Romney caught on tape


Because it is going broke idiot.

Going broke? It currently has a $2.5 trillion surplus.
you and miss gunslinger who thanked you clearly have reading comprehension problems....

is that my fault?

What is your fault is that you're dishonest.

The chart I posted on this....included everyone working, filing their taxes.... the irs's numbers... that 47% that romney spoke about that the taxfoundation collaborated, was FOR THOSE WORKING, with income.....filing income taxes....that's what Romney his full statement.

I did, and that isn't what Romney said. He spoke of the 47% of Americans who are receiving federal benefits. Those who are dependent on government will vote for the one who promotes dependance, Barack Obama.

Obama was on David Letterman last night. He was reclined in a comfortable chair given the opportunity by Letterman to answer great questions like "Just how cool are you Mr President?":thanks:

Obama answered a question about what Mitt said in a video that was revealed earlier.

He said that as president he has to think about everyone, not just his base.........


Problem is his record doesn't show that is the case, so David Letterman served him up a softball and taking into account this 3 month old video's release by Jimmy Carter the IV, Obama simply knocked it out of the park.

Problem is he's lying. He does care about you, but you have to be Black, a 30 year old college student, Homosexual, or a woman that only thinks about sex 24/7 and doesn't ever worry about making ends meet.

The rest of us can go pound sand in Obama's opinion.......especially the folks that cling to their guns and their religion. Oh, and white middle-aged males. You're shit out of luck.

My biggest question is this:

WTF is Obama doing on David Lettermen while our overseas embassies and schools are under siege?:eusa_eh:

In my opinion Obama doesn't have to run a campaign. His friends in the media are doing it for him for free.:thewave: :udaman:
Here are some other reasons why Mitt Romney is dead wrong about 47% being dependent and victims, feeling entitled:

But it is the dependency issue that requires real information. Income for the lower half of American earners has been growing very slowly since the late 1970s -- more or less when Ronald Reagan took office. Compared to economies overseas, the wage performance has been just plain bad.

Why? The declines of unions, the refusal to raise the minimum wage with inflation, and the increased pressure by Wall Street to minimize expenses in the short run -- typically labor expenses -- have all contributed. So have rapidly lost manufacturing jobs and globalization in general. Finally, on average economic growth was slow in the 1980s until the mid-1990s. Only in the late 1990s did growth push the unemployment rate down adequately to boost incomes for the lower half. In the 2000s, we had adequate growth but little job or wage growth. Without social programs like the Earned Income Tax Credit, the lower half would have hardly seen incomes grow at all.

Was dependency a cause of low incomes? This is easily refuted nonsense. Had social programs hurt rather than helped Americans, poverty rates would have been low in the 1950s. As Michael Harrington alerted America, the poverty rate was probably 30 percent in the 1950s. Finally, the U.S. government computed a poverty line -- a low one, mind you. It found the poverty rate at about 22 percent.

Why? Couldn't have been dependency. The War on Poverty had not yet begun. By the 1970s, however, the poverty rate was down to 11 percent. As Social Security expanded, elderly poverty rates fell from 50 percent to about 10 percent. And so on. These are the purposes of government, Mitt.

On our Rediscovering Government website you can find a set of charts and an important summary paper by Lane Kenworthy on this issue.
yay....another thread about this


They are desperate to keep Americans thinking about anything other than Obama and his long list of Failures. Here listen to this BS from 4 Months ago about Romney instead of watching the Utter Failure of Obama's Policy in the Middle East playing out on our TV screens
Going broke? It currently has a $2.5 trillion surplus.

Are you just a dishonest Hack, or are you really this stupid? It is suppose to have a 2.5 Trillion Surplus and would if they Hacks in DC had kept to their word and not Rapped the Slush Fund. There is no Surplus, there is no money, They spent it all.

Wake up asshole.
According to Romney's website, he wants more immigrants. But only those with degrees.

you keep forgetting that he and Obama both have the same opinion on this matter.

What the fuck is wrong with you? You know that's a lie. You should be ashamed of yourself but you are obviously part of Rick Sandorum's part of the Republican Party.

[ame=]Mitt Romney Criticizes President Obama For Wanting To Hire More Police, Firemen and Teachers - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=]#SantorumSnob - YouTube[/ame]

Your OWN leaders are calling you a liar. Doesn't that "sting"?
Romney needs to convince the middle class that he is in their corner. He didn't do it at the GOP convention and he definitely hasn't now
Romney needs to convince the middle class that he is in their corner. He didn't do it at the GOP convention and he definitely hasn't now

Well according to the over 50% of the people who disapprove of Obama, they don't believe Obama is for the middle class either.
As an 18 year old young man preparing to vote for my first time I want to pick the right person for the job. As a worker I can applaud Mitt Romney on his views.::clap2: Unfortunately he was mistaken for disparaging the homeless, but in fact he was calling out the people that have money to go buy cases upon cases of beer daily, yet complain about their food stamps getting cut.
As an 18 year old young man preparing to vote for my first time I want to pick the right person for the job. As a worker I can applaud Mitt Romney on his views.::clap2: Unfortunately he was mistaken for disparaging the homeless, but in fact he was calling out the people that have money to go buy cases upon cases of beer daily, yet complain about their food stamps getting cut.

Really. How do you know that?? What is your reference???

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