Romney give it to Republicans

I find it hard to believe, CPAC chanted Putin's name. I saw no credible source for that claim.
Do you have a video of them chanting Putin's name?

Whenever you mention Putin, it's proof that you don't have any evidence.
No, they literally praised Putin at a white nationalist conference that MTG and Gosar spoke at.

Are you actually going to play dumb and pretend you don't know anything about that?
You have a transcript of this meeting?

I don't believe any prog claims about it.

Mitt Romney Excoriates ‘Disgusting’ Pro-Putin Republicans: ‘Almost Treasonous’ --- IT IS TREASONOUS​

Senator Mitt Romney (R-UT) tore into his fellow Republicans who have spoken positively about Vladimir Putin, or offered advantageous statements to Russia while Ukraine remains under attack.
Romney gave a broad-range interview to CNN’s Dana Bash on Sunday, commenting on everything from the situation in Ukraine, to Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor-Greene’s (R-GA) decision to speak at the white nationalist America First Political Action Conference. At one point, Bash asked Romney for his thoughts on the “pro-Putin sentiments” that a fraction of the GOP has embraced in terms of whether the U.S. should intervene in Russia’s aggression toward Ukraine.
Romney’s response:

Romney didn’t specify who exactly he was talking about, though his comments could have been referring to Fox News’ Tucker Carlson, who dismissed Russia’s threat to Ukraine until they began their military assault against the country. As it were, former President Donald Trump has been repeatedly calling Putin “smart” while ragging on his political foes throughout the international crisis.
Bash said to Romney, “Treasonous is a big word, so I just have to quickly follow. Would that include the former president?”
“Well, I said it’s nearly treasonous,” Romney answered. “Standing up for freedom is the right thing to do in America. Anything less than that, in my opinion, is unworthy of American support.”
Watch above, via CNN.
Mitt Romney Excoriates ‘Disgusting’ Pro-Putin Republicans: ‘Almost Treasonous’

So if Romney, didn't specify........Why throw names out there? They were not interviewed and allowed to respond.
Do you have a video of them chanting Putin's name?

Whenever you mention Putin, it's proof that you don't have any evidence.

No, it was some minor troll convention called AFCPAC that had nothing to do with CPAC. No one ever heard of these clowns, but the creeps like HappyJoy are always sniffing panties and digging in garbage pails in hopes of finding something to smear enemies of the Reich with. These are apparently a group that stalks Twitter and Reddit. They hate actual conservatives and have heckled President Trump at events as well as dozens of conservative campus speakers.

What I read is these are trolls and the whole thing was irony. If so - pretty stupid. But the left does it with impunity every day.

In other words this is just a typical Nazi smear from the usual forum Nazis.
Trump did insult Putin. The media is lying - as always. Trump pointed out that declaring the regions he was invading independent was very smart of Putin - which it was. Then Trump went on to say Putin is a madman - but the Nazi press edited that part out.
It is hard to have a well functioning representative democracy or constitutional republic without a honest press.

Mitt Romney Excoriates ‘Disgusting’ Pro-Putin Republicans: ‘Almost Treasonous’ --- IT IS TREASONOUS​

Senator Mitt Romney (R-UT) tore into his fellow Republicans who have spoken positively about Vladimir Putin, or offered advantageous statements to Russia while Ukraine remains under attack.
Romney gave a broad-range interview to CNN’s Dana Bash on Sunday, commenting on everything from the situation in Ukraine, to Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor-Greene’s (R-GA) decision to speak at the white nationalist America First Political Action Conference. At one point, Bash asked Romney for his thoughts on the “pro-Putin sentiments” that a fraction of the GOP has embraced in terms of whether the U.S. should intervene in Russia’s aggression toward Ukraine.
Romney’s response:

Romney didn’t specify who exactly he was talking about, though his comments could have been referring to Fox News’ Tucker Carlson, who dismissed Russia’s threat to Ukraine until they began their military assault against the country. As it were, former President Donald Trump has been repeatedly calling Putin “smart” while ragging on his political foes throughout the international crisis.
Bash said to Romney, “Treasonous is a big word, so I just have to quickly follow. Would that include the former president?”
“Well, I said it’s nearly treasonous,” Romney answered. “Standing up for freedom is the right thing to do in America. Anything less than that, in my opinion, is unworthy of American support.”
Watch above, via CNN.
Mitt Romney Excoriates ‘Disgusting’ Pro-Putin Republicans: ‘Almost Treasonous’

There is no bottom to the Trump herd's insanity. There really, really isn't.
Insanity is listening to douchebags like Romney.

I wouldn't care if Romney won by shooting Obama in the head. I just want that piece of shit out of there so he can't continue fucking up this country.

Interesting. You hate Romney but would have accepted him just to get rid of Obama.

Kind of like the way people accepted Biden just to get rid of Trump, eh?
There is no bottom to the Trump herd's insanity. There really, really isn't.

Then why do you and your filthy Reich need to lie?

If Trump is what you say, there is no reason to take out of context quips, bury they context, and build false impressions.

Yet that's all you and your fellow fascists do.

Do you even KNOW what Trump actually said? How would you? The Nazi press NEVER reported it, just an out of context lie.

Trump says "If you're an evil madman looking to violently invade an innocent nation, then declaring the regions independent and claiming to protect them is brilliant."

The Nazi press reports "declaring the regions independent and claiming to protect them is brilliant."

Drooling fucktard Guno vomits "SEEEEEEEE TWUMP PWASING WUSHA"

How do you fucking pigs live with yourselves? Have you NO honor?
There are rumors that NATO is about to grant Ukraine instant membership. How will Vlad react to that?
You got a link to that? If that happens it's WW3 because we're obligated to go in.
You got a link to that? If that happens it's WW3 because we're obligated to go in.

Ukraine is NOT asking for NATO membership, they seek admission into the EU.

I do not know the percentage of Republican that hold these anti-American thoughts, but I could never vote for one that did. At the moment, it cuts down the field, quite a bit.
You never vote for anyone but far-leftists anyway.

I can't see what is anti-American about a Russian war with the Ukraine. WE are not at war, so people can have whatever opinions they want, for all I care.
I know that the Republican Establishment is really embarrassed by the 74 million Little Trumpsters out there, and would rather be respectable, a guaranteed 2nd place, than having to work for the votes of us deplorables.

And they'll get their way, the Bidenistas will be in charge indefinitely, if they nominate a Romney clone in 2024.
Right, nothing that RINO Romney says is of any interest. He's so yesterday, and talk about a traitor!! Romney is a traitor to his party, to all Republicans, since his first vicious anti-Trump speech.

I guess he's jealous that we elected Trump but not him. Which is no excuse for him to bad-mouth like a Democrat.
I guess he's jealous that we elected Trump but not him. Which is no excuse for him to bad-mouth like a Democrat.

You hit the nail on the head here, its a matter of jealousy.

Mr. Romney is very well to do- poor compared to the Trumpster but still very affluent.

The media successfully mocked him for a home he was building in I think La Jolly , California? Anyhow, the new home was being equipped with an escalator for his cars as well as facilities for his dancing horses Mitt entered into the Olympics.

Instead of embracing his wealth, as the Trumpster always did, he acted embarrassed for being a financial success.

If Trump had been called out for that, he would have demonstrated the escalator explaining how everyone should have one for their cars and would have had the horses dance a jig for the reporters being proud.

Mitt Romney Excoriates ‘Disgusting’ Pro-Putin Republicans: ‘Almost Treasonous’ --- IT IS TREASONOUS​

Senator Mitt Romney (R-UT) tore into his fellow Republicans who have spoken positively about Vladimir Putin, or offered advantageous statements to Russia while Ukraine remains under attack.
Romney gave a broad-range interview to CNN’s Dana Bash on Sunday, commenting on everything from the situation in Ukraine, to Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor-Greene’s (R-GA) decision to speak at the white nationalist America First Political Action Conference. At one point, Bash asked Romney for his thoughts on the “pro-Putin sentiments” that a fraction of the GOP has embraced in terms of whether the U.S. should intervene in Russia’s aggression toward Ukraine.
Romney’s response:

Romney didn’t specify who exactly he was talking about, though his comments could have been referring to Fox News’ Tucker Carlson, who dismissed Russia’s threat to Ukraine until they began their military assault against the country. As it were, former President Donald Trump has been repeatedly calling Putin “smart” while ragging on his political foes throughout the international crisis.
Bash said to Romney, “Treasonous is a big word, so I just have to quickly follow. Would that include the former president?”
“Well, I said it’s nearly treasonous,” Romney answered. “Standing up for freedom is the right thing to do in America. Anything less than that, in my opinion, is unworthy of American support.”
Watch above, via CNN.
Mitt Romney Excoriates ‘Disgusting’ Pro-Putin Republicans: ‘Almost Treasonous’

you are simply never happy unless your being an ass to others.

always looking for external justification for your feelz
It is good for Mitt or any other Republican to speak out against these thing. Otherwise the public is left with the impression all Republicans have turned trumpian anti-American. I do not know the percentage of Republican that hold these anti-American thoughts, but I could never vote for one that did. At the moment, it cuts down the field, quite a bit.
Yet Biden is still working with the Russians. does this count?

You never vote for anyone but far-leftists anyway.

I can't see what is anti-American about a Russian war with the Ukraine. WE are not at war, so people can have whatever opinions they want, for all I care.
Dims want us to go to war with Russia because that will help them win elections.
You never vote for anyone but far-leftists anyway.

I can't see what is anti-American about a Russian war with the Ukraine. WE are not at war, so people can have whatever opinions they want, for all I care.
Yeah, Nixon, Reagan, George HW Bush, you mean those type leftest presidents that got my vote?

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