Romney caught on tape

As Romney shoots himself in the foot again...

How long before Republicans start blaming the media?

The Media should be blamed. They're corrupt. They got their Dear Leader elected, and now they're in full-blown panic-mode. He's a disaster and they know it. So now it's time to distract the People from that sad reality. I guess we'll see if it works though. See ya on Election Day.

Romney is in panic mode.

A late night press conference with flop sweat dripping off him.

It was priceless.

Dream on.. The media will pay a big price for all the spin and corruption. Watch and learn son.
As Romney shoots himself in the foot again...

How long before Republicans start blaming the media?

The Media should be blamed. They're corrupt. They got their Dear Leader elected, and now they're in full-blown panic-mode. He's a disaster and they know it. So now it's time to distract the People from that sad reality. I guess we'll see if it works though. See ya on Election Day.

Romney is in panic mode.

A late night press conference with flop sweat dripping off him.

It was priceless.

The sound bites as Willard calls millions of working Americans leeches is priceless
You're obviously a Goddamned liar. :D

He paid over $3 million in income taxes last year alone.

No he did not.

He paid capital gains taxes of 13%.

He paid ZERO income taxes.

I paid 25% income taxes.

Fuck Romney.


He paid the same capital gains tax you would have paid if yopu had capital gains.

If he had regular income, he would have paid an equal or higher percentage on income tax than you paid.

But he did not have regular income and you did not have capital gains.

However...when you are ready to cash out your pension ....I bet you are going to hope the capital gains tax is at a low point.

Both Ronald Reagan and Teddy Roosevelt thought Capital Gains and Dividends should be taxed at the same rate as a working man's paycheck.

They thought being able to make money WITHOUT ACTUALLY WORKING was benefit enough....
Lets see.. We have a choice.

A community Organizer with Communist ties or a wealthy American businessman?

Romney by 10% plus in Nov. !!!!! Go Mitt!!!!

Could the contrast be any greater between Romney, who looted American companies and shipped their jobs overseas, only pays taxes at a 13% rate, stashes his money in the Cayman Islands to avoid U.S. taxes, and President Obama who saved GM and created 30 straight months of private sector job growth?

President Obama saved GM?

How much did he put into the loan?

Bet I put more into it than he did.

LOL....look at your post. You are a fucking female version of Rachel Maddow.
I'm trying to find a problem with this...
This administration pounds this into the heads of their party that people that work,that owns businesses that corporations are evil and government is good.

I think he feels that he should concentrate of people that might vote for him...
It's a strategy that makes sense...Why waste time on people that love being taken care of by government...

Let me try to clarify something here : Nobody is saying that business owners are evil. What has been said is that much of the rich do not pay their fair share to make this country great.

The question is "What is their fair share?" of course. I don't have a specific number for that. I can say, however, that when a person like Romney can get away with paying sub-13% in taxes for money he made by not creating jobs and only by moving other people's money around and be considered a great person for doing so... and a teacher can pay 25-30% on a salary much less than him and be considered the enemy who should shut up and take it... Then one of them is not paying their fair share and it isn't the teacher.

The rich like Romney - the ones that add very little to nothing to this country - are not hero's and are not beyond reproach. They are vampires who suck wealth out of this country for their own personal gain.

In a healthy economy, that's okay because the Romney's of any normal economy are very few and as such can provide a useful service as the middlemen in moving money around. The problem is that we do not have a normal economy right now. We have spent decades emphasizing the Romney's while de-emphasizing the business owners who create jobs. You cannot have an economy based mainly on investment - it's one that tries to feed on itself and creates very little in the way of growth.

We need more Steve Jobs or Bill Gates or Henry Fords - people that actually contribute to the economy. Not more Romney's who just feed off the investments on it.

Stevie boy, Pioneer of work sent overseas. Gates the guy that wont pay the line workers more then 8 bucks, More now because of minimum wage laws.. Ford didnt live long enough to see the strain government has put on the economy.
The Media should be blamed. They're corrupt. They got their Dear Leader elected, and now they're in full-blown panic-mode. He's a disaster and they know it. So now it's time to distract the People from that sad reality. I guess we'll see if it works though. See ya on Election Day.

Romney is in panic mode.

A late night press conference with flop sweat dripping off him.

It was priceless.

The sound bites as Willard calls millions of working Americans leeches is priceless

you know something RW?

You have turned into an asshole not worth listening to anymore. You do not post with honestyu or iuntegrity.

FYI...he never called them leaches.

He referred to them as exactly who they are...those that feel they are victims and worthy of government assistance.

On that are now blocked. I think you are patheitc.
Is it not true that a large portion of the democratic party falls into this area?

Seriously, a lot of these people do get
-food stamps

Do you have any stats on it??? Because I don't know anybody personally that fits that mold.

They had a map on MSNBC from the Tax Foundation; it showed that the states with the most of these people who pay no federal income tax are deep South red states.
This is absolutely correct. Of the 50 states, about 33 receive MORE federal $$ back in services, money, etc. than they pay in. The states, majority "blue" that receive less are those with the largest cities in them. Large cities subsidize the rest of the country. Of those 33 states receiving more $$ back than they put in, about 28 are "red" states. So, as it turns out, conservatives not only love socialism but rely on it to run their states. The data is thoroughly researched and is reported by the IRS, the Tax Foundation and a host of other organizations. This isn't a myth.
what a sad statement of affairs in this country.

yea, all democrats are the % that dont pay taxes........roll with that douchebags.
Romney is in panic mode.

A late night press conference with flop sweat dripping off him.

It was priceless.

The sound bites as Willard calls millions of working Americans leeches is priceless

you know something RW?

You have turned into an asshole not worth listening to anymore. You do not post with honestyu or iuntegrity.

FYI...he never called them leaches.

He referred to them as exactly who they are...those that feel they are victims and worthy of government assistance.

On that are now blocked. I think you are patheitc.

How is someone trying to raise a family of six on $40,000 a leech?

Working Americans who take advantage of their tax breaks the same way Mitt and his buddies do are "on government assistance"???

How can Romney be so arrogant as to spit on millions of Americans who are struggling to support their families ?
Lets see.. We have a choice.

A community Organizer with Communist ties or a wealthy American businessman?

Romney by 10% plus in Nov. !!!!! Go Mitt!!!!

Could the contrast be any greater between Romney, who looted American companies and shipped their jobs overseas, only pays taxes at a 13% rate, stashes his money in the Cayman Islands to avoid U.S. taxes, and President Obama who saved GM and created 30 straight months of private sector job growth?

President Obama saved GM?

How much did he put into the loan?

Bet I put more into it than he did.

LOL....look at your post. You are a fucking female version of Rachel Maddow.

It cost the tax payers $56,000.00 a job. Plus he gave a huge portion of the company to the Union. He's a fucking dictator at heart.
Chapter 11 would have worked out just fine for them and Chrysler. It wouldn't have cost us a dime. Obama is not good for America.. get it though your thick heads.
The sound bites as Willard calls millions of working Americans leeches is priceless

you know something RW?

You have turned into an asshole not worth listening to anymore. You do not post with honestyu or iuntegrity.

FYI...he never called them leaches.

He referred to them as exactly who they are...those that feel they are victims and worthy of government assistance.

On that are now blocked. I think you are patheitc.

How is someone trying to raise a family of six on $40,000 a leech?

Working Americans who take advantage of their tax breaks the same way Mitt and his buddies do are "on government assistance"???

How can Romney be so arrogant as to spit on millions of Americans who are struggling to support their families ?

The douchetowel is strong with the people who think that, based on partisanship alone, you can tell if someone pays taxes.

Obama lowered mine.
"There are 47 percent of the people who will vote for the president no matter what. All right -- there are 47 percent who are with him, who are dependent on government, who believe that, that they are victims, who believe that government has the responsibility to care for them. Who believe that they are entitled to health care, to food, to housing."
Romney continues by saying:
"they will vote for this president no matter what…These are people who pay no income tax. My job is is not to worry about those people. I'll never convince them they should take personal responsibility and care for their lives."

Read more: Romney's closed door comments caught on tape (Includes interview)

Listen to the tape at the link.

And he's right and a large portion of those people will vote for him just because he's BLACK
It is about time someone put into words what many Americans think about the "takers". Romney's statement is no worse than Obama talking about Americans "who cling to their guns and their Bibles". Just think though, if there was a minimum income tax of $10 and only one million paid taxes in that bracket that would be $10 million that could pay for a lot of things. It is past time to broaden the base for income tax and bring back on to the rolls many who were exempted by the votes of both parties in the Congress.
Mitt Romney: there are 47 percent who are with him, who are dependent on government, who believe that, that they are victims, who believe that government has the responsibility to care for them. Who believe that they are entitled to health care, to food, to housing."
Romney continues by saying:
"they will vote for this president no matter what…These are people who pay no income tax. My job is is not to worry about those people. I'll never convince them they should take personal responsibility and care for their lives."

2/3 of that 47% who do not pay taxes are working Americans struggling to support their families in a stagnant economy. Mitt thinks they are looking for a handout?

All this while Mitt fights to protect bigger Government handouts for him and his billionaire supporters
Do you have any stats on it??? Because I don't know anybody personally that fits that mold.

They had a map on MSNBC from the Tax Foundation; it showed that the states with the most of these people who pay no federal income tax are deep South red states.
This is absolutely correct. Of the 50 states, about 33 receive MORE federal $$ back in services, money, etc. than they pay in. The states, majority "blue" that receive less are those with the largest cities in them. Large cities subsidize the rest of the country. Of those 33 states receiving more $$ back than they put in, about 28 are "red" states. So, as it turns out, conservatives not only love socialism but rely on it to run their states. The data is thoroughly researched and is reported by the IRS, the Tax Foundation and a host of other organizations. This isn't a myth.

Or there is just that many leaching democrats in each state of the union.
INCOME taxes ... see you aren't even dealing in facts just like everyone on your side. Facts are pesky little things.

Romney doesn't pay federal income taxes.

Yeah he only paid 3 million bucks in income tax in 2010 along with 12.5 million in capital gains tax while donating 3 million bucks to charity.
simply NOT true....romney DID NOT pay $12.5 million in 2010 in capital gains taxes on his 20 million earned....that's a lie. PERIOD

His total income tax obligation which includes capital gains was the $3 million.

Where in the world do you guys get this crud from?

Apparently reading and comprehension aren't your forte.

Says the guy who posts links that contradicts his own points.

Smart guy. :clap2:


No, they do not. But reading, comprehension and math are not the LOLberal strong suit.

Of course they do, why else would you cherry pick my response the way you did and ignore the portions that contradict you're very small minded and incorrect viewpoint? Did you even bother to read your own link that you posted? It seems that you couldn't have.
People making 40k per year (household) and having kids are irresponsible. You can't afford kids at that pay. Therefore, they become leeches.

What makes it worse is though they pay no income tax, they want the rich to pay more!

And then have the fucking gull to say "It's only fair!!!"

Dipshit morons.

Man, talk about gulping that corporate kool-aid. You might as well be swimming in it. You actually hate poor people such as yourself. Amazing amount of brainwashing it took for you to actually believe that lower income people are the problem but not you....even though you yourself are lower income.

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