Romney caught on tape

81% of Americans pay federal taxes including payroll taxes for Medicare and Social Security and income taxes.

And the vast majority of them pay taxes at a HIGHER RATE than Romney does.

81% of what Chris posts is a fucking lie.

(the other 95% is fabricated statistics!)

Yeah, I usually just ignore him. He lives in a fantasy land --- just one of those fantasyland libs who thinks the GOP is out to get him. That kind of paranoid dilusion frequently comes from too much drugs.
The real moochers....

The 400 highest-earning taxpayers in the U.S. reported a record $105 billion in total adjusted gross income in 2006, but they paid just $18 billion in tax, new Internal Revenue Service figures show. That works out to an average federal income tax bite of 17%--the lowest rate paid by the richest 400 during the 15-year period covered by the IRS statistics
81% of Americans pay federal taxes including payroll taxes for Medicare and Social Security and income taxes.

And the vast majority of them pay taxes at a HIGHER RATE than Romney does.

81% of what Chris posts is a fucking lie.

(the other 95% is fabricated statistics!)

Yeah, I usually just ignore him. He lives in a fantasy land --- just one of those fantasyland libs who thinks the GOP is out to get him. That kind of paranoid dilusion frequently comes from too much drugs.

I love it when Republicans faced with the facts resort to personal attacks.

It means I won.
Let's be honest, the Entitlement Hounds and Socialist/Progressive wingnuts weren't gonna vote for Romney anyway. He just has to go after common sense thinking Independents. And there is where he might just have a chance. Most will respect his honesty on this issue.
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Sorry about posting this twice, but Mods never merged the 2 similar threads.....


the lower income people pay federal payroll taxes on ALL of their incomes of which the social security surplus tax is used in the budget to mask the federal deficit, of which income taxes should be paying for.... the lower 50% of individuals also pay the bulk of federal gasoline taxes and cigarette sheer numbers alone, and these are also federal taxes collected to pay for the federal budget. Then you add in the corporate income taxes of which the lower 50% of income earners pay every time they purchase something, and other federal excise taxes collected to pay for the federal budget, the lower 50% pays about 15% of their incomes in federal taxes going towards the federal budget, even with paying zero in income taxes....NOTE! federal income taxes collected contributeS ONLY about 30% of the revenues paying for the federal outlays/spending in the federal budget.

in addition to this, look at the chart below and look at what percentage of higher income people that pay NO INCOME TAXES...yet this scumbag and the rest of you extremely ignorant people keep touting the lie your masters have told you to say....another sad day indeed....

over 6,600,000 individuals who pay n0 federal income taxes make OVER 50,000 a year.....over 770, 000 people who pay no federal income taxes earned over $100,000 each....
over 124,000 people earning over $200,000 a year each payed zero in federal income taxes....

over 24000 people that earned from $500,000 to $1,000,000 PLUS paid zero in federal income taxes....

ARE these the 'lowlife moochers'' Romney was talking about?

and you guys bitch and moan about the 34 million people who earn less than $20,000 a year not paying any federal income taxes, of which 15 million earn less than $10k a year???

I will never understand you..... :(

" We're going to close the unproductive tax loopholes that allow some of the truly wealthy to avoid paying their fair share. In theory some of those loophole were understandable, but in practice, they sometimes made it possible for millionaires to pay nothing." ~ Ronald Reagan
The tape of Romney came from none other than Jimmy Carter's grandson.

How James Carter IV Helped Spread Romney Video -- Daily Intel

Who cares where it came from?? You can see and hear Romney as plain as day!!! And he is telling us exactly what he thinks. So where the tape came from changes nothing.

View attachment 21206

You're right.

And the fact that Romney is telling the truth gets by you.......:eusa_whistle:

Sometimes the truth hurts.

:lol: The truth??? You're funny.
Ravi is upset that she falls into the 47 percentile, who can't survive on their own. :lol:
As he's erased the slim lead obama had, he hasn't fucked up at all. In fact, Romney is doing just fine. He just needs to finish obama off in the debates.
Omg, he made a truthful observation!

Damn Mitt! Damn him to HELLLLLLLLLLLL....
lol! Another faux outrage scam. The man was Spot -On. I'm actually starting to like Romney now. If he keeps on being honest, i might just consider voting for him.

How do you know he was being honest?? What proof did he offer?? His remarks have no rhyme or reason. The Republican party will be extinct before very long. And you people deserve it.
Well, I was wrong. Earlier today I predicted Obama will win re-election. Thanks to this thread, Romney has just taken a 90-10 lead.
Today at 4p ET, Mitt Romney addresses the controversial tape causing an uproar on the campaign trail. Neil Cavuto has the first interview with the presidential candidate since the tape was released. Hear what he has to say about the comments – the day after they made headlines.

Don’t miss it today at 4p ET.

Today on Fox News: Neil Cavuto Has Mitt Romney’s First Interview Since Release of Secret Tape | Fox News Insider

What has Mitt Romney "fucked up"?

Barack Obama and his leftists have FUCKED UP THIS ENTIRE COUNTRY!

Hey Ravi, Obama has some more SNAKE OIL he wants to sell you. STEP RIGHT UP!

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