Romney caught on tape

Romney and the facts, from the WSJ:


According to the Census Bureau, 49% of Americans in the second quarter of 2011 lived in a household where at least one member received a government benefit. (The total population at the time was 305 million).

That’s up from 30% in the 1980s and 44.4% in the third quarter of 2008, a recent growth in part attributable to the bad economy of President Obama’s first term.

The Census Bureau broke the data down like this:

26.4% of U.S. households had someone enrolled in Medicaid (the health-care program for low-income Americans)
16.2% of households had at least one member receiving Social Security.
15.8% lived in a household receiving food stamps
14.9% had a member with Medicare benefits
4.5% of households received assistance with their rent
1.7% had a member receiving unemployment benefits.

The Data Behind Romney’s 47% Comments - Washington Wire - WSJ
Is it not true that a large portion of the democratic party falls into this area?

Seriously, a lot of these people do get
-food stamps

Do you have any stats on it??? Because I don't know anybody personally that fits that mold.

They had a map on MSNBC from the Tax Foundation; it showed that the states with the most of these people who pay no federal income tax are deep South red states.

Thanks. That figures.
And more regarding taxes:

The TPC found that of the 38 million households that are made nontaxable by tax expenditures, “44% are moved off the tax rolls by elderly tax benefits and another 30% by credits for children and the working poor.”

So how did we get to the point where almost half of American households pay no income tax? Since the 1970s, Congress and successive presidents have begun creating more and more tax breaks to benefit broad swaths of the population (and some very narrow gauges too). Democrats generally have been more supportive of the particular breaks that push people off the income-tax rolls, but Republicans have supported a few too, and they also have pushed breaks that benefit higher-income people.
Romney and the facts, from the WSJ:


According to the Census Bureau, 49% of Americans in the second quarter of 2011 lived in a household where at least one member received a government benefit. (The total population at the time was 305 million).

That’s up from 30% in the 1980s and 44.4% in the third quarter of 2008, a recent growth in part attributable to the bad economy of President Obama’s first term.

The Census Bureau broke the data down like this:

26.4% of U.S. households had someone enrolled in Medicaid (the health-care program for low-income Americans)
16.2% of households had at least one member receiving Social Security.
15.8% lived in a household receiving food stamps
14.9% had a member with Medicare benefits
4.5% of households received assistance with their rent
1.7% had a member receiving unemployment benefits.

The Data Behind Romney’s 47% Comments - Washington Wire - WSJ

People pay into Social Security all their working lives. SS pays for itself.
Minors do pay federal income tax if they are being paid a high enough salary. That doesn't happen very often.

Another group Mitten has bashed, big surprise.

The elderly.
The working poor.
Middle class families.
Those serving in the military.

Mitten has no use for any of them.

You're a fucktard.

How much does the average 6 year old pay in SS taxes each year, Herr Goebbels?

Like I said, you're a fucktard.
Mitt Romney told the truth and the Liberal Zombie Squad are wee-weein their panties over it. This is going to backfire.. Independents are against the entitlement nation, ie welfare, hand-outs.. The only people who advocate for more government are you liberals.. those are losing numbers..

So on behalf of all conservatives , I thank you for making this conversation a priority. Well done!
Romney didn't bash any of them. He stated how many there are, and he said there would be no point in pandering to people who are dead set for Obama.

And he was right on all counts.
The non-partisan Tax Policy Center?

Are you daft?

In no way supported your lie that 2/3rds of the 47% pay federal taxes.

Dude, you lied, you're a democrat, you have no integrity, you lie as a matter of course.

Reading is not your strong suit is it?

What the quote said was that 2/3 of the 47% pay PAYROLL TAXES

Which for those with reading issues, means they work for a living
Minors do pay federal income tax if they are being paid a high enough salary. That doesn't happen very often.

Another group Mitten has bashed, big surprise.

The elderly.
The working poor.
Middle class families.
Those serving in the military.

Mitten has no use for any of them.

Are you really so ate up in the head that you believe that? ...or is this just an attempt to win a debate using the "right hate" dialogue??
Romney didn't bash any of them. He stated how many there are, and he said there would be no point in pandering to people who are dead set for Obama.

And he was right on all counts.
Bull crud...he disparaged them ALL, saying they were all dependent on gvt handouts which is simply a big fat lie.
Romney and the facts, from the WSJ:


According to the Census Bureau, 49% of Americans in the second quarter of 2011 lived in a household where at least one member received a government benefit. (The total population at the time was 305 million).

That’s up from 30% in the 1980s and 44.4% in the third quarter of 2008, a recent growth in part attributable to the bad economy of President Obama’s first term.

The Census Bureau broke the data down like this:

26.4% of U.S. households had someone enrolled in Medicaid (the health-care program for low-income Americans)
16.2% of households had at least one member receiving Social Security.
15.8% lived in a household receiving food stamps
14.9% had a member with Medicare benefits
4.5% of households received assistance with their rent
1.7% had a member receiving unemployment benefits.

The Data Behind Romney’s 47% Comments - Washington Wire - WSJ

People pay into Social Security all their working lives. SS pays for itself.

Social Security was raided long ago.. There is no lock box. It doesn't pay for itself when the roles of the working have DECREASED by over 40% under this President.. How can that entitlement be paid if there isn't revenue provided by the Taxpayer to pay it?? YOU LIBERALS DON'T FUCKING GET IT.. You're naive, dumb, stupid, foolish, uninformed. Hell, if we split the country in to liberal and conservative , the liberal side would fall flat on it's ass.. Who the hell would work to pay for all of the hand-outs you libs demand???

GROW up and think for once in your pathetic life.
No, they are absolutely dependent. That was already established as well.

The only liar here is you, Smear. How does your faith jibe with your hacktics?

Oh wait, I imagine you were lying about that, too, you skank.
The non-partisan Tax Policy Center?

Are you daft?

In no way supported your lie that 2/3rds of the 47% pay federal taxes.

Dude, you lied, you're a democrat, you have no integrity, you lie as a matter of course.

Reading is not your strong suit is it?

What the quote said was that 2/3 of the 47% pay PAYROLL TAXES

Which for those with reading issues, means they work for a living
Not only they are working for a living, they are paying for a good portion of the federal budget spending that is touted to be too high... left and right.
Romney didn't bash any of them. He stated how many there are, and he said there would be no point in pandering to people who are dead set for Obama.

And he was right on all counts.
Bull crud...he disparaged them ALL, saying they were all dependent on gvt handouts which is simply a big fat lie.

He said 47% are receiving government aid.. IT'S A FACT. You leftist "gimme mine" groupies own this.. LOL I think it's hilarious you're all screeching and moaning about the truth hitting home now.:eusa_boohoo:
No, they are absolutely dependent. That was already established as well.

The only liar here is you, Smear. How does your faith jibe with your hacktics?

Oh wait, I imagine you were lying about that, too, you skank.
bull crap....just because they owe no federal income taxes does not mean they are on the federal welfare dole....many just did not earn enough to owe any income taxes....

but they still paid federal gasoline taxes and federal cigarette taxes and federal social security taxes and federal medicare taxes and other federal excise taxes....all of which these taxes are used to pay for the federal budget and reduces the yearly deficits of the federal budget spending.

and even the wealthiest earner does not pay ANY INCOME TAX on the first 10k or so that they earn.
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Minors don't pay the payroll tax? you are wrong on that....if they work, other than cutting lawns and the like, they are most certainly paying payroll taxes. And if they are cutting lawns and baby sitting they don't claim that income on their own or their parent's tax return.

If they are working at places like chick fil a, they are most certainly paying payroll taxes.

They're not paying federal income taxes, which I believe is the topic of discussion with regards to taxes? Certainly they're paying social security, unemployments, state, local, etc.. but not federal.
many on the right do not say "income tax" they say they pay no taxes Newby, and in addition to this, income taxes are only 1/3 of the taxes collected to pay for the federal budget. I don't understand this twisting and turning that occurs? Why NOT include what is paid in SS taxes and Medicare taxes when these things are included in all of the federal budget spending that is touted by those on the right...why exclude the tax revenues collected for them while including them in the outlays and spending? It just makes no sense and is only done to twist and turn things so that they are deceiving imo.

and in addition to those taxes collected by the working class to pay for the budget are cigarette taxes and gasoline taxes of which these lower 50% earners pay as well....which goes towards the federal budget....

and then you take all that they purchase from corporations, of which a good portion of the corporate taxes paid are retrieved from....

these people ARE paying federal taxes that contribute to paying for the federal budget.

As said, it is deceiving to take out payroll taxes and these other taxes that they pay while including the cost of social security and the cost of medicare in the the federal spending...

and in my opinion it is ONLY DONE to deceive...the averalge voter on the's done to infuriate's done as a lie....imo.

Why exclude what's being paid into SS and medicare?? Well, that's simple, because at some point, you're going to take that money right back out of the system when you're retired. SS and medicare were supposed to be separate funds, kept set aside, but we all know that they're not. And how much of what is collected in SS and medicare every day is going right back out the door to support those who are currently collecting because that fund was pillaged?? It would be different if they were paying into it without the promise of getting it back at retirement, but that's not how it's supposed to work. Not only that, you're paying it and receiveing no ROI for your trouble either, which is why the whole SS system needs revamped. When you pay into SS without the benefit of receiving it back later, then you might have a point that it should be counted as part of their tax contribution, but until then it should not.

And as far as coroporations go, you're right, so why does the left want to hurt the poor by raising taxes on corporations only to have them increase the price of their product or service, causing the poor to pay even more for them? Instead they demonize the corporations and try to get the poor suckers that are buying their goods and services to demonize right along with them since most of them are too ignorant to understand they're raising their own costs. It's brilliant when you think of it. :lol:

I don't see the 'deception'? Deception in what regards? The only deception I see is a bunch of elitist, very wealthy leftists that have made their fortunes off of the results of captialism urging those less fortunate to hate those that have succeeded because they only seek to control and use them to their own ends, power and greed.
In no way supported your lie that 2/3rds of the 47% pay federal taxes.

Dude, you lied, you're a democrat, you have no integrity, you lie as a matter of course.

Reading is not your strong suit is it?

What the quote said was that 2/3 of the 47% pay PAYROLL TAXES

Which for those with reading issues, means they work for a living
Not only they are working for a living, they are paying for a good portion of the federal budget spending that is touted to be too high... left and right.

Amazing that you still believe that crap after being shown over and over that you are totally wacked in the head... How dense is the left?

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