Romney caught on tape

Today at 4p ET, Mitt Romney addresses the controversial tape causing an uproar on the campaign trail. Neil Cavuto has the first interview with the presidential candidate since the tape was released. Hear what he has to say about the comments – the day after they made headlines.

Don’t miss it today at 4p ET.

Today on Fox News: Neil Cavuto Has Mitt Romney’s First Interview Since Release of Secret Tape | Fox News Insider

What has Mitt Romney "fucked up"?

Barack Obama and his leftists have FUCKED UP THIS ENTIRE COUNTRY!

Hey Ravi, Obama has some more SNAKE OIL he wants to sell you. STEP RIGHT UP!

What hasn't he fucked up?
Sorry about posting this twice, but Mods never merged the 2 similar threads.....


So, your claim is that the bottom 47% are paying payroll taxes?

Talk about "Liar liar pants on fire."

Your leftist hate site assumes that every person in the bottom 47% is gainfully employed, which is absurd.

The problem I have with you of the left is that you lie, without hesitation. Nothing you post can be trusted.
Sorry about posting this twice, but Mods never merged the 2 similar threads.....


So, your claim is that the bottom 47% are paying payroll taxes?

Talk about "Liar liar pants on fire."

Your leftist hate site assumes that every person in the bottom 47% is gainfully employed, which is absurd.

The problem I have with you of the left is that you lie, without hesitation. Nothing you post can be trusted.

2/3 of that 47% are paying payroll taxes
Nice spin

Romney was very clear about whom he meant in the 47% "who do not pay taxes" . There was only one study which came out with the 47% (46% actually) figure and it has made the circle on Conservative blogs and radio for months

Romney thought he was speaking to a bunch of good ole boys who eat this shit up. He was telling him what they wanted to hear

Mitt......You got some splain'n to do!

Mr. Romney is absolutely correct that about half of American households do not pay federal income tax. (He is also tapping into a now long-running vein of conservative anger at those households.)
The Reasons Behind the 'People Who Pay No Income Tax' - Yahoo! Finance

Simple question for you

Mitt and the Conservatives are obviously angry about working Americans who use tax deductions for children, mortgages, taxes, education, medical care and charity to bring their net income to where they pay no taxes (note 2/3 of that 47% are working Americans)

Why aren't Conservatives outraged about the wealthiest 1% of Americans who use their own deductions to get their rate close to zero?

Deflection address the source.
Next thing you know Romney will be "caught" discussing the community organizers disastorous mid east policy thats up in flames........................
Why has the Romney express suddenly come up with three flat tires?

Simple answer.....Pandering

Mitts etch-a-sketch has been working full time to try to be all things to all people. The Mitt Romney of five years ago was a modrate conservative who supported universal healthcare, restrictions on global warming, pro-choice, moderate foreign policy

The Romney 2012 canpaign, rather that allowing Mitt to be Mitt has taken to pandering to whomever has the largest campaign donations.
His premature attacks on the Presidents foreign policy backfired
His pandering to the extreme conservatives with 47% of Americans are looking for handouts
His distancing from Romneycare
The Republican platform advocating banning all abortion

All are adding up to a candidate that America does not like
2/3 of that 47% are paying payroll taxes


1/3 are minors. Another third are on SS, UE, or AFDC. 1/6th will be part time or seasonal work.

According to the non-partisan Tax Policy Center, about 46% of Americans paid no income tax in 2011. However, nearly two-thirds of households that don't pay income tax pay payroll taxes. Of the people who don't pay income or payroll taxes, more than half are elderly. The center says more than one-third of those who don't pay income or payroll taxes have incomes of less than $20,000.

Why has the Romney express suddenly come up with three flat tires?

Simple answer.....Pandering

Mitts etch-a-sketch has been working full time to try to be all things to all people. The Mitt Romney of five years ago was a modrate conservative who supported universal healthcare, restrictions on global warming, pro-choice, moderate foreign policy

The Romney 2012 canpaign, rather that allowing Mitt to be Mitt has taken to pandering to whomever has the largest campaign donations.
His premature attacks on the Presidents foreign policy backfired
His pandering to the extreme conservatives with 47% of Americans are looking for handouts
His distancing from Romneycare
The Republican platform advocating banning all abortion

All are adding up to a candidate that America does not like

While Romney is on the road fixing what you think is a flat, obama is still stuck in the ditch.
2/3 of that 47% are paying payroll taxes


1/3 are minors. Another third are on SS, UE, or AFDC. 1/6th will be part time or seasonal work.
Minors don't pay the payroll tax? you are wrong on that....if they work, other than cutting lawns and the like, they are most certainly paying payroll taxes. And if they are cutting lawns and baby sitting they don't claim that income on their own or their parent's tax return.

If they are working at places like chick fil a, they are most certainly paying payroll taxes.
Why has the Romney express suddenly come up with three flat tires?

If the Romney express has three flat tires, why is the leftist lie machine cranked up to 11?

All you little Goebbels are putting out more libel this week than any time in the past.

We know why, Obama fucked up the Middle East situation with his apologies and general weakness: you're desperate to distract from it.
2/3 of that 47% are paying payroll taxes


1/3 are minors. Another third are on SS, UE, or AFDC. 1/6th will be part time or seasonal work.
Minors don't pay the payroll tax? you are wrong on that....if they work, other than cutting lawns and the like, they are most certainly paying payroll taxes. And if they are cutting lawns and baby sitting they don't claim that income on their own or their parent's tax return.

If they are working at places like chick fil a, they are most certainly paying payroll taxes.

They're not paying federal income taxes, which I believe is the topic of discussion with regards to taxes? Certainly they're paying social security, unemployments, state, local, etc.. but not federal.
According to the non-partisan Tax Policy Center, about 46% of Americans paid no income tax in 2011. However, nearly two-thirds of households that don't pay income tax pay payroll taxes. Of the people who don't pay income or payroll taxes, more than half are elderly. The center says more than one-third of those who don't pay income or payroll taxes have incomes of less than $20,000.

So you acknowledge that you (or the hate site you got your talking points from) were lying through your fucking teeth?

We knew that.

Of that bottom 47%, no more than 1/6th pay any sort of payroll taxes - because no more than that are employed.
According to the non-partisan Tax Policy Center, about 46% of Americans paid no income tax in 2011. However, nearly two-thirds of households that don't pay income tax pay payroll taxes. Of the people who don't pay income or payroll taxes, more than half are elderly. The center says more than one-third of those who don't pay income or payroll taxes have incomes of less than $20,000.

So you acknowledge that you (or the hate site you got your talking points from) were lying through your fucking teeth?

We knew that.

Of that bottom 47%, no more than 1/6th pay any sort of payroll taxes - because no more than that are employed.

I provided my source (far from a hate site)...where is yours??
Why has the Romney express suddenly come up with three flat tires?

If the Romney express has three flat tires, why is the leftist lie machine cranked up to 11?

All you little Goebbels are putting out more libel this week than any time in the past.

We know why, Obama fucked up the Middle East situation with his apologies and general weakness: you're desperate to distract from it.

I think I detect conservative panic in the air
Minors don't pay the payroll tax? you are wrong on that....

Yep, Mitt has little children in coal mines...

The shit you leftists spew..

if they work, other than cutting lawns and the like,

They don't work.

Even in the 16-18 range where it is legal, very few are employed - because democrats have imported tens of millions of illegal aliens who take the jobs that once were available to teens.

they are most certainly paying payroll taxes. And if they are cutting lawns and baby sitting they don't claim that income on their own or their parent's tax return.

That you spew bullshit is evidence of your desperation, you know Obama is in serious trouble.

If they are working at places like chick fil a, they are most certainly paying payroll taxes.

Of course they aren't, the illegals that you and Obama have pushed for so many years have those jobs.

Of the bottom 47%, no more than 1/6th are employed. We all know it, and we all know that you of the left have zero integrity.

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