Romney has it locked up!

Romney should run again :thup:



When Mormans lose 250 million it gives me a semi...

Just sayin.. :eusa_whistle:
Here is the problem for the 'Conservatives". They were crowing and gloating well before the election, and in the face of numbers that simply said they were going to lose. The people supporting the President, on the other hand, mostly underestimated the margin of victory. Most, including myself, thought it would be much closer. Had we been on the losing end, there would not have been that much to gloat about, as we were not predicting a blowout or landslide for our candidate.
Don't you people understand that a University of Colorado study which has NEVER BEEN WRONG (even though it was just created) has predicted Mitt Romney's landslide victory? You liberals are just deluding yourselves with all that "these were the actual election results" stuff.

Updated election forecasting model still points to Romney win, University of Colorado study says | University of Colorado Boulder

Lotsa Mormans in Colorado. They like the crazy myth. No surprise they predicted a Morman would get a flock of seagulls to pull their asses out of the fire.... again.

Moral of story.. Mormans trust in bird brains sent from god.

I hate to play the race card by since he's STILL bitching about something that so clearly didn't happen 10 months after the event, you are running out of other reasons why he continues to come up with excuses for Romney's abysmal failure. I mean, there is hatred but at this point you are stressed to call it anything but the R word.

Oh well, now it's time to rub it in...

Did you know that Obama won both home states of the GOP ticket? I mean, he won both MA and WI. He actually won both of their home states. And it gets worse for the GOP...Paul Ryan (remember him) is a congressman from Wisconsin. Obama WON his district!!!!

This was a total rout of the GOP. 5 million votes.

Of course he "won" Ryan's district - that's what rigging an election does.

Let me ask you something, stupid. If the people of that district voted Paul Ryan in (and have for many years now), why would they vote for Obama :cuckoo:

You're really so stupid as to not comprehend that crowing about that is just presenting glaring evidence of voter fraud? The same people who vote Paul Ryan into Congress because he represents what they believe in suddenly turned 180 degrees and voted for Obama :cuckoo:

Holy shit are you one dumb mother fucker to not understand you are presenting some of the BEST evidence of voter fraud (not as good as this video mind you). Then again, tons of smug attitude and little intellect is the hallmark of the Dumbocrat.

Remember, WI is the same state in which one voting district during the Scott Walker re-call election had a 110% voter turn out. You can't have a 110% turn out....ever (think about stupid - then have one of your teachers explain it to you). bad! It was not 110% voter turnout. It was 119%...

Jesus, Dumbocrats are so stupid, they can't even cheat right... :lmao:

Report: 119% Voter Turnout in Madison, WI

Dude, Romney lost - all you have to do is to acknowledge it and move on - it happens.
There were 13 swing states. Romney was consistently trailing in 11 of them. There were literally hundreds of polls pointing to his defeat for anyone paying attention.
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There were 13 swing states. Romney was consistently trailing in 11 of them. There were literally hundreds of polls pointing to his defeat for anyone paying attention.

That's why the far right created that "unskewed" polls because they were too butthurt to face reality, so they made up fake numbers to make themselves feel better.
Just remember: one of the Mormon's most important tenets is that all other creeds and religions are abominations.

My object in going to inquire of the Lord was to know which of all the sects was right, that I might know which to join. No sooner, therefore, did I get possession of myself, so as to be able to speak, than I asked the Personages who stood above me in the light, which of all the sects was right—and which I should join. I was answered that I must join none of them, for they were all wrong; and the Personage who addressed me said that all their creeds were an abomination in his sight .... He again forbade me to join with any of them (Joseph Smith 2:18-20).

It should be apparent from the above that Mormonism is: (1)
Totally unlike all the other religions and creeds and (2) Teaches all non-Mormon creeds are an abomination in God’s sight, which would have to include the sacrificial and redemptive death of the Lord Jesus on the cross.

And Republicans were willing to elevate this hatred to the most powerful position in the world? Willing to bear this insult to their own Baptist or Catholic faith for the sake of getting a Democrat out of office? Really? Shows where faith falls in your list of priorities.
News this morning reporting that Romney now leads in Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, and Colorado. And he has closed the gap to 1 in Ohio.

That's right, Romney now leads in 3 of the most radical left-wing states in the union. The only thing more shocking would be if he took California!

What happened? He didn't win any of those states boy.
News this morning reporting that Romney now leads in Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, and Colorado. And he has closed the gap to 1 in Ohio.

That's right, Romney now leads in 3 of the most radical left-wing states in the union. The only thing more shocking would be if he took California!

What happened? He didn't win any of those states boy.

It was all a conspiracy....cheating....evil Left Wing Media.....whatever.....
News this morning reporting that Romney now leads in Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, and Colorado. And he has closed the gap to 1 in Ohio.

That's right, Romney now leads in 3 of the most radical left-wing states in the union. The only thing more shocking would be if he took California!

Well, what happened?
Today, as his 14th presser for the month of June, President Romney once again remarked how difficult it may be to undo "Obamacare" and also stressed that some parts of it are actually good. When pressed as to which parts, the visibly worn-down President said, "well that parts that are also in Romneycare", to which a reporter for Drudge screamed out "the whole fucking thing is Romneycare, just souped-up!!!" This displeased the POTUS, who then remarked that that was "not fabulous" at all.

News this morning reporting that Romney now leads in Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, and Colorado. And he has closed the gap to 1 in Ohio.

That's right, Romney now leads in 3 of the most radical left-wing states in the union. The only thing more shocking would be if he took California!

Well, what happened?
the nonliving came out in record numbers for Obama

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News this morning reporting that Romney now leads in Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, and Colorado. And he has closed the gap to 1 in Ohio.

That's right, Romney now leads in 3 of the most radical left-wing states in the union. The only thing more shocking would be if he took California!

Well, what happened?
the nonliving came out in record numbers for Obama

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All Five Million of them?

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