Romney disavows adviser's 'Anglo-Saxon' remark

In today's fucked up world a white person like Romney has to deny his Anglo-Saxon roots while a 1/2 black idiot like Obamination can walk around like he is from the ghetto.


The quote was that Romney would better identify with Great Britain because of his Anglo-Saxon roots.

THATS the racist part. Aint nothing wrong with being proud to be white, provided that pride doesnt make you assume your automatically better than everyone else just because of the color of your skin.
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yeah, Obama can say he's for black people because he's black, but Romney can't say anything about white people, because that would be racist..

man oh man..:lol:
The hypocrisy on the left is stunning. Did you see how the left treated George Bush and Condie Rice?

Well I am sure you have plenty of clips of Elected Democratic Officials questioning the birthplaces of those folks, calling them communists, and saying their values were foreign to this country.


Dumbfuck, the majority of people that created this country are Anglo-Saxon from.....(drumroll) England, the United Kingdom, Great Britain or whateve you want to call them.

The rest of this country came after the fact once they saw a good thing here.

We also have a close relationship with the UK compared to most countries because our economic, legal and political systems are close.

Romney is just being PC out of fear of pissing off non-whites to his obvious skin color and most likely where his family came from years ago.

In today's fucked up world a white person like Romney has to deny his Anglo-Saxon roots while a 1/2 black idiot like Obamination can walk around like he is from the ghetto.


The quote was that Romney would better identify with Great Britain because of his Anglo-Saxon roots.

THATS the racist part. Aint nothing wrong with being proud to be white.
Romney disavows adviser's 'Anglo-Saxon' remark

Mitt Romney distanced himself today from an unnamed adviser's comments that President Obama doesn't appreciate "Anglo-Saxon heritage" and the "special relationship" between the United States and Great Britain.

The quotes in the Daily Telegraph threatened to overshadow the likely GOP presidential nominee's arrival in London for meetings with British Prime Minister David Cameron tomorrow and the opening ceremonies of the Olympics on Friday.

"I don't agree with whoever that adviser is," Romney said in an interview with NBC News that aired this evening. "But I can tell you that we have a very special relationship between the United States and Great Britain. ... I also believe the president understands that."

THAT was how he should have handled it.

Thats the first thing Ive seen Romney do that I actually think he did a good job. Hmmm...

Not really.

He's been going around calling Obama a "foreigner" and cuddling up with such luminaries as Trump.

It was a natural progression. But somebody probably warned him about criticizing a sitting President might have given him pause to think.

In any case..he's making sure to cover his bases at home. Soon enough he'll be code talking and calling Obama <PUT YOUR FAVE WORD HERE FOR "THE BLACK GUY"> aka Socialist, Marxist, Foreign, Kenyan..and a million other cutesy titles.

This actually highlights how many PAID flunkies Romney has; he can't remember their names!
yeah, Obama can say he's for black people because he's black, but Romney can't say anything about white people, because that would be racist..

man oh man..:lol:

You obviously dont understand American politics. ( not an attack. A statement. ) The way we categorize people is even racist.

White people are the majority. Therefore they arent refered to as an enthic group in politics. They are broken down into class, poor, middle, wealthy.

Black people are broken down as a whole because thats how fucking racist we all are. We see them as a whole. Every black people homogenous with every other black person. Theres no difference between them. Theres just BLACK.

The same for hispanics.

And asians as well.

Its institutiobnal racism.

Hell, most people dont even realize they ARE being racist. Its been taught to us our whole lives. THEM. THEM. THEM. and US.

You get it?
reading the story, not seeing the controversy here.

You really need to start just working on policy.
another article written on this..

unnamed adviser's

we need to DEMAND they start naming names of these people, they could of just pulled some "advisor" out of their asses...this is shady reporting, yet people don't mind posting this crap.
Romney disavows adviser's 'Anglo-Saxon' remark

Mitt Romney distanced himself today from an unnamed adviser's comments that President Obama doesn't appreciate "Anglo-Saxon heritage" and the "special relationship" between the United States and Great Britain.

The quotes in the Daily Telegraph threatened to overshadow the likely GOP presidential nominee's arrival in London for meetings with British Prime Minister David Cameron tomorrow and the opening ceremonies of the Olympics on Friday.

"I don't agree with whoever that adviser is," Romney said in an interview with NBC News that aired this evening. "But I can tell you that we have a very special relationship between the United States and Great Britain. ... I also believe the president understands that."

Which adviser?
oh the old unamed advisor, yeah I love those stories....btw does Obama even know what an anglo-saxon is?
Romney disavows adviser's 'Anglo-Saxon' remark

Mitt Romney distanced himself today from an unnamed adviser's comments that President Obama doesn't appreciate "Anglo-Saxon heritage" and the "special relationship" between the United States and Great Britain.

The quotes in the Daily Telegraph threatened to overshadow the likely GOP presidential nominee's arrival in London for meetings with British Prime Minister David Cameron tomorrow and the opening ceremonies of the Olympics on Friday.

"I don't agree with whoever that adviser is," Romney said in an interview with NBC News that aired this evening. "But I can tell you that we have a very special relationship between the United States and Great Britain. ... I also believe the president understands that."

Which adviser?

The one they invented to create faux outrage with the Lefty race baiters.
Mitt Romney distanced himself today from an unnamed adviser's comments that President Obama doesn't appreciate "Anglo-Saxon heritage" and the "special relationship" between the United States and Great Britain.

If Romney has to keep distancing himself from any more rightwing nitwits he’ll be all by himself.
President Obama doesn't appreciate "Anglo-Saxon heritage" and the "special relationship" between the United States and Great Britain.[/B]

The quotes in the Daily Telegraph threatened to overshadow the likely GOP presidential nominee's arrival in London for meetings with British Prime Minister David Cameron tomorrow and the opening ceremonies of the Olympics on Friday.

"I don't agree with whoever that adviser is," Romney said in an interview with NBC News that aired this evening. "But I can tell you that we have a very special relationship between the United States and Great Britain. ... I also believe the president understands that."

Which adviser?

Yes. It would be nice if we had a name for this advisor.
Mitt Romney distanced himself today from an unnamed adviser's comments that President Obama doesn't appreciate "Anglo-Saxon heritage" and the "special relationship" between the United States and Great Britain.

If Romney has to keep distancing himself from any more rightwing nitwits he&#8217;ll be all by himself.

yeah, you have no problem using a article with unnamed sources to make this observation
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My gawd. Where is the big scandal in those words? Is the word "anglo-saxon" forbidden now?

Romney should call obozo a racist for supporting AA.
Foriegn, not American, Kenyan, not born here, Mau Mau, boi king, manchild.

The honest right winger just comes right out and says "******".

Yep, there are blacks and *******, Chris Rock taught me that.....but hey you want to ban people for calling someone a NOBLE....because liberals believe in eugenics, but hey we dont like you using ******....
You guys are seriously going to try to argue that anglo-saxon is some forbidden word?

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