Romney has it locked up!

By the way, how did Romney do?

Mitt will win
The fix now in
Unskew the polls
As we flip the rolls
Awaiting our cybergate
In just three swing states
Our toil silent and anonymous
Tho with fraud we are synonymous

I thought romney would win but he ran a bad election and was not a great gop canidate if truth be told

Their has been a trend in the last 20 odd years that the more mostly media friendly candidate wins us general elections. These include Reagan , Clinton, bush junior, Obama.

gore, kerry, mcain, romney, dukatis, mondale, dole. All these men lacked the x factor to really win a presidential election and win the hearts and minds of independent voters in big swing states.
Liberals/progressives/moderates vastly outnumber conservatives, and have for the entire period you reference.

The only way they have stayed close is through manipulation of the voter rolls, of the congressional map, and yes, the voting machines we use.

Is it merely a coincidence that exit polls are no longer reliable? There is now a persistent "right shift" from exit polls.

The fix was in. Karl Rove, if not the mastermind, was certainly in on it, as evidenced by his election night meltdown.

The unskewing prior to the election was done so that the polls would reflect the altered outcome.

That the attempted cybergate did not work might have been the result of intervention by Anonymous, or merely a glitch in the Republicans own plan. I doubt we'll ever know.

I can't see Rove doing a Lee Atwater deathbed confession.
Mitt will win
The fix now in
Unskew the polls
As we flip the rolls
Awaiting our cybergate
In just three swing states
Our toil silent and anonymous
Tho with fraud we are synonymous

I thought romney would win but he ran a bad election and was not a great gop canidate if truth be told

Their has been a trend in the last 20 odd years that the more mostly media friendly candidate wins us general elections. These include Reagan , Clinton, bush junior, Obama.

gore, kerry, mcain, romney, dukatis, mondale, dole. All these men lacked the x factor to really win a presidential election and win the hearts and minds of independent voters in big swing states.
Liberals/progressives/moderates vastly outnumber conservatives, and have for the entire period you reference.

The only way they have stayed close is through manipulation of the voter rolls, of the congressional map, and yes, the voting machines we use.

Is it merely a coincidence that exit polls are no longer reliable? There is now a persistent "right shift" from exit polls.

The fix was in. Karl Rove, if not the mastermind, was certainly in on it, as evidenced by his election night meltdown.

The unskewing prior to the election was done so that the polls would reflect the altered outcome.

That the attempted cybergate did not work might have been the result of intervention by Anonymous, or merely a glitch in the Republicans own plan. I doubt we'll ever know.

I can't see Rove doing a Lee Atwater deathbed confession.

I am not sure that is true. I am no fan of karl rove though and like alaistar campbell in the uk do not like the way he does his politics.

2000 election was one dem should never have lost. They had a booming ecnomey, president still very much liked and gop opponent who was not loved by the whole country. The result was very close to a silly level. In end i can,t decide if result in suprime court was fair or not that day.

All i know is gore was a poor candidate. If it be clinton vs bush. Clinton would have won.

Gore lacked the ablity to be likeable in that election. He made big mistake in the town hall debate of being to much in bush face. Bush came of that being more likeable and in turn helped him make the election closer. Bush had charm which is big plus in these elections.
News this morning reporting that Romney now leads in Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, and Colorado. And he has closed the gap to 1 in Ohio.

That's right, Romney now leads in 3 of the most radical left-wing states in the union. The only thing more shocking would be if he took California!



I thought romney would win but he ran a bad election and was not a great gop canidate if truth be told

Their has been a trend in the last 20 odd years that the more mostly media friendly candidate wins us general elections. These include Reagan , Clinton, bush junior, Obama.

gore, kerry, mcain, romney, dukatis, mondale, dole. All these men lacked the x factor to really win a presidential election and win the hearts and minds of independent voters in big swing states.
Liberals/progressives/moderates vastly outnumber conservatives, and have for the entire period you reference.

The only way they have stayed close is through manipulation of the voter rolls, of the congressional map, and yes, the voting machines we use.

Is it merely a coincidence that exit polls are no longer reliable? There is now a persistent "right shift" from exit polls.

The fix was in. Karl Rove, if not the mastermind, was certainly in on it, as evidenced by his election night meltdown.

The unskewing prior to the election was done so that the polls would reflect the altered outcome.

That the attempted cybergate did not work might have been the result of intervention by Anonymous, or merely a glitch in the Republicans own plan. I doubt we'll ever know.

I can't see Rove doing a Lee Atwater deathbed confession.

I am not sure that is true. I am no fan of karl rove though and like alaistar campbell in the uk do not like the way he does his politics.

2000 election was one dem should never have lost. They had a booming ecnomey, president still very much liked and gop opponent who was not loved by the whole country. The result was very close to a silly level. In end i can,t decide if result in suprime court was fair or not that day.

All i know is gore was a poor candidate. If it be clinton vs bush. Clinton would have won.

Gore lacked the ablity to be likeable in that election. He made big mistake in the town hall debate of being to much in bush face. Bush came of that being more likeable and in turn helped him make the election closer. Bush had charm which is big plus in these elections.
even with rampant manipulation, Gore won the popular vote. Ohio and Florida were delivered to the Republicans. Gore might have shown little of his personality, but he would still be referenced as"Mr. President" had the rule of law actually ruled.

The Supreme Court decision was a travesty, with the right wingers running away from "state rights", as if they had just discovered it to be the skunk issue it truly is!
Liberals/progressives/moderates vastly outnumber conservatives, and have for the entire period you reference.

The only way they have stayed close is through manipulation of the voter rolls, of the congressional map, and yes, the voting machines we use.

Is it merely a coincidence that exit polls are no longer reliable? There is now a persistent "right shift" from exit polls.

The fix was in. Karl Rove, if not the mastermind, was certainly in on it, as evidenced by his election night meltdown.

The unskewing prior to the election was done so that the polls would reflect the altered outcome.

That the attempted cybergate did not work might have been the result of intervention by Anonymous, or merely a glitch in the Republicans own plan. I doubt we'll ever know.

I can't see Rove doing a Lee Atwater deathbed confession.

I am not sure that is true. I am no fan of karl rove though and like alaistar campbell in the uk do not like the way he does his politics.

2000 election was one dem should never have lost. They had a booming ecnomey, president still very much liked and gop opponent who was not loved by the whole country. The result was very close to a silly level. In end i can,t decide if result in suprime court was fair or not that day.

All i know is gore was a poor candidate. If it be clinton vs bush. Clinton would have won.

Gore lacked the ablity to be likeable in that election. He made big mistake in the town hall debate of being to much in bush face. Bush came of that being more likeable and in turn helped him make the election closer. Bush had charm which is big plus in these elections.
even with rampant manipulation, Gore won the popular vote. Ohio and Florida were delivered to the Republicans. Gore might have shown little of his personality, but he would still be referenced as"Mr. President" had the rule of law actually ruled.

The Supreme Court decision was a travesty, with the right wingers running away from "state rights", as if they had just discovered it to be the skunk issue it truly is!

True but gore still should not been that close with bush considering how good the ecnomey was. Still supreme court thing was a mess. But again i still think gore made a mess of that election.
I thought romney would win but he ran a bad election and was not a great gop canidate if truth be told

Their has been a trend in the last 20 odd years that the more mostly media friendly candidate wins us general elections. These include Reagan , Clinton, bush junior, Obama.

gore, kerry, mcain, romney, dukatis, mondale, dole. All these men lacked the x factor to really win a presidential election and win the hearts and minds of independent voters in big swing states.

Dozy bugger !
Candidates don't run elections.


Couple of sarnies short of a picnic.

Well that is my view but i might be wrong.

In fencing terms what you just did was Parrie and reposte.
A score perhaps?
By the way, how did Romney do?


Muttophobe Mitt, helped by his heroic sons, who risked their lives on the campaign trail rather than volunteering for easy duty in Iraq.

I think more the issue with mitt was he just not a natural candidate. In the same way that al gore, john kerry and john mccain had.

In politics is not just what you say but how you say it and how you connect with people when you do say it.

Obama, clinton, bush junior, reagan when trying to win a election had that advantage
More examples of the Romneys' dishonesty and fakeness keep popping up:

The most significant gaffe of the campaign was by a Democratic operative named Hilary Rosen, who told CNN that Ann Romney, Mitt’s wife, “never worked a day in her life.” This was immediately recognized by all sides as a big mistake, and Romney’s team lost no time in saying how appalled and hurt they were. (Ann Romney had raised five boys, as she lost no time in pointing out. No one was tempted to take the position that raising five boys was not work.)

But in fact, the Romneys and their camp were not appalled and not hurt by this remark. They were delighted. Halperin and Heilemann describe Ann Romney telling a campaign aide, apparently right after she heard about it: That’s offensive to me. And boy, it’s stupid politically. We can really go after them on that. Later, forgetting that she was supposed to be deeply offended, Ann Romney was overheard calling Rosen’s gaffe “an early birthday present.”
America dodged a huge bullet by not electing these aristocrats.
News this morning reporting that Romney now leads in Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, and Colorado. And he has closed the gap to 1 in Ohio.

That's right, Romney now leads in 3 of the most radical left-wing states in the union. The only thing more shocking would be if he took California!


This thread is always good for a laugh....always! :lol:

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