Romney give it to Republicans

Putin was not President until May of 2012:

Dmitry Medvedev - Wikipedia

Medvedev was elected president in the 2008 election. He was regarded as more liberal than his predecessor, Vladimir Putin, who was also appointed prime minister during Medvedev's presidency. Medvedev's top agenda as president was a wide-ranging modernisation programme, aiming at modernising Russia's economy and society, and lessening the country's reliance on oil and gas. During Medvedev's tenure, the New START nuclear arms reduction treaty was signed by Russia and the United States, Russia emerged victorious in the Russo-Georgian War, and recovered from the Great Recession. Medvedev also launched an anti-corruption campaign, despite later being accused of corruption himself.
hahaha yeah putin wasn’t the man in charge
So white people don't count anymore???
It depends on which white person. Those who were raised in a culture which was racist, then no, they don't count. However, some other minorities who are raised in a similar culture don't count either. Yet the latter don't have the money and the large number of like thinking people as do the white supremacists, who are able to organize national rallies.

Two Republican sitting members of Congress, the Republican Idaho Lt. Governor attended and participated in a white nationalist conference that supports Donald Trump and cheers for Putin. Period.

"White Nationalist."

When translated from your native Nazi, it that pronounced "Der Juden," or "niqqer?"

Maybe you democrats can come up with a final solution to the white people problem?
It depends on which white person. Those who were raised in a culture which was racist, then no, they don't count. However, some other minorities who are raised in a similar culture don't count either. Yet the latter don't have the money and the large number of like thinking people as do the white supremacists, who are able to organize national rallies.

Herr Nazi, if you had a magic button you could push that would instantly kill every white person on earth, would you drink a beer first, or just push it?
Herr Nazi, if you had a magic button you could push that would instantly kill every white person on earth, would you drink a beer first, or just push it?
You're a piece of non human excrement. You lack empathy and that strongly suggests you are antisocial and like trump you're a narcissist. Your hate is palpable and pathological.
You're a piece of non human excrement. You lack empathy and that strongly suggests you are antisocial and like trump you're a narcissist. Your hate is palpable and pathological.

Still Nazi, would you take a moment to gloat before you exterminated every Jude - white - on earth?
You guys love the slurs.
I didn't use a slur against anyone - that was you against the hated scapegoat that your party designated.

Scapegoats is how your Fuhrer focuses the rage and hatred of you evil little turds so you don't notice that it's really your rulers fucking you under.

But it's cool, you have whites to hate - they are the cause of all your problems...

If only you could come up with a final solution..

Mitt Romney Excoriates ‘Disgusting’ Pro-Putin Republicans: ‘Almost Treasonous’ --- IT IS TREASONOUS​

Senator Mitt Romney (R-UT) tore into his fellow Republicans who have spoken positively about Vladimir Putin, or offered advantageous statements to Russia while Ukraine remains under attack.
Romney gave a broad-range interview to CNN’s Dana Bash on Sunday, commenting on everything from the situation in Ukraine, to Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor-Greene’s (R-GA) decision to speak at the white nationalist America First Political Action Conference. At one point, Bash asked Romney for his thoughts on the “pro-Putin sentiments” that a fraction of the GOP has embraced in terms of whether the U.S. should intervene in Russia’s aggression toward Ukraine.
Romney’s response:

Romney didn’t specify who exactly he was talking about, though his comments could have been referring to Fox News’ Tucker Carlson, who dismissed Russia’s threat to Ukraine until they began their military assault against the country. As it were, former President Donald Trump has been repeatedly calling Putin “smart” while ragging on his political foes throughout the international crisis.
Bash said to Romney, “Treasonous is a big word, so I just have to quickly follow. Would that include the former president?”
“Well, I said it’s nearly treasonous,” Romney answered. “Standing up for freedom is the right thing to do in America. Anything less than that, in my opinion, is unworthy of American support.”
Watch above, via CNN.
Mitt Romney Excoriates ‘Disgusting’ Pro-Putin Republicans: ‘Almost Treasonous’

To me I wish both Mitt Romney and Hillary Clinton would just go away. They both turn my stomach every time I see them on TV. Plus Hillary’s voice is like scratching on a blackboard and Romney acts like a pompous fool who thinks he is really intelligent.

Trump realizes that insulting someone he might have to bargain with at some time in the future is not wise. So what if he calls Putin “smart’ or even a “genius?” What counts is if Trump can find a way to avoid war and he did for four years. Re-elect him again and hopefully he will keep things peaceful for another four years.

Along comes Joe Biden who insults Putin by calling him a “killer” and Putin proves him right by invading Ukraine.

To me I wish both Mitt Romney and Hillary Clinton would just go away. They both turn my stomach every time I see them on TV. Plus Hillary’s voice is like scratching on a blackboard and Romney acts like a pompous fool who thinks he is really intelligent.

Trump realizes that insulting someone he might have to bargain with at some time in the future is not wise. So what if he calls Putin “smart’ or even a “genius?” What counts is if Trump can find a way to avoid war and he did for four years. Re-elect him again and hopefully he will keep things peaceful for another four years.

Along comes Joe Biden who insults Putin by calling him a “killer” and Putin proves him right by invading Ukraine.

Trump did insult Putin. The media is lying - as always. Trump pointed out that declaring the regions he was invading independent was very smart of Putin - which it was. Then Trump went on to say Putin is a madman - but the Nazi press edited that part out.
Actually I called AFPAC white nationalists. It's a fitting title.

According to your Reich, ALL whites (Der Juden) are "white supremacists." White are born racist, it's genetic. Whites are inferior, sub-human. Xi's man installed Resident Biden tells us this all the time. That's why qualifications didn't matter for the SCOTUS - NEIN JUDEN.

But honestly, I think this is a GREAT strategy for you Nazis. Just like declaring parents to be terrorists and setting the Gestapo after them. Your Reich making it clear to 63% of the population just how deeply you hate us and how you want to engage in genocide against us, not just killing us but erasing us from history is bound to win the hearts and minds of your victims.

Seig Heil - Heil Soros - Uber Alles democrat
According to your Reich, ALL whites (Der Juden) are "white supremacists." White are born racist, it's genetic. Whites are inferior, sub-human. Xi's man installed Resident Biden tells us this all the time. That's why qualifications didn't matter for the SCOTUS - NEIN JUDEN.

I don't believe any of what you just said. You sound like a nut.

But honestly,

As opposed to your first paragraph? I appreciate you recognizing your own lies.

I think this is a GREAT strategy for you Nazis. Just like declaring parents to be terrorists and setting the Gestapo after them. Your Reich making it clear to 63% of the population just how deeply you hate us and how you want to engage in genocide against us, not just killing us but erasing us from history is bound to win the hearts and minds of your victims.

Oh, OK. just more crazy shit. Gestapo and genocide? Why would I even begin to take you seriously?
Seig Heil - Heil Soros - Uber Alles democrat

They don't make a face palm emoji to handle the strength of your cringe.
I don't believe any of what you just said. You sound like a nut.

As opposed to your first paragraph? I appreciate you recognizing your own lies.

Oh, OK. just more crazy shit. Gestapo and genocide? Why would I even begin to take you seriously?

They don't make a face palm emoji to handle the strength of your cringe.


Yeah, you fucking Nazis are real peaches.

You'd never suggest genocide...

But you want to do more than just genocide, you want to erase whiteness from history.

"Crazy" would be NOT to believe you Nazi fucks when you tell us what you plan.

All that is needed for democrats to succeed is for good men to do nothing.

Yeah, you fucking Nazis are real peaches.

You'd never suggest genocide...

But you want to do more than just genocide, you want to erase whiteness from history.

"Crazy" would be NOT to believe you Nazi fucks when you tell us what you plan.

All that is needed for democrats to succeed is for good men to do nothing.
Regardless of you not understanding the links you post or purposefully taking them out of context or even assigning to me beliefs I do not hold, AFPAC is still a white nationalist organization.

You're really bad at this.
Regardless of you not understanding the links you post or purposefully taking them out of context or even assigning to me beliefs I do not hold, AFPAC is still a white nationalist organization.

You're really bad at this.


You're very convincing with your gaslighting...


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