Romney disavows adviser's 'Anglo-Saxon' remark

As if Obamination's bullshit made up religion of mixing and matching islam, Christianity, secularism, etc is not insane.

I know Romney is a better man than obamination and smarter too, that is all that counts....asshole.

You do know Romney is going to lose the election this November, don't you? Will you be able to keep living?

And if he wins? Will you still be the same feeble, hateful old asshole you have been all along?

Romney won't win. But to answer your question. I'm not feeble. If Romney became prez, I would laugh at the outrage of the white conservatives when they realize that he is liberal.
To black people...."Romney is white."

To poor people...."Romney is rich."

To southern Christians...."Romney is a Mormon."

To old people...."Romney is the boogeyman."

To illlegals/hispanics...."Romney is the INS/Border Patrol."

To drug addicts...."Romney is the police."

To Occupy nuts...."Romney is a banker."

Democraps don't have anything to run on so they are going to attack Romney over bullshit angles.

Like his being in a godless cult?

Is the London Daily Telegraph a "liberal newspaper"?

I would hardly call the Republican party a godless cult any more than I would call the Democrat party one.
You do know Romney is going to lose the election this November, don't you? Will you be able to keep living?

And if he wins? Will you still be the same feeble, hateful old asshole you have been all along?

Romney won't win. But to answer your question. I'm not feeble. If Romney became prez, I would laugh at the outrage of the white conservatives when they realize that he is liberal.

See the thing is we know he's moderate, we dont think he's a right winger, which is why we laugh when people like you make the above statement, then you try to say he's faar right, even you dont believe he's far right..

Second we dont care if he's moderate, because he's not a leftwing nutjob like Obama...lesser of two evils my friend. Oh and he doesnt have the scary cultish following Obama has.
Just ignore the piece of shit Salt Jones, it is here to only say stupid stuff.

It will go away to do some crack or suck some dicks after getting bored.
To black people...."Romney is white."

To poor people...."Romney is rich."

To southern Christians...."Romney is a Mormon."

To old people...."Romney is the boogeyman."

To illlegals/hispanics...."Romney is the INS/Border Patrol."

To drug addicts...."Romney is the police."

To Occupy nuts...."Romney is a banker."

Democraps don't have anything to run on so they are going to attack Romney over bullshit angles.

Like his being in a godless cult?

Is the London Daily Telegraph a "liberal newspaper"?

I would hardly call the Republican party a godless cult any more than I would call the Democrat party one.

I was speaking of Mormonism or the LDS Church.
And if he wins? Will you still be the same feeble, hateful old asshole you have been all along?

Romney won't win. But to answer your question. I'm not feeble. If Romney became prez, I would laugh at the outrage of the white conservatives when they realize that he is liberal.

See the thing is we know he's moderate, we dont think he's a right winger, which is why we laugh when people like you make the above statement, then you try to say he's faar right, even you dont believe he's far right..

Second we dont care if he's moderate, because he's not a leftwing nutjob like Obama...lesser of two evils my friend. Oh and he doesnt have the scary cultish following Obama has.

When did I say he was right wing?

Do you actually believe your post? If so, then you really are showing how clueless you are.
Actually pieces of shit like you should go kill yourselves right now.

You do nothing for this country, so get off this planet.

Im not really seeing how saying any of this does anything good for this country. In fact, being full of corruption, bitterness, and anger is exactly his problem and is hurting our nation.
Dumbfuck, the majority of people that created this country are Anglo-Saxon from.....(drumroll) England, the United Kingdom, Great Britain or whateve you want to call them.

The rest of this country came after the fact once they saw a good thing here.

We also have a close relationship with the UK compared to most countries because our economic, legal and political systems are close.

Romney is just being PC out of fear of pissing off non-whites to his obvious skin color and most likely where his family came from years ago.

In today's fucked up world a white person like Romney has to deny his Anglo-Saxon roots while a 1/2 black idiot like Obamination can walk around like he is from the ghetto.


The quote was that Romney would better identify with Great Britain because of his Anglo-Saxon roots.

THATS the racist part. Aint nothing wrong with being proud to be white.

Obama downs Guinness pint in Ireland
"The president actually killed his pint! He gets my vote," said Christy O'Sullivan, a government clerical worker who was taking a long lunch break to watch live TV coverage of Obama's visit to Moneygall, the tiny village where his maternal great-great-great grandfather lived and worked. "He's the first president I've actually seen drink the black stuff like he's not ashamed of something."

Previous American presidents didn't fare as well as Obama.
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Romney won't win. But to answer your question. I'm not feeble. If Romney became prez, I would laugh at the outrage of the white conservatives when they realize that he is liberal.

See the thing is we know he's moderate, we dont think he's a right winger, which is why we laugh when people like you make the above statement, then you try to say he's faar right, even you dont believe he's far right..

Second we dont care if he's moderate, because he's not a leftwing nutjob like Obama...lesser of two evils my friend. Oh and he doesnt have the scary cultish following Obama has.

When did I say he was right wing?

Do you actually believe your post? If so, then you really are showing how clueless you are.

Uh when saying you, I use the liberal you, not the individual, since you dont believe in rugged individualism, so liberals have tryed to paint Romney as right wing, do you agree?

And I dont really care about your posts, they're just not that interesting.
Foriegn, not American, Kenyan, not born here, Mau Mau, boi king, manchild.

The honest right winger just comes right out and says "******".

Yep, there are blacks and *******, Chris Rock taught me that.....but hey you want to ban people for calling someone a NOBLE....because liberals believe in eugenics, but hey we dont like you using ******....

I'm just saying I respect Confederate Conservative Right Wing Republican Teanuts when they come right out and tell us exactly what they are thinking. They are honest and we know where they stand. They don't use "code" like:

Boi King

not "Anglo-Saxon"


Mau Mau

and so on,

But he is anglo-saxon. He is kenyan.
Romney disavows adviser's 'Anglo-Saxon' remark

Mitt Romney distanced himself today from an unnamed adviser's comments that President Obama doesn't appreciate "Anglo-Saxon heritage" and the "special relationship" between the United States and Great Britain.

The quotes in the Daily Telegraph threatened to overshadow the likely GOP presidential nominee's arrival in London for meetings with British Prime Minister David Cameron tomorrow and the opening ceremonies of the Olympics on Friday.

"I don't agree with whoever that adviser is," Romney said in an interview with NBC News that aired this evening. "But I can tell you that we have a very special relationship between the United States and Great Britain. ... I also believe the president understands that."

Unnamed adviser? And we're supposed to buy into this story?
Nope. Why would I deprive the world of me? Did you take your meds today? Are you wearing mismatched socks?

Good question. But a more important question is why would you let yourself be trashy instead of being the best you that you can be?

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