochers are.. Its no secret.
We also know who the really entitled are.
The majority are folks retired at 65 and now living off there personal retirement accounts and social security which they paid into and deserve. The others are Veterans.

I can't say the same for the others..

example: School teacher retires at 51. Pays in $123,000.00 toward his/her pension and health care over 30 years.

Collects $65,000.00 COLA and free healthcare a year for the next 30 years of life, a tax payer subsidized pension.
Do the math... Then multiply it time every public Union worker. There's our debt Crisis in a nut shell.
Mitt Romney is correct. 47% of Americans PAY ZERO in taxes and they demand MORE of the working American's money IF they're a liberal. (675 of LIBERALS demand more money from working Americans.)

Mitt Romney needs to come out swinging and talk to the American people. The majority LOATHE the welfare state..

Since they all love polls and Gallup when it's to their advantage.

Gallup: Majority in US Still Say Government Doing Too Much
Monday, 17 Sep 2012 10:51 PM

By Todd Beamon

The latest Gallup Poll shows that 54 percent of those surveyed Sept. 6 to 9 believe the government is trying to do too much, although that is down from a record high of 61 percent this summer.

About four in 10 Americans, or 39 percent, say the government should do more to solve the nation's problems.

According to Gallup, only a few times in the company’s 20 years of asking the question have more Americans said the government should do more to solve the nation's problems than said the government is doing too much.

Two instances were in the fall of 1992 and again in early 1993, as Bill Clinton ran for and took office as president. Another was in October 2001, just after the 9/11 terrorist attacks, according to Gallup.

Americans have been most likely to respond that the government was working to do too much during the middle years of the Clinton administration, and in recent years during President Barack Obama’s administration.

The appropriate role of government in addressing the nation's problems continues to be one of the most divisive issues in this year's election.

Obama tends to support the idea that government should do more to address the country's problems, while his Republican challenger, Mitt Romney, generally disagrees.

As such, two-thirds of Democrats (67 percent) think government should do more, while an even larger percentage of Republicans (82 percent) say government is doing too much that should be left to individuals and businesses.

More than six in 10 independents (62 percent) agree that the government is doing too much.

Gallup: Majority in US Still Say Government Doing Too Much

So, the reality is that the liberal loons on this site only represent about 20%-25% of the nation? whew!!!

I've been really worried our Country was past the point of no return. I wouls have guessed that there was around 40% as jacked up as the lefty morons around here.

Thank the Lord!!!

Headlines should read that there is still hop for America!!

Did you mean hope or hops....:D

Great name BTW
Since they all love polls and Gallup when it's to their advantage.

Gallup: Majority in US Still Say Government Doing Too Much
Monday, 17 Sep 2012 10:51 PM

By Todd Beamon

The latest Gallup Poll shows that 54 percent of those surveyed Sept. 6 to 9 believe the government is trying to do too much, although that is down from a record high of 61 percent this summer.

About four in 10 Americans, or 39 percent, say the government should do more to solve the nation's problems.

According to Gallup, only a few times in the company’s 20 years of asking the question have more Americans said the government should do more to solve the nation's problems than said the government is doing too much.

Two instances were in the fall of 1992 and again in early 1993, as Bill Clinton ran for and took office as president. Another was in October 2001, just after the 9/11 terrorist attacks, according to Gallup.

Americans have been most likely to respond that the government was working to do too much during the middle years of the Clinton administration, and in recent years during President Barack Obama’s administration.

The appropriate role of government in addressing the nation's problems continues to be one of the most divisive issues in this year's election.

Obama tends to support the idea that government should do more to address the country's problems, while his Republican challenger, Mitt Romney, generally disagrees.

As such, two-thirds of Democrats (67 percent) think government should do more, while an even larger percentage of Republicans (82 percent) say government is doing too much that should be left to individuals and businesses.

More than six in 10 independents (62 percent) agree that the government is doing too much.

Gallup: Majority in US Still Say Government Doing Too Much

So, the reality is that the liberal loons on this site only represent about 20%-25% of the nation? whew!!!

I've been really worried our Country was past the point of no return. I wouls have guessed that there was around 40% as jacked up as the lefty morons around here.

Thank the Lord!!!

Headlines should read that there is still hop for America!!

Did you mean hope or hops....:D

Great name BTW

Ya, hope! lol and thanks...

...and not Obama's hope to get 50%+ on the gov't dole eiether...
This is what he said that pissed me off the most:

"The overwhelming majority of voters who back President Barack Obama do so because they are "dependent on government" and "believe that they are entitled to health care, to food, to housing."

What in God's name would make him say such a thing?? Was that for his base's benefit or was he trying to impress evangelicals or the tea party nuts??? In any case, I am starting to think the man is a total idiot.

View attachment 21201

Is it not true that a large portion of the democratic party falls into this area?

Seriously, a lot of these people do get
-food stamps

Do you have any stats on it??? Because I don't know anybody personally that fits that mold.
The tape is only damning to the folks that Romney speaks of.

Maybe they should do some soul-searching and decide if their country or their comfort is more important.

The left has been trying to remove principles from American life for decades. Romney is just saying what is being said everywhere.
I've got to find the video but it sounds like the wacko media is once again trying to give Romney negative press, when they should be giving him positive press. I've said that 47% of the nation is going to vote for obama many of times. I mean why would all those freeloaders ever vote for somebody who wanted them to earn their own way?

If the gov't pays for your rent, food, and health-care and you pay nothing in taxes - why would you vote for responsiblity and accountability?

Go Romney GO!!! Heck, a few more leaks like this and Obama has no hope at all!

One thing of note.... Most of those slugs never cast a vote... I mean calling them the parasites they are will never hurt the republican in the voter booth.

What proof do you have for what you're saying?? What proof does he have??
This is what he said that pissed me off the most:

"The overwhelming majority of voters who back President Barack Obama do so because they are "dependent on government" and "believe that they are entitled to health care, to food, to housing."

What in God's name would make him say such a thing?? Was that for his base's benefit or was he trying to impress evangelicals or the tea party nuts??? In any case, I am starting to think the man is a total idiot.

View attachment 21201

Is it not true that a large portion of the democratic party falls into this area?

Seriously, a lot of these people do get
-food stamps

Do you have any stats on it??? Because I don't know anybody personally that fits that mold.

I seriously doubt it.

I see it every day.
The tape of Romney came from none other than Jimmy Carter's grandson.

How James Carter IV Helped Spread Romney Video -- Daily Intel

Who cares where it came from?? You can see and hear Romney as plain as day!!! And he is telling us exactly what he thinks. So where the tape came from changes nothing.

This is what he said that pissed me off the most:

"The overwhelming majority of voters who back President Barack Obama do so because they are "dependent on government" and "believe that they are entitled to health care, to food, to housing."

What in God's name would make him say such a thing?? Was that for his base's benefit or was he trying to impress evangelicals or the tea party nuts??? In any case, I am starting to think the man is a total idiot.

View attachment 21201

Is it not true that a large portion of the democratic party falls into this area?

Seriously, a lot of these people do get
-food stamps

Do you have any stats on it??? Because I don't know anybody personally that fits that mold.

They had a map on MSNBC from the Tax Foundation; it showed that the states with the most of these people who pay no federal income tax are deep South red states.
lol! Another faux outrage scam. The man was Spot -On. I'm actually starting to like Romney now. If he keeps on being honest, i might just consider voting for him.

You do realize that Mitt will say anything, right? It's one of the reason I would never vote for him. He's just in it to win and he'll say whatever it takes, including changing positions on issues like most change underwear, to win.

He's a statist through and through. Although I would prefer him over Obama. Since we could at least mock himm without being called a racist by the frothy LOLberal racists.
"There are 47 percent of the people who will vote for the president no matter what. All right -- there are 47 percent who are with him, who are dependent on government, who believe that, that they are victims, who believe that government has the responsibility to care for them. Who believe that they are entitled to health care, to food, to housing."
Romney continues by saying:
"they will vote for this president no matter what…These are people who pay no income tax. My job is is not to worry about those people. I'll never convince them they should take personal responsibility and care for their lives."

Read more: Romney's closed door comments caught on tape (Includes interview)

Listen to the tape at the link.

As Romney shoots himself in the foot again...

How long before Republicans start blaming the media?

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