Romney give it to Republicans

How many hours a day do you spend dreaming up this horseshit that Dems love mother Russia?

Too many.
None. It’s just an old historical fact. Your bullshit projections that, suddenly, the Republicans like Putin — requires that you and your masters spend a lot of time on creative fiction writing.
None. It’s just an old historical fact. Your bullshit projections that, suddenly, the Republicans like Putin — requires that you and your masters spend a lot of time on creative fiction writing.
Did that knuckle dragger Trump take a cue from Tucker or was it the other way around a few days ago when they removed their head from Putin's ass long enough to reveal the bromance going on?
Did that knuckle dragger Trump take a cue from Tucker or was it the other way around a few days ago when they removed their head from Putin's ass long enough to reveal the bromance going on?
Your faux question is overly “loaded” with bullshit and baseless premises; and you are far too uninformed to pose meaningful questions, anyway, clap.

Try agains without all the preposterous crack smoking. Step away from the pipe.
Those weren't Democrats shouting PUTIN PUTIN PUTIN at Trump rally They were republican scum
Nonsense. Some Russian bits have infested USMB. THEY certainly support Putin. But otherwise, no. Your claim is false.

You leftards have consistently been the Russian supporters.
Give an example?? How did Putin supporting trump make Dems support Putin? and Russia?
Give an example?? How did Putin supporting trump make Dems support Putin? and Russia?
I would be fascinated to learn how Putin ever support Trump. Be specific. Support your claim.

Dims have always been basically Marxist lemmings.
I would be fascinated to learn how Putin ever support Trump. Be specific. Support your claim.

Dims have always been basically Marxist lemmings.
What was Trump jr doing in that hotel with high gov't officials ?/ Talking immigration ?? Use the brains God gave you Who did Trump pardon ? Any connection there to russian officials?

Mitt Romney Excoriates ‘Disgusting’ Pro-Putin Republicans: ‘Almost Treasonous’ --- IT IS TREASONOUS​

Senator Mitt Romney (R-UT) tore into his fellow Republicans who have spoken positively about Vladimir Putin, or offered advantageous statements to Russia while Ukraine remains under attack.
Romney gave a broad-range interview to CNN’s Dana Bash on Sunday, commenting on everything from the situation in Ukraine, to Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor-Greene’s (R-GA) decision to speak at the white nationalist America First Political Action Conference. At one point, Bash asked Romney for his thoughts on the “pro-Putin sentiments” that a fraction of the GOP has embraced in terms of whether the U.S. should intervene in Russia’s aggression toward Ukraine.
Romney’s response:

Romney didn’t specify who exactly he was talking about, though his comments could have been referring to Fox News’ Tucker Carlson, who dismissed Russia’s threat to Ukraine until they began their military assault against the country. As it were, former President Donald Trump has been repeatedly calling Putin “smart” while ragging on his political foes throughout the international crisis.
Bash said to Romney, “Treasonous is a big word, so I just have to quickly follow. Would that include the former president?”
“Well, I said it’s nearly treasonous,” Romney answered. “Standing up for freedom is the right thing to do in America. Anything less than that, in my opinion, is unworthy of American support.”
Watch above, via CNN.
Mitt Romney Excoriates ‘Disgusting’ Pro-Putin Republicans: ‘Almost Treasonous’

Romney has stepped over the edge and fallen into lib la la land
I’m sure members of the Grand Trump Party could care less what Sen RINO Romney has to say….
He did that decades ago.
Yeah, sort of

as governor of mass he was pretty far left

when he won the repub nomination for president I was disappointed

but I defended him just as I had defended mccain from the many lib lies thrown at them

but in both cases being loyal to them did not translate to them being loyal to us when trump won the nomination
Its good for Brandon and his future prospects at reelection for sure.

There is plenty of room for Mr. Romney, if he was really a Republican, to criticize Leftards for enabling Uncle Pootie and Zelenskyy without his blatant disregard of the 11th Commandment not to speak ill of other Republicans.
But Romney isn't really an actual republican, is he. He's from the Chamber of Commerce country club wing
of the party.

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