Romney caught on tape

Romney doesn't pay federal income taxes.

Yeah he only paid 3 million bucks in income tax in 2010 along with 12.5 million in capital gains tax while donating 3 million bucks to charity.
simply NOT true....romney DID NOT pay $12.5 million in 2010 in capital gains taxes on his 20 million earned....that's a lie. PERIOD

His total income tax obligation which includes capital gains was the $3 million.

Where in the world do you guys get this crud from?

3 million in taxes.. wow. He really is a smart SOB.. can you imagine paying 3 million in taxes for 1 year? He's got my respect and vote!
Unfortunately, most Americans want to be lied to by Politicians. They may say the opposite, but their true feelings are always exposed on issues like this. Romney simply stated truth & reality. It is what it is.
Most people over 65 are Republicans who don't pay federal income taxes.

89% of the republicans on this site are poor and "don't pay any taxes". But they're different. It's the other poor people who are the moochers, not them. True story.
Two problems surface with the Romney surprise tape. (1) Governor Romney is actually pandering to a large GOP Conservative chunk that believes what Governor Romney said on the tape. (2) The 47% however, are actually 9% of Entitlements Spending. A large chunck of the entitlements spending goes to the elderly: Who will now likely vote for Obama, Biden, Pelosi, Reid, all of their party, any voting Socialists and a large chunk of Libertarians--easily way beyond that.

There are seven weeks to go, with a now likely kazillion talk-show viewers, YouTube viral-makers, Twitter-Tweeters: And the usual Democratic ground-based electioneering campaign. Dogs and cats will hear of the remarks, and vomit on the spot--roll over and even do play dead since a month ago.

There will be time to whittle away at the misconception of who gets the entitlements.

There will be time enough to get repetitive on the "brutal-talk" assessments of the GOP.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!
(White Eyes from Tea Party Land now make secret war: With horns, noisemakers, confetti, organs, Tubas. . .even tambourines and bongos, so that no one will know them, where they are, or what they think!)
Unfortunately, most Americans want to be lied to by Politicians. They may say the opposite, but their true feelings are always exposed on issues like this. Romney simply stated truth & reality. It is what it is.

Democrats know that at least 47% of people are unswayable obama voters. They are very proud of such loyalty. They just don't want to admit the reasons for such loyalty.
Most people over 65 are Republicans who don't pay federal income taxes.

89% of the republicans on this site are poor and "don't pay any taxes". But they're different. It's the other poor people who are the moochers, not them. True story.

Retired military living off the public teet.

But they aren't the moochers if they are republicans.
Half of Americans pay no taxes? This is the Big Republican Lie.

81% of Americans pay federal taxes including payroll taxes for Medicare and Social Security and income taxes. In addition they also pay state taxes, sales taxes and property taxes.

Of the 19% who pay no federal taxes 95% are elderly on fixed incomes or working families.

What kind of political party attacks the elderly and the working poor?.....the Republican Party.
Mitt Romney: there are 47 percent who are with him, who are dependent on government, who believe that, that they are victims, who believe that government has the responsibility to care for them. Who believe that they are entitled to health care, to food, to housing."
Romney continues by saying:
"they will vote for this president no matter what…These are people who pay no income tax. My job is is not to worry about those people. I'll never convince them they should take personal responsibility and care for their lives."

2/3 of that 47% who do not pay taxes are working Americans struggling to support their families in a stagnant economy. Mitt thinks they are looking for a handout?

All this while Mitt fights to protect bigger Government handouts for him and his billionaire supporters

Actually 2/3rds of them do pay taxes. I think he's a bit high on his estimation. I would say it's more like under 30% who just want to sit on their asses and collect benefits, or simply have given up working because the benefits are too easily available.

He was talking about people that choose to collect benefits and vote for Democrats because of it.
The bounce is fading......Egypt is going to only help Romney.

He'll win.. He'll be using Obama and the media against themselves. He really doesn't have to say much until the debates. Obama's toast without a teleprompter.
Can't wait to see if Mitt gets in the moderators faces about the media. He should sit with Newt once a week to discuss.
Most people over 65 are Republicans who don't pay federal income taxes.

89% of the republicans on this site are poor and "don't pay any taxes". But they're different. It's the other poor people who are the moochers, not them. True story.

Retired military living off the public teet.

But they aren't the moochers if they are republicans.

Warrior comes to mind. His reason for voting for Romney is that Obama isn't increasing his government pension enough for his liking. The face of true conservatism.
81% of Americans pay federal taxes including payroll taxes for Medicare and Social Security and income taxes.

And the vast majority of them pay taxes at a HIGHER RATE than Romney does.
Most people over 65 are Republicans who don't pay federal income taxes.

89% of the republicans on this site are poor and "don't pay any taxes". But they're different. It's the other poor people who are the moochers, not them. True story.

I pay income taxes, property taxes, sales taxes, excise taxes, fees of every kind imaginable.

Most of the taxes we pay are hidden.

Whenever Obama raised excise taxes on gasoline distributors he was raising the costs to the consumer.

When he boosted the price of fast-foods to the point that most of it is 3 times more expensive than it was 3 years ago he was screwing everyone.

Income has been shrinking since Obama took office yet costs have gone up dramatically.

What right does Obama have to say anything about who wants to raise our taxes?

It's like his despicable claims that Romney wants to cut Medicare when he cut it himself last month by 2/3rd, taking $739 billion from the fund, calling it strengthening Medicare.

What a load of horse-dung.

I guess you could call buggering someone without any grease strengthening their asshole then.
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