Romney give it to Republicans

Now is not the time for 11th commandment. It is kind of like giving Americans a choice between dissolving the country, giving the boot to the constitution that has held us together longer than any other democracy in the world versus Democrat leadership, that would conserve the constitution and process, but rushing forward with nut ball domestic policy and decision-making at least in the short term. I just don't see US voters, voting to basically get rid of the US Constitution and form of government for a pig in a poke that favors top down rule by cabal (possibly chosen by politically inspired mob violence) and no free elections.

I know that the Republican Establishment is really embarrassed by the 74 million Little Trumpsters out there, and would rather be respectable, a guaranteed 2nd place, than having to work for the votes of us deplorables.

And they'll get their way, the Bidenistas will be in charge indefinitely, if they nominate a Romney clone in 2024.
They were chanting Putin's name at CPAC in Orlando over the weekend. That is not almost treasonous. It is treasonous.

Reagan characterized the Soviet Union as the evil empire. Republicans are Traitors
I find it hard to believe, CPAC chanted Putin's name. I saw no credible source for that claim.

I found an actual traitor Eddie... a Russia collaborator who enriched herself doing Russia's bidding...and she ain't no Republican.

Go get her eddiew37
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Romney is, in general from what I can gather, a smart guy who disregards what he knows is the truth in order to play politics and personally benefit. He goes on CNN and they tell him how smart he is for calling out Russia 10 years earlier, not mentioning the 1000 other threats and issues he was wrong on or just ignores (does he ever speak about your southern border?).

Biden and Harris are in office, that should be Romneys focus. The Dems also have some kooks in their party and it makes me wonder if this Greene woman is a plant to offset the Squad members and the like. Now the Dems can say "see, you have kooks too". Of course CNN does their Dem duty by asking about her, as if anyone in Ukraine or elsewhere cares as the bombs land.

Not too long before the attack on Ukraine, Harris was sent to the Munich Security Conference, did anyone see that speech? Did it sound like a serious dialogue about the potential for war, or something a school yard kid might cry about?

The world is losing it's way, stop pretending that these outliers have much impact on U.S foreign policy and decisions. Stop pretending anyone is "pro Putin".

People are just far more criticial of government decision which lead to the creation of the monster(s) while Romney and others pretend that their feigned insight is somehow more valuable than actual policy making that helps America win and deters other enemies from their decisions.

He, along with McCain et al, bear some of the blame (but not the costs apparently) of these decisions.

Mitt Romney Excoriates ‘Disgusting’ Pro-Putin Republicans: ‘Almost Treasonous’ --- IT IS TREASONOUS​

Senator Mitt Romney (R-UT) tore into his fellow Republicans who have spoken positively about Vladimir Putin, or offered advantageous statements to Russia while Ukraine remains under attack.
Romney gave a broad-range interview to CNN’s Dana Bash on Sunday, commenting on everything from the situation in Ukraine, to Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor-Greene’s (R-GA) decision to speak at the white nationalist America First Political Action Conference. At one point, Bash asked Romney for his thoughts on the “pro-Putin sentiments” that a fraction of the GOP has embraced in terms of whether the U.S. should intervene in Russia’s aggression toward Ukraine.
Romney’s response:

Romney didn’t specify who exactly he was talking about, though his comments could have been referring to Fox News’ Tucker Carlson, who dismissed Russia’s threat to Ukraine until they began their military assault against the country. As it were, former President Donald Trump has been repeatedly calling Putin “smart” while ragging on his political foes throughout the international crisis.
Bash said to Romney, “Treasonous is a big word, so I just have to quickly follow. Would that include the former president?”
“Well, I said it’s nearly treasonous,” Romney answered. “Standing up for freedom is the right thing to do in America. Anything less than that, in my opinion, is unworthy of American support.”
Watch above, via CNN.
Mitt Romney Excoriates ‘Disgusting’ Pro-Putin Republicans: ‘Almost Treasonous’

{white nationalist America First Political Action Conference}

Wow - You Nazi pigs are SHAMELESS fucking liars.

Fuck off, Nazi.
CNN? I have doubts about all of their reports.

I'd love to see what Infowars' coverage of the war is saying , before I comment on this. I like to hear the real facts, instead of made up shit designed to make Brandon look heroic and competent.
Lol, Biden is not commander and cheif of the Ukraine army dumb fuck. This doesn't make Biden look one way or another.

Mitt Romney Excoriates ‘Disgusting’ Pro-Putin Republicans: ‘Almost Treasonous’ --- IT IS TREASONOUS​

Senator Mitt Romney (R-UT) tore into his fellow Republicans who have spoken positively about Vladimir Putin, or offered advantageous statements to Russia while Ukraine remains under attack.
Romney gave a broad-range interview to CNN’s Dana Bash on Sunday, commenting on everything from the situation in Ukraine, to Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor-Greene’s (R-GA) decision to speak at the white nationalist America First Political Action Conference. At one point, Bash asked Romney for his thoughts on the “pro-Putin sentiments” that a fraction of the GOP has embraced in terms of whether the U.S. should intervene in Russia’s aggression toward Ukraine.
Romney’s response:

Romney didn’t specify who exactly he was talking about, though his comments could have been referring to Fox News’ Tucker Carlson, who dismissed Russia’s threat to Ukraine until they began their military assault against the country. As it were, former President Donald Trump has been repeatedly calling Putin “smart” while ragging on his political foes throughout the international crisis.
Bash said to Romney, “Treasonous is a big word, so I just have to quickly follow. Would that include the former president?”
“Well, I said it’s nearly treasonous,” Romney answered. “Standing up for freedom is the right thing to do in America. Anything less than that, in my opinion, is unworthy of American support.”
Watch above, via CNN.
Mitt Romney Excoriates ‘Disgusting’ Pro-Putin Republicans: ‘Almost Treasonous’

LOL Glad Romney's got your vote and contribution to his campaign.

Mitt Romney Excoriates ‘Disgusting’ Pro-Putin Republicans: ‘Almost Treasonous’ --- IT IS TREASONOUS​

Senator Mitt Romney (R-UT) tore into his fellow Republicans who have spoken positively about Vladimir Putin, or offered advantageous statements to Russia while Ukraine remains under attack.
Romney gave a broad-range interview to CNN’s Dana Bash on Sunday, commenting on everything from the situation in Ukraine, to Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor-Greene’s (R-GA) decision to speak at the white nationalist America First Political Action Conference. At one point, Bash asked Romney for his thoughts on the “pro-Putin sentiments” that a fraction of the GOP has embraced in terms of whether the U.S. should intervene in Russia’s aggression toward Ukraine.
Romney’s response:

Romney didn’t specify who exactly he was talking about, though his comments could have been referring to Fox News’ Tucker Carlson, who dismissed Russia’s threat to Ukraine until they began their military assault against the country. As it were, former President Donald Trump has been repeatedly calling Putin “smart” while ragging on his political foes throughout the international crisis.
Bash said to Romney, “Treasonous is a big word, so I just have to quickly follow. Would that include the former president?”
“Well, I said it’s nearly treasonous,” Romney answered. “Standing up for freedom is the right thing to do in America. Anything less than that, in my opinion, is unworthy of American support.”
Watch above, via CNN.
Mitt Romney Excoriates ‘Disgusting’ Pro-Putin Republicans: ‘Almost Treasonous’

It may be interesting that the Sr. Sen of Utah, Mike Lee, may be in a spot of trouble over his embrace of Trump. The most popular Dem in Utah says the race is impossible for a D to win, and it's questionable whether any R will try, or succeed, in knocking off Lee.

It may be interesting that the Sr. Sen of Utah, Mike Lee, may be in a spot of trouble over his embrace of Trump. The most popular Dem in Utah says the race is impossible for a D to win, and it's questionable whether any R will try, or succeed, in knocking off Lee.

If the Republicans were to nominate a rabid Never-Trumper, the Democrats would certainly stand a chance. A lot of Little Trumpsters might vote for the D to stop the never-trumper, even if they disagree with the Far Left.

Trump has Putin grinning like a possum -
Aw eddie, is that the ribbon from the special valentine you gave your boyfriend??
It may be interesting that the Sr. Sen of Utah, Mike Lee, may be in a spot of trouble over his embrace of Trump. The most popular Dem in Utah says the race is impossible for a D to win, and it's questionable whether any R will try, or succeed, in knocking off Lee.

Romney is a one term senator. He will never be reelected. He was elected purely because he's a Mormon and people ASSUMED he was conservative. Now they know that Mitt has a LOT in common with Bernie Sanders and NOTHING in common with Ronald Reagan.

The fascist wet dreams of dislodging Lee are amusing though.

I tried to explain pendulums to you Nazis, but you didn't listen. You pushed the pendulum WAY over, using the KGB to hunt down MOTHERS who tried to protect their children was a stroke of genius.. It really defines Xi's Biden Regime. :thup:

Now your Reich is facing the backlash. Throwing dissidents in the gulag for protesting the 2020 election hasn't stopped it. Trudeau sending the tanks in at Ottawa Square hasn't stopped it. Declaring parents "domestic terrorists" hasn't stopped it.

But the pendulum isn't going to just go back to the center. You Nazis pushed things to furthest extreme - something about an equal and opposite reaction. Maybe if you preach more hatred of whites it will help? :dunno:
If he thinks that is treasonous, I wonder what he would call it in the event that an American politician worked directly with the Russians on a phony scheme to create a false dossier on her opponent so as to undermine the integrity of our election process?

Oh, wait a minute. That's already been tried.
I find it hard to believe, CPAC chanted Putin's name. I saw no credible source for that claim.
It was actually AFPAC. Which is even more wingnutty than CPAC and I believe both conferences are held at the same time not too far from each other. Anyway AFPAC is the white nationalist version (or more so anyway) and they were indeed cheering Putin. Marge and Gosar, two sitting members of Congress spoke at this white nationalist conference as well.
It was actually AFPAC. Which is even more wingnutty than CPAC and I believe both conferences are held at the same time not too far from each other. Anyway AFPAC is the white nationalist version (or more so anyway) and they were indeed cheering Putin. Marge and Gosar, two sitting members of Congress spoke at this white nationalist conference as well.

It is actually a lie spread by you Nazis to smear Der Juden - the whites you so bitterly hate..

One Nazi says it, another Nazi repeats it, and you demand "uh huh iz two reel."
It is actually a lie spread by you Nazis to smear Der Juden - the whites you so bitterly hate..

One Nazi says it, another Nazi repeats it, and you demand "uh huh iz two reel."

No, they literally praised Putin at a white nationalist conference that MTG and Gosar spoke at.

Are you actually going to play dumb and pretend you don't know anything about that?

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