Romney caught on tape

The funniest part of Mitt's blunder is.....

Mitt Romney is one of the 47%!!!

He pays no income tax and gets federal handouts for his dancing horse!

81% of Americans pay federal taxes including payroll taxes for Medicare and Social Security and income taxes.

And the vast majority of them pay taxes at a HIGHER RATE than Romney does.
'If you don't build it, they will come.' The Entitlement Hounds will flock to the Polls to vote for their Dear Leader. This is just fact. They never were gonna vote for Romney anyway. The same goes for the Socialist/Progressive wingnuts. Romney simply told the truth. And i suspect he will get much respect from logical Independent Voters. But i guess we'll see.
Romney thinks he can go to the debates in October based on his blunders of the last two weeks?

President Obama will eat him alive as he sells himself as a defender of the middle class and Romney as an arrogant pawn of the super wealthy

An election that promised to be relatively close is now spiraling out of control
Are we sure Mitt paid taxes:

81% of Americans pay federal taxes including payroll taxes for Medicare and Social Security and income taxes.

And the vast majority of them pay taxes at a HIGHER RATE than Romney does.
Mitten doesn't pay Medicare or Social Security taxes.

He's in a special class.
What he said was true.

And leftists hate truth.

"But ham-handed, principled, offensive, or otherwise, Romney’s words were clearly one thing: true. Here are the facts.
According to the Tax Policy Center, a partnership of the liberal Urban Institute and the Brookings Institution, 46.4 percent of American filers pay “zero or negative” income tax. …
Paying no income tax is one thing. Being “dependent on government” is another. But under a broad definition of government dependence—that is, receiving federal entitlements—more than 47 percent of us are in Romney’s category. According to the Census Bureau, 49 percent of Americans live in a household that receives a government entitlement for “health care” through Medicaid or Medicare, “food” through stamps, disability, Social Security, or a “housing” assistance program. Most of these benefits are not paid for by their recipients, but by federal deficits. The gap between promises and anticipated funds for Social Security is $8.6 trillion for the next 75 years, according to the government’s own estimates. For Medicare, it’s $27 trillion."

No, Romney didn’t just lose the election « Hot Air

"The problem with the whole “the election is over” analysis is that it defies history — and recent history at that. Almost exactly four years earlier, in another fundraiser secretly taped by an attendee, a major-party nominee made the same mistake as Romney and offered some political analysis of why large numbers of voters were probably unreachable in an election. The nominee — some also-ran named Barack Obama — told his urbane San Francisco crowd of supporters that people in the hinterlands were xenophobic and clung bitterly to their religion and guns in hard times, and would be difficult to win over. "

1/3 are minors. Another third are on SS, UE, or AFDC. 1/6th will be part time or seasonal work.
Minors don't pay the payroll tax? you are wrong on that....if they work, other than cutting lawns and the like, they are most certainly paying payroll taxes. And if they are cutting lawns and baby sitting they don't claim that income on their own or their parent's tax return.

If they are working at places like chick fil a, they are most certainly paying payroll taxes.

They're not paying federal income taxes, which I believe is the topic of discussion with regards to taxes? Certainly they're paying social security, unemployments, state, local, etc.. but not federal.
many on the right do not say "income tax" they say they pay no taxes Newby, and in addition to this, income taxes are only 1/3 of the taxes collected to pay for the federal budget. I don't understand this twisting and turning that occurs? Why NOT include what is paid in SS taxes and Medicare taxes when these things are included in all of the federal budget spending that is touted by those on the right...why exclude the tax revenues collected for them while including them in the outlays and spending? It just makes no sense and is only done to twist and turn things so that they are deceiving imo.

and in addition to those taxes collected by the working class to pay for the budget are cigarette taxes and gasoline taxes of which these lower 50% earners pay as well....which goes towards the federal budget....

and then you take all that they purchase from corporations, of which a good portion of the corporate taxes paid are retrieved from....

these people ARE paying federal taxes that contribute to paying for the federal budget.

As said, it is deceiving to take out payroll taxes and these other taxes that they pay while including the cost of social security and the cost of medicare in the the federal spending...

and in my opinion it is ONLY DONE to deceive...the averalge voter on the's done to infuriate's done as a lie....imo.
What did Romney say that wasn't true? 47% either get benefits or support peoples right to it.

Nothing, the demagogues are trying to manufacture an issue.

They're NOT going to vote for him no matter what!

Of the 2/3rd of that group available to vote, less than one in two will bother. You have a core idiocy, like RW, Chris, Synthia, et al - who will vote at least once. But the majority of those who would support Obama aren't at all motivated to put down the paint chips and vodka, and go to the polls.

Republicans and moderates are very motivated to get Obama out.
'If you don't build it, they will come.' The Entitlement Hounds will flock to the Polls to vote for their Dear Leader. This is just fact. They never were gonna vote for Romney anyway. The same goes for the Socialist/Progressive wingnuts. Romney simply told the truth. And i suspect he will get much respect from logical Independent Voters. But i guess we'll see.

This countries screwed. I'd say that more than 47% support giving out benefits that we can't afford....

Romney may of said something that is true, but will hurt him.
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Minors do pay federal income tax if they are being paid a high enough salary. That doesn't happen very often.

Another group Mitten has bashed, big surprise.

The elderly.
The working poor.
Middle class families.
Those serving in the military.

Mitten has no use for any of them.
What did Romney say that wasn't true? 47% either get benefits or support peoples right to it.

They're NOT going to vote for him no matter what!

Sure they are. There are plenty of poor idiots or people living off of government checks on this site alone who plan to vote for him.

Two Thumbs
Minors don't pay the payroll tax? you are wrong on that....if they work, other than cutting lawns and the like, they are most certainly paying payroll taxes. And if they are cutting lawns and baby sitting they don't claim that income on their own or their parent's tax return.

If they are working at places like chick fil a, they are most certainly paying payroll taxes.

They're not paying federal income taxes, which I believe is the topic of discussion with regards to taxes? Certainly they're paying social security, unemployments, state, local, etc.. but not federal.
many on the right do not say "income tax" they say they pay no taxes Newby, and in addition to this, income taxes are only 1/3 of the taxes collected to pay for the federal budget. I don't understand this twisting and turning that occurs? Why NOT include what is paid in SS taxes and Medicare taxes when these things are included in all of the federal budget spending that is touted by those on the right...why exclude the tax revenues collected for them while including them in the outlays and spending? It just makes no sense and is only done to twist and turn things so that they are deceiving imo.

and in addition to those taxes collected by the working class to pay for the budget are cigarette taxes and gasoline taxes of which these lower 50% earners pay as well....which goes towards the federal budget....

and then you take all that they purchase from corporations, of which a good portion of the corporate taxes paid are retrieved from....

these people ARE paying federal taxes that contribute to paying for the federal budget.

As said, it is deceiving to take out payroll taxes and these other taxes that they pay while including the cost of social security and the cost of medicare in the the federal spending...

and in my opinion it is ONLY DONE to deceive...the averalge voter on the's done to infuriate's done as a lie....imo.

Your opinion doesn't matter. It's not a lie, it's the truth, as the WSJ, the Tax Policy Center, the Census Bureau, and various and assorted others in the know have rushed to affirm. If you have an opinion that flies in the face of the proven facts, then your opinion isn't an opinion at's just a life.

And why would he infuriate voters? That's not a lie, that's just stupid on your part.

Educate yourself, Smear4all:

No, Romney didn’t just lose the election « Hot Air
What did Romney say that wasn't true? 47% either get benefits or support peoples right to it.

They're NOT going to vote for him no matter what!

Sure they are. There are plenty of poor idiots or people living off of government checks on this site alone who plan to vote for him.

Two Thumbs
And kgrill. I believe Annie has also admitted to getting government handouts in the past.
Romney thinks he can go to the debates in October based on his blunders of the last two weeks?

I can't wait until you little Goebbels spew "81% of Americans pay federal taxes" lie at the debates.

I mean, you DO grasp that Chris pulled that from his ass, right?

I mean, you DO grasp that for this to be true, 81% of the TOTAL population would have to be employed.

I mean, you DO grasp that such a claim is beyond stupid, right?

President Obama will eat him alive as he sells himself as a defender of the middle class and Romney as an arrogant pawn of the super wealthy

An election that promised to be relatively close is now spiraling out of control

Your little tin god will fart lightning bolts and incinerate the infidel....

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