Romney caught on tape

Hmmm, Romney tells supporters most welfare leaches will vote for Obamination....oh the horror.

Meanwhile Democraps caught on live TV booing the vote for Jerusalem and God.....
hey rightwinger -- Your sig. needs updated, it currently reads:

A CEO, a Liberal and a Conservative enter a room. There are ten cookies sitting on the table. The CEO takes nine and whispers to the Conservative........"Liberals trying to take your cookie"


You fogot to mention that the CEO had to supply the cash and labor to have those cookies made. Cost was 8 cookies....

The conservative, who by the way works in the kitchen offered to share half his cookie with lib even though the lefty was just sitting on his ass and bitching how the world owed him at least 3 of those cookies.
Most people over 65 are Republicans who don't pay federal income taxes.

89% of the republicans on this site are poor and "don't pay any taxes". But they're different. It's the other poor people who are the moochers, not them. True story.

I pay income taxes, property taxes, sales taxes, excise taxes, fees of every kind imaginable.

Most of the taxes we pay are hidden.

Whenever Obama raised excise taxes on gasoline distributors he was raising the costs to the consumer.

When he boosted the price of fast-foods to the point that most of it is 3 times more expensive than it was 3 years ago he was screwing everyone.

Income has been shrinking since Obama took office yet costs have gone up dramatically.

What right does Obama have to say anything about who wants to raise our taxes?

It's like his despicable claims that Romney wants to cut Medicare when he cut it himself last month by 2/3rd, taking $739 billion from the fund, calling it strengthening Medicare.

What a load of horse-dung.

I guess you could call buggering someone without any grease strengthening their asshole then.
Mitt Romney: there are 47 percent who are with him, who are dependent on government, who believe that, that they are victims, who believe that government has the responsibility to care for them. Who believe that they are entitled to health care, to food, to housing."
Romney continues by saying:
"they will vote for this president no matter what…These are people who pay no income tax. My job is is not to worry about those people. I'll never convince them they should take personal responsibility and care for their lives."

2/3 of that 47% who do not pay taxes are working Americans struggling to support their families in a stagnant economy. Mitt thinks they are looking for a handout?

All this while Mitt fights to protect bigger Government handouts for him and his billionaire supporters

Actually 2/3rds of them do pay taxes. I think he's a bit high on his estimation. I would say it's more like under 30% who just want to sit on their asses and collect benefits, or simply have given up working because the benefits are too easily available.

He was talking about people that choose to collect benefits and vote for Democrats because of it.

Nice spin

Romney was very clear about whom he meant in the 47% "who do not pay taxes" . There was only one study which came out with the 47% (46% actually) figure and it has made the circle on Conservative blogs and radio for months

Romney thought he was speaking to a bunch of good ole boys who eat this shit up. He was telling him what they wanted to hear

Mitt......You got some splain'n to do!
Half of Americans pay no taxes? This is the Big Republican Lie.

81% of Americans pay federal taxes including payroll taxes for Medicare and Social Security and income taxes.

Fucking liar.

There are not 81% of Americans working. about 30% of the population is under 18. Of working age adults, the number with jobs is at best 70%

What you did here is to just make shit up - lie through your teeth.

Hey, you have no integrity - such is the left.
2/3 of that 47% who do not pay taxes are working Americans struggling to support their families in a stagnant economy. Mitt thinks they are looking for a handout?

All this while Mitt fights to protect bigger Government handouts for him and his billionaire supporters

Actually 2/3rds of them do pay taxes. I think he's a bit high on his estimation. I would say it's more like under 30% who just want to sit on their asses and collect benefits, or simply have given up working because the benefits are too easily available.

He was talking about people that choose to collect benefits and vote for Democrats because of it.

Nice spin

Romney was very clear about whom he meant in the 47% "who do not pay taxes" . There was only one study which came out with the 47% (46% actually) figure and it has made the circle on Conservative blogs and radio for months

Romney thought he was speaking to a bunch of good ole boys who eat this shit up. He was telling him what they wanted to hear

Mitt......You got some splain'n to do!

Mr. Romney is absolutely correct that about half of American households do not pay federal income tax. (He is also tapping into a now long-running vein of conservative anger at those households.)
The Reasons Behind the 'People Who Pay No Income Tax' - Yahoo! Finance
At the Bridgehampton home that Leder rented for a whopping $500,000 a month, guests cavorted nude in a pool and performed sex acts, while scantily clad Russian women danced on platforms. Dancers at the party also twirled flaming torches to booming beats.
2/3 of that 47% who do not pay taxes are working Americans struggling to support their families in a stagnant economy. Mitt thinks they are looking for a handout?

All this while Mitt fights to protect bigger Government handouts for him and his billionaire supporters

Actually 2/3rds of them do pay taxes. I think he's a bit high on his estimation. I would say it's more like under 30% who just want to sit on their asses and collect benefits, or simply have given up working because the benefits are too easily available.

He was talking about people that choose to collect benefits and vote for Democrats because of it.

Nice spin

Romney was very clear about whom he meant in the 47% "who do not pay taxes" . There was only one study which came out with the 47% (46% actually) figure and it has made the circle on Conservative blogs and radio for months

Romney thought he was speaking to a bunch of good ole boys who eat this shit up. He was telling him what they wanted to hear

Mitt......You got some splain'n to do!

No.....your garbage is pure spin.

My statements were spot on.

I noticed that you libs forgot all of the millionaires Obama has been rubbing elbows with. The Anna Winter types and the Steven Spielbergs.

All Obama has to do is talk about poverty and how he plans on propping the poor up in their own little apartments with their government PCs and their government cell phones.

Just makes a libs' nipples hard thinking about it.
We are an Entitlement Nation now. But what happens when the Gravy Train derails? It's $16 Trillion and rising. And that reality isn't going to just magically disappear. I have to give Romney some Kudos for being honest.
Actually 2/3rds of them do pay taxes. I think he's a bit high on his estimation. I would say it's more like under 30% who just want to sit on their asses and collect benefits, or simply have given up working because the benefits are too easily available.

He was talking about people that choose to collect benefits and vote for Democrats because of it.

Nice spin

Romney was very clear about whom he meant in the 47% "who do not pay taxes" . There was only one study which came out with the 47% (46% actually) figure and it has made the circle on Conservative blogs and radio for months

Romney thought he was speaking to a bunch of good ole boys who eat this shit up. He was telling him what they wanted to hear

Mitt......You got some splain'n to do!

Mr. Romney is absolutely correct that about half of American households do not pay federal income tax. (He is also tapping into a now long-running vein of conservative anger at those households.)
The Reasons Behind the 'People Who Pay No Income Tax' - Yahoo! Finance

Simple question for you

Mitt and the Conservatives are obviously angry about working Americans who use tax deductions for children, mortgages, taxes, education, medical care and charity to bring their net income to where they pay no taxes (note 2/3 of that 47% are working Americans)

Why aren't Conservatives outraged about the wealthiest 1% of Americans who use their own deductions to get their rate close to zero?
Nice spin

Romney was very clear about whom he meant in the 47% "who do not pay taxes" . There was only one study which came out with the 47% (46% actually) figure and it has made the circle on Conservative blogs and radio for months

Romney thought he was speaking to a bunch of good ole boys who eat this shit up. He was telling him what they wanted to hear

Mitt......You got some splain'n to do!

To who?

Welfare rats weren't voting for Romney anyway.

And you know that less than half of your 47% will bother to vote.
Actually 2/3rds of them do pay taxes. I think he's a bit high on his estimation. I would say it's more like under 30% who just want to sit on their asses and collect benefits, or simply have given up working because the benefits are too easily available.

He was talking about people that choose to collect benefits and vote for Democrats because of it.

Nice spin

Romney was very clear about whom he meant in the 47% "who do not pay taxes" . There was only one study which came out with the 47% (46% actually) figure and it has made the circle on Conservative blogs and radio for months

Romney thought he was speaking to a bunch of good ole boys who eat this shit up. He was telling him what they wanted to hear

Mitt......You got some splain'n to do!

No.....your garbage is pure spin.

My statements were spot on.

I noticed that you libs forgot all of the millionaires Obama has been rubbing elbows with. The Anna Winter types and the Steven Spielbergs.

All Obama has to do is talk about poverty and how he plans on propping the poor up in their own little apartments with their government PCs and their government cell phones.

Just makes a libs' nipples hard thinking about it.

Your attempts to cover up Mitts blunder are noted

But not accepted

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