Romney caught on tape

Liberals are fucked up. Romney said nothing that isn't true. The leeches and professional welfare recipients (the ones that DO NOT deserve what they get from Uncle Sam) will never vote for anybody except Democrats. Why should Romney worry about getting their votes? That does not mean that he will cut them out of welfare programs when he gets in office.

You liberals are really a fucked up bunch of children.

You are wrong, this is not true.

46.4% of America is on some form of government care, however most of them are elderly and working poor.

70% of the states that have the most non-payers are red states and in addition 58% of elderly people (BIG part of the 47% on the gov tit) are registered republican, so to assume that all 47% are unanimously liberal democrats is absolutely asinine.

This was Rmoney stroking the dicks of these rich ELITES during a $50,000.00 a plate campaign dinner.

Wake up.
Oh the list goes on. Sniper is on unemployment, Willow is on Medicare, etc.....89% of them may be an understatement.
Awesome! Mitt plans to cut both unemployment and Medicare.

Talk about people voting against their own best interests. :D

Unemployment is a safety net not meant to be dependent on to maintain a lifestyle.

It most certainly is. It's payments and benefits are progressive. The more ya make, the more ya pay, the more benefits you can draw.

You really seem to miss some of the more obvious things Reb.
Romney pays 13% taxes.

I pay 25%.

Fuck him.

Romney pays more taxes than Obama and Biden by a long way.

Awesome! Mitt plans to cut both unemployment and Medicare.

Talk about people voting against their own best interests. :D

If you are selfish and just want your own interest might be correct.

Voting for your own best interests is often not voting for your kids best interests.
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If we get rid of Obamacare we can pour money back into Medicare.

That will freak out the Progressive Death Cultists. They want those inconvenient old and disabled folks to DIE ALREADY.

You really are unhinged.

The money "taken out" of Medicare came from waste and overpayments. The SAVINGS taken from cutting waste, fraud and abuse is put directly back into healthcare. That money will be used to pay for wellness visits, cancer screenings and drug benefits FOR seniors.
"There are 47 percent of the people who will vote for the president no matter what. All right -- there are 47 percent who are with him, who are dependent on government, who believe that, that they are victims, who believe that government has the responsibility to care for them. Who believe that they are entitled to health care, to food, to housing."
Romney continues by saying:
"they will vote for this president no matter what…These are people who pay no income tax. My job is is not to worry about those people. I'll never convince them they should take personal responsibility and care for their lives."

Read more: Romney's closed door comments caught on tape (Includes interview)

Listen to the tape at the link.

And he's right. A lot of Obama voters are welfare slackers who think they are "victims" and deserve government help their entire lives.

And of course, for telling the truth, the Democrats will get their balls in twist and spew into any microphone they can get their hands on.
And kgrill. I believe Annie has also admitted to getting government handouts in the past.

Oh the list goes on. Sniper is on unemployment, Willow is on Medicare, etc.....89% of them may be an understatement.
Awesome! Mitt plans to cut both unemployment and Medicare.

Talk about people voting against their own best interests. :D

Talk about people voting for the best interests of the country as a whole, unlike lefty forever seeking to enslave more and more of the nation's population with dependency and calling that its best interests. :cool:

(Lefty, once again, unwittingly exposing what his agenda is really all about.)

But of course Romney's plan is to revive the nation's economy and therefore eliminate the need for costly, extensive unemployment and to reform healthcare insurance to drive down the cost of healthcare and therefore the costs of Medicare. Lefty's mind can't get beyond its immediate appetites in order to grasp the inherent savings of the Republican platform. But even if it did, lefty would simply lie about that too.
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Romney caught on tape...telling the truth. We are now an Entitlement Nation. But we're broke. So what happens now that the Gravy Train has derailed? I have to give Romney a lot of credit for discussing this reality openly & honestly. It's about time. He'll continue to catch a lot of hell from the usual suspects, but most fair-minded Independents will actually respect him.
Oh the list goes on. Sniper is on unemployment, Willow is on Medicare, etc.....89% of them may be an understatement.
Awesome! Mitt plans to cut both unemployment and Medicare.

Talk about people voting against their own best interests. :D

Talk about people voting for the best interests of the country as a whole, unlike lefty forever seeking to enslave more and more of the nation's population with dependency and calling that its best interests.

Lefty, once again, unwittingly exposing what his agenda is really all about.

Suddenly you're a socialist. Delicious.
Liberals are fucked up. Romney said nothing that isn't true. The leeches and professional welfare recipients (the ones that DO NOT deserve what they get from Uncle Sam) will never vote for anybody except Democrats. Why should Romney worry about getting their votes? That does not mean that he will cut them out of welfare programs when he gets in office.

You liberals are really a fucked up bunch of children.

I can't imagine anyone voting along side a moocher..
Why exclude what's being paid into SS and medicare?? Well, that's simple, because at some point, you're going to take that money right back out of the system when you're retired. SS and medicare were supposed to be separate funds, kept set aside, but we all know that they're not. And how much of what is collected in SS and medicare every day is going right back out the door to support those who are currently collecting because that fund was pillaged?? It would be different if they were paying into it without the promise of getting it back at retirement, but that's not how it's supposed to work. Not only that, you're paying it and receiveing no ROI for your trouble either, which is why the whole SS system needs revamped. When you pay into SS without the benefit of receiving it back later, then you might have a point that it should be counted as part of their tax contribution, but until then it should not.

And as far as coroporations go, you're right, so why does the left want to hurt the poor by raising taxes on corporations only to have them increase the price of their product or service, causing the poor to pay even more for them? Instead they demonize the corporations and try to get the poor suckers that are buying their goods and services to demonize right along with them since most of them are too ignorant to understand they're raising their own costs. It's brilliant when you think of it. :lol:

I don't see the 'deception'? Deception in what regards? The only deception I see is a bunch of elitist, very wealthy leftists that have made their fortunes off of the results of captialism urging those less fortunate to hate those that have succeeded because they only seek to control and use them to t
heir own ends, power and greed.
Twice since I began working , the federal gvt has changed what I was promised in social security and reduced benefits...and they are going to do it what we pay in social security and what we were promised to get, there is no guarantee....same with medicare....there is no guarantee....

(I do agree with you that these funds and the spending on these programs should have been kept separate...but they are NOT separate and they are included in the federal SPENDING that is quoted all the time, and IF THEY ARE GOING to be included in the Federal budget spending, which reflects the budget deficit, then they should be included with what taxes are being collected to pay for this not include them is deceiving) does anyone at all, ever quote the budget spending without social security and medicare? NEVER.

And, when it comes time for repaying those Social security surplus taxes that were used to mask the deficit the past 30 years, our government is going renege or have to raise income taxes big time to repay we will see if we really get all the money back in excess SS taxes that we have bet, is that we won't get the money back in full....or they will devalue the dollar so much that it won't matter....

As far as corporate income taxes that the individual that buys their goods are really paying a good portion of....I can agree with you on that....

and romney said that these people not paying income taxes were government dependent people...what does that mean Newby? When MOST of the people who owe nothing in income taxes, owe nothing because they earned too little to owe anything....about 10k a year or 20k a year if married...and you and I and romney pay no income taxes on that first 10k as well, so these people are not getting away with anything that the wealthiest are not also getting away with or that you and I are not getting away with(for the lack of a better term)....they just owe no taxes based on lower incomes.

sooo, to me, the whole statement that these 47% are gvt dependent is simply one of the biggest gaffs of Romney yet....

Well, I still don't understand who you're talking about that quotes the budget spending without social security and medicare, and what it's really buying them to leave it out?

And that's why I do not trust the federal government, and why I do not think they are the answer. We need to make it smaller and depend less on it, not give it more control over our lives, which is where the democrat party is headed full steam. I will be lucky to collect anything that I've paid into it, I would much rather opt out and invest my money as I see fit for my retirement. But, that doesn't give them power and control over me, does it? Government is not your friend.

People making much more than 10-20 thousand a year are not pay taxes as well. My sister and her husband make well in excess of that and they get back MORE every year than what they even paid in. It's called using government to secure a voting block, and it's not right.

every person on this site that has brought up the Budget and what the government is SPENDING is including what the government is spending on social security and spending on medicare in the spending figures Newby.....YET when they talk about the money being collected to pay for the federal governments spending, they never want to include the taxes collected in medicare and SS?

yes that's true, that due to the Bush tax cuts of 2001 and 2003, that many making more than the 20k are not paying fed income taxes, mainly due to the increase in child tax credits, education credits/tax cuts for them etc. Though I have never had a child or been able to use these tax cuts, I've heard that raising children does cost an aweful lot of money and I don't begrudge them for getting these tax breaks....the government will get the money for all these minute tax breaks back, when these children are older and working and paying taxes....

There are also 24,000 individual tax units that make $500,000 dollars to many millions of dollars a year who ALSO PAY no income taxes....WHO do you think they vote for?

The assumption that all of these non fed income tax payers are democrats is stupid on Romney's sister's entire class are underprivileged children of REPUBLICANS, who want creationism taught in school, and hate the Obamas....and teach their children to hate the Obama' sister was teaching about victory gardens to her class and just mentioned michelle obama had one and all her children booed...these are white children that don't even own a decent pair of shoes or clothes, all on subsidized lunches etc etc etc....

SO, once again, Romney is clueless on who these 47% who pay no taxes, that will not vote for him truly are...there are the republican poor AND republican wealthiest in that 47% group....

I'm sorry, but for merely political posturing, he STUCK HIS FOOT in his mouth....and will pay for it...imo.

BESIDES, why is it when someone making 20 million a year, who is in the 35% tax bracket, but only pays 13% in federal income taxes, DUE TO TAX laws and tax breaks given for their specific groups, it is ALWAYS A-OK with republicans, for them to just use the laws, loopholes, and tax breaks available to them, but in their eyes or your eyes it is NOT okay for the rest of the country earning less than the wealthiest, to utilize the credits or tax breaks made available to them? I see pure hypocrisy abound on both sides of the aisle for this issue!
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Romney was caught on tape acting like an ass. PERIOD!!! And what he said is absolutely not true and the facts are pouring out to disprove it. Sure Mittens, 47% of Americans are just people sucking off the Gov't and want Obama so that can continue. Generalize much do ya? What an idiot. Only a republican can make such a stupid mistake. This will cause any voters on the edge to lean towards Obama. It will cause some people who were for Romeny to go for Obama. But it certainly won't persuade anyone on the fence or anyone currently in the Obama camp to vote for Mittens. You lose GOP!!!
Awesome! Mitt plans to cut both unemployment and Medicare.

Talk about people voting against their own best interests. :D

Talk about people voting for the best interests of the country as a whole, unlike lefty forever seeking to enslave more and more of the nation's population with dependency and calling that its best interests.

Lefty, once again, unwittingly exposing what his agenda is really all about.

Suddenly you're a socialist. Delicious.

Your hat looks stupid, your fat with crusty heels and you like given head to dirty Muslims.
Now show us you tits. maybe we'll show some respect for you.. I just hope you don't have a dick like so many have said.
Romney was caught on tape acting like an ass. PERIOD!!! And what he said is absolutely not true and the facts are pouring out to disprove it. Sure Mittens, 47% of Americans are just people sucking off the Gov't and want Obama so that can continue. Generalize much do ya? What an idiot. Only a republican can make such a stupid mistake. This will cause any voters on the edge to lean towards Obama. It will cause some people who were for Romeny to go for Obama. But it certainly won't persuade anyone on the fence or anyone currently in the Obama camp to vote for Mittens. You lose GOP!!!

He only offended the Entitlement Hounds and Socialist/Progressive wingnuts. And they weren't gonna vote for him anyway. I think he'll do just fine with common sense thinking Independents. Everything he stated, is fact. We are now an Entitlement Nation.
Romney was caught on tape acting like an ass. PERIOD!!! And what he said is absolutely not true and the facts are pouring out to disprove it. Sure Mittens, 47% of Americans are just people sucking off the Gov't and want Obama so that can continue. Generalize much do ya? What an idiot. Only a republican can make such a stupid mistake. This will cause any voters on the edge to lean towards Obama. It will cause some people who were for Romeny to go for Obama. But it certainly won't persuade anyone on the fence or anyone currently in the Obama camp to vote for Mittens. You lose GOP!!!

yeah yeah sure sure
Romney was caught on tape acting like an ass. PERIOD!!! And what he said is absolutely not true and the facts are pouring out to disprove it. Sure Mittens, 47% of Americans are just people sucking off the Gov't and want Obama so that can continue. Generalize much do ya? What an idiot. Only a republican can make such a stupid mistake. This will cause any voters on the edge to lean towards Obama. It will cause some people who were for Romeny to go for Obama. But it certainly won't persuade anyone on the fence or anyone currently in the Obama camp to vote for Mittens. You lose GOP!!!

yeah yeah sure sure

I think you would react the same if Mittens got drunk, stole a school bus full of kids and ran over a dozen nuns in a crosswalk.

I admire your loyalty! :lol:
Romney was caught on tape acting like an ass. PERIOD!!! And what he said is absolutely not true and the facts are pouring out to disprove it. Sure Mittens, 47% of Americans are just people sucking off the Gov't and want Obama so that can continue. Generalize much do ya? What an idiot. Only a republican can make such a stupid mistake. This will cause any voters on the edge to lean towards Obama. It will cause some people who were for Romeny to go for Obama. But it certainly won't persuade anyone on the fence or anyone currently in the Obama camp to vote for Mittens. You lose GOP!!!

yeah yeah sure sure

I think you would react the same if Mittens got drunk, stole a school bus full of kids and ran over a dozen nuns in a crosswalk.

I admire your loyalty! :lol:

no, that would be you lefties with OBAMA...the man can't do no wrong in your all's eyes
so I don't think you all have much room to talk about others
Romney was caught on tape acting like an ass. PERIOD!!! And what he said is absolutely not true and the facts are pouring out to disprove it. Sure Mittens, 47% of Americans are just people sucking off the Gov't and want Obama so that can continue. Generalize much do ya? What an idiot. Only a republican can make such a stupid mistake. This will cause any voters on the edge to lean towards Obama. It will cause some people who were for Romeny to go for Obama. But it certainly won't persuade anyone on the fence or anyone currently in the Obama camp to vote for Mittens. You lose GOP!!!

yeah yeah sure sure


Romney said you don't care about taking responsibility for your life. Romney doesn't care about appealing to you.

Yet, you'll still vote for him.

It makes absolutely no sense. None.

I await your response of "Oh brother" or something along those lines.
Sorry about posting this twice, but Mods never merged the 2 similar threads.....


So, your claim is that the bottom 47% are paying payroll taxes?

Talk about "Liar liar pants on fire."

Your leftist hate site assumes that every person in the bottom 47% is gainfully employed, which is absurd.

The problem I have with you of the left is that you lie, without hesitation. Nothing you post can be trusted.
you and miss gunslinger who thanked you clearly have reading comprehension problems....

is that my fault?

The chart I posted on this....included everyone working, filing their taxes.... the irs's numbers... that 47% that romney spoke about that the taxfoundation collaborated, was FOR THOSE WORKING, with income.....filing income taxes....that's what Romney his full statement.

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